The Germans Think We're Insane -- And I Have To Agree

Germany has been a satellite state of the United States of America since the end of WW II. The economy is 100% dependent on us, from our laws mandating we buy wind turbine components to giving our tax dollars to rescue the Euro.

I bet you all the Europeans are thankful that the United States tax payer is so generous, lowering our standard of living so Europeans can live fat on the hog.

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US Taxpayers Bailing Out Greece & the Rest of Europe
Quick History of the International Monetary Fund
IMF Prepares for $1 Trillion Bailout of Europe
EU Bailout Approved, But Will It Work?
Will Any of this Money Ever be Paid Back?
The "Cornyn Amendment" - A New Monkey Wrench

On April 12, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) increased the capacity of its emergency lending fund from $50 billion to $550 billion, a ten-fold increase, and may increase it to $750 billion if needed. The IMF's director stated in his press conference that the additional funding would "ensure that the Fund has access to adequate resources to help members that are vulnerable to financial crises."

In order to increase this emergency funding by half a trillion dollars (or more), the IMF moved to significantly increase the lending commitments of its member nations, of which the largest contributor is the United States

US Taxpayers Bailing Out Greece & the Rest of Europe

As noted above, there was very little attention paid by the mainstream media to the IMF's decision to increase its emergency lending fund by ten-fold or more in April. While the European Union's announcement of the latest $1 trillion bailout on May 9 did make news, most Americans paid little attention because it is euro-zone countries that will be borrowing the money. Many Americans thought, Hey, it's a European problem, what do we care?

Many Americans didn't stop to think that the IMF will be loaning apprx. one-third of that $1 trillion to the European Union, and the US is the single largest contributor to the IMF. To that extent, US taxpayer dollars are going to be a big part of the bailout for Greece and any other EU countries that get into trouble and need bailout money.

Even before the $1 trillion bailout that was announced on May 9, the US had already contributed to an IMF loan directly to Greece totaling apprx. $40 billion, along with another $105 billion in direct loans to Greece from several euro-zone countries. The US share of the $40 billion was reported to be in the $6-7 billion range. These initial loans were announced on May 2.

And it gets worse. Over 20% of the $500 billion of additional borrowing the IMF recently authorized will come directly from the US. Yes, the US is putting up over $100 billion in taxpayer money toward that extra half-trillion dollars in new IMF funding. Since most Americans are not very familiar with the IMF, much less how it is funded, they have no reason to be aware that they are on the hook for this money
Dahlin', have you missed the blurbs on the new show "Bridalplasty"?

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I swear to God unless we start feeding babies to lions, I'm not sure we can sink any lower.
Germany has a tax rate of 60%
They have little say.
Much of EU is in flames b/c they can't afford all the welfare

If you hate it here so so much, get the fuck out and don't let Lady Liberty kick you in the ass as you leave.

America is and always will be the greatest nation on earth.

Name some countries that have people risking certain death to get into.

Dead Mexicans are picked up on a regualr basis.
Ever meet a boat person from Cuba?
How about people from the shit holes of Africa that flee here.
How many Russians came here to do something then ran, hoping for assylum?

Seriously, get the fuck out and try living over there. I lived in Italy for 2 years, take away the food, wine and good times and get down to the day to day stuff, it sucked.
i don't think you are insane.

most of you are disgustingly fat, however. :razz:

Stop looking through your monitor! BTW, those are some sexy pajamas. Did ya get them for Christmas?

Germany has a tax rate of 60%
They have little say.
Much of EU is in flames b/c they can't afford all the welfare

If you hate it here so so much, get the fuck out and don't let Lady Liberty kick you in the ass as you leave.

America is and always will be the greatest nation on earth.

Name some countries that have people risking certain death to get into.

Dead Mexicans are picked up on a regualr basis.
Ever meet a boat person from Cuba?
How about people from the shit holes of Africa that flee here.
How many Russians came here to do something then ran, hoping for assylum?

Seriously, get the fuck out and try living over there. I lived in Italy for 2 years, take away the food, wine and good times and get down to the day to day stuff, it sucked.

So, suggesting we might could learn from other nations is so unpatriotic you think I should be ejected, Two Thumbs?

"America is and always will be the greatest nation on earth."


Every empire in history has fallen, why should ours endure forever?
Many children are starving for a proper education, discipline and job prospects after school.
Germany has a tax rate of 60%
They have little say.
Much of EU is in flames b/c they can't afford all the welfare

If you hate it here so so much, get the fuck out and don't let Lady Liberty kick you in the ass as you leave.

America is and always will be the greatest nation on earth.

Name some countries that have people risking certain death to get into.

Dead Mexicans are picked up on a regualr basis.
Ever meet a boat person from Cuba?
How about people from the shit holes of Africa that flee here.
How many Russians came here to do something then ran, hoping for assylum?

Seriously, get the fuck out and try living over there. I lived in Italy for 2 years, take away the food, wine and good times and get down to the day to day stuff, it sucked.

So, suggesting we might could learn from other nations is so unpatriotic you think I should be ejected, Two Thumbs?


Nope, I think you should be ejected for linking to AlterNet. :tongue:
Last edited:
Germany has a tax rate of 60%
They have little say.
Much of EU is in flames b/c they can't afford all the welfare

If you hate it here so so much, get the fuck out and don't let Lady Liberty kick you in the ass as you leave.

America is and always will be the greatest nation on earth.

Name some countries that have people risking certain death to get into.

Dead Mexicans are picked up on a regualr basis.
Ever meet a boat person from Cuba?
How about people from the shit holes of Africa that flee here.
How many Russians came here to do something then ran, hoping for assylum?

Seriously, get the fuck out and try living over there. I lived in Italy for 2 years, take away the food, wine and good times and get down to the day to day stuff, it sucked.

So, suggesting we might could learn from other nations is so unpatriotic you think I should be ejected, Two Thumbs?


Ejected? No. We are Americans and should be proud. We built the greatest nation the world has ever seen and we did it in a few hundred years. The EU has had thousands of years to get it right and you are pointing to now as a reason to dump freedom of socialism.

I invited you to leave. Since you don't like it here. Why tolerate it? Why risk failure when a nanny state can make it so you don't even have to try? Just look at the vast number of success stories from people that were born on welfare.. Do you know of any?

So please leave and let a suffer with our freedoms.

I'll take freedom, warts and all, over being any governments bitch any time.
Germany has a tax rate of 60%
They have little say.
Much of EU is in flames b/c they can't afford all the welfare

If you hate it here so so much, get the fuck out and don't let Lady Liberty kick you in the ass as you leave.

America is and always will be the greatest nation on earth.

Name some countries that have people risking certain death to get into.

Dead Mexicans are picked up on a regualr basis.
Ever meet a boat person from Cuba?
How about people from the shit holes of Africa that flee here.
How many Russians came here to do something then ran, hoping for assylum?

Seriously, get the fuck out and try living over there. I lived in Italy for 2 years, take away the food, wine and good times and get down to the day to day stuff, it sucked.

So, suggesting we might could learn from other nations is so unpatriotic you think I should be ejected, Two Thumbs?


Ejected? No. We are Americans and should be proud. We built the greatest nation the world has ever seen and we did it in a few hundred years. The EU has had thousands of years to get it right and you are pointing to now as a reason to dump freedom of socialism.

I invited you to leave. Since you don't like it here. Why tolerate it? Why risk failure when a nanny state can make it so you don't even have to try? Just look at the vast number of success stories from people that were born on welfare.. Do you know of any?

So please leave and let a suffer with our freedoms.

I'll take freedom, warts and all, over being any governments bitch any time.

So, IYO, the Germans have no freedom?

Good to know.

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