The Furor over der Fuhrer

Abbey Normal

Senior Member
Jul 9, 2005
Mid-Atlantic region
Anyone want to hazard a guess where the ACLU will stand on this one?

Officials seek to block Hitler memorial Thu Jun 15, 9:14 AM ET

MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin (Reuters) - A former Nazi officer living on a Wisconsin farm has built a memorial to Adolf Hitler in his bunker-like tractor storage shed, much to the chagrin of local officials.

A court order was being sought to stop Ted Junker, 87, from opening to visitors a 30- by 50-foot (9- by 15-meter) concrete building that he has spent $200,000 outfitting with photos of Hitler, a swastika-emblazoned flag and other items.

Five years ago, officials denied Junker's request to create a more elaborate Hitler memorial and information center. Instead, he got a permit to build the tractor storage shed on his farm in southeastern Wisconsin, which now houses the memorial.

"With the attention that is drawn to this, I am concerned about people's safety," said Michael Cotter, Walworth County's director of land use and resource management, who is seeking the injunction.

"This is a very small area half a mile (km) down a narrow dirt lane with not a lot of places to move. And, if people don't agree with each other and you put them in a small, confined area ... ."

Junker, who came to the United States in 1955 and worked as a janitor in Chicago before buying his farm, has told local media that he believes Hitler was a great leader who is misunderstood. He said he joined the Nazi SS in 1940 and served on the Russian front in World War Two.

No one answered the telephone listed for Junker.

"When people such as Junker say that no one was gassed in the Nazi concentration camps, they are completely overlooking the facts. It's an attempt to try and disprove history," said Kathy Heilbronner of Milwaukee's Jewish Council for Community Relations.

"He's a mixed-up old man, and he's hellbent to do what he is doing," said Loren Waite from the nearby town of Sugar Creek. "I fear for what kind of element this might draw to our area, and I know that we are making preparations for having a problem on our hands."
I am just curious, what is Junker's stance on Hitler's sexual preference?

Seriously though, if he wants to collect Hitler shit, more power to him. But, this country does not need a public Hitler museum. It is disrespectful to the millions of people he killed.

Let him keep the himself. I agree with a court order banning visitors.

Outside of the issue of poor taste, it will also ruin the town's property value. If he wants to open a hitler memorial, he can not just do it on his own will. There are probably zoning laws that can shut down this sick little place of his.
I disagree. As sick as I'm sure (almost) everyone find's Hitler's policies to be, if this guy wants to build a Hitler shrine on his own property, why not? Who's he going to hurt? Certainly no one who doesn't show up.
1549 said:
I am just curious, what is Junker's stance on Hitler's sexual preference?

Seriously though, if he wants to collect Hitler shit, more power to him. But, this country does not need a public Hitler museum. It is disrespectful to the millions of people he killed.

Let him keep the himself. I agree with a court order banning visitors.

Outside of the issue of poor taste, it will also ruin the town's property value. If he wants to open a hitler memorial, he can not just do it on his own will. There are probably zoning laws that can shut down this sick little place of his.

Do you feel that we have a Consitutional right to not be offended?
Abbey Normal said:
Do you feel that we have a Consitutional right to not be offended?

Let me take a different angle on this one. Who would want their town to be the home of a Hitler museum?

Probably not a soul. Thus, no town is going to approve a Hitler memorial. Therefore there should never and will never be a public Hitler memorial in America.
1549 said:
Let me take a different angle on this one. Who would want their town to be the home of a Hitler museum?

Probably not a soul. Thus, no town is going to approve a Hitler memorial. Therefore there should never and will never be a public Hitler memorial in America.

This is not public.

He lives in an area zoned for free speech, The United States.
rtwngAvngr said:
This is not public.

He lives in an area zoned for free speech, The United States.

He is opening his memorial to the public. I doubt many residential zones will allow for public memorials, shrines, museums, etc.
1549 said:
He is opening his memorial to the public. I doubt many residential zones will allow for public memorials, shrines, museums, etc.

He's opening his property to the public... big deal. So does everyone who throws a garage sale.
5stringJeff said:
He's opening his property to the public... big deal. So does everyone who throws a garage sale.

I wish I was more familiar with local municipality laws. If I had to guess, a permanent public monument that draws guests and is of such a substantial size would need proper acceptance from a town's governing body.
rtwngAvngr said:
This is not public.

He lives in an area zoned for free speech, The United States.

Rule: Liberals believe that free speech protections are conditional on their liking the speech.

Corollary: Anti-Christian speech is always protected.
5stringJeff said:
I disagree. As sick as I'm sure (almost) everyone find's Hitler's policies to be, if this guy wants to build a Hitler shrine on his own property, why not? Who's he going to hurt? Certainly no one who doesn't show up.

ITA. If the dude wants worship a genocidal piece of shit, it is not our place to pick and choose who is and is not entitled to freedom of expression. Whether or not it is offensive is a matter of opinion, and irrelevant to the his Constitutional rights.

I personally wouldn't care if his bunker collapsed on him, but if Michael Moore can make a movie that is nothing more than pure left-wing, lying propaganda, then this goosestepping idiot can deny the Holocaust.
GunnyL said:
ITA. If the dude wants worship a genocidal piece of shit, it is not our place to pick and choose who is and is not entitled to freedom of expression. Whether or not it is offensive is a matter of opinion, and irrelevant to the his Constitutional rights.

I personally wouldn't care if his bunker collapsed on him, but if Michael Moore can make a movie that is nothing more than pure left-wing, lying propaganda, then this goosestepping idiot can deny the Holocaust.

Why don't we all chip in, go to this "momument", and take a collective shit on it?

On this one issue I think we all can work together
1549 said:
I am just curious, what is Junker's stance on Hitler's sexual preference?

Seriously though, if he wants to collect Hitler shit, more power to him. But, this country does not need a public Hitler museum. It is disrespectful to the millions of people he killed.

Let him keep the himself. I agree with a court order banning visitors.

Outside of the issue of poor taste, it will also ruin the town's property value. If he wants to open a hitler memorial, he can not just do it on his own will. There are probably zoning laws that can shut down this sick little place of his.
While we're at it.... let's outlaw Che Guevera T-shirts... and pictures of Mao.... after all, when it comes to killing, the Commies have the Nazis beat hands down!
red states rule said:
Why don't we all chip in, go to this "momument", and take a collective shit on it?

On this one issue I think we all can work together

For the same simple reason I don't got to radical lefty protests and have target practice. Left alone, they look like the fools that they are.

Give them attention -- especially violent attention -- and not only do you go to jail, but they play the lefty "victim" card to the hilt, and get far more media attention than they deserve.

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