'The Giver' Slams Leftwing Totalitarianism via Metaphor (and a great movie too)


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Saw it today and it was GREAT; going to see it again ASAP.

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Care to argue how the totalitarian regime was left-wing?

The Left is totalitarian. Most everything they do is to advance a communitarian vision. You are forced to comply. They want universal health care. You can't have universal health care if you allow people to exercise liberty and refuse to join.

Look at what happened with Hobby Lobby - the left went apeshit at the prospect of people exercising religious liberty.

Look at the bakers and photographers FORCED to associate with homosexuals when they have clearly expressed their desire NOT TO ASSOCIATE. Forcing people to associate with those who they wish to steer clear of is totalitarianism. Liberty is allowing people to control their own lives.

Look at how the Left regulates people's rights to free speech:

Within days after the hearing, the two were found guilty of all charges, placed on probation, and ordered on threat of suspension to undergo “Bias Reduction Training.”

Even the punishment - Bias Reduction Training is Totalitarian - it imposes one school of thought on these two students - the students MUST THINK a certain way or they're suspended.

Liberals should own their totalitarianism rather than playing innocent and coy.
I think Lois Lowry would be very surprised to hear that you think her dystopian society was "left wing".
I think Lois Lowry would be very surprised to hear that you think her dystopian society was "left wing".

I have a very vague recollection of the plot, so excuse me if I'm missing something but isn't the central governing principle here that of a ruling elite making the best decisions for the masses because the masses can't be trusted to make the best decisions in their own lives?

This is exactly what drives modern liberalism - take a smart liberal, put him in a position of power, give him legal and governmental tools to use and he'll make the best decisions for society.

A top aide to Liberal Leader Paul Martin apologized on Sunday shortly after suggesting on national television that Canadians might spend child-care money on beer and popcorn.

Scott Reid, Martin's director of communications, was attacking a Conservative plan to give families of young children $1,200 a year for child care.

"Don't give people 25 bucks a week to blow on beer and popcorn," Reid said during a panel discussion on CBC News: Sunday. "Give them child-care spaces that work. Stephen Harper's plan has nothing to do with child care."

The Conservative on the panel called the comment "an insult," and said it proves that the Liberals don't trust families to make their own choices about what's best for their children.​
Totalitarianism is totalitarianism; it is the point where fascism & communism, in practice, MEET.
Care to argue how the totalitarian regime was left-wing?

The Left is totalitarian. Most everything they do is to advance a communitarian vision. You are forced to comply. They want universal health care. You can't have universal health care if you allow people to exercise liberty and refuse to join.

Look at what happened with Hobby Lobby - the left went apeshit at the prospect of people exercising religious liberty.

Look at the bakers and photographers FORCED to associate with homosexuals when they have clearly expressed their desire NOT TO ASSOCIATE. Forcing people to associate with those who they wish to steer clear of is totalitarianism. Liberty is allowing people to control their own lives.

Look at how the Left regulates people's rights to free speech:

Within days after the hearing, the two were found guilty of all charges, placed on probation, and ordered on threat of suspension to undergo “Bias Reduction Training.”

Even the punishment - Bias Reduction Training is Totalitarian - it imposes one school of thought on these two students - the students MUST THINK a certain way or they're suspended.

Liberals should own their totalitarianism rather than playing innocent and coy.

businesses aren't people.

When you say your business is selling wedding cakes or dresses, then you have to sell wedding cakes or dresses.

When you say, "Your employment here includes health coverage", then you have to provide health coverage.
Care to argue how the totalitarian regime was left-wing?

The Left is totalitarian. Most everything they do is to advance a communitarian vision. You are forced to comply. They want universal health care. You can't have universal health care if you allow people to exercise liberty and refuse to join.

Look at what happened with Hobby Lobby - the left went apeshit at the prospect of people exercising religious liberty.

Look at the bakers and photographers FORCED to associate with homosexuals when they have clearly expressed their desire NOT TO ASSOCIATE. Forcing people to associate with those who they wish to steer clear of is totalitarianism. Liberty is allowing people to control their own lives.

Look at how the Left regulates people's rights to free speech:

Within days after the hearing, the two were found guilty of all charges, placed on probation, and ordered on threat of suspension to undergo “Bias Reduction Training.”

Even the punishment - Bias Reduction Training is Totalitarian - it imposes one school of thought on these two students - the students MUST THINK a certain way or they're suspended.

Liberals should own their totalitarianism rather than playing innocent and coy.

No individual, state, nor Federal entity FORCES any individual to run a PUBLIC business. Health regulations may be against an owner's "beliefs", rat droppings in the soup will still subject the owner to sanctions.
the left believes in concentrating more and more,power in the hands of a central government...for the good of society...

Communism, and fascism are simply two sides of the socialist coin...and examples,of left wing governance...

the American Right (conservatives, libertarians, tea party) believes in limiting the power of the central government as much as possible so that individuals can make decisions for their own good, and as a side benefit, all of society prospers...

Wherever the lefts,beliefs about centralizing power gain control, horrors follow...see Germany 1930s, Russia 1917...and any modern American city where democrats have been in total control for decades...

this,recent column explains this quite well...


The more progressive the city, the worse a place it is to be poor and/or black. The most pronounced economic inequality in the United States is not in some Republican redoubt in Texas but in San Francisco, an extraordinarily expensive city in which half of all black households make do with less than $25,000 a year. Blacks in San Francisco are arrested on drug felonies at ten times their share of the general population. At 6 percent of the population, they represent 40 percent of those arrested for homicides. Whether you believe that that is the result of a racially biased criminal-justice system or the result of higher crime incidence related to socioeconomic conditions within black communities (or some combination of those factors) what is undeniable is that results for black Americans are far worse in our most progressive, Democrat-dominated cities than they are elsewhere. The progressives have had the run of things for a generation in these cities, and the results are precisely what you see.
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Saw it today and it was GREAT; going to see it again ASAP.


Looks like another of the string of movies currently coming along, that speak to the lies common to the mind set Eugenics. Which, as you know is the socialist notion that science has all the answers and purely because the 'know this', they're smarter than everyone else, and that THAT means they should have the authority to tell everyone else how to live.
Care to argue how the totalitarian regime was left-wing?

The Left is totalitarian. Most everything they do is to advance a communitarian vision. You are forced to comply. They want universal health care. You can't have universal health care if you allow people to exercise liberty and refuse to join.

Look at what happened with Hobby Lobby - the left went apeshit at the prospect of people exercising religious liberty.

Look at the bakers and photographers FORCED to associate with homosexuals when they have clearly expressed their desire NOT TO ASSOCIATE. Forcing people to associate with those who they wish to steer clear of is totalitarianism. Liberty is allowing people to control their own lives.

Look at how the Left regulates people's rights to free speech:

Within days after the hearing, the two were found guilty of all charges, placed on probation, and ordered on threat of suspension to undergo “Bias Reduction Training.”

Even the punishment - Bias Reduction Training is Totalitarian - it imposes one school of thought on these two students - the students MUST THINK a certain way or they're suspended.

Liberals should own their totalitarianism rather than playing innocent and coy.

No individual, state, nor Federal entity FORCES any individual to run a PUBLIC business. Health regulations may be against an owner's "beliefs", rat droppings in the soup will still subject the owner to sanctions.

The uninitiated may not recognize the patented Straw-argument employed by the Left. Above you see it in the form of "Businesses drop feces in your soup and you need Government to stop it".

When in reality, you need only people of strong character, living their lives on a soundly reasoned, sustainable morality. Which is part and parcel of objective reasoning, which is vehemently opposed by the Ideological Left.

In truth, legitimate governance serves justice and socialism opposes all of the essential elements required for such.
I just found this piece today and it explains why the government in The Giver is left wing, not right...

The Evolution of Liberalism | Young Americans for Liberty

ut American progressivism’s rejection of the classical liberal tradition of limited government would really get its start with Democratic President Woodrow Wilson, who welcomed the notion that society could be successfully planned by the political elite with open arms
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Care to argue how the totalitarian regime was left-wing?

The Left is totalitarian. Most everything they do is to advance a communitarian vision. You are forced to comply. They want universal health care. You can't have universal health care if you allow people to exercise liberty and refuse to join.

Look at what happened with Hobby Lobby - the left went apeshit at the prospect of people exercising religious liberty.

Look at the bakers and photographers FORCED to associate with homosexuals when they have clearly expressed their desire NOT TO ASSOCIATE. Forcing people to associate with those who they wish to steer clear of is totalitarianism. Liberty is allowing people to control their own lives.

Look at how the Left regulates people's rights to free speech:

Within days after the hearing, the two were found guilty of all charges, placed on probation, and ordered on threat of suspension to undergo “Bias Reduction Training.”

Even the punishment - Bias Reduction Training is Totalitarian - it imposes one school of thought on these two students - the students MUST THINK a certain way or they're suspended.

Liberals should own their totalitarianism rather than playing innocent and coy.

businesses aren't people.

When you say your business is selling wedding cakes or dresses, then you have to sell wedding cakes or dresses.

When you say, "Your employment here includes health coverage", then you have to provide health coverage.

A 'Business', is a PERSON or PERSONS freely engaging in the exchange of goods and services, to the mutual profit of both parties.

Business does not exist in the exclusion of a person or persons.

The notion that a business is NOT a person, is a form of the hysteria OKA: Relativism. It's purpose is to rationalize away the principles in nature that sustain viability.

Thus where you find such, you will find either an individual or a culture, in decline.
I just found this piece today and it explains why the government in The Giver is left wing, not right...

The Evolution of Liberalism | Young Americans for Liberty

ut American progressivism’s rejection of the classical liberal tradition of limited government would really get its start with Democratic President Woodrow Wilson, who welcomed the notion that society could be successfully planned by the political elite with open arms

Absolutely. Wilson was a Eugenicist... believing to the depths of his hollow soul that "SCIENCE!" presented the means to cure all of humanities problems.

Which is of course utter nonsense. As science has no potential means to cure the soul, which is readily corruptible and Eugenics doesn't so much as recognize the existence of the soul.

Now, you will find that the actors and producers of this film are incapable of understanding what they are portraying, but the evil of such a state is purely, wholly, solely... a function of the Ideological Left.
The trailer does not suggest the movie is very faithful to the book. In the book, one of the goals of establishing 'the community' was to make everyone the same. That's why it's such a big deal that the Giver has blue-ish eyes and that his friend has red hair. Sort of Harrison Bergeron-esque.

Seems pretty leftist to me.
The trailer does not suggest the movie is very faithful to the book. In the book, one of the goals of establishing 'the community' was to make everyone the same. That's why it's such a big deal that the Giver has blue-ish eyes and that his friend has red hair. Sort of Harrison Bergeron-esque.

Seems pretty leftist to me.

Classic Marxist utopianism, established through the effective use of high science; OKA: Eugenics.
I think Lois Lowry would be very surprised to hear that you think her dystopian society was "left wing".

MOST leftwing fascist are surprised by reality, especially how their fantasies map to actual reality...constant surprise one might say.
Care to argue how the totalitarian regime was left-wing?

The Left is totalitarian. Most everything they do is to advance a communitarian vision. You are forced to comply. They want universal health care. You can't have universal health care if you allow people to exercise liberty and refuse to join.

Look at what happened with Hobby Lobby - the left went apeshit at the prospect of people exercising religious liberty.

Look at the bakers and photographers FORCED to associate with homosexuals when they have clearly expressed their desire NOT TO ASSOCIATE. Forcing people to associate with those who they wish to steer clear of is totalitarianism. Liberty is allowing people to control their own lives.

Look at how the Left regulates people's rights to free speech:

Within days after the hearing, the two were found guilty of all charges, placed on probation, and ordered on threat of suspension to undergo “Bias Reduction Training.”

Even the punishment - Bias Reduction Training is Totalitarian - it imposes one school of thought on these two students - the students MUST THINK a certain way or they're suspended.

Liberals should own their totalitarianism rather than playing innocent and coy.

No individual, state, nor Federal entity FORCES any individual to run a PUBLIC business. Health regulations may be against an owner's "beliefs", rat droppings in the soup will still subject the owner to sanctions.

But there is still a fine line between reasonable regulation as opposed to states choking business to the point that they cannot stay in business without the patronization of a Democrat in power. And that is the model that the Dems follow on almost everything from the ACA to the Wetlands Act. They use it to put those who donate to the political opposition out of business.

I have a right to eat food, and the government has the right to regulate food industry, but when it becomes impossible to eat without the governments permission one has crossed that fine line between reasonable regulation to fascist totalitarianism.
The Left is totalitarian. Most everything they do is to advance a communitarian vision. You are forced to comply. They want universal health care. You can't have universal health care if you allow people to exercise liberty and refuse to join.

Look at what happened with Hobby Lobby - the left went apeshit at the prospect of people exercising religious liberty.

Look at the bakers and photographers FORCED to associate with homosexuals when they have clearly expressed their desire NOT TO ASSOCIATE. Forcing people to associate with those who they wish to steer clear of is totalitarianism. Liberty is allowing people to control their own lives.

Look at how the Left regulates people's rights to free speech:

Within days after the hearing, the two were found guilty of all charges, placed on probation, and ordered on threat of suspension to undergo “Bias Reduction Training.”

Even the punishment - Bias Reduction Training is Totalitarian - it imposes one school of thought on these two students - the students MUST THINK a certain way or they're suspended.

Liberals should own their totalitarianism rather than playing innocent and coy.

businesses aren't people.

When you say your business is selling wedding cakes or dresses, then you have to sell wedding cakes or dresses.

When you say, "Your employment here includes health coverage", then you have to provide health coverage.

A 'Business', is a PERSON or PERSONS freely engaging in the exchange of goods and services, to the mutual profit of both parties.

Business does not exist in the exclusion of a person or persons.

The notion that a business is NOT a person, is a form of the hysteria OKA: Relativism. It's purpose is to rationalize away the principles in nature that sustain viability.

Thus where you find such, you will find either an individual or a culture, in decline.

I can agree that businesses should be treated as people for economic rights, but do you think that hey should have ALL rights of a person? Say for example the right to vote? to serve on a jury?

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