The funniest vax regret article yet. Now its our fault for not warning them

I guess that covid forgiveness/amnesty thing wasn't working so they had to turn it around and now have to find it in their hearts to FORGIVE US!!!! LOLOL

this was my prediction in 2021:

by Calypso Jones Fri Sep 03, 2021 7:53 pm

Here's my 2021 COVID Vaxxed prediction for late 2021 and beyond. We're already seeing a bit of this but not yet with this element.

and that element is...the further we get into this..and the further along that the vaxxed start realizing that they will never be finished with this...booster after booster after booster after vax and and 2nd and a 3rd and a fourth ad infinitum..the vaxxed will become MORE angry that they have jeopardized themselves but that anger will not be against Fauci and his will be against the Unvaxxed because we will be the untainted with our natural immunity.

Not saying this to be ugly to the vaxxed. you made that decision and so be it. I"m saying that this is human nature and we will see it become more prominent and directed at the wrong targets.
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Either that article is pure satire.......

Or it was written by a supremely pathetic human being whom no one could have helped in any event.

All those who took the vax and do not believe in a God are all set. Nothing to worry about.
But if you took the vax and have an evil may be in trouble sooner than you thought.
I guess that covid forgiveness/amnesty thing wasn't working so they had to turn it around and now have to find it in their hearts to FORGIVE US!!!! LOLOL

this was my prediction in 2021:

by Calypso Jones Fri Sep 03, 2021 7:53 pm

Here's my 2021 COVID Vaxxed prediction for late 2021 and beyond. We're already seeing a bit of this but not yet with this element.

and that element is...the further we get into this..and the further along that the vaxxed start realizing that they will never be finished with this...booster after booster after booster after vax and and 2nd and a 3rd and a fourth ad infinitum..the vaxxed will become MORE angry that they have jeopardized themselves but that anger will not be against Fauci and his will be against the Unvaxxed because we will be the untainted with our natural immunity.

Not saying this to be ugly to the vaxxed. you made that decision and so be it. I"m saying that this is human nature and we will see it become more prominent and directed at the wrong targets.

The vaxxed are dropping like flies. You probably need not fear their retaliation.
You all seem to not appreciate the incredibly difficult and sensitive position the establishment are in .
They collectively have to find routes which deflect gently and gradually from the truth in order to protect their own lives , quite possibly later on , and keep the Sheeple and Normies under control when huge anger and thoughts of revenge emerge .

There will be plenty more articles like this from now on as this carefully manipulated PR campaign surrounds us .
Remember the campaign is aimed at Gullibles and Sheeple in general , not the Pure Ones , despite the apparent appearance to the contrary.
First they came for the journalists , but I did not speak out because I was not a journalist

Next media became corporate , but I did not speak out, because all things are corporate

Then they monopolized social media , and I did not speak out , because I did not care who ruled

Then they created the fact checkers, but I did not speak out, because I did not care for facts

Finally they silenced free speech , and I did not speak out, because I had forfeited the right to

This is where I find the "unvaxxed" V "vaxxed" divide a bit ridiculous. I got the vax because I am in a high risk group (as I was when I got the Q-Fever experimental vax FORTY YEARS AGO.) And yes I said at the time that I did NOT expect that vaccine to stop me GETTING the virus; just stopping me dying from it.

Hence THREE shots + the Virus and now I am done with it.

But when I looked at the numbers I agreed at the time that anyone NOT in a high risk co-hort
(and even if they were) should decide for themselves and that mandates are NOT good as we don't have the studies to ensure that it has no significant side effects. I consider that a sensible way of looking at it. My choice my responsibility. Your choice yours. Full awareness of the risks is part of the decision making process and that would have been great; but the studies hadn't been done so you go with what data you have at the time.

It seems a bit odd to me that now some of the very people I supported in their choice are now GLOATING and in fact hoping I die because I had the shots. The studies are still NOT in and though I am learning "something new every day" we are still in that twilight zone. It may well be that the Vaccine is riskier than said at the time (which is what I knew was possible) and it may even be that with China and Fauci involved there may well have been political assholery involved, so I say let's DEMAND the facts in a united manner.

Oh; and I hope I disappoint those who wish me dead because I had the vaccines just as I hope THEY disappoint the vaccine mandaters by only getting mild I did compared to pushing up daisies!!!

And when you read the article , note the lack of source references and the coincidence of the Comments Section having to be disabled .

All the hallmarks of a very low paid team of operatives .
Yeah; it's crap. There are the Vaxstapo who prevented the message getting out. IMO it should have ONLY been given to the co-morbidity group IF WANTED. eg, ME!! Until of course the full studies were done, and then by choice!!

Satire takes a certain level of intellect to grasp.

Most in this thread seems to have that level
This is where I find the "unvaxxed" V "vaxxed" divide a bit ridiculous. I got the vax because I am in a high risk group (as I was when I got the Q-Fever experimental vax FORTY YEARS AGO.) And yes I said at the time that I did NOT expect that vaccine to stop me GETTING the virus; just stopping me dying from it.

Hence THREE shots + the Virus and now I am done with it.

But when I looked at the numbers I agreed at the time that anyone NOT in a high risk co-hort
(and even if they were) should decide for themselves and that mandates are NOT good as we don't have the studies to ensure that it has no significant side effects. I consider that a sensible way of looking at it. My choice my responsibility. Your choice yours. Full awareness of the risks is part of the decision making process and that would have been great; but the studies hadn't been done so you go with what data you have at the time.

It seems a bit odd to me that now some of the very people I supported in their choice are now GLOATING and in fact hoping I die because I had the shots. The studies are still NOT in and though I am learning "something new every day" we are still in that twilight zone. It may well be that the Vaccine is riskier than said at the time (which is what I knew was possible) and it may even be that with China and Fauci involved there may well have been political assholery involved, so I say let's DEMAND the facts in a united manner.

Oh; and I hope I disappoint those who wish me dead because I had the vaccines just as I hope THEY disappoint the vaccine mandaters by only getting mild I did compared to pushing up daisies!!!


I have dear family members who are vaccinated and boosted. I do NOT wish death and harm on all vaccinated, and beyond that, I don't think that's going to happen. Some family members are nearly two years out from getting the shots, and they're fine, and I have every reason to believe they will continue to be fine.

But my feeling is increasingly that they dodged a bullet.
we were never given an informed choice, which is the responsibility of any health care provider

we were given a waiver to sign in lieu of it

along with the 'facts' being censored.

I think that's what I said, but having said that I went with the info I had AT THE TIME. I still hope to disappoint anti-vaxxers who want me dead as I hope they disappoint vaxxers who wish the same of them.

I say we get the bastards who have done ANY misleading. DeSantis is a good start in getting the details. .

btw: In Oz there has already been ONE scathing independent assessment.

We are fighting the good fight down here but the Media is not running with it. Reported then sent to cache!!

I think that's what I said, but having said that I went with the info I had AT THE TIME. I still hope to disappoint anti-vaxxers who want me dead as I hope they disappoint vaxxers who wish the same of them.

I say we get the bastards who have done ANY misleading. DeSantis is a good start in getting the details. .

btw: In Oz there has already been ONE scathing independent assessment.

We are fighting the good fight down here but the Media is not running with it. Reported then sent to cache!!

I do not wish death on anyone Greg

and it appears Oz may well be one of the international whistleblowers outing the ineptitude of the powers that be......

do carry on.....

we were never given an informed choice, which is the responsibility of any health care provider

we were given a waiver to sign in lieu of it

along with the 'facts' being censored.

"but the studies hadn't been done so you go with what data you have at the time."


I do not wish death on anyone Greg

and it appears Oz may well be one of the international whistleblowers outing the ineptitude of the powers that be......

do carry on.....

I noticed some dickhead said so earlier. I have seen it elsewhere. I have seen vaxxers do the same(much more admittedly).

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