The Future Shows Up

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Today was supposed to be the start of the third week of my trial in the District of Columbia Superior Court. But, as you know, the judge yanked the thing, perhaps because he wants to break the record of his other long-running case, which is now entering its twenty-third year.

In the meantime, I thank everyone who's signed up for one of our limited-edition trial souvenirs: The SteynOnline Liberty Stick. The trial may be postponed for a few weeks (or months, or years), but the Liberty Stick is shipping right now. It features both Magna Carta and the US Constitution - and, given the way things are going, once both documents have been thoroughly expunged from the Internet, my Liberty Stick may be the last discernible trace that they ever existed. Every stick is signed and numbered by yours truly - and is made right here in the USA. You can find them here.

~I hope you had a good Remembrance Day or Veterans Day. I can't say that I did. As is his wont, the alleged "Leader of the Free World" was inscrutably oblivious:

The "Free World" the Leader purports to lead is increasingly like that, don't you find? Stumbling around, unsure what it's doing or why it's here. In the years immediately after the Great War, "remembrance" was easy - because they were your sons, husbands, fathers, fiancés, and they're not around. Then the decades roll by, and for newer generations, even though you never met those you're "remembering", they're still your great-uncles or great-grandfathers, and thus part of the bond that connects you to your country and its inheritance.

And then a few more decades drift on and now we're all multicultural, and diversity is our strength, and a nation is no more or less than whoever happens to be standing around in it, like Gate 87 at Heathrow or LAX. And the bond is non-existent - because the Glorious Dead are not your kith and kin - and, even if they were, you've been taught since kindergarten that they were irredeemably racist and colonialist. And so we achieve the same befuddled condition as not merely Joe Biden but a fourteenth-century Middle English translation of the Book of Revelation:

Þe folk of þe werlde haþ no remembraunce of þe holy þat han ben.

We're really not voting our way out of this


Who is this person and why should I care what they say?
You shouldn't everything is fine and diversity is our strength

Everything is better than fine in the Gator Household and diversity is strength. Different people with different backgrounds view problems and solutions differently, thus giving a far wider choice of options.
Everything is better than fine in the Gator Household and diversity is strength. Different people with different backgrounds view problems and solutions differently, thus giving a far wider choice of options.
How generically leftist

Ya mean like slicing a hostages Achilles heel so they can't run away those kinda solutions.... I learned that from the opwessed palis

Western europe reaches 30 to 40 % Muslim they're gonna lose a wide choice of options ....

Diversity is thier strength


We were diverse....with immigrants from all over Europe from diverse cultures
The real immigrants who built this fucking country ...not like today's lecherous invaders and trespassers
How generically leftist

There is nothing leftist about it. It is basic common sense. Group think is never successful, it will always die from stagnation.

Ya mean like slicing a hostages Achilles heel so they can't run away those kinda solutions.... I learned that from the opwessed palis

Of course I do not mean that, and that did not come from diversity, it came from group think that is the hallmark of religion and partisanship
There is nothing leftist about it. It is basic common sense. Group think is never successful, it will always die from stagnation.

Of course I do not mean that, and that did not come from diversity, it came from group think that is the hallmark of religion and partisanship
Group think ?

Automatically accuse someone of being closed minded
Still generically leftist ....who are steeped in group think and narrow ignorant views of the world

Project much ......
Group think ?

Automatically accuse someone of being closed minded

Group think is what you get when you have no diversity. It cannot be avoided. Sorry if this bothers you, but facts do not care about your feelings.
Group think is what you get when you have no diversity. It cannot be avoided. Sorry if this bothers you, but facts do not care about your feelings.
Or when you censor "disinformation" Or just shut up and" trust the experts "and" the science "

Just like that huh?

No diversity of thought or questions allowed ......democracy fortified!

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