The Gang Of Nine-plus


Sep 23, 2010
Nobody can convince me that the Gang of Eight did not know what this woman was doing:


Cecilia Munoz, Director of the White House's Domestic Policy Council, oversaw the drafting of the Senate's immigration bill. Her former employer, the National Council of La Raza, stands to reap a windfall as a result​

Not one Senator objected to the White House supervising the drafting of a Senate bill while the bill was being debated. Not one media outlet reported La Raza’s involvement as far as I know. And it’s absurd to think that Marco Rubio was not working with La Raza while the bill was being drafted.

A former senior policy analyst at the National Council of La Raza supervised the drafting of a U.S. Senate bill, passed on June 27, that would give an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants a path to citizenship if the House of Representatives goes along. And La Raza figures to enlarge its budget significantly, thanks to slush funds buried deep in the legislation.

Report: Senate immigration bill includes nearly $300 million in slush funds for immigrants' rights groups, in language drafted by the former policy chief for one such organization

∙ The National Council of La Raza is likely to benefit from grant money set aside in an immigration bill drafted by its former policy director

∙ Legislation passed in the Senate would exclude three-time DUI offenders from a path to citizenship, but two-time drunk drivers would be acceptable

∙ Passport forgers would no longer be prosecuted for making a single fake travel document, with the bar being set at three

∙ Document counterfeiters whose materials are used to obtain passports would only be jailed if they contributed to at least 10 phony passports

By David Martosko In Washington
PUBLISHED: 03:17 EST, 19 July 2013 | UPDATED: 03:24 EST, 19 July 2013

Report: Senate immigration bill includes nearly $300 million in slush funds for immigrants' rights groups, in language drafted by the former policy chief for one such organization | Mail Online

I’ll go further. Not one Republican senator challenged the hundreds of millions of dollars going to La Raza while John McCain was double-talking border security. Not to be outdone by the biggest phoney in the Senate Rubio was double-talking amnesty for illegals. Not one senator asked why every American taxpayer was being forced to pay for La Raza’s political agenda?

Question: If the people in the government believe that Americans should fund a political agenda they oppose, how long will it be before Americans are forced to fund a religion they do not believe in? Oh! I forgot. Americans have been funding the Socialist religion for decades.

Will it be any different in the House? I doubt it.

Bottom line: The parasite class makes it the Gang of Nine-plus.
Thank God the House decided to put this bill on the backburner.

To RoadVirus: A House bill will be just as scary.

Senior House Republicans rejected Schumer's prediction. Republican Speaker John Boehner has said the House will write its own immigration bill rather than bringing up the Senate bill passed on Thursday, which is supported by Democratic President Barack Obama.

Democrat predicts House will pass Senate immigration bill
By John Whitesides
WASHINGTON | Sun Jun 30, 2013 1:56pm EDT

Democrat predicts House will pass Senate immigration bill | Reuters
I firmly believe that John Boehner will sellout just as John Roberts sold out on the healthcare bill. The details in the linked article are as much prediction as they are a reality check. Click on the link and scroll down to the video link if you want to hear Ann Coulter cut through the bullcrap:

Conservatives Fear 'Conference' May Transform House Immigration Bills to Senate's Amnesty
by Matthew Boyle 21 Jul 2013

Conservatives Fear 'Conference' May Transform House Immigration Bills to Senate's Amnesty

If you read the article and listened to Ann ask yourself why any Republican, or conservative, would want to hand the Democrats more than twenty million voters for openers? A whole lot of lies are being told to hide the answer to that question.
Nobody can convince me that the Gang of Eight did not know what this woman was doing:


Cecilia Munoz, Director of the White House's Domestic Policy Council, oversaw the drafting of the Senate's immigration bill. Her former employer, the National Council of La Raza, stands to reap a windfall as a result​

Not one Senator objected to the White House supervising the drafting of a Senate bill while the bill was being debated. Not one media outlet reported La Raza’s involvement as far as I know. And it’s absurd to think that Marco Rubio was not working with La Raza while the bill was being drafted.

A former senior policy analyst at the National Council of La Raza supervised the drafting of a U.S. Senate bill, passed on June 27, that would give an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants a path to citizenship if the House of Representatives goes along. And La Raza figures to enlarge its budget significantly, thanks to slush funds buried deep in the legislation.

Report: Senate immigration bill includes nearly $300 million in slush funds for immigrants' rights groups, in language drafted by the former policy chief for one such organization

∙ The National Council of La Raza is likely to benefit from grant money set aside in an immigration bill drafted by its former policy director

∙ Legislation passed in the Senate would exclude three-time DUI offenders from a path to citizenship, but two-time drunk drivers would be acceptable

∙ Passport forgers would no longer be prosecuted for making a single fake travel document, with the bar being set at three

∙ Document counterfeiters whose materials are used to obtain passports would only be jailed if they contributed to at least 10 phony passports

By David Martosko In Washington
PUBLISHED: 03:17 EST, 19 July 2013 | UPDATED: 03:24 EST, 19 July 2013

Report: Senate immigration bill includes nearly $300 million in slush funds for immigrants' rights groups, in language drafted by the former policy chief for one such organization | Mail Online

I’ll go further. Not one Republican senator challenged the hundreds of millions of dollars going to La Raza while John McCain was double-talking border security. Not to be outdone by the biggest phoney in the Senate Rubio was double-talking amnesty for illegals. Not one senator asked why every American taxpayer was being forced to pay for La Raza’s political agenda?

Question: If the people in the government believe that Americans should fund a political agenda they oppose, how long will it be before Americans are forced to fund a religion they do not believe in? Oh! I forgot. Americans have been funding the Socialist religion for decades.

Will it be any different in the House? I doubt it.

Bottom line: The parasite class makes it the Gang of Nine-plus.

What socialist religion are you talking about? We will fund this immigration bill of course with the blessing of both parties. It's welfare for big business so I guess that's a form of socialism.

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