'The Giver' Slams Leftwing Totalitarianism via Metaphor (and a great movie too)

So, as long as the victim is - for example - mute, sleeping, paralyzed, or just looking the other way at the moment murder is OK with you? Including if you were the target?

Makes about as much sense as any other fucking thing you've ever posted, idiot.

Guy, maybe instead of coming up with crazy analogies, you need to understand why women are scared of you.
Actually, The Giver is just another tiresome Hunger Games ripoff.

Because no one in Hollywood has an original idea.

Oh, 30% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.com.

It sucked.

Yeah, probably. I don't plan to see it. But I also don't want to let you divert attention away from the point of the thread.

Which is just how blind liberals can be to the totalitarian ambitions of their social agenda. Wanna talk about that?
Yeah, probably. I don't plan to see it. But I also don't want to let you divert attention away from the point of the thread.

Which is just how blind liberals can be to the totalitarian ambitions of their social agenda. Wanna talk about that?

Not really. I think both sides see their social agendas as a good.

The most totalitarian thing I've seen proposed as a social agenda is the right insisting that women should be forced to have babies they don't want because a magic sky fairy said so.

I think that's a lot more totalitarian than making you bake a wedding cake after you started a business baking wedding cakes.
Not really. I think both sides see their social agendas as a good.

The most totalitarian thing I've seen proposed as a social agenda is the right insisting that women should be forced to have babies they don't want because a magic sky fairy said so.

I think that's a lot more totalitarian than making you bake a wedding cake after you started a business baking wedding cakes.

So, essentially, "it's different when we do it."
Not really. I think both sides see their social agendas as a good.

The most totalitarian thing I've seen proposed as a social agenda is the right insisting that women should be forced to have babies they don't want because a magic sky fairy said so.

I think that's a lot more totalitarian than making you bake a wedding cake after you started a business baking wedding cakes.

You don't have to be religious to think that killing a baby in the womb is wrong and should be stopped...it is a human being after all...and it won't stop at cakes and photographers...freedom of worship will be the next step after that...the left can't stop...they have to control and you have to not only submit to it...you better get on board happily...or else...
You don't have to be religious to think that killing a baby in the womb is wrong and should be stopped...it is a human being after all...and it won't stop at cakes and photographers...freedom of worship will be the next step after that...the left can't stop...they have to control and you have to not only submit to it...you better get on board happily...or else...

I think there's a big difference between "I think it's wrong" and "Creating a theocratic police state to keep it from happening."

Cards on the table. Most women who have abortions have them because they exercised poor judgement. They had sex with a guy they knew wasn't good father material. But the kind of police state you would need to keep women from having abortions is not one any of us would really want to live under.

As for freedom of religion, please! We have a country full of religious crazy and if anything, we bend over backwards to accommodate it.

The reality is, homophobia is going to go the way of racism as culturally unacceptable, and the Churches will be all like, "We were never for that!" Kind of like they all like to pretend they didn't support Slavery up until Lincoln freed the slaves.

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