The Gentleman From South Carolina Will Have His Say on Next SCOTUS Pick

The right and honorable United States Senator Lindsey Graham will have an active voice on the next Supreme Court nominee. After the below the belt, disgraceful smear campaign the Democrats tried against Brett Kavanaugh...God bless the man from the land of Palmetto trees!
Graham 'hell bent' on filling next Supreme Court vacancy with conservative justice, amid Ginsburg health woes
God bless him? He can drop dead for all I care.
Graham is a stinking neocon who wants American troops to die all over the world protecting the neocon American empire.

I despise neocons (politically)...they get FAR more Americans/innocent civilians killed then ISIS could ever dream of.

I don't give a fuck who is nominated for the Supreme long as they honor the Constitution and have as little political bent as possible.

And hopefully, they will be better than the (seemingly) whacko Trump last nominated. That guy came across in the hearings as a total and complete dick with an INCREDIBLY thin skin.
Honor the Constitution? You mean like Brett Kavanaugh?
The right and honorable United States Senator Lindsey Graham will have an active voice on the next Supreme Court nominee. After the below the belt, disgraceful smear campaign the Democrats tried against Brett Kavanaugh...God bless the man from the land of Palmetto trees!
Graham 'hell bent' on filling next Supreme Court vacancy with conservative justice, amid Ginsburg health woes

Graham is a stinking neocon who wants American troops to die all over the world protecting the neocon American empire.

I despise neocons (politically).

Great, because I believe he plans to open investigations on many members of the House Democrat leadership. :113:

As soon as they shut down the border they'll get right on that.
Should have shut down border with Puerto Rico that way Democrats in Congress couldn’t enjoy their winter vacation.
The right and honorable United States Senator Lindsey Graham will have an active voice on the next Supreme Court nominee. After the below the belt, disgraceful smear campaign the Democrats tried against Brett Kavanaugh...God bless the man from the land of Palmetto trees!
Graham 'hell bent' on filling next Supreme Court vacancy with conservative justice, amid Ginsburg health woes

Graham is a stinking neocon who wants American troops to die all over the world protecting the neocon American empire.

I despise neocons (politically).

Great, because I believe he plans to open investigations on many members of the House Democrat leadership. :113:

As soon as they shut down the border they'll get right on that.
Should have shut down border with Puerto Rico that way Democrats in Congress couldn’t enjoy their winter vacation.

Might have gotten soggy
Hope Trump doesn’t nominate another rapist
Your disgraceful.

You call someone disgraceful, yet you apparently look up to a man (Trump) who sexually assaults women, openly craves his eldest daughter, has sex while he is married with other women and is married to a whore.

Now Trump...THAT is a disgraceful man.
So? If he was a Democrat it wouldn't matter.

Check my sig pal. I despise both parties.

I politically despise ALL neocons - dem, rep, whatever...I (politically) hate them all.
Can't wait for Graham to tell them, "My good friend from Hawaii should shut the fuck up and suck my cock"
Hope Trump doesn’t nominate another rapist
You should be ashamed of yourselves, but there is no integrity or honor in you vile creatures. There's nothing you won't do or say to destroy people simply because you disagree with them. Corrupt jackals.


You have never met the man. Yet, on the basis of one (or more) posts on a chat forum you automatically assume he has ZERO integrity or honor?

Not 'some'...ZERO.

Okay....where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that rightwinger has ZERO integrity or honor? That NOTHING he has EVER done in his life has EVER contained the slightest amount of integrity or honor?

Because without said proof, your comment is left as nothing but the childish defamation of a person from an overly thin-skinned, libel-spewing individual.
I've been reading his posts for a full year. He's an idiot.

You said 'there is no integrity or honor in you vile creatures'.

So, you are saying that you KNOW that rightwinger has done nothing over the past year - in his private life - that contained the slightest amount of honor or integrity?

Yes or no, please?
I'm saying that by supporting Democrats that lied and deliberately tried to destroy without any evidence a good man in Judge Kavanaugh, he and Democrats have shown themselves to be without honor and integrity.
9 posts deleted

stop the personal attacks and insults, and stick to the topic.
Graham needs to work on the current problem at hand, not his macabre fascination with killing off a judge.
I would love to see her in the Supreme Court!!!!!!:2up::2up::2up:

Amy Coney Barrett...........YES!

I couldn't agree more. She is a constitutionalist like BK. We need more like them on the SC.
The right and honorable United States Senator Lindsey Graham will have an active voice on the next Supreme Court nominee. After the below the belt, disgraceful smear campaign the Democrats tried against Brett Kavanaugh...God bless the man from the land of Palmetto trees!
Graham 'hell bent' on filling next Supreme Court vacancy with conservative justice, amid Ginsburg health woes
It's gonna be pure comedy gold when Ginsburg retires or dies...I thought the Kavanaugh hearing's was bad I can't wait for the next one!
I would love to see her in the Supreme Court!!!!!!:2up::2up::2up:

Amy Coney Barrett...........YES!
And we know since a woman is retiring that's permanently a women's seat so it is only right thing to do.
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The right and honorable United States Senator Lindsey Graham will have an active voice on the next Supreme Court nominee. After the below the belt, disgraceful smear campaign the Democrats tried against Brett Kavanaugh...God bless the man from the land of Palmetto trees!
Graham 'hell bent' on filling next Supreme Court vacancy with conservative justice, amid Ginsburg health woes
It's gonna be pure comedy gold when Ginsburg retires or dies...I thought the Kavanaugh hearing's was bad I can't wait for the next one!

I hope its Barrett and I'd like to see them accuse her of sexual misconduct and rape.

Hell. She'd probably kick all their asses.
The right and honorable United States Senator Lindsey Graham will have an active voice on the next Supreme Court nominee. After the below the belt, disgraceful smear campaign the Democrats tried against Brett Kavanaugh...God bless the man from the land of Palmetto trees!
Graham 'hell bent' on filling next Supreme Court vacancy with conservative justice, amid Ginsburg health woes
You left out the part where he hopes Ginsburg will be on the Court for years. I do too. I'd prefer a Court right leaning on politics but willing to uphold left leaning statutes, but I'd also prefer Graham not be heading any committee.

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