The Germans Think We're Insane -- And I Have To Agree

Ah, but those are damnes Socialists. Never mind that their citizens in many of the nations of the EU now have a living standard superior to that in the US. Never mind that they are graduating more engineers and scientists that is the US. Never mind that there balance of trade is far better than ours. They are {{{{{SOCIALISTS}}}}}}, and all bound for hell.

Our nation, the US seems no longer capable of recognizing success.
Germany belongs to a European Union that is collapsing before our eyes. The Germans are expected to bail out other EU members but they make fun of us?

The world has been digging our graves for as long as I can remember and it hasn't happened yet. While we are in dire straights, we have the mechanisms to "right the economic ship", the Krauts don't. They're chained to the Euro.
Why can't we do better?

Germany does not have a PRESS 2 culture. If your not German, get out!

Germany Eases Restrictions on Skilled Foreign Workers | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 16.07.2008

The cabinet on Wednesday, July 16, decided to ease restrictions on highly qualified workers, effectively opening its borders to those with university or higher qualifications from 10 new EU countries from the beginning of next year.

German employers will from then on no longer have to show that there are no suitably qualified applicants from Germany or older EU nations in order to hire a suitable candidate from a new member country.

German businesses have long complained of a chronic lack of highly trained workers such as engineers and computer programers.

"Germany must take part in an international competition to attract bright minds," Labor Minister Olaf Scholz said.
Germany belongs to a European Union that is collapsing before our eyes. The Germans are expected to bail out other EU members but they make fun of us?

The world has been digging our graves for as long as I can remember and it hasn't happened yet. While we are in dire straights, we have the mechanisms to "right the economic ship", the Krauts don't. They're chained to the Euro.

And what is the EU's balance of trade compared to ours? The number of engineers and scientists that they are graduating from their universities? The number of new patents given to their innovators? Care to go on with this?
Easy. You don't run that show.


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Germany belongs to a European Union that is collapsing before our eyes. The Germans are expected to bail out other EU members but they make fun of us?

The world has been digging our graves for as long as I can remember and it hasn't happened yet. While we are in dire straights, we have the mechanisms to "right the economic ship", the Krauts don't. They're chained to the Euro.

And what is the EU's balance of trade compared to ours? The number of engineers and scientists that they are graduating from their universities? The number of new patents given to their innovators? Care to go on with this?
The number of German citizens servicing debt for other EU nations? If the Krauts are smart, and I'm not saying they are, but if they're smart they'll throw the EU overboard otherwise the rest of the EU will just drag them down. From the "Evil" Huffington Post:
EU Debt Crisis Is 'Systemic,' According To Official's Warning
BRUSSELS/BERLIN (By Jan Strupczewski and Erik Kirschbaum): European Union leaders will be warned on Thursday that a rolling debt crisis poses a systemic threat to the euro zone as they seek to paper over divisions at a summit on how to restore confidence.
The two-day EU summit comes as Portugal and Spain face growing bond market pressure after heavily indebted Greece and Ireland received EU/IMF bailouts in return for implementing harsh austerity measures.
Looks like the big European Socialist Experiment isn't working out too good is it?

But that's probably what you want for us right? The North American Union? :lol:
The German economy isn't that great either, even before the recession they were struggling with rebuilding East Germany, and still are. Many German's are just as angry with their government as Americans are with there's, they have been forced to bail out other nations economies from their own pockets.

'We are once again the schmucks of Europe!' German media's verdict as anger at Greek bailout swells

Today, Bild said: 'The EU and the Eurozone want to spend a massive 750billion Euros to save the European currency. Germany alone will have to fork out 123billion Euros for its bankrupt neighbours.

'There is now not enough money for the planned tax cuts here!

'Are we really the schmucks of Europe?

'Chancellor Angela Merkel said: 'We are protecting the money of people in Germany.' Really?'

Voters already delivered their verdict on Mrs Merkel's handling of the Greece crisis by punishing her in a regional election on Sunday which saw her party kicked out of power in North Rhine-Westphalia.

The loss means she loses a majority in the upper-house of parliament in Berlin and will not be able to deliver reforming legislation without the consent of squabbling rivals - an almost impossible task.

There are rumours that the right-wingers in her conservative CDU party are plotting a coup against her - rumours strengthened by the visceral distaste for her latest largesse in trying to prop up the common currency.

'The biggest 'all-in' in the history of poker,' was how Henrik Enderlein, economics professor at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin, described the massive aid package assembled on Sunday night in an effort to save the Euro from collapse.
Greece debt crisis: German anger at 750bn euro bailout swells | Mail Online
Some apparently responsible people think the EU will unwind.

In any event, it doesn't answer the question: why can't we do better?
Because the US is run by a corporate and political elite that have lost touch with the average American, it felt that a bailout for their personal fortunes was more important than the survival the American nation and economy, now the American people are paying the price for reckless economic policies and government incompetence. :eusa_eh:
Some apparently responsible people think the EU will unwind.

In any event, it doesn't answer the question: why can't we do better?
Because the US is run by a corporate and political elite that have lost touch with the average American, it felt that a bailout for their personal fortunes was more important than the survival the American nation and economy, now the American people are paying the price for reckless economic policies and government incompetence. :eusa_eh:

And the Chinese are worried because their people have TOO MUCH money. They can't afford to sell them all cars because the pollution is out of control now!
some apparently responsible people think the eu will unwind.

In any event, it doesn't answer the question: Why can't we do better?
because the us is run by a corporate and political elite that have lost touch with the average american, it felt that a bailout for their personal fortunes was more important than the survival the american nation and economy, now the american people are paying the price for reckless economic policies and government incompetence. :eusa_eh:

Some apparently responsible people think the EU will unwind.

In any event, it doesn't answer the question: why can't we do better?
Because the US is run by a corporate and political elite that have lost touch with the average American, it felt that a bailout for their personal fortunes was more important than the survival the American nation and economy, now the American people are paying the price for reckless economic policies and government incompetence. :eusa_eh:

And the Chinese are worried because their people have TOO MUCH money. They can't afford to sell them all cars because the pollution is out of control now!

Umm aren't they still selling more cars than we are?

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