The Germans Think We're Insane -- And I Have To Agree

Germany has a tax rate of 60%
They have little say.
Much of EU is in flames b/c they can't afford all the welfare

If you hate it here so so much, get the fuck out and don't let Lady Liberty kick you in the ass as you leave.

America is and always will be the greatest nation on earth.

Name some countries that have people risking certain death to get into.

Dead Mexicans are picked up on a regualr basis.
Ever meet a boat person from Cuba?
How about people from the shit holes of Africa that flee here.
How many Russians came here to do something then ran, hoping for assylum?

Seriously, get the fuck out and try living over there. I lived in Italy for 2 years, take away the food, wine and good times and get down to the day to day stuff, it sucked.

So, suggesting we might could learn from other nations is so unpatriotic you think I should be ejected, Two Thumbs?


Ejected? No. We are Americans and should be proud. We built the greatest nation the world has ever seen and we did it in a few hundred years. The EU has had thousands of years to get it right and you are pointing to now as a reason to dump freedom of socialism.

I invited you to leave. Since you don't like it here. Why tolerate it? Why risk failure when a nanny state can make it so you don't even have to try? Just look at the vast number of success stories from people that were born on welfare.. Do you know of any?

So please leave and let a suffer with our freedoms.

I'll take freedom, warts and all, over being any governments bitch any time.

the EU had thousands of years to get it right. hahahaha

what a putz you are.
So, suggesting we might could learn from other nations is so unpatriotic you think I should be ejected, Two Thumbs?


Ejected? No. We are Americans and should be proud. We built the greatest nation the world has ever seen and we did it in a few hundred years. The EU has had thousands of years to get it right and you are pointing to now as a reason to dump freedom of socialism.

I invited you to leave. Since you don't like it here. Why tolerate it? Why risk failure when a nanny state can make it so you don't even have to try? Just look at the vast number of success stories from people that were born on welfare.. Do you know of any?

So please leave and let a suffer with our freedoms.

I'll take freedom, warts and all, over being any governments bitch any time.

the EU had thousands of years to get it right. hahahaha

what a putz you are.

Oh please forgive me for not being specific.

Every european country has had thousands of years to get it right.

Is that better fucknut? Or do I have to name each and every country for you?
Ejected? No. We are Americans and should be proud. We built the greatest nation the world has ever seen and we did it in a few hundred years. The EU has had thousands of years to get it right and you are pointing to now as a reason to dump freedom of socialism.

I invited you to leave. Since you don't like it here. Why tolerate it? Why risk failure when a nanny state can make it so you don't even have to try? Just look at the vast number of success stories from people that were born on welfare.. Do you know of any?

So please leave and let a suffer with our freedoms.

I'll take freedom, warts and all, over being any governments bitch any time.

the EU had thousands of years to get it right. hahahaha

what a putz you are.

Oh please forgive me for not being specific.

Every european country has had thousands of years to get it right.

Is that better fucknut? Or do I have to name each and every country for you?

fucknut :eek:

i forgive you.

you are after all one of those great americans who are the best of the best of the best.

of the best. foreva. especially you. you are even better. and greater.
Bias, BS lefty article, from a bias, BS lefty site, from a bias, socialist nation who's literally in decline, population decline.

We're recovering, gfto wit propaganda like this.
Bias, BS lefty article, from a bias, BS lefty site, from a bias, socialist nation who's literally in decline, population decline.

We're recovering, gfto wit propaganda like this.

ah, the one with the facts who thinks critically and independently.
I have met several German students at college.

I am grateful we have a large military presence there to watch over them. The whole country needs to be in a padded cell.
the EU had thousands of years to get it right. hahahaha

what a putz you are.

Oh please forgive me for not being specific.

Every european country has had thousands of years to get it right.

Is that better fucknut? Or do I have to name each and every country for you?

fucknut :eek:

i forgive you.

you are after all one of those great americans who are the best of the best of the best.

of the best. foreva. especially you. you are even better. and greater.

Why thank you kindly! And here I thought you were one of those bash America types that only see fault here and glory there.

And you even noticed that I'm one of the best of the best of the best and even of the best!
Just to state the facts, I probably know more about the German people than anyone else on this board.

I was married to a German for over 8 years.

I lived and worked in Germany or based in Germany for about 14 years.

I have 2 sons living and working in Germany today. (No they are not in the military)

Saying all that, who gives a rats ass what the Germans think of the USA? This is a people who have nearly given up their sovereignty to the EU. These people if they need to lay someone off do not start at the bottom, they pick the person who is single and who might have the fewest bills. A worthless worker who is married will continue to work. They do the same thing hiring. My son told me he was making 5000 Euros a month. I said great, He said he takes home close to 2000. Sucks pretty bad. And everything costs more in Germany. Roughly $1500 for classes before you can get your drivers license. And how about this for you fishermen, $300 + for a fishing license. Or try $3000 for a hunting license and you have to identify the deer you want to shoot and get the Burgermeisters approval before you shoot.

Nope I don't care one bit what the Germans think of us...... They can't even come close.
Just to state the facts, I probably know more about the German people than anyone else on this board.

I was married to a German for over 8 years.

I lived and worked in Germany or based in Germany for about 14 years.

I have 2 sons living and working in Germany today. (No they are not in the military)

Saying all that, who gives a rats ass what the Germans think of the USA? This is a people who have nearly given up their sovereignty to the EU. These people if they need to lay someone off do not start at the bottom, they pick the person who is single and who might have the fewest bills. A worthless worker who is married will continue to work. They do the same thing hiring. My son told me he was making 5000 Euros a month. I said great, He said he takes home close to 2000. Sucks pretty bad. And everything costs more in Germany. Roughly $1500 for classes before you can get your drivers license. And how about this for you fishermen, $300 + for a fishing license. Or try $3000 for a hunting license and you have to identify the deer you want to shoot and get the Burgermeisters approval before you shoot.Nope I don't care one bit what the Germans think of us...... They can't even come close.

This is what alot of people here in the States don't understand about Europe, sure they have free health care and all that but they pay way more in taxes, have higher unemployment rates and gas costs way more. Everyone complaining about how bad we have we have it would flip the fuck out if they lived in Europe.
Saying all that, who gives a rats ass what the Germans think of the USA? This is a people who have nearly given up their sovereignty to the EU.
And Americans are a people who allow corporations and banks to loot their wallets obligingly. Not to mention how our "representatives" are bought and paid for by lobbyists of various background.

We gave up our sovereignty to the banks, corporations and the military industrial complex.

Roughly $1500 for classes before you can get your drivers license. And how about this for you fishermen, $300 + for a fishing license. Or try $3000 for a hunting license and you have to identify the deer you want to shoot and get the Burgermeisters approval before you shoot.
If you don't have health insurance, you're financially screwed even if you merely break a leg or chip a tooth.

College tuition is on the constant rise and kids can't pay off their student loans due to rising unemployment.

Food and gas prices are inflating.

And this is occurring in our backyard. The United States.
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Saying all that, who gives a rats ass what the Germans think of the USA? This is a people who have nearly given up their sovereignty to the EU.
And Americans are a people who allow corporations and banks to loot their wallets obligingly. Not to mention how our "representatives" are bought and paid for by lobbyists of various background.

Roughly $1500 for classes before you can get your drivers license. And how about this for you fishermen, $300 + for a fishing license. Or try $3000 for a hunting license and you have to identify the deer you want to shoot and get the Burgermeisters approval before you shoot.
If you don't have health insurance, you're financially screwed even if you merely break a leg or chip a tooth.

College tuition is on the constant rise and kids can't pay off their student loans due to rising unemployment.

Food and gas prices are inflating.

And this is occurring in our backyard. The United States.

No one said things here were ever perfect. But any of us are free to leave if we think we can do better elsewhere. That doesn't mean that the rest of us want to be like any other country. Me? I like the USA just fine.
Germany: America sucks! You're doing everything wrong!
American Left: Yes, we know! You Europeans are so wise!

Germany: America sucks! You're doing everything wrong!
American Left: You shut up! What do you know?!

No one said things here were ever perfect. But any of us are free to leave if we think we can do better elsewhere. That doesn't mean that the rest of us want to be like any other country. Me? I like the USA just fine.
I've been toying with the idea of hightailing it out of here before the economy collapses, the dollar becomes toilet paper and violent chaos ensues, however right now I live in a place that is self-sustainable and relatively inexpensive. Aside from a few issues in this podunk town, we'll be relatively insulated from the mass woes the rest of the United States will be experiencing.

If you like the United States just fine, then you have completely resigned yourself to the incoming police state and the inevitable economic disaster. Basically, you're holding up a welcome sign in celebration of its arrival. Citizens from Greece, Spain, France, Germany and from all over the world are protesting vitriolically in face of the tyranny that haunts them daily whilst Americans conjure up worthless, discombobulated disgraces such as the Tea Party and the Anti-War movement. Not to mention the "free-speech zones" that protesters willfully walk into and circle around like mooing cattle with signs.

By all means, like this nation just the way it is, but don't be disappointed when every aspect of this civilization unhinges and falls like a house of cards.
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No one said things here were ever perfect. But any of us are free to leave if we think we can do better elsewhere. That doesn't mean that the rest of us want to be like any other country. Me? I like the USA just fine.
I've been toying with the idea of hightailing it out of here before the economy collapses, the dollar becomes toilet paper and violent chaos ensues, however right now I live in a place that is self-sustainable and relatively inexpensive. Aside from a few issues in this podunk town, we'll be relatively insulated from the mass woes the rest of the United States will be experiencing.

If you like the United States just fine, then you have completely resigned yourself to the incoming police state and the inevitable economic disaster. Basically, you're holding up a welcome sign in celebration of its arrival. Citizens from Greece, Spain, France, Germany and from all over the world are protesting vitriolically in face of the tyranny that haunts them daily whilst Americans conjure up worthless, discombobulated disgraces such as the Tea Party and the Anti-War movement. Not to mention the "free-speech zones" that protesters willfully walk into and circle around like mooing cattle with signs.

By all means, like this nation just the way it is, but don't be disappointed when every aspect of this civilization unhinges and falls like a house of cards.

Wow, which world did you say you lived on?

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