The Future for America?

Then why are the 7 States who have no income tax doing so well?
These states have no income tax
  • Alaska
  • Florida
  • Nevada
  • South Dakota
  • Texas
  • Washington
  • Wyoming

New Hampshire has no income tax or sales tax. My local DMV in New Hampshire was a double wide trailer and all they handled there was driving tests and drivers licenses. If you needed plates or tags etc. you stopped by your local city clerk's office and picked the up. Limited government people it costs less.

Meanwhile in Oregon...a former governor's pet project was a small shiny new building to display historical government documents. Teachers were being laid off due to the economy but the governor spared no expense on this little building. The floor coverings alone were $400 a square yard. The thing cost like $13 million dollars.
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — "After he became Kansas governor in 2011, Sam Brownback slashed personal income taxes on the promise that the deep cuts would trigger a furious wave of hiring and expansion by businesses.

"But the "shot of adrenaline" hasn't worked as envisioned, and the state budget has been in crisis ever since. Now many of the same Republicans who helped pass Brownback's plan are in open revolt, refusing to help the governor cut spending so he can avoid rolling back any of his signature tax

In Kansas, lawmakers lose patience with governor's tax cuts

Let's take our country back, start with the Senate and the H. of Rep.

OMG, cut spending!? Every state university must have a Director of Lesbian Diversity making 6 figures!

Example of an Idiot-Gram ^^^ posted by an apparent homophobic bigot who believes s/he is clever.

Now that we've proved the why of the Idiot-Gram, let's consider the issue, cutting spending.

Q. What happens when taxes are cut and spending is reduced:

A. Personnel are cut
A. Unemployment increases
A. Spending for discretionary items slows
A. retail establishments lay off staff
A. Sales tax diminishes
A. The economy stalls
A. American becomes Kansas

Q. Who benefits from tax cuts

A. The higher earners

Q. Who are harmed by tax cuts

A. The poor, working poor and workers earning below the state or nations mean earnings

Q. Then what happens

A. More needs by government to provide food, clothing and shelter for those in need
A. Greater burdens on all Social Services
A. More homeless

Cutting spending needs to be done by responsible legislators who understand that cost-benefits and cost-deficits need to be identified; the movement toward fiscal conservatism has been based mostly on emotion, fear mongering and a complete disregard for consequences, known and unknown.

“Lower rates of taxation will stimulate economic activity and so raise the levels of personal and corporate income as to yield within a few years an increased – not a reduced – flow of revenues to the federal government.”

– John F. Kennedy, Jan. 17, 1963, annual budget message to the Congress, fiscal year 1964

“In today’s economy, fiscal prudence and responsibility call for tax reduction even if it temporarily enlarges the federal deficit – why reducing taxes is the best way open to us to increase revenues.”

– John F. Kennedy, Jan. 21, 1963, annual message to the Congress: “The Economic Report Of The President”

“It is no contradiction – the most important single thing we can do to stimulate investment in today’s economy is to raise consumption by major reduction of individual income tax rates.”

– John F. Kennedy, Jan. 21, 1963, annual message to the Congress: “The Economic Report Of The President”

“Our tax system still siphons out of the private economy too large a share of personal and business purchasing power and reduces the incentive for risk, investment and effort – thereby aborting our recoveries and stifling our national growth rate.”

– John F. Kennedy, Jan. 24, 1963, message to Congress on tax reduction and reform, House Doc. 43, 88th Congress, 1st Session.

That was then, the Bush/Cheney tax cuts and the Republican minority in CA (for examples) demonstrated what don't tax and spend created. Fiscally responsible representatives are what we need, just say no to taxes has been as big a failure as it was to drugs and teenage sexaul activity.
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — "After he became Kansas governor in 2011, Sam Brownback slashed personal income taxes on the promise that the deep cuts would trigger a furious wave of hiring and expansion by businesses.

"But the "shot of adrenaline" hasn't worked as envisioned, and the state budget has been in crisis ever since. Now many of the same Republicans who helped pass Brownback's plan are in open revolt, refusing to help the governor cut spending so he can avoid rolling back any of his signature tax

In Kansas, lawmakers lose patience with governor's tax cuts

Let's take our country back, start with the Senate and the H. of Rep.

Big difference between Common sense republicans and tea party idiots like Brownback.
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — "After he became Kansas governor in 2011, Sam Brownback slashed personal income taxes on the promise that the deep cuts would trigger a furious wave of hiring and expansion by businesses.

"But the "shot of adrenaline" hasn't worked as envisioned, and the state budget has been in crisis ever since. Now many of the same Republicans who helped pass Brownback's plan are in open revolt, refusing to help the governor cut spending so he can avoid rolling back any of his signature tax

In Kansas, lawmakers lose patience with governor's tax cuts

Let's take our country back, start with the Senate and the H. of Rep.

OMG, cut spending!? Every state university must have a Director of Lesbian Diversity making 6 figures!

Example of an Idiot-Gram ^^^ posted by an apparent homophobic bigot who believes s/he is clever.

Now that we've proved the why of the Idiot-Gram, let's consider the issue, cutting spending.

Q. What happens when taxes are cut and spending is reduced:

A. Personnel are cut
A. Unemployment increases
A. Spending for discretionary items slows
A. retail establishments lay off staff
A. Sales tax diminishes
A. The economy stalls
A. American becomes Kansas

Q. Who benefits from tax cuts

A. The higher earners

Q. Who are harmed by tax cuts

A. The poor, working poor and workers earning below the state or nations mean earnings

Q. Then what happens

A. More needs by government to provide food, clothing and shelter for those in need
A. Greater burdens on all Social Services
A. More homeless

Cutting spending needs to be done by responsible legislators who understand that cost-benefits and cost-deficits need to be identified; the movement toward fiscal conservatism has been based mostly on emotion, fear mongering and a complete disregard for consequences, known and unknown.

“Lower rates of taxation will stimulate economic activity and so raise the levels of personal and corporate income as to yield within a few years an increased – not a reduced – flow of revenues to the federal government.”

– John F. Kennedy, Jan. 17, 1963, annual budget message to the Congress, fiscal year 1964

“In today’s economy, fiscal prudence and responsibility call for tax reduction even if it temporarily enlarges the federal deficit – why reducing taxes is the best way open to us to increase revenues.”

– John F. Kennedy, Jan. 21, 1963, annual message to the Congress: “The Economic Report Of The President”

“It is no contradiction – the most important single thing we can do to stimulate investment in today’s economy is to raise consumption by major reduction of individual income tax rates.”

– John F. Kennedy, Jan. 21, 1963, annual message to the Congress: “The Economic Report Of The President”

“Our tax system still siphons out of the private economy too large a share of personal and business purchasing power and reduces the incentive for risk, investment and effort – thereby aborting our recoveries and stifling our national growth rate.”

– John F. Kennedy, Jan. 24, 1963, message to Congress on tax reduction and reform, House Doc. 43, 88th Congress, 1st Session.

That was then, the Bush/Cheney tax cuts and the Republican minority in CA (for examples) demonstrated what don't tax and spend created. Fiscally responsible representatives are what we need, just say no to taxes has been as big a failure as it was to drugs and teenage sexaul activity.
That was then. Hilarious response. As if JFK is ancient history of Nero.
Why did Obama cut taxes then? Or is that ancient history to you too?
Is there any doubt now that tax cuts have no stimulative effect at all?

You mean other than all the times it's worked?

I guess I should have been more clear for the slower among us. The OP and my link both speak to the tax cuts in question. If you read them you might understand the discussion at hand.

Back peddle all you want, but your comment clearly inferred all tax cuts. There was no misunderstanding.
State income taxes are obscene. They keep trying to pass one here. If you government relies on ripping off the citizenry then the government is corrupt.

Homeless sleeping on the streets of major cities is obscene, children without enough to eat is obscene, the murders at Sandy Hook were obscene. Lead in the water in an American City is obscene, but taxes, well no one likes them, but they can be used to mitigate some obscenities.
Blaming all that on hard working citizens is obscene. And scrap the shit off your eyes, I said income tax, not taxes. We are funded by sales tax like most non-income tax states.

Sandy hook and lead in the water was an income problem? Retard!

I didn't write Income taxes; learn to read without bias. I said taxes (in general, which do include income, sales and the new tax Republicans love since it is so regressive, fees).
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — "After he became Kansas governor in 2011, Sam Brownback slashed personal income taxes on the promise that the deep cuts would trigger a furious wave of hiring and expansion by businesses.

"But the "shot of adrenaline" hasn't worked as envisioned, and the state budget has been in crisis ever since. Now many of the same Republicans who helped pass Brownback's plan are in open revolt, refusing to help the governor cut spending so he can avoid rolling back any of his signature tax

In Kansas, lawmakers lose patience with governor's tax cuts

Let's take our country back, start with the Senate and the H. of Rep.


Wry wants us to be more like the Federal government and have deficits in the hundreds of billions.

Great work, Freddo

Wry wants a government of the people, by the people and for the people; not representatives whose job depends on bribes from the power elite (mostly which disadvantage the many) and voting to toe the line to keep their job.

Wry wants fiscal responsibility to replace austerity / fiscal conservatism, since the former will create jobs and the latter increases unemployment and has yet to prove the ability to reduce the deficit.

Wry wants a Constitutional Amendment to provide POTUS the line-item veto (each blue lined item would be reviewable by The Congress and replaced by a 2/3 vote in both chambers).

Wry is sure CrusaderFrank is brain damaged and would like to see a CT scan of the black hole between his ears.

Kansas voted and they're trying an experiment to reduce government. They don't want to end up like Flint, Detroit, Chicago, Cuba, Greece, Venezuela and every other place that's tried your failed economic ideas

Obama supporter wants fiscal responsibility. Then you wonder why we call you Freddo

You see how stupid it sounds that you support Obama and want "Fiscal Responsibility" right, Freddo?

And you believe cutting taxes reduces the deficit; that the income of the very wealthy trickles and corporate America trickles down; that that the two SC decisions repealing campaign finance laws are all about free speech and protecting our democratic republic of the people, by the people and for the people. And you wonder why I believe you to be a fool.
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — "After he became Kansas governor in 2011, Sam Brownback slashed personal income taxes on the promise that the deep cuts would trigger a furious wave of hiring and expansion by businesses.

"But the "shot of adrenaline" hasn't worked as envisioned, and the state budget has been in crisis ever since. Now many of the same Republicans who helped pass Brownback's plan are in open revolt, refusing to help the governor cut spending so he can avoid rolling back any of his signature tax

In Kansas, lawmakers lose patience with governor's tax cuts

Let's take our country back, start with the Senate and the H. of Rep.


Wry wants us to be more like the Federal government and have deficits in the hundreds of billions.

Great work, Freddo

Wry wants a government of the people, by the people and for the people; not representatives whose job depends on bribes from the power elite (mostly which disadvantage the many) and voting to toe the line to keep their job.

Wry wants fiscal responsibility to replace austerity / fiscal conservatism, since the former will create jobs and the latter increases unemployment and has yet to prove the ability to reduce the deficit.

Wry wants a Constitutional Amendment to provide POTUS the line-item veto (each blue lined item would be reviewable by The Congress and replaced by a 2/3 vote in both chambers).

Wry is sure CrusaderFrank is brain damaged and would like to see a CT scan of the black hole between his ears.

Kansas voted and they're trying an experiment to reduce government. They don't want to end up like Flint, Detroit, Chicago, Cuba, Greece, Venezuela and every other place that's tried your failed economic ideas

Obama supporter wants fiscal responsibility. Then you wonder why we call you Freddo

You see how stupid it sounds that you support Obama and want "Fiscal Responsibility" right, Freddo?

And you believe cutting taxes reduces the deficit; that the income of the very wealthy trickles and corporate America trickles down; that that the two SC decisions repealing campaign finance laws are all about free speech and protecting our democratic republic of the people, by the people and for the people. And you wonder why I believe you to be a fool.

See, you have to make up stuff about me -- I assume you're preparing for some diminished capacity defense. I can quote your "Fiscally responsible -- Obama" directly to confirm you're an idiot

What's "Fiscally responsible" about Obama's government?
Nothing warms my heart more than meeting an unemployed government worker! The only problem is I have yet to meet one.

How can one retain freedom and liberty within a government that seeks to consolidate and centralize power in the hands of a few? Those select anointed few need to maintain and control their position within the party structure and will gladly pay the ransom.
People of both persuasions constantly complain about the beltway, power mongers, special interest groups controlling the government, yet they fail to admit and recognize a strong centralized Federal government feeds from the hands of those select few.
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — "After he became Kansas governor in 2011, Sam Brownback slashed personal income taxes on the promise that the deep cuts would trigger a furious wave of hiring and expansion by businesses.

"But the "shot of adrenaline" hasn't worked as envisioned, and the state budget has been in crisis ever since. Now many of the same Republicans who helped pass Brownback's plan are in open revolt, refusing to help the governor cut spending so he can avoid rolling back any of his signature tax

In Kansas, lawmakers lose patience with governor's tax cuts

Let's take our country back, start with the Senate and the H. of Rep.

Big difference between Common sense republicans and tea party idiots like Brownback.

Common sense Republicans were tossed under the bus as RINO's years ago.
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — "After he became Kansas governor in 2011, Sam Brownback slashed personal income taxes on the promise that the deep cuts would trigger a furious wave of hiring and expansion by businesses.

"But the "shot of adrenaline" hasn't worked as envisioned, and the state budget has been in crisis ever since. Now many of the same Republicans who helped pass Brownback's plan are in open revolt, refusing to help the governor cut spending so he can avoid rolling back any of his signature tax

In Kansas, lawmakers lose patience with governor's tax cuts

Let's take our country back, start with the Senate and the H. of Rep.


Wry wants us to be more like the Federal government and have deficits in the hundreds of billions.

Great work, Freddo

Wry wants a government of the people, by the people and for the people; not representatives whose job depends on bribes from the power elite (mostly which disadvantage the many) and voting to toe the line to keep their job.

Wry wants fiscal responsibility to replace austerity / fiscal conservatism, since the former will create jobs and the latter increases unemployment and has yet to prove the ability to reduce the deficit.

Wry wants a Constitutional Amendment to provide POTUS the line-item veto (each blue lined item would be reviewable by The Congress and replaced by a 2/3 vote in both chambers).

Wry is sure CrusaderFrank is brain damaged and would like to see a CT scan of the black hole between his ears.

Kansas voted and they're trying an experiment to reduce government. They don't want to end up like Flint, Detroit, Chicago, Cuba, Greece, Venezuela and every other place that's tried your failed economic ideas

Obama supporter wants fiscal responsibility. Then you wonder why we call you Freddo

You see how stupid it sounds that you support Obama and want "Fiscal Responsibility" right, Freddo?

And you believe cutting taxes reduces the deficit; that the income of the very wealthy trickles and corporate America trickles down; that that the two SC decisions repealing campaign finance laws are all about free speech and protecting our democratic republic of the people, by the people and for the people. And you wonder why I believe you to be a fool.

See, you have to make up stuff about me -- I assume you're preparing for some diminished capacity defense. I can quote your "Fiscally responsible -- Obama" directly to confirm you're an idiot

What's "Fiscally responsible" about Obama's government?

The Bailout of the auto industry and the stimulus, but you're too myopic to understand, and too dishonest to admit conservative dogma is impure and simply dog shit.
Wry wants us to be more like the Federal government and have deficits in the hundreds of billions.

Great work, Freddo

Wry wants a government of the people, by the people and for the people; not representatives whose job depends on bribes from the power elite (mostly which disadvantage the many) and voting to toe the line to keep their job.

Wry wants fiscal responsibility to replace austerity / fiscal conservatism, since the former will create jobs and the latter increases unemployment and has yet to prove the ability to reduce the deficit.

Wry wants a Constitutional Amendment to provide POTUS the line-item veto (each blue lined item would be reviewable by The Congress and replaced by a 2/3 vote in both chambers).

Wry is sure CrusaderFrank is brain damaged and would like to see a CT scan of the black hole between his ears.

Kansas voted and they're trying an experiment to reduce government. They don't want to end up like Flint, Detroit, Chicago, Cuba, Greece, Venezuela and every other place that's tried your failed economic ideas

Obama supporter wants fiscal responsibility. Then you wonder why we call you Freddo

You see how stupid it sounds that you support Obama and want "Fiscal Responsibility" right, Freddo?

And you believe cutting taxes reduces the deficit; that the income of the very wealthy trickles and corporate America trickles down; that that the two SC decisions repealing campaign finance laws are all about free speech and protecting our democratic republic of the people, by the people and for the people. And you wonder why I believe you to be a fool.

See, you have to make up stuff about me -- I assume you're preparing for some diminished capacity defense. I can quote your "Fiscally responsible -- Obama" directly to confirm you're an idiot

What's "Fiscally responsible" about Obama's government?

The Bailout of the auto industry and the stimulus, but you're too myopic to understand, and too dishonest to admit conservative dogma is impure and simply dog shit.

So that adds up to $8 Trillion of new Federal debt plus $4 Trillion of new Fed stimulus?

I thought the auto bailout was already showing a profit

And did you mean this failed stimulus?

See, when you double down and try to justify your "Fiscal responsible" comments you only dig yourself deeper
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — "After he became Kansas governor in 2011, Sam Brownback slashed personal income taxes on the promise that the deep cuts would trigger a furious wave of hiring and expansion by businesses.

"But the "shot of adrenaline" hasn't worked as envisioned, and the state budget has been in crisis ever since. Now many of the same Republicans who helped pass Brownback's plan are in open revolt, refusing to help the governor cut spending so he can avoid rolling back any of his signature tax

In Kansas, lawmakers lose patience with governor's tax cuts

Let's take our country back, start with the Senate and the H. of Rep.


Yeah this nationwide doubling down by Republicans on shoveling money into the pockets of the wealthy while cutting help to the poor is a forest fire of epic proportions. They're ruining state after state with their absolute lack of knowledge of economics.
State income taxes are obscene. They keep trying to pass one here. If you government relies on ripping off the citizenry then the government is corrupt.

Homeless sleeping on the streets of major cities is obscene, children without enough to eat is obscene, the murders at Sandy Hook were obscene. Lead in the water in an American City is obscene, but taxes, well no one likes them, but they can be used to mitigate some obscenities.
Blaming all that on hard working citizens is obscene. And scrap the shit off your eyes, I said income tax, not taxes. We are funded by sales tax like most non-income tax states.

Sandy hook and lead in the water was an income problem? Retard!

I didn't write Income taxes; learn to read without bias. I said taxes (in general, which do include income, sales and the new tax Republicans love since it is so regressive, fees).
No, you didn't write income taxes, I did. You stupidly responded with a bunch of programs now you say you weren't even referring to income taxes.

You messed up your head with drugs or something.
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — "After he became Kansas governor in 2011, Sam Brownback slashed personal income taxes on the promise that the deep cuts would trigger a furious wave of hiring and expansion by businesses.

"But the "shot of adrenaline" hasn't worked as envisioned, and the state budget has been in crisis ever since. Now many of the same Republicans who helped pass Brownback's plan are in open revolt, refusing to help the governor cut spending so he can avoid rolling back any of his signature tax

In Kansas, lawmakers lose patience with governor's tax cuts

Let's take our country back, start with the Senate and the H. of Rep.


Yeah this nationwide doubling down by Republicans on shoveling money into the pockets of the wealthy while cutting help to the poor is a forest fire of epic proportions. They're ruining state after state with their absolute lack of knowledge of economics.

Yeah! That Bush is still President, right Ricky Retardo?

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