The Futility of Busybody Authoritarianism

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
I kind of got a chuckle out of this piece. It's so true and we see the phenomenon play out so often, particularly as of late and predominantly on social/political platforms like this one and others of similar function. Or dysfunction, perhaps, given that the cause of Individual liberty is so often framed as threatening, even dangerous, to the authoritarian busybody.

I'm snipping just enough from the piece to provide the gist of it, so have to follow the link for the philosophical relevance.

It's a little more than the usually recommended 1-3 paragraphs for content, so any problem with it, please advise and I'll retrieve permission from the author to post the piece in full. It's a bit lengthy, however.


''...Let's take an event as simple as the wind blowing. One person perceives and interprets the wind, and decides to put on a jacket. Wearing a jacket is believed to be more beneficial to this person's life than not wearing one. So he acts, and puts the jacket on.

Another individual perceives the wind and decides the exact opposite. He's been working on his roof for hours and is exhausted from baking in the sun. Not only does he not put a jacket on, he takes his shirt off so that the wind can hit his skin directly.

A third person is relaxing and swinging on a hammock. He perceives the wind and does nothing. He doesn't care one way or another. He neither puts a jacket on, nor takes his shirt off. He's perfectly comfortable relaxing as he is and continues to satisfy his most urgent and valuable desires without making any adjustments to the wind.

So we have the same exact event, three completely different interpretations, and three completely different actions; all taken to benefit each individual's life....

...Now, let's warp this harmony by bringing in a completely different mindset: that of busybody authoritarianism.

The busybody first seeks a monopoly on interpretation.

When the wind blows, it means only one thing, and that one thing must be interpreted by everyone in the same way. The busybody determines the single interpretation.

This single interpretation is then repeated over-and-over through every official channel. Everywhere you look, you see the one-and-only interpretation.

Any deviation from the official interpretation must be censored. Should some deplorable or neanderthal individual try to speak the words of a different interpretation, he is to be called a bunch of names and discredited. Any interpretation that is different from the official interpretation must be seen as illegitimate and even dangerous!

After trying to monopolize interpretations, the busybody moves into action....''

Continued - The Futility of Busybody Authoritarianism
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I kind of got a chuckle out of this piece. It's so true and we see the phenomenon play out so often, particularly as of late and predominantly on social platforms like this one and others of similar funtion. Or dysfunction, perhaps.

I'm snipping just enough from the piece to provide the gist of it, so have to follow the link for the philosophical relevance.

...Let's take an event as simple as the wind blowing. One person perceives and interprets the wind, and decides to put on a jacket. Wearing a jacket is believed to be more beneficial to this person's life than not wearing one. So he acts, and puts the jacket on.

Another individual perceives the wind and decides the exact opposite. He's been working on his roof for hours and is exhausted from baking in the sun. Not only does he not put a jacket on, he takes his shirt off so that the wind can hit his skin directly.

A third person is relaxing and swinging on a hammock. He perceives the wind and does nothing. He doesn't care one way or another. He neither puts a jacket on, nor takes his shirt off. He's perfectly comfortable relaxing as he is and continues to satisfy his most urgent and valuable desires without making any adjustments to the wind.

So we have the same exact event, three completely different interpretations, and three completely different actions; all taken to benefit each individual's life.

Now, let's warp this harmony by bringing in a completely different mindset: that of busybody authoritarianism.

The busybody first seeks a monopoly on interpretation.

When the wind blows, it means only one thing, and that one thing must be interpreted by everyone in the same way. The busybody determines the single interpretation.

This single interpretation is then repeated over-and-over through every official channel. Everywhere you look, you see the one-and-only interpretation.

Any deviation from the official interpretation must be censored. Should some deplorable or neanderthal individual try to speak the words of a different interpretation, he is to be called a bunch of names and discredited. Any interpretation that is different from the official interpretation must be seen as illegitimate and even dangerous!

After trying to monopolize interpretations, the busybody moves into action....

Continued - The Futility of Busybody Authoritarianism

Well, its a good example.. Lots of people want to meddle in the sex lives of others or call people out as deviants... or punish them.
One man decides he wants to smoke a little pot after work to relax. Another man decides he wants to have a couple beers after work to relax. Another man decides it should be his decision whether people can legally make those choices.
It's definitely Orwellian what the busybody authoritarians are doing. For example, on ThemTube, they're deleting videos on Covid that put out any viewpoint that's not in agreement with the WHO. In other words, ONLY the WHO is correct, and any other info gets thrown down the memory hole. Truly weird, surreal times we're living in.
I kind of got a chuckle out of this piece. It's so true and we see the phenomenon play out so often, particularly as of late and predominantly on social platforms like this one and others of similar funtion. Or dysfunction, perhaps.

I'm snipping just enough from the piece to provide the gist of it, so have to follow the link for the philosophical relevance.

...Let's take an event as simple as the wind blowing. One person perceives and interprets the wind, and decides to put on a jacket. Wearing a jacket is believed to be more beneficial to this person's life than not wearing one. So he acts, and puts the jacket on.

Another individual perceives the wind and decides the exact opposite. He's been working on his roof for hours and is exhausted from baking in the sun. Not only does he not put a jacket on, he takes his shirt off so that the wind can hit his skin directly.

A third person is relaxing and swinging on a hammock. He perceives the wind and does nothing. He doesn't care one way or another. He neither puts a jacket on, nor takes his shirt off. He's perfectly comfortable relaxing as he is and continues to satisfy his most urgent and valuable desires without making any adjustments to the wind.

So we have the same exact event, three completely different interpretations, and three completely different actions; all taken to benefit each individual's life.

Now, let's warp this harmony by bringing in a completely different mindset: that of busybody authoritarianism.

The busybody first seeks a monopoly on interpretation.

When the wind blows, it means only one thing, and that one thing must be interpreted by everyone in the same way. The busybody determines the single interpretation.

This single interpretation is then repeated over-and-over through every official channel. Everywhere you look, you see the one-and-only interpretation.

Any deviation from the official interpretation must be censored. Should some deplorable or neanderthal individual try to speak the words of a different interpretation, he is to be called a bunch of names and discredited. Any interpretation that is different from the official interpretation must be seen as illegitimate and even dangerous!

After trying to monopolize interpretations, the busybody moves into action....

Continued - The Futility of Busybody Authoritarianism

Well, its a good example.. Lots of people want to meddle in the sex lives of others or call people out as deviants... or punish them.
A far better example...Armies of Karens like you nagging people about their face diapers, even though they're totally ineffective.
It's definitely Orwellian what the busybody authoritarians are doing. For example, on ThemTube, they're deleting videos on Covid that put out any viewpoint that's not in agreement with the WHO. In other words, ONLY the WHO is correct, and any other info gets thrown down the memory hole. Truly weird, surreal times we're living in.

They have that right.. You want youtube promoting bleach and strong lights?
It's definitely Orwellian what the busybody authoritarians are doing. For example, on ThemTube, they're deleting videos on Covid that put out any viewpoint that's not in agreement with the WHO. In other words, ONLY the WHO is correct, and any other info gets thrown down the memory hole. Truly weird, surreal times we're living in.

I've never really watched a whole lot of personal content on youtube, but from reports, the platform is certainly positioning itself to control the terms of controversy in every instance.

Most of my experience in dealing with authoritarian busybodies involves the Internet busybody types who come along sleuthing everything discussed and playing twenty questions in order to, as the article explains, attempt to dictate interpretation to then follow-up by attacking the premise as dangerous. The thought police types.

I don't know about you, buttercup, but, I, for one, thoroughly appreciate the cause of Individual liberty, personal choice and all that applies to it being seen as dangerous in the eyes of the busybody authoritarian. I'm kind of sadistic in that I throw bobbers out there just to toy with em. They'll self-contain, provided their sense of self-importance is flattered.
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You want youtube promoting bleach

It's definitely Orwellian what the busybody authoritarians are doing. For example, on ThemTube, they're deleting videos on Covid that put out any viewpoint that's not in agreement with the WHO. In other words, ONLY the WHO is correct, and any other info gets thrown down the memory hole. Truly weird, surreal times we're living in.

They have that right.. You want youtube promoting bleach and strong lights?

Nice strawman. One doesn't have to agree with everything everyone says to support the principle of free speech. Do you think the WHO (which btw is directed by an ex-terrorist) is infallible, like God? If not, then why do you seem to be afraid of the marketplace of ideas? Do you realize that people have been banned/deleted from ThemTube for putting out info that later turned out to be correct and confirmed by the very organizations who initially said something different? But those people weren't allowed back on ThemTube, which just goes to show that the authoritarians don't actually care about truth, but their own agendas.

Good job demonstrating the mindset the article describes.

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