The Gay Pope is Bringing Gays Out In Groves.

"Gay pope"? WTH? Where do you come up with this stuff?

And, how many is a "grove"?

Actually, what we're seeing is a pope who apparently actually believes in a god and jesus, and evidence that homosexuality is a lot more common than previously thought.

And, absolute proof that its the rw's who are the real froot loops.

And the 2013 poster who can turn any topic into an anti-republican rant of the years goes to......

You see any libs who are so terrified of their own sexuality that they rant about gays every single day?

Not saying there are no homophobic Ds but its the right who wants laws passed based on their screwy idea of god/jesus. And any way you look at that, its sharia law.
The radical left encourages "tolerance" of Islamic Jihadists who advocate the stoning to death of women for minor infractions of Sharia law but for some reason bigoted lefties do not tolerate the beliefs of Catholics. Go figure.

Because the Gnostic roots of todays Jacobin left holds the greatest hatred and fear of a resurgent Catholicism. They do not think the Jihadis pose them a problem as 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' to their simplistic minds.

Lol, wait till you get a look at their faces when Sharia law comes to London, roflmao
The radical left encourages "tolerance" of Islamic Jihadists who advocate the stoning to death of women for minor infractions of Sharia law but for some reason bigoted lefties do not tolerate the beliefs of Catholics. Go figure.

Because the Gnostic roots of todays Jacobin left holds the greatest hatred and fear of a resurgent Catholicism. They do not think the Jihadis pose them a problem as 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' to their simplistic minds.

Lol, wait till you get a look at their faces when Sharia law comes to London, roflmao

Isn't it cute, how JimBowie and whitehall make up a fantasy position and then argue against it.

That fail technique has a name......something to do with straw........:eusa_whistle:
The radical left encourages "tolerance" of Islamic Jihadists who advocate the stoning to death of women for minor infractions of Sharia law but for some reason bigoted lefties do not tolerate the beliefs of Catholics. Go figure.

Because the Gnostic roots of todays Jacobin left holds the greatest hatred and fear of a resurgent Catholicism. They do not think the Jihadis pose them a problem as 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' to their simplistic minds.

Lol, wait till you get a look at their faces when Sharia law comes to London, roflmao

Isn't it cute, how JimBowie and whitehall make up a fantasy position and then argue against it.

That fail technique has a name......something to do with straw........:eusa_whistle:

Lol, as if the Obama regime's easy hand on Iran, aiding al Queda, assisting the Moslem Brotherhood and the US left's placing Islam in the Identity Politics system were that all not enough to convince anyone, your denials certainly should.
If and when jihad starts hanging American and British gays from the lamp posts it will be awfully difficult to find a smidge of sympathy.

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