The future in Mexico

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.

Just the beginning

All across the southern portion of our nation, we have parking lots where solar could provide shade and weather protection for customers as well as power for the business and grid, we have warehouse and mall roofs, many, many other places where the panels would not be taking up land.
As long as the government isn't involved in it, I'm fine with solar infrastructure.

As a traditional conservative, I do want to conserve natural resources and the environment..

Just the beginning

All across the southern portion of our nation, we have parking lots where solar could provide shade and weather protection for customers as well as power for the business and grid, we have warehouse and mall roofs, many, many other places where the panels would not be taking up land.

That's not a bad idea
As goeorge Carlin would say , golf courses, cementarys and now solar farms a waste of space ..
With rising expectations of it's population, China has vast energy needs. This is one of the ways that it is starting to meet those needs.

As long as the government isn't involved in it, I'm fine with solar infrastructure.

As a traditional conservative, I do want to conserve natural resources and the environment..
Of course the government will be involved. Here in Oregon with have basalt ridges, mostly rock, with vast wind and solar potential. That is BLM land, so the use of it would be controlled by the government. But, by throwing a grid from the Idaho border to Klamath Falls, and charging for the electricity going across it, the government could pay for it the same as we payed for the Interstate System. Utilities would build solar and wind projects, and pay for the use of the land the same as they do for the wheat farmers east of The Dallas. And that money could provide much needed funds for the upkeep of our national parks and monuments.
As goeorge Carlin would say , golf courses, cementarys and now solar farms a waste of space ..
Lordy, lordy, bear, you are stuck on dumb, for sure. Here in the US there are many places we can put solar where the land is already in use. Parking lots, warehouses, shopping malls, factory roofs, the roofs of individual homes, to create virtual power stations. For someone that is supposed to be a mechanic, you seem to have very little imagination.
"Sea of Solar Panels Turns the Desert Green"

It still looks pretty brown to me.
Of course the government will be involved.

Then, I object. The government shouldn't be in the business of subsidizing any form of energy. Or any other industry, for that matter.

And any land that BLM has claimed ownership of should be returned to the States.

The government doesn't have anything. They do not produce anything. All it does is steal from producers and redistribute what they steal arbitrarily. In that regard, government is the most biased entity on the planet. And the biggest polluters, for that matter.

Look what happened when they got involved with ethanol fuel and subsidized the corn farmers. It destroyed competition, destroyed any competition for other means of energy, took food off tables, and out of the mouths of livestock and dairy cows, also driving up those prices, because it's now going into our gas tanks (screwing up engines, btw).
Of course the government will be involved.

Then, I object. The government shouldn't be in the business of subsidizing any form of energy. Or any other industry, for that matter.

And any land that BLM has claimed ownership of should be returned to the States.

The government doesn't have anything. They do not produce anything. All it does is steal from producers and redistribute what they steal arbitrarily. In that regard, government is the most biased entity on the planet. And the biggest polluters, forthat matter.

Look what happened when they got involved with ethanol fuel and subsidized the corn farmers. It destroyed competition, destroyed any competition for other means of energy, took food off tables, and out of the mouths of livestock and dairy cows, also driving up those prices, because it's now going into our gas tanks (screwing up engines, btw).
Object all you want. The sane of us will keep that land in BLM and Forest Service. That is my land, and land that I can hike and recreate on without asking anyone's permission. Assholes like you would give it to the states, where it would be sold to the highest bidder, more than likely Chinese, Japanese, or Saudi's.
And that is supposed to pass for an intelligent remark?

Hey! Keep screwin around and I'll burn wood for heat this winter.
Actually that comment was meant for the post that preceded yours. However, what makes you think that I would find that objectionable? There have been times in my life where the heat for the winter was wood. Fell it, and cut it up myself.
Actually that comment was meant for the post that preceded yours. However, what makes you think that I would find that objectionable? There have been times in my life where the heat for the winter was wood. Fell it, and cut it up myself.

We do have an energy problem, that I agree with. The federal government isn't the answer, though. All that does is compound the problem. It's fascist.

I was seriously going to build a Graceland style mansion in northern California until they passed that legislation FORCING private property owners to install solar panels on their homes.

My better half is a native Californian, so that's largely why I was thinking about building there.

I'm likely still going to do it, but not in California.
And what is your objection to being independent of the grid? Or last least, independent in case of grid failure? If you have the finances to build a mansion, you have the finances to add solar. But each to his own.

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