The Gaffe Machine Is Back!

You mean like Trump is hiding under yours???

Naw, Trump is out there fucking up the economy massively and costing us all thousands of dollars. That's what Trump is doing right now.

We will see in November, won't we? Then once again........

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We will see in November, won't we? Then once again........

Naw, man, nobody is going to re-elect your boy with 20% unemployment. Ain't gonna happen. No matter how much he blames the CDC or China, people will be out for blood.

All things considered, his approval rating is not all that bad now. But in six months from now, I seriously doubt we will have 20% unemployment. Republican states are already opening up and people are going back to work. I didn't check it out yet, but as I'm typing and listening to the radio, I just heard the stock market recovered 60% of it's losses, and Democrat cities and states are insistent they will stay in shutdown for nearly the rest of summer.

All in all, this virus may be helping Trump more than hurting him. People not infected with severe cases of TDS understand that a US President is not responsible for a worldwide pandemic that started in another country affecting 180 other countries including ours.
Was missing for awhile, but now he is back! Only 85,000 jobs lost!... but millions of lives.

While making his introductory remarks during a Thursday discussion with governors from Michigan, New Jersey and Connecticut, Biden said America was in the middle of a pandemic that cost more than 85,000 jobs and the "lives of millions of people." However, it's likely what Biden meant was that the outbreak has cost 85,000 lives and millions of jobs.

The gaffe machine never left.
We will see in November, won't we? Then once again........

Naw, man, nobody is going to re-elect your boy with 20% unemployment. Ain't gonna happen. No matter how much he blames the CDC or China, people will be out for blood.

All things considered, his approval rating is not all that bad now. But in six months from now, I seriously doubt we will have 20% unemployment. Republican states are already opening up and people are going back to work. I didn't check it out yet, but as I'm typing and listening to the radio, I just heard the stock market recovered 60% of it's losses, and Democrat cities and states are insistent they will stay in shutdown for nearly the rest of summer.

All in all, this virus may be helping Trump more than hurting him. People not infected with severe cases of TDS understand that a US President is not responsible for a worldwide pandemic that started in another country affecting 180 other countries including ours.
Saturday I was reading that almost 1 million people will be returning to work this week. If that number is accurate things will get moving real fast.

Here in Wyoming all of the restraunts are now open and functioning. And they were packed at 50% capacity with long lines. They are still doing social distancing but people are just happy to be back at work and making a living. Many have opend out door capacity to raise thier levels to that of pre COVID19 outbreak.
We will see in November, won't we? Then once again........

Naw, man, nobody is going to re-elect your boy with 20% unemployment. Ain't gonna happen. No matter how much he blames the CDC or China, people will be out for blood.

All things considered, his approval rating is not all that bad now. But in six months from now, I seriously doubt we will have 20% unemployment. Republican states are already opening up and people are going back to work. I didn't check it out yet, but as I'm typing and listening to the radio, I just heard the stock market recovered 60% of it's losses, and Democrat cities and states are insistent they will stay in shutdown for nearly the rest of summer.

All in all, this virus may be helping Trump more than hurting him. People not infected with severe cases of TDS understand that a US President is not responsible for a worldwide pandemic that started in another country affecting 180 other countries including ours.
Saturday I was reading that almost 1 million people will be returning to work this week. If that number is accurate things will get moving real fast.

Here in Wyoming all of the restraunts are now open and functioning. And they were packed at 50% capacity with long lines. They are still doing social distancing but people are just happy to be back at work and making a living. Many have opend out door capacity to raise thier levels to that of pre COVID19 outbreak.

Exact same thing here in Ohio. Yes, distancing, hand sanitizer and masks are the smart way to go about it, but we have no actual laws governing those actions. They are merely recommendations at this time.

The people hoping this would mean the end of Trump have another thing coming. They are from the same cut of cloth that told us Trump would never debate anybody in the primaries, he would drop out of the primaries, he wouldn't accept the nomination at the convention, he will resign and let Pence take over because he'd realize he was way over his head. Never happened.

The Hussein administration spying on Trump didn't work, neither did the Russian collusion hoax, neither did the Kavanaugh thing work, neither did the impeachment work. Trump is still going strong. Unless we get hit with another strain of this thing, more and more people will be returning back to a normal life, and investors are anxiously waiting to take advantage of this market.
We will see in November, won't we? Then once again........

Naw, man, nobody is going to re-elect your boy with 20% unemployment. Ain't gonna happen. No matter how much he blames the CDC or China, people will be out for blood.

All things considered, his approval rating is not all that bad now. But in six months from now, I seriously doubt we will have 20% unemployment. Republican states are already opening up and people are going back to work. I didn't check it out yet, but as I'm typing and listening to the radio, I just heard the stock market recovered 60% of it's losses, and Democrat cities and states are insistent they will stay in shutdown for nearly the rest of summer.

All in all, this virus may be helping Trump more than hurting him. People not infected with severe cases of TDS understand that a US President is not responsible for a worldwide pandemic that started in another country affecting 180 other countries including ours.
Saturday I was reading that almost 1 million people will be returning to work this week. If that number is accurate things will get moving real fast.

Here in Wyoming all of the restraunts are now open and functioning. And they were packed at 50% capacity with long lines. They are still doing social distancing but people are just happy to be back at work and making a living. Many have opend out door capacity to raise thier levels to that of pre COVID19 outbreak.

Exact same thing here in Ohio. Yes, distancing, hand sanitizer and masks are the smart way to go about it, but we have no actual laws governing those actions. They are merely recommendations at this time.

The people hoping this would mean the end of Trump have another thing coming. They are from the same cut of cloth that told us Trump would never debate anybody in the primaries, he would drop out of the primaries, he wouldn't accept the nomination at the convention, he will resign and let Pence take over because he'd realize he was way over his head. Never happened.

The Hussein administration spying on Trump didn't work, neither did the Russian collusion hoax, neither did the Kavanaugh thing work, neither did the impeachment work. Trump is still going strong. Unless we get hit with another strain of this thing, more and more people will be returning back to a normal life, and investors are anxiously waiting to take advantage of this market.
Many of our stores sponsored a Saturday night Crusie and the streets were packed. People stayed in their cars and used drive thru or sat in open air spaces with distancing. And you could feel the stress level drop massively. People believe there is hope and its working.
All things considered, his approval rating is not all that bad now. But in six months from now, I seriously doubt we will have 20% unemployment.

No, but it will be over 10%, easily. Actually, what we've seen with these things is that unemployment is a LAGGING indicator. It gets worse long after the initial shock. For instance, the GDP was back in positive territory in September 2009, BUT umemployment didn't start declining until 2010. Same thing here.

I didn't check it out yet, but as I'm typing and listening to the radio, I just heard the stock market recovered 60% of it's losses, and Democrat cities and states are insistent they will stay in shutdown for nearly the rest of summer.

Again, the stock market only recovered its losses because Trump let them loot the treasury...

Stocks don't vote. People vote


Nobody gets back up from that.

All in all, this virus may be helping Trump more than hurting him. People not infected with severe cases of TDS understand that a US President is not responsible for a worldwide pandemic that started in another country affecting 180 other countries including ours.

Nope. People really do hate Trump. He's hated by a majority. His approval rating has NEVER exceeded his disapproval rating.

He's done.


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