The ghost of Terry Schindler

Any Hospice nurse will tell you that people sometimes deprive themselves of food toward the end of their lives, it's not a bad way to go. You just drift away. As for Terry Schaiver, she was brain dead and had no clue what was going on anyway. The reason she was in that condition was that she deprived herself of food/nutrition that she needed to survive anyway.
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Why did she have to die?
Because that's what she wanted. When have you ever heard someone say, "if I'm a vegetable, keep me going forever"? Her husband acted heroically for years, but in the end gave in to her wishes as only he would know them. If there's anything to be learned from the situation , it's get a living will.

Oh bite me on Michael. I want to bazooka barf over that son of a bitch.

Holy fuck lady, sober up and reread your posts, you sound completely unhinged. You can't even put a simple sentence together, you're damning everyone to hell claiming people were celebrating her death and it's obvious you can't even understand the concept that her brain was less stable than a bowl of jello.

Kiss my ass buddy.

The left was not only celebrating the ruling to kill her they were doing cartwheels to kill her.

The whole situation was sad and when it was finally over it was a relief, not a celebration. Of course, let's keep this in context, nobody here knew her personally, stop acting like you were her best friend, sober up and stop damning people to hell or whatever the fuck your point is.

At the time I was really into crime websites. Always loved a good murder and hooked on Perry Mason oldies but goldies. This case was awesome. You have a wife going down a lot of money at stake. A devoted husband until he fell in love with one of his wife's nurses. Wanting the insurance money. Need I say more?
Any Hospice nurse will tell you that people sometimes deprive themselves of food toward the end of their lives, it's not a bad way to go. You just drift away. As for Terry Shriver, she was brain dead and had no clue what was going on anyway. The reason she was in that condition was that she deprived herself of food/nutrition that she needed to survive anyway.

Sarah that's how they killed her. Not her choice.This was a Judges ruling that she was to be deprived of food and water till she died.
Why did she have to die?
Because that's what she wanted. When have you ever heard someone say, "if I'm a vegetable, keep me going forever"? Her husband acted heroically for years, but in the end gave in to her wishes as only he would know them. If there's anything to be learned from the situation , it's get a living will.

Oh bite me on Michael. I want to bazooka barf over that son of a bitch.

Holy fuck lady, sober up and reread your posts, you sound completely unhinged. You can't even put a simple sentence together, you're damning everyone to hell claiming people were celebrating her death and it's obvious you can't even understand the concept that her brain was less stable than a bowl of jello.

Kiss my ass buddy.

The left was not only celebrating the ruling to kill her they were doing cartwheels to kill her.
You’re wrong and a liar – again, no surprise there.

No, it was the social right who willfully ignored facts of science and medicine, who propagated the lie that Schiavo was ‘alive,’ and would be able to ‘recover,’ seeking to use government to interfere with the right of the family to decide what was best.

Someone already dead can’t be ‘killed’ or ‘murdered,’ but most conservatives didn’t care about that fact, they cared solely about using the tragedy to advance their wrongheaded political agenda.
On March 31, 2005, Terri Schindler Schiavo died of marked dehydration following more than 13 days without nutrition or hydration under the order of Circuit Court Judge, George W. Greer of the Pinellas-Pasco's Sixth Judicial Court. Terri was 41.

Terri's Story
Because that's what she wanted. When have you ever heard someone say, "if I'm a vegetable, keep me going forever"? Her husband acted heroically for years, but in the end gave in to her wishes as only he would know them. If there's anything to be learned from the situation , it's get a living will.

Oh bite me on Michael. I want to bazooka barf over that son of a bitch.

Holy fuck lady, sober up and reread your posts, you sound completely unhinged. You can't even put a simple sentence together, you're damning everyone to hell claiming people were celebrating her death and it's obvious you can't even understand the concept that her brain was less stable than a bowl of jello.

Kiss my ass buddy.

The left was not only celebrating the ruling to kill her they were doing cartwheels to kill her.

The whole situation was sad and when it was finally over it was a relief, not a celebration. Of course, let's keep this in context, nobody here knew her personally, stop acting like you were her best friend, sober up and stop damning people to hell or whatever the fuck your point is.

At the time I was really into crime websites. Always loved a good murder and hooked on Perry Mason oldies but goldies. This case was awesome. You have a wife going down a lot of money at stake. A devoted husband until he fell in love with one of his wife's nurses. Wanting the insurance money. Need I say more?

Need you say more? No, you just love a good murder and Perry Mason influenced your thinking of the Schiavo court case. How could you possibly have anything else worth adding?
Any Hospice nurse will tell you that people sometimes deprive themselves of food toward the end of their lives, it's not a bad way to go. You just drift away. As for Terry Schaivo, she was brain dead and had no clue what was going on anyway. The reason she was in that condition was that she deprived herself of food/nutrition that she needed to survive anyway.

Sarah that's how they killed her. Not her choice.This was a Judges ruling that she was to be deprived of food and water till she died.
She was in that condition because she deprived herself. She had an eating disorder and was all screwed up inside. Brain dead in the end.
Why did she have to die?
Because that's what she wanted. When have you ever heard someone say, "if I'm a vegetable, keep me going forever"? Her husband acted heroically for years, but in the end gave in to her wishes as only he would know them. If there's anything to be learned from the situation , it's get a living will.

Oh bite me on Michael. I want to bazooka barf over that son of a bitch.

Holy fuck lady, sober up and reread your posts, you sound completely unhinged. You can't even put a simple sentence together, you're damning everyone to hell claiming people were celebrating her death and it's obvious you can't even understand the concept that her brain was less stable than a bowl of jello.

Kiss my ass buddy.

The left was not only celebrating the ruling to kill her they were doing cartwheels to kill her.
You’re wrong and a liar – again, no surprise there.

No, it was the social right who willfully ignored facts of science and medicine, who propagated the lie that Schiavo was ‘alive,’ and would be able to ‘recover,’ seeking to use government to interfere with the right of the family to decide what was best.

Someone already dead can’t be ‘killed’ or ‘murdered,’ but most conservatives didn’t care about that fact, they cared solely about using the tragedy to advance their wrongheaded political agenda.

So living and breathing means you aren't alive? Special. Seriously. I wish you the worst because you are nothing short of fucking evil.
Any Hospice nurse will tell you that people sometimes deprive themselves of food toward the end of their lives, it's not a bad way to go. You just drift away. As for Terry Schaivo, she was brain dead and had no clue what was going on anyway. The reason she was in that condition was that she deprived herself of food/nutrition that she needed to survive anyway.

Sarah that's how they killed her. Not her choice.This was a Judges ruling that she was to be deprived of food and water till she died.
She was in that condition because she deprived herself. She had an eating disorder and was all screwed up inside. Brain dead in the end.

Prove it Sarah. Do it. Prove that Terri did this to herself.
Now her parents were willing to foot the bill to keep her alive. But Mikey wanted her dead.

Anyone have an issue will keeping some one alive?
Why do people that profess to be believers in 'god' and 'heaven' carry on as if this woman's death was the end of something.

Wouldn't they all be happy she is in eternal bliss now without her affliction? It's like cons who berate the President for not sending in troops to the middle east and when one gets killed there berate him for that.

These people have no foundation and don't know what they believe, other than they are AGAINST something or someone, and at any given moment they will hold any given opinion as long as that opinion is AGAINST.

Leave the poor woman to rest. Leave the 4 dead in Ben Gassy to rest as well you f#$king ghouls.
Oh bite me on Michael. I want to bazooka barf over that son of a bitch.

Holy fuck lady, sober up and reread your posts, you sound completely unhinged. You can't even put a simple sentence together, you're damning everyone to hell claiming people were celebrating her death and it's obvious you can't even understand the concept that her brain was less stable than a bowl of jello.

Kiss my ass buddy.

The left was not only celebrating the ruling to kill her they were doing cartwheels to kill her.

The whole situation was sad and when it was finally over it was a relief, not a celebration. Of course, let's keep this in context, nobody here knew her personally, stop acting like you were her best friend, sober up and stop damning people to hell or whatever the fuck your point is.

At the time I was really into crime websites. Always loved a good murder and hooked on Perry Mason oldies but goldies. This case was awesome. You have a wife going down a lot of money at stake. A devoted husband until he fell in love with one of his wife's nurses. Wanting the insurance money. Need I say more?

Need you say more? No, you just love a good murder and Perry Mason influenced your thinking of the Schiavo court case. How could you possibly have anything else worth adding?

Mikey made a profit.
Why do people that profess to be believers in 'god' and 'heaven' carry on as if this woman's death was the end of something.

Wouldn't they all be happy she is in eternal bliss now without her affliction? It's like cons who berate the President for not sending in troops to the middle east and when one gets killed there berate him for that.

These people have no foundation and don't know what they believe, other than they are AGAINST something or someone, and at any given moment they will hold any given opinion as long as that opinion is AGAINST.

Leave the poor woman to rest. Leave the 4 dead in Ben Gassy to rest as well you f#$king ghouls.

It's the witnessing of starving a woman to death for a political show.

Pisses me clean off. Just gets under my skin you know. Something about starving a woman to death and depriving her of water till she dies UNDER A JUDGES ORDER IN FUCKING AMERICA you know well doesn't sit well with me.
Any Hospice nurse will tell you that people sometimes deprive themselves of food toward the end of their lives, it's not a bad way to go. You just drift away. As for Terry Schaivo, she was brain dead and had no clue what was going on anyway. The reason she was in that condition was that she deprived herself of food/nutrition that she needed to survive anyway.

Sarah that's how they killed her. Not her choice.This was a Judges ruling that she was to be deprived of food and water till she died.
She was in that condition because she deprived herself. She had an eating disorder and was all screwed up inside. Brain dead in the end.

Prove it Sarah. Do it. Prove that Terri did this to herself.
Eating Disorder At Root of Terri Schiavo Case

NEW YORK — Beneath all of the controversy surrounding the Terri Schiavo case is an important detail about what brought on her condition in the first place: complications from an eating disorder that caused heart failure and led to severe brain damage.
Schiavo's case is tragic for innumerable reasons, but it should also serve as a wake-up call that eating disorders can have serious, sometimes fatal consequences.

Robert Bazell, NBC News’ chief science correspondent, explains the dangers of eating disorders and why Schiavo's case should be a cautionary tale to many.
How is it that an eating disorder can lead to heart failure and, in the extreme case of Schiavo, a vegetative state?

Well, fortunately, it is very rare that this can happen. But when people have bulimia, which is what Terri Schiavo is reported to have had, people eat large amounts and then purge themselves by either vomiting or using laxatives extensively.

Eating disorder at rootof Terri Schiavo case

You've got to tell the truth, or these discussions mean nothing, tinydancer.
You should be slapped across the face for that

I know the territory. I know it very well.
I've said terrible things to people. Including "go to hell." Which I don't really mean of course.

But I've never hoped someone actually gets damned to hell and you should be ashamed for doing so.

No shame whatsoever. I fought for her life.

For those of you who cheered her death I hope that you not only get the down shift to hell. I hope you burn for what you did to this poor baby.
In all the ways that matter, she was dead before she hit the floor. Be an adult, and get your emotions under control.

I wouldn't cull a pup of mine this way.

Tell me how she didn't suffer.

Can't wait.
No higher brain function, no pain, and her brain was toast, literally, as they found after her autopsy. She was long gone, and if people like you get the hell out of the way, we could have ended her life humanely, with an injection.
Damn you to hell people when you do not understand you killed her.
You should be slapped across the face for that

Run that by me one more time.

We allowed Terri to die in front of us We starved to death a woman. We killed her. Actively. We refused to give her water or food. Because some whacked out judge said she had to die.

Why did she have to die?
Wrong again, as usual.

She died of massive, irreversible brain damage so comprehensive that it left her blind and in a persistent vegetative state – brain dead.

Consequently Bush and others on the reprehensible right sought to keep a corpse ‘alive’ in an effort to pursue their wrongheaded agenda hostile to privacy rights.

She died because we deprived her of food and water.
She was dead long before that...
Why did she have to die?
Because that's what she wanted. When have you ever heard someone say, "if I'm a vegetable, keep me going forever"? Her husband acted heroically for years, but in the end gave in to her wishes as only he would know them. If there's anything to be learned from the situation , it's get a living will.

Oh bite me on Michael. I want to bazooka barf over that son of a bitch.

Holy fuck lady, sober up and reread your posts, you sound completely unhinged. You can't even put a simple sentence together, you're damning everyone to hell claiming people were celebrating her death and it's obvious you can't even understand the concept that her brain was less stable than a bowl of jello.

Kiss my ass buddy.

The left was not only celebrating the ruling to kill her they were doing cartwheels to kill her.
The ruling was correct. Your spouse gets to make the call when you have not or cannot.
The law ordered the death of Terry Schindler.

Jeb Bush can put on a big act like he did everything he could, but the bottom line is he failed.

Republican voters are no longer interested in politicians that fail.

Jeb Bush, nope.
Just who in the hell are you talking about? This person maybe? Terri Schiavo case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you know what it is like to die drop by drop?
Do you?

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