The "Gap" Year


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Parents of today's high school class of 2020 surely must be contemplating the strategem of a Gap Year.

While acceptance at the college of one's choice is surely a thing to be treasured, spending that first year taking on-line classes at the exorbitant tuitions that will surely be demanded seems - shall we say - wasteful.

The suggestion implicitly begs the question of What to do during that Gap Year. Just work whatever job(s) can be found? Try to make a bit of academic progress? Are there any formal on-line programs planned for the huge number of students doing the same thing? One suspects that finding a decent job for a year - specifically this coming year - will be problematic, what with so many people out of work and looking at the same time.

And taking the thought process a bit further, what will happen when the 2020 grads want to start at the same time as the 2021 grads? Will those Fresh-person classes be overloaded? Will the selection criteria be enhanced as a result?

Will colleges renew the 2020 acceptance after a year's delay, or will your Gap Year student have to risk NOT being accepted next year?

What do you think?
I would advise my Freshman child to skip a year rather than start out with online classes

Not that they would get useful experience in a lockdown, but they will not gain much online
I think you've got an unhealthy obsession, and that "fresh-person" is a painfully awkward expression of stupid, unnecessary political correctness.

Students who put off starting college (should they choose that track) are less likely to start at all, and to finish if they do start. That's a legitimate choice, but it is a choice.
I think you've got an unhealthy obsession, and that "fresh-person" is a painfully awkward expression of stupid, unnecessary political correctness.

Students who put off starting college (should they choose that track) are less likely to start at all, and to finish if they do start. That's a legitimate choice, but it is a choice.
The world is in a “pause”
College is no different

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