The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

You do suffer fools...and you are one.

The one size fits all thinking is the same bullshyt that got us us Obamacare. How does the federal government pretend to even know how to administer a program that covers 320,000,000 people with a huge spectrum of situations....all with a convoluted 2,000 page document.

You've already wiped out the options that 5 million people were exercising. Now, they are forced to another option many don't want.

And please, spare me the policies get cancelled all the time, horsecrap.

If that were the case, our Affirmate Action Moron would not have had to come out with his so called fix.

Yep, one size fits all is the liberal, authoritarian way.

Liberal and authoritarian are opposites.

What distinguishes liberalism from conservatism is solutions vs stasis. Action vs inaction. Building the future rather than longing for the past.

The reason that you don't know that is that you are a willing political puppet.

You'll accept anything that makes you feel informed, rather than take action to become informed.

The perfect stooge for those desperate for power that they lost due to incompetence.

I am sorry you can't accept responsibility for your own stupid posts and feel the need the deflect when caught in your own bullshyt.

I am much more informed than you could ever hope to be.

You and your one size fits all that is liberal...and action we don't need...or want.

BTW...the GOP owns the house and it's looking even better. So your wet dream of a disappearing GOP (the same one Chris Matthews had in 2008) will need to be washed from your underwear.

"I am much more informed than you could ever hope to be."

But what you are much more informed about is not the truth, but propaganda. It's been issued to you for a reason. Political power. In the hope that you will accept what you wish to be true rather than challenge it and think critically about it.

You are the perfect victim.
Liberal and authoritarian are opposites.

What distinguishes liberalism from conservatism is solutions vs stasis. Action vs inaction. Building the future rather than longing for the past.

The reason that you don't know that is that you are a willing political puppet.

You'll accept anything that makes you feel informed, rather than take action to become informed.

The perfect stooge for those desperate for power that they lost due to incompetence.

I am sorry you can't accept responsibility for your own stupid posts and feel the need the deflect when caught in your own bullshyt.

I am much more informed than you could ever hope to be.

You and your one size fits all that is liberal...and action we don't need...or want.

BTW...the GOP owns the house and it's looking even better. So your wet dream of a disappearing GOP (the same one Chris Matthews had in 2008) will need to be washed from your underwear.

"I am much more informed than you could ever hope to be."

But what you are much more informed about is not the truth, but propaganda. It's been issued to you for a reason. Political power. In the hope that you will accept what you wish to be true rather than challenge it and think critically about it.

You are the perfect victim.

Sorry, but propaganda to you is anything that kicks your ass in an argument. You've been leveled by it time and time again and (I give you credit) you can put your self-esteem on the back burner and continue to carry the flag for bullshyt in spite of the fact that the path you carry it down is headed for a cliff.

The only thing critical is the low level of brain waves you emit.
Mostly what comes across is your persistent desire to see people controlled by a central authority. You seem to have a really hard time accepting the fact that others don't necessarily see things as you do and don't share your preferences, and you seem all too eager to force your views on others through government.

Live and let live is a less predictable ethic, but it's more human. I hope some day you'll see that.

I hope that some day you'll offer something tangible. Something other than, if mankind does nothing, problems will go away. That all problems are the result of solutions rather than all solutions are the result of problems. If we stop solving problems, a miracle will occur.

It's the mark of humanity to solve problems rather than hope for better without effort.

The purpose of laws is to let responsible mankind live and let live. Laws only get in the way of the irresponsible and criminal.

Why you favor them is quite beyond me.


You mean like your opinions...on history, no less.

Your statement about laws is laughable. How do you have prohibition and not have prohibition...and have them both fit the same bill. TFM. :lol::lol::lol:

I should have published the Cliff Notes version for you.

All laws prohibit people from imposing on others what's best for them, but worse for the others.

People who don't so impose are not affected by those laws.

People who do so impose, because of the law, have consequences imposed by the law on them, so often decide to change their behavior rather than suffer the legal consequences.

Eighth grade civics.
That is just it peanut ... I have never told you how to think ... Or suggested anyone is better than anyone else.
If you don't like the way you come across to others when you describe what you think ... That is neither my fault nor my problem.

I find it more entertaining than a drag ... But that's just me I guess.
If a person thinks at all ... It is independent and conscience in as no one else is in your brain ... The problem is not enough people think about what they believe and disregard introspection as an useful tool.


I'm sure, that, like you, I come across differently to different people. I don't suffer fools gladly. I'm sure that that comes across. I hope so.

The brain is a terrible thing to waste and that's what dogma does. It's one size fits all thinking. Life is much more complex than that.

You do suffer fools...and you are one.

The one size fits all thinking is the same bullshyt that got us us Obamacare. How does the federal government pretend to even know how to administer a program that covers 320,000,000 people with a huge spectrum of situations....all with a convoluted 2,000 page document.

You've already wiped out the options that 5 million people were exercising. Now, they are forced to another option many don't want.

And please, spare me the policies get cancelled all the time, horsecrap.

If that were the case, our Affirmate Action Moron would not have had to come out with his so called fix.

Yep, one size fits all is the liberal, authoritarian way.

You defend your right to be ignorant intensely.

I have to go now, I'll address your propaganda attempt later.
I'm sure, that, like you, I come across differently to different people. I don't suffer fools gladly. I'm sure that that comes across. I hope so.

The brain is a terrible thing to waste and that's what dogma does. It's one size fits all thinking. Life is much more complex than that.

You do suffer fools...and you are one.

The one size fits all thinking is the same bullshyt that got us us Obamacare. How does the federal government pretend to even know how to administer a program that covers 320,000,000 people with a huge spectrum of situations....all with a convoluted 2,000 page document.

You've already wiped out the options that 5 million people were exercising. Now, they are forced to another option many don't want.

And please, spare me the policies get cancelled all the time, horsecrap.

If that were the case, our Affirmate Action Moron would not have had to come out with his so called fix.

Yep, one size fits all is the liberal, authoritarian way.

You defend your right to be ignorant intensely.

I have to go now, I'll address your propaganda attempt later.

Actually, I would prefer you not.

I am going to put you on ignore and you can do the same for me. In considering your contributions to threads here and other places, I find them to be a waste of time.
Liberal and authoritarian are opposites.

Yep... I couldn't agree more, historically at least. Even today, depending on who is using the term and what they mean by it. All of the core value of my political ideology have a liberal basis.
You do suffer fools...and you are one.

The one size fits all thinking is the same bullshyt that got us us Obamacare. How does the federal government pretend to even know how to administer a program that covers 320,000,000 people with a huge spectrum of situations....all with a convoluted 2,000 page document.

You've already wiped out the options that 5 million people were exercising. Now, they are forced to another option many don't want.

And please, spare me the policies get cancelled all the time, horsecrap.

If that were the case, our Affirmate Action Moron would not have had to come out with his so called fix.

Yep, one size fits all is the liberal, authoritarian way.

You defend your right to be ignorant intensely.

I have to go now, I'll address your propaganda attempt later.

Actually, I would prefer you not.

I am going to put you on ignore and you can do the same for me. In considering your contributions to threads here and other places, I find them to be a waste of time.

While I don't blame you for disengaging when faced with the inability to defend your dogma, I have no intention of doing that while you're on the run.

See, the problem isn't your inability to defend, the problem is that conservative dogma is indefensible. It's illegitimate in that it's based on only what benefits you, while it must be defended as what's best for the country. Impossible considering the country's actual experience with it. Even if you were fooled in the beginning as to it's potential, you have to be certifiably isolated from reality to deny its actual impact in America. We'll be paying for it for generations.

The fashion of conservatism has, in a relatively short time, destroyed American business, government and religion. The triple crown.

It will take our democracy a few election cycles before its hold on us is completely eradicated, but that's emanately doable.

Know that there is no need for you to agree or disagree with any of this. This is not a debate. Your agreement or disagreement is irrelevant. History is written by winners and you just were unable to achieve that.

Mine is a defensible prediction of the history of these times.
You defend your right to be ignorant intensely.

I have to go now, I'll address your propaganda attempt later.

Actually, I would prefer you not.

I am going to put you on ignore and you can do the same for me. In considering your contributions to threads here and other places, I find them to be a waste of time.

While I don't blame you for disengaging when faced with the inability to defend your dogma, I have no intention of doing that while you're on the run.

See, the problem isn't your inability to defend, the problem is that conservative dogma is indefensible. It's illegitimate in that it's based on only what benefits you, while it must be defended as what's best for the country. Impossible considering the country's actual experience with it. Even if you were fooled in the beginning as to it's potential, you have to be certifiably isolated from reality to deny its actual impact in America. We'll be paying for it for generations.

The fashion of conservatism has, in a relatively short time, destroyed American business, government and religion. The triple crown.

It will take our democracy a few election cycles before its hold on us is completely eradicated, but that's emanately doable.

Know that there is no need for you to agree or disagree with any of this. This is not a debate. Your agreement or disagreement is irrelevant. History is written by winners and you just were unable to achieve that.

Mine is a defensible prediction of the history of these times.

This from the retarded piece of shit that claims to be a republican.
Actually, I would prefer you not.

I am going to put you on ignore and you can do the same for me. In considering your contributions to threads here and other places, I find them to be a waste of time.

While I don't blame you for disengaging when faced with the inability to defend your dogma, I have no intention of doing that while you're on the run.

See, the problem isn't your inability to defend, the problem is that conservative dogma is indefensible. It's illegitimate in that it's based on only what benefits you, while it must be defended as what's best for the country. Impossible considering the country's actual experience with it. Even if you were fooled in the beginning as to it's potential, you have to be certifiably isolated from reality to deny its actual impact in America. We'll be paying for it for generations.

The fashion of conservatism has, in a relatively short time, destroyed American business, government and religion. The triple crown.

It will take our democracy a few election cycles before its hold on us is completely eradicated, but that's emanately doable.

Know that there is no need for you to agree or disagree with any of this. This is not a debate. Your agreement or disagreement is irrelevant. History is written by winners and you just were unable to achieve that.

Mine is a defensible prediction of the history of these times.

This from the retarded piece of shit that claims to be a republican.

Starkey redux. The neo-cons aren't really conservative or liberal in any traditionally American way. They're deeply authoritarian and see government as the be-all, end-all of human society. Ultimately, all they respect and desire is coercion, and fundamentally oppose the real liberal values of equality protection and individual liberty. They want government that "runs" society, much like a corporation runs a business, treating its citizens as resources and employees that must be utilized to achieve its ends.

I hope our nation wakes up to this threat before we lose control entirely.
Actually, I would prefer you not.

I am going to put you on ignore and you can do the same for me. In considering your contributions to threads here and other places, I find them to be a waste of time.

While I don't blame you for disengaging when faced with the inability to defend your dogma, I have no intention of doing that while you're on the run.

See, the problem isn't your inability to defend, the problem is that conservative dogma is indefensible. It's illegitimate in that it's based on only what benefits you, while it must be defended as what's best for the country. Impossible considering the country's actual experience with it. Even if you were fooled in the beginning as to it's potential, you have to be certifiably isolated from reality to deny its actual impact in America. We'll be paying for it for generations.

The fashion of conservatism has, in a relatively short time, destroyed American business, government and religion. The triple crown.

It will take our democracy a few election cycles before its hold on us is completely eradicated, but that's emanately doable.

Know that there is no need for you to agree or disagree with any of this. This is not a debate. Your agreement or disagreement is irrelevant. History is written by winners and you just were unable to achieve that.

Mine is a defensible prediction of the history of these times.

This from the retarded piece of shit that claims to be a republican.

Your eloquence is unparalleled.
While I don't blame you for disengaging when faced with the inability to defend your dogma, I have no intention of doing that while you're on the run.

See, the problem isn't your inability to defend, the problem is that conservative dogma is indefensible. It's illegitimate in that it's based on only what benefits you, while it must be defended as what's best for the country. Impossible considering the country's actual experience with it. Even if you were fooled in the beginning as to it's potential, you have to be certifiably isolated from reality to deny its actual impact in America. We'll be paying for it for generations.

The fashion of conservatism has, in a relatively short time, destroyed American business, government and religion. The triple crown.

It will take our democracy a few election cycles before its hold on us is completely eradicated, but that's emanately doable.

Know that there is no need for you to agree or disagree with any of this. This is not a debate. Your agreement or disagreement is irrelevant. History is written by winners and you just were unable to achieve that.

Mine is a defensible prediction of the history of these times.

This from the retarded piece of shit that claims to be a republican.

Starkey redux. The neo-cons aren't really conservative or liberal in any traditionally American way. They're deeply authoritarian and see government as the be-all, end-all of human society. Ultimately, all they respect and desire is coercion, and fundamentally oppose the real liberal values of equality protection and individual liberty. They want government that "runs" society, much like a corporation runs a business, treating its citizens as resources and employees that must be utilized to achieve its ends.

I hope our nation wakes up to this threat before we lose control entirely.

It's difficult to define neo-conservatism because their words and deeds are so disparate. The only thing common is wealth redistribution up, and, or should I say through, low taxes. Low spending is only popular when Democrats have power. When Republicans have power, massive spending comes back and massive deficits.

I think that you are right about them favoring military/corporate authoritarian organizational rigidity in government and society in general. Especially those whose opinions they feel are mandated by God.

All rationale for moving back to centrism, the governmental style that has been proven time and time again to be most effective.
While I don't blame you for disengaging when faced with the inability to defend your dogma, I have no intention of doing that while you're on the run.

See, the problem isn't your inability to defend, the problem is that conservative dogma is indefensible. It's illegitimate in that it's based on only what benefits you, while it must be defended as what's best for the country. Impossible considering the country's actual experience with it. Even if you were fooled in the beginning as to it's potential, you have to be certifiably isolated from reality to deny its actual impact in America. We'll be paying for it for generations.

The fashion of conservatism has, in a relatively short time, destroyed American business, government and religion. The triple crown.

It will take our democracy a few election cycles before its hold on us is completely eradicated, but that's emanately doable.

Know that there is no need for you to agree or disagree with any of this. This is not a debate. Your agreement or disagreement is irrelevant. History is written by winners and you just were unable to achieve that.

Mine is a defensible prediction of the history of these times.

This from the retarded piece of shit that claims to be a republican.

Starkey redux. The neo-cons aren't really conservative or liberal in any traditionally American way. They're deeply authoritarian and see government as the be-all, end-all of human society. Ultimately, all they respect and desire is coercion, and fundamentally oppose the real liberal values of equality protection and individual liberty. They want government that "runs" society, much like a corporation runs a business, treating its citizens as resources and employees that must be utilized to achieve its ends.

I hope our nation wakes up to this threat before we lose control entirely.

When you say "they want government" do think it is important to consider which level of government ?

I want the fed to be a corner office building in D.C.

I want my state doing most of the heavy lifting.

I want my county government addressing many issues that I don't want the fed touching.

As I look at smaller governments coercion becomes less a concern for me. I assume that as a local group we are all in touch with what we are doing.

While I tend to lean libertarian...I am not a total libertarian.
This from the retarded piece of shit that claims to be a republican.

Starkey redux. The neo-cons aren't really conservative or liberal in any traditionally American way. They're deeply authoritarian and see government as the be-all, end-all of human society. Ultimately, all they respect and desire is coercion, and fundamentally oppose the real liberal values of equality protection and individual liberty. They want government that "runs" society, much like a corporation runs a business, treating its citizens as resources and employees that must be utilized to achieve its ends.

I hope our nation wakes up to this threat before we lose control entirely.

When you say "they want government" do think it is important to consider which level of government ?

I want the fed to be a corner office building in D.C.

I want my state doing most of the heavy lifting.

I want my county government addressing many issues that I don't want the fed touching.

As I look at smaller governments coercion becomes less a concern for me. I assume that as a local group we are all in touch with what we are doing.

While I tend to lean libertarian...I am not a total libertarian.

Total libertarian does not equal anarchist, despite the strawman that's usually built. In any case, yeah, localized government is less threatening to liberty on the whole. But I think there is place for strong federal oversight of state government by the feds - especially regarding equal protection and basic civil liberties.
This from the retarded piece of shit that claims to be a republican.

Starkey redux. The neo-cons aren't really conservative or liberal in any traditionally American way. They're deeply authoritarian and see government as the be-all, end-all of human society. Ultimately, all they respect and desire is coercion, and fundamentally oppose the real liberal values of equality protection and individual liberty. They want government that "runs" society, much like a corporation runs a business, treating its citizens as resources and employees that must be utilized to achieve its ends.

I hope our nation wakes up to this threat before we lose control entirely.

When you say "they want government" do think it is important to consider which level of government ?

I want the fed to be a corner office building in D.C.

I want my state doing most of the heavy lifting.

I want my county government addressing many issues that I don't want the fed touching.

As I look at smaller governments coercion becomes less a concern for me. I assume that as a local group we are all in touch with what we are doing.

While I tend to lean libertarian...I am not a total libertarian.

"As I look at smaller governments coercion becomes less a concern for me."

All laws, at every level of government, contain specific specifications for coercion. What the consequences are for breaking the law. The punishment. In the absence of that, they are uninforcable. They would be powerless to change human behavior.

Speed on an Interstate Highway or a village street, there are similar consequences.

Most of us avoid those consequences completely by not breaking the law, because we believe that people should suffer consequences for criminal activity. All criminality imposes the criminals will on their victims. That needs to be strongly discouraged. We will only be free when there are no more victims of crime!

Why you are such an advocate for behavior defined as crime today is beyond me.

What are you plotting?
Starkey redux. The neo-cons aren't really conservative or liberal in any traditionally American way. They're deeply authoritarian and see government as the be-all, end-all of human society. Ultimately, all they respect and desire is coercion, and fundamentally oppose the real liberal values of equality protection and individual liberty. They want government that "runs" society, much like a corporation runs a business, treating its citizens as resources and employees that must be utilized to achieve its ends.

I hope our nation wakes up to this threat before we lose control entirely.

When you say "they want government" do think it is important to consider which level of government ?

I want the fed to be a corner office building in D.C.

I want my state doing most of the heavy lifting.

I want my county government addressing many issues that I don't want the fed touching.

As I look at smaller governments coercion becomes less a concern for me. I assume that as a local group we are all in touch with what we are doing.

While I tend to lean libertarian...I am not a total libertarian.

Total libertarian does not equal anarchist, despite the strawman that's usually built. In any case, yeah, localized government is less threatening to liberty on the whole. But I think there is place for strong federal oversight of state government by the feds - especially regarding equal protection and basic civil liberties.

I agree. And I don't find anarchist a dirty word....FYI.

I can't think of a time when the federal government protected "civil" liberties. Can you provide me an example of what you are talking about.
When you say "they want government" do think it is important to consider which level of government ?

I want the fed to be a corner office building in D.C.

I want my state doing most of the heavy lifting.

I want my county government addressing many issues that I don't want the fed touching.

As I look at smaller governments coercion becomes less a concern for me. I assume that as a local group we are all in touch with what we are doing.

While I tend to lean libertarian...I am not a total libertarian.

Total libertarian does not equal anarchist, despite the strawman that's usually built. In any case, yeah, localized government is less threatening to liberty on the whole. But I think there is place for strong federal oversight of state government by the feds - especially regarding equal protection and basic civil liberties.

I agree. And I don't find anarchist a dirty word....FYI.

I can't think of a time when the federal government protected "civil" liberties. Can you provide me an example of what you are talking about.

I can give you an example of something I'd like to see them take a more active role in. The fourteenth amendment stipulates that the states must extend equal protection of the law to all citizens. I think that's crucial to a free society. One of the dysfunctions of the federalist system is the built in incentive for states to 'compete' for investment from large companies and wealthy interests. That's not necessarily bad thing, but it leads to indulging a practice that, to me, is an obvious violation of equal protection and largely ignored by the federal government.

I'm talking about the special deals that states and local governments cut with businesses giving them special perks - tax abatements, tax-payer financed infrastructure support, etc... This is fundamentally unfair to all businesses - whether in direct competition with the target investors or not - who don't receive these perks.

It's now common for large businesses to 'shop' for the best deal from state and local government, essentially demanding these special perks. This creates a corrosive competition among the states, each racing to sacrifice equal protection in the name of attracting outside financial interests.

I'd like to see this, and other discriminatory tax and regulatory practices, abolished in the name of equality under the law - at all levels of government. That, to me, would be the proper use of federal power - ensuring that all the states are committed to a core cause of protecting our freedom consistently.

Another area where I think the feds productively oversee states is in protecting voter rights. In my view the political games played to manipulate voter representation (gerrymandering, voter id, etc....) are some of the ugliest and corrupt political shenanigans happening at the local level and it's proper for the feds to keep an eye on it.

There are other examples. Sadly, the federal government seems more interest in grabbing power that it can sell to corporate lobbyists.
Total libertarian does not equal anarchist, despite the strawman that's usually built. In any case, yeah, localized government is less threatening to liberty on the whole. But I think there is place for strong federal oversight of state government by the feds - especially regarding equal protection and basic civil liberties.

I agree. And I don't find anarchist a dirty word....FYI.

I can't think of a time when the federal government protected "civil" liberties. Can you provide me an example of what you are talking about.

I can give you an example of something I'd like to see them take a more active role in. The fourteenth amendment stipulates that the states must extend equal protection of the law to all citizens. I think that's crucial to a free society. One of the dysfunctions of the federalist system is the built in incentive for states to 'compete' for investment from large companies and wealthy interests. That's not necessarily bad thing, but it leads to indulging a practice that, to me, is an obvious violation of equal protection and largely ignored by the federal government.

I'm talking about the special deals that states and local governments cut with businesses giving them special perks - tax abatements, tax-payer financed infrastructure support, etc... This is fundamentally unfair to all businesses - whether in direct competition with the target investors or not - who don't receive these perks.

It's now common for large businesses to 'shop' for the best deal from state and local government, essentially demanding these special perks. This creates a corrosive competition among the states, each racing to sacrifice equal protection in the name of attracting outside financial interests.

I'd like to see this, and other discriminatory tax and regulatory practices, abolished in the name of equality under the law - at all levels of government. That, to me, would be the proper use of federal power - ensuring that all the states are committed to a core cause of protecting our freedom consistently.

Another area where I think the feds productively oversee states is in protecting voter rights. In my view the political games played to manipulate voter representation (gerrymandering, voter id, etc....) are some of the ugliest and corrupt political shenanigans happening at the local level and it's proper for the feds to keep an eye on it.

There are other examples. Sadly, the federal government seems more interest in grabbing power that it can sell to corporate lobbyists.

Thanks for the examples.

I won't agree with you on tax breaks, but I will say that the issue is worth examining.

On gerrymandering....If the fed wasn't such a f**king sink hole of money and power, nobody would give shyt about what those districts looked like anyway. You really think the federal government, the the collection of baboons we have in there right now, would do anything different ?
When you say "they want government" do think it is important to consider which level of government ?

I want the fed to be a corner office building in D.C.

I want my state doing most of the heavy lifting.

I want my county government addressing many issues that I don't want the fed touching.

As I look at smaller governments coercion becomes less a concern for me. I assume that as a local group we are all in touch with what we are doing.

While I tend to lean libertarian...I am not a total libertarian.

Total libertarian does not equal anarchist, despite the strawman that's usually built. In any case, yeah, localized government is less threatening to liberty on the whole. But I think there is place for strong federal oversight of state government by the feds - especially regarding equal protection and basic civil liberties.

I agree. And I don't find anarchist a dirty word....FYI.

I can't think of a time when the federal government protected "civil" liberties. Can you provide me an example of what you are talking about.

Civil Rights Act of 1866, extending the rights of emancipated slaves by stating that any person born in the United States regardless of race is a U.S. citizen. Overrode a veto by President Andrew Johnson.
Civil Rights Act of 1871, also known as the Ku Klux Klan Act, prohibiting ethnic violence against blacks.
Civil Rights Act of 1875, prohibiting discrimination in "public accommodations"; found unconstitutional in 1883 as Congress could not regulate conduct of individuals.
Civil Rights Act of 1957, establishing the Civil Rights Commission.
Civil Rights Act of 1960, establishing federal inspection of local voter registration polls.
Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin by federal and state governments as well as some public places.
Voting Rights Act of 1965.
Civil Rights Act of 1968, also known as the Fair Housing Act, prohibiting discrimination in sale, rental, and financing of housing based on race, creed, and national origin.
Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, sometimes known as the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1988 or the Grove City Bill, which specified that recipients of federal funds must comply with civil rights laws in all areas, not just in the particular program or activity that received federal funding. Overrode a veto by President Ronald Reagan.
Civil Rights Act of 1990, also known as the Kennedy-Hawkins Civil Rights Act, sought to protect job discrimination against minorities and women after six Supreme Court decisions the previous year made the burden of proof of discriminating hiring practices rest on the employee, not the employer. Vetoed by George H. W. Bush. Only Civil Rights Act to be successfully vetoed.
Civil Rights Act of 1991, providing the right to trial by jury on discrimination claims and introducing the possibility of emotional distress damages, while limiting the amount that a jury could award. It was a watered-down version of the Civil Rights Act of 1990.
I agree. And I don't find anarchist a dirty word....FYI.

I can't think of a time when the federal government protected "civil" liberties. Can you provide me an example of what you are talking about.

I can give you an example of something I'd like to see them take a more active role in. The fourteenth amendment stipulates that the states must extend equal protection of the law to all citizens. I think that's crucial to a free society. One of the dysfunctions of the federalist system is the built in incentive for states to 'compete' for investment from large companies and wealthy interests. That's not necessarily bad thing, but it leads to indulging a practice that, to me, is an obvious violation of equal protection and largely ignored by the federal government.

I'm talking about the special deals that states and local governments cut with businesses giving them special perks - tax abatements, tax-payer financed infrastructure support, etc... This is fundamentally unfair to all businesses - whether in direct competition with the target investors or not - who don't receive these perks.

It's now common for large businesses to 'shop' for the best deal from state and local government, essentially demanding these special perks. This creates a corrosive competition among the states, each racing to sacrifice equal protection in the name of attracting outside financial interests.

I'd like to see this, and other discriminatory tax and regulatory practices, abolished in the name of equality under the law - at all levels of government. That, to me, would be the proper use of federal power - ensuring that all the states are committed to a core cause of protecting our freedom consistently.

Another area where I think the feds productively oversee states is in protecting voter rights. In my view the political games played to manipulate voter representation (gerrymandering, voter id, etc....) are some of the ugliest and corrupt political shenanigans happening at the local level and it's proper for the feds to keep an eye on it.

There are other examples. Sadly, the federal government seems more interest in grabbing power that it can sell to corporate lobbyists.

Thanks for the examples.

I won't agree with you on tax breaks, but I will say that the issue is worth examining.

On gerrymandering....If the fed wasn't such a f**king sink hole of money and power, nobody would give shyt about what those districts looked like anyway. You really think the federal government, the the collection of baboons we have in there right now, would do anything different ?

Clearly you have no interest in civil rights. You are strictly a power hungry, disappointed in being held accountable for dismal political performance, when can we get our people back in control, white supremacist. A left over Civil War separatist longing for control over the real world that you don't like much.
I'm sure, we'll not too, that your opinion matters to someone. It's not me. If I let people like you tell me how to think, I'd be no better than them.

What a drag.

Once you've learned to think independently and critically, you can't go back.

That is just it peanut ... I have never told you how to think ... Or suggested anyone is better than anyone else.
If you don't like the way you come across to others when you describe what you think ... That is neither my fault nor my problem.

I find it more entertaining than a drag ... But that's just me I guess.
If a person thinks at all ... It is independent and conscience in as no one else is in your brain ... The problem is not enough people think about what they believe and disregard introspection as an useful tool.


You'll find that some peoples definition of critical thinking is their way of thinking.

To many people are fixated on just one thing. And it seems recently, it's all about the goodies.

To bad. But people have a rights and you certainly want to see them exercising them. You only hope they don't give them up by taking them for granted.

Hope you are having a good Christmas.

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