The Gay Pope is Bringing Gays Out In Groves.

Think someone we know started a cult and this is one of his disciples. :)

I found their official headgear...

While I seriously doubt that the Pope is gay, it is plausible.

The quiet crisis going on in the Catholic Church revolves around the question of how much to 'push back' against the predominate secular culture's drift into paganism.

Some say fight it out in a loving way and be sure to keep a close eye on the flock to lose as few as possible, while the opposite camp is one of 'inclusion' that tries to accept everyone on a personal level while keeping church doctrines 'pure'.

I think the whole issue lost to the secularists. Unlike Protestants who developed a number of social institutions to fight against the outside majority and protect their faithful from too much influence, the Catholic church has always defended itself via its private school system, social networking within the parish, and its political influence.

The tightly nit parish networks have been ripped apart with the migration to the suburbs over the past 40 years, and the parish church is hardly the center of the typical Roman Catholic's life any more, at least not for the English speaking church. It's still pretty much like that for Hispanic immigrants, which is why the Hispanic wing of the US Roman Catholic Church continues to grow.

The private school system within the Catholic church community has been Shanghaied decades ago by the far left teachers organizations that want to blend secular culture with Catholic at the schools, supposedly in preparation of the children going to public high school. A great number of Catholic school teachers are not only NOT Catholic but are not Christian or even theists. The foxes now run the hen house.

Politically, the bishops of the Catholic Church are still joined at the hip to Democrat political machines like in Chicago where more of the Notre Dame faculty, for example, follow the consensus of the Chicago Democrats than the local bishop. The recent move by a good number of Catholic bishops to a league with the Republican party has now been aborted by the new Pope as he is definitely an 'inclusive' Catholic and has severely criticized the rich, the free market, and pulled in the reigns on criticizing the secular culture among the frocked.

Basically the Catholic Church has surrendered to the pagan secularists, and has set itself up to lose huge numbers of followers in the third world to Protestant fundamentalists, evangelicals and Pentecostals, not to mention Islamic Jihadis who are beginning to kill Christians in the Third World in the most in-your-face way imaginable. And the West has abandoned these Third World Christians to fend for themselves, largely.

It would seem that the struggle between Islam and Christianity is going to be won by the Jihadis, as the top Christian leader, when need to sound the trumpet of the faithful and rally their morale, has instead dropped it and is looking for a way to 'work around' Romans chapter One.

The demographic trends are heading to an Islamic Europe (but you cant say it out-loud over there without being labeled a racist, lol) and the US is going to become a heavily Hispanic old-fashioned Catholic nation by 2100. The whole world will be Muslim by 2200 unless something drastic changes, but I don't see a sign of such along the horizon at all.
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This is without a doubt the absolute STUPIDEST FUCKING THREAD of all time.

Any proof at all that the pope is gay?

/rolls eyes.
The radical left encourages "tolerance" of Islamic Jihadists who advocate the stoning to death of women for minor infractions of Sharia law but for some reason bigoted lefties do not tolerate the beliefs of Catholics. Go figure.
"Gay pope"? WTH? Where do you come up with this stuff?

And, how many is a "grove"?

Actually, what we're seeing is a pope who apparently actually believes in a god and jesus, and evidence that homosexuality is a lot more common than previously thought.

And, absolute proof that its the rw's who are the real froot loops.
The radical left encourages "tolerance" of Islamic Jihadists who advocate the stoning to death of women for minor infractions of Sharia law but for some reason bigoted lefties do not tolerate the beliefs of Catholics. Go figure.



When has any leftie said they agree with stoning?
What leftie does not "tolerate" catholic beliefs?
What the ledt does not tolerate is the pushing of sharia law by catholics or other religious nutters.

Now, the radical rw's? Yep. They hate all of Islamist and celebrate any death of one. And, then they'll say they're good christians. Don't believe me? Read the posts here.
"Gay pope"? WTH? Where do you come up with this stuff?

And, how many is a "grove"?

Actually, what we're seeing is a pope who apparently actually believes in a god and jesus, and evidence that homosexuality is a lot more common than previously thought.

And, absolute proof that its the rw's who are the real froot loops.

And the 2013 poster who can turn any topic into an anti-republican rant of the years goes to......
The radical left encourages "tolerance" of Islamic Jihadists who advocate the stoning to death of women for minor infractions of Sharia law but for some reason bigoted lefties do not tolerate the beliefs of Catholics. Go figure.

Can you provide a single example of anyone on the left who has encouraged the stoning of women by Islamic Jihadists?
The radical left encourages "tolerance" of Islamic Jihadists who advocate the stoning to death of women for minor infractions of Sharia law but for some reason bigoted lefties do not tolerate the beliefs of Catholics. Go figure.

Oh? Go ahead and link any "radical left" source that encourages tolerance of Islamic Jihadists who advocate the stoning to death of women.
The radical left encourages "tolerance" of Islamic Jihadists who advocate the stoning to death of women for minor infractions of Sharia law but for some reason bigoted lefties do not tolerate the beliefs of Catholics. Go figure.

Can you provide a single example of anyone on the left who has encouraged the stoning of women by Islamic Jihadists?

This guy. But he misunderstood the question.


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