The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Federal level influence is only for the extreme wealthy. Local government can be bought very easily. That’s why the lower you go the more corruption you find.

That's the essence of states rights. Less oversight of government that is affordable for the lower wealthy class.

The lower you go the more corruption you find?


Ok go ahead and pretend that Solyndra and the auto bailout didn't happen. Was it necessary to screw over bondholders to give the UAW controlled entities massive ownership in GM?
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The real question for Obamacare is how many medical bankruptcies will be prevented and how much will be saved by more cost and health effective care for those who previously had no alternative to emergency rooms.

Many of those costs will not show up as insurance savings, but in other areas.

Other than that, Obamacare has no way to effect health care delivery or insurance costs. If anyone disagrees, post what specific Obamacare provision has any potential to impact the total spent on insurance which, with oop costs, is the total cost of health care.

Another real question is how many medical bankruptcies are being caused specifically because of the ACA and whether that is okay with proponents.

Is it okay to you that in order to cover some, others have to lose? If so, how does that make the system you support any better?
What is going to happen to the people who had coverage they were fine with
now being dropped and being forced to buy another plan with higher premiums
with high deductibles.

They will have to pay thousands of dollars before they will get any benefit from their plan...

The response from the left seems to be... tough shit.They are only a small percentage of the population.Like 5 million or so.

But they are up in arms about the fact that 1 million people who didn't get an extension for their UE benefits...

My answer to that....

Well my friends that's only a small percentage of the population.
How do you like that Libs...

Insurance companies are expert in assessing how much every benefit that they offer will cost over the time of their policies, and with their particular population of insureds. The premiums that they get cover those health care costs plus their administration.

If premiums go up, that means what they plan on paying out, is predicted to go up.

So when Obamacare tells insurance companies that they have to cover pre-existing conditions, for instance, they add to premiums what that will cost. That means that prior to ACA those costs were not being paid by insurance, but left for the insureds to cover. In some cases an acceptable alternative. However in more cases, that led to medical bankruptcies which left others to pay the costs.

So, whatever the average premium increase is due to ACA, it's not additional health care costs, but a switch in who pays them.

The only exception to that are costs savings from treating the poor in the mainstream health care system rather than emergency rooms.
Federal level influence is only for the extreme wealthy. Local government can be bought very easily. That’s why the lower you go the more corruption you find.

That's the essence of states rights. Less oversight of government that is affordable for the lower wealthy class.

The lower you go the more corruption you find?


Ok go ahead and pretend that Solyndra and the auto bailout didn't happen. Was it necessary to screw over bondholders to give the UAW controlled entities massive ownership in GM?

You're saying that saving General Motors and the millions of jobs that that represents was a poor investment?

What was your plan? Shoot the workers who would have lost their jobs?
The real question for Obamacare is how many medical bankruptcies will be prevented and how much will be saved by more cost and health effective care for those who previously had no alternative to emergency rooms.

Many of those costs will not show up as insurance savings, but in other areas.

Other than that, Obamacare has no way to effect health care delivery or insurance costs. If anyone disagrees, post what specific Obamacare provision has any potential to impact the total spent on insurance which, with oop costs, is the total cost of health care.

Another real question is how many medical bankruptcies are being caused specifically because of the ACA and whether that is okay with proponents.

Is it okay to you that in order to cover some, others have to lose? If so, how does that make the system you support any better?

Under what circumstances would ACA cause a medical bankruptcy?
What is going to happen to the people who had coverage they were fine with
now being dropped and being forced to buy another plan with higher premiums
with high deductibles.

They will have to pay thousands of dollars before they will get any benefit from their plan...

The response from the left seems to be... tough shit.They are only a small percentage of the population.Like 5 million or so.

But they are up in arms about the fact that 1 million people who didn't get an extension for their UE benefits...

My answer to that....

Well my friends that's only a small percentage of the population.
How do you like that Libs...

Insurance companies are expert in assessing how much every benefit that they offer will cost over the time of their policies, and with their particular population of insureds. The premiums that they get cover those health care costs plus their administration.

If premiums go up, that means what they plan on paying out, is predicted to go up.

So when Obamacare tells insurance companies that they have to cover pre-existing conditions, for instance, they add to premiums what that will cost. That means that prior to ACA those costs were not being paid by insurance, but left for the insureds to cover. In some cases an acceptable alternative. However in more cases, that led to medical bankruptcies which left others to pay the costs.

So, whatever the average premium increase is due to ACA, it's not additional health care costs, but a switch in who pays them.

The only exception to that are costs savings from treating the poor in the mainstream health care system rather than emergency rooms.

Proving that it is a Re-Distribution of wealth scheme by the Libs.

Denying those who lose their coverage due to the cost increases.

Manipulating data to understate the damage. Counting policy loses instead of the total number actually losing coverage. In my case 3 will lose coverage.

Denying the Economic impacts of said policy. Money circulation down, as more go into the health care system. Impact of increased prices on everything due to the employer mandated taxes that have been DELAYED PAST ELECTIONS.

The ACA, is mistitled. Should have been called Re-distribution of Wealth Health Care...............It was never about AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE............It's raising the rates on those who had coverage before. The Data Base alone has cost Health Care costs to go up as Doctors, and Hospitals have to hire new staff to enter the data into the RED TAPE MACHINE with 1,000's of new RIDICULOUS CODES.

Your BS law, has made the cost of treatment to go up rather than down. Fucking over those not in poverty. Making Health Insurance more expensive.............And you SIMPLY IGNORE THE DAMAGE to promote RE-DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH.

The Dems will NOT BE FORGIVEN for this. But the Dems think that it will not hurt them so much as the poverty ranges are getting more free stuff. Locking in their votes to the Machine.

Then later as this BS law implodes, the Gov't will say we have no other choice but to TAKE OVER.............And the HOLY GRAIL of SINGLE PAYER will be the ONLY ANSWER......................Which is the plan all along.

Purposely fucking over people like me for the plan............And LYING THEIR ASSES OFF ABOUT IT.

The Dems using the ASS as their MASCOT is FITTING...........NO.............
The real question for Obamacare is how many medical bankruptcies will be prevented and how much will be saved by more cost and health effective care for those who previously had no alternative to emergency rooms.

Many of those costs will not show up as insurance savings, but in other areas.

Other than that, Obamacare has no way to effect health care delivery or insurance costs. If anyone disagrees, post what specific Obamacare provision has any potential to impact the total spent on insurance which, with oop costs, is the total cost of health care.

Another real question is how many medical bankruptcies are being caused specifically because of the ACA and whether that is okay with proponents.

Is it okay to you that in order to cover some, others have to lose? If so, how does that make the system you support any better?

Well that's silly. There are none just because it exists. It will be some time before anyone will see the results.
Obamacare was to insure those that "weren't insured", what happened after that became an incredible disaster to obamacare. Oh, "period".
Obamacare was to insure those that "weren't insured", what happened after that became an incredible disaster to obamacare. Oh, "period".

The post obamacare world will have more uninsured than the pre-obamacare world.

Shit happens.
What is going to happen to the people who had coverage they were fine with
now being dropped and being forced to buy another plan with higher premiums
with high deductibles.

They will have to pay thousands of dollars before they will get any benefit from their plan...

The response from the left seems to be... tough shit.They are only a small percentage of the population.Like 5 million or so.

But they are up in arms about the fact that 1 million people who didn't get an extension for their UE benefits...

My answer to that....

Well my friends that's only a small percentage of the population.
How do you like that Libs...

Insurance companies are expert in assessing how much every benefit that they offer will cost over the time of their policies, and with their particular population of insureds. The premiums that they get cover those health care costs plus their administration.

If premiums go up, that means what they plan on paying out, is predicted to go up.

So when Obamacare tells insurance companies that they have to cover pre-existing conditions, for instance, they add to premiums what that will cost. That means that prior to ACA those costs were not being paid by insurance, but left for the insureds to cover. In some cases an acceptable alternative. However in more cases, that led to medical bankruptcies which left others to pay the costs.

So, whatever the average premium increase is due to ACA, it's not additional health care costs, but a switch in who pays them.

The only exception to that are costs savings from treating the poor in the mainstream health care system rather than emergency rooms.

Proving that it is a Re-Distribution of wealth scheme by the Libs.

Denying those who lose their coverage due to the cost increases.

Manipulating data to understate the damage. Counting policy loses instead of the total number actually losing coverage. In my case 3 will lose coverage.

Denying the Economic impacts of said policy. Money circulation down, as more go into the health care system. Impact of increased prices on everything due to the employer mandated taxes that have been DELAYED PAST ELECTIONS.

The ACA, is mistitled. Should have been called Re-distribution of Wealth Health Care...............It was never about AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE............It's raising the rates on those who had coverage before. The Data Base alone has cost Health Care costs to go up as Doctors, and Hospitals have to hire new staff to enter the data into the RED TAPE MACHINE with 1,000's of new RIDICULOUS CODES.

Your BS law, has made the cost of treatment to go up rather than down. Fucking over those not in poverty. Making Health Insurance more expensive.............And you SIMPLY IGNORE THE DAMAGE to promote RE-DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH.

The Dems will NOT BE FORGIVEN for this. But the Dems think that it will not hurt them so much as the poverty ranges are getting more free stuff. Locking in their votes to the Machine.

Then later as this BS law implodes, the Gov't will say we have no other choice but to TAKE OVER.............And the HOLY GRAIL of SINGLE PAYER will be the ONLY ANSWER......................Which is the plan all along.

Purposely fucking over people like me for the plan............And LYING THEIR ASSES OFF ABOUT IT.

The Dems using the ASS as their MASCOT is FITTING...........NO.............

If you are determined enough to prove that what you fell so hard for is the truth, it's almost always possible to dream up a rationalization.

Republicans are counting on that now, as they have for every minute of the last five years.

The truth is that they hope by inflating problems and obscuring success, suckers like you will continue with their nose stuck up the elephants ass.

And they in no way underestimated your inability to think for yourself.
Insurance companies are expert in assessing how much every benefit that they offer will cost over the time of their policies, and with their particular population of insureds. The premiums that they get cover those health care costs plus their administration.

If premiums go up, that means what they plan on paying out, is predicted to go up.

So when Obamacare tells insurance companies that they have to cover pre-existing conditions, for instance, they add to premiums what that will cost. That means that prior to ACA those costs were not being paid by insurance, but left for the insureds to cover. In some cases an acceptable alternative. However in more cases, that led to medical bankruptcies which left others to pay the costs.

So, whatever the average premium increase is due to ACA, it's not additional health care costs, but a switch in who pays them.

The only exception to that are costs savings from treating the poor in the mainstream health care system rather than emergency rooms.

Proving that it is a Re-Distribution of wealth scheme by the Libs.

Denying those who lose their coverage due to the cost increases.

Manipulating data to understate the damage. Counting policy loses instead of the total number actually losing coverage. In my case 3 will lose coverage.

Denying the Economic impacts of said policy. Money circulation down, as more go into the health care system. Impact of increased prices on everything due to the employer mandated taxes that have been DELAYED PAST ELECTIONS.

The ACA, is mistitled. Should have been called Re-distribution of Wealth Health Care...............It was never about AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE............It's raising the rates on those who had coverage before. The Data Base alone has cost Health Care costs to go up as Doctors, and Hospitals have to hire new staff to enter the data into the RED TAPE MACHINE with 1,000's of new RIDICULOUS CODES.

Your BS law, has made the cost of treatment to go up rather than down. Fucking over those not in poverty. Making Health Insurance more expensive.............And you SIMPLY IGNORE THE DAMAGE to promote RE-DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH.

The Dems will NOT BE FORGIVEN for this. But the Dems think that it will not hurt them so much as the poverty ranges are getting more free stuff. Locking in their votes to the Machine.

Then later as this BS law implodes, the Gov't will say we have no other choice but to TAKE OVER.............And the HOLY GRAIL of SINGLE PAYER will be the ONLY ANSWER......................Which is the plan all along.

Purposely fucking over people like me for the plan............And LYING THEIR ASSES OFF ABOUT IT.

The Dems using the ASS as their MASCOT is FITTING...........NO.............

If you are determined enough to prove that what you fell so hard for is the truth, it's almost always possible to dream up a rationalization.

Republicans are counting on that now, as they have for every minute of the last five years.

The truth is that they hope by inflating problems and obscuring success, suckers like you will continue with their nose stuck up the elephants ass.

And they in no way underestimated your inability to think for yourself.

The Retard speaks again.
Proving that it is a Re-Distribution of wealth scheme by the Libs.

Denying those who lose their coverage due to the cost increases.

Manipulating data to understate the damage. Counting policy loses instead of the total number actually losing coverage. In my case 3 will lose coverage.

Denying the Economic impacts of said policy. Money circulation down, as more go into the health care system. Impact of increased prices on everything due to the employer mandated taxes that have been DELAYED PAST ELECTIONS.

The ACA, is mistitled. Should have been called Re-distribution of Wealth Health Care...............It was never about AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE............It's raising the rates on those who had coverage before. The Data Base alone has cost Health Care costs to go up as Doctors, and Hospitals have to hire new staff to enter the data into the RED TAPE MACHINE with 1,000's of new RIDICULOUS CODES.

Your BS law, has made the cost of treatment to go up rather than down. Fucking over those not in poverty. Making Health Insurance more expensive.............And you SIMPLY IGNORE THE DAMAGE to promote RE-DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH.

The Dems will NOT BE FORGIVEN for this. But the Dems think that it will not hurt them so much as the poverty ranges are getting more free stuff. Locking in their votes to the Machine.

Then later as this BS law implodes, the Gov't will say we have no other choice but to TAKE OVER.............And the HOLY GRAIL of SINGLE PAYER will be the ONLY ANSWER......................Which is the plan all along.

Purposely fucking over people like me for the plan............And LYING THEIR ASSES OFF ABOUT IT.

The Dems using the ASS as their MASCOT is FITTING...........NO.............

If you are determined enough to prove that what you fell so hard for is the truth, it's almost always possible to dream up a rationalization.

Republicans are counting on that now, as they have for every minute of the last five years.

The truth is that they hope by inflating problems and obscuring success, suckers like you will continue with their nose stuck up the elephants ass.

And they in no way underestimated your inability to think for yourself.

The Retard speaks again.

Ahhh, more Texas eloquence.

You know how to find Texas?

Go west until you smell horseshit then south until you can't stand it.

Where else could a horses ass be elected governor.
The real question for Obamacare is how many medical bankruptcies will be prevented and how much will be saved by more cost and health effective care for those who previously had no alternative to emergency rooms.

Many of those costs will not show up as insurance savings, but in other areas.

Other than that, Obamacare has no way to effect health care delivery or insurance costs. If anyone disagrees, post what specific Obamacare provision has any potential to impact the total spent on insurance which, with oop costs, is the total cost of health care.

Another real question is how many medical bankruptcies are being caused specifically because of the ACA and whether that is okay with proponents.

Is it okay to you that in order to cover some, others have to lose? If so, how does that make the system you support any better?

Under what circumstances would ACA cause a medical bankruptcy?

Someone who can't afford the high deductible and 40% of chemotherapy costs.
Another real question is how many medical bankruptcies are being caused specifically because of the ACA and whether that is okay with proponents.

Is it okay to you that in order to cover some, others have to lose? If so, how does that make the system you support any better?

Under what circumstances would ACA cause a medical bankruptcy?

Someone who can't afford the high deductible and 40% of chemotherapy costs.

If they can't afford to be in a position to be personally responsible for their own health care costs, they will be subsidized.

Big improvement to the Republican plan. Throw the folks Republicans want poor to the dogs until only the wealthy are left.

Ignore the fact that there would be nobody creating wealth then.
Insurance companies are expert in assessing how much every benefit that they offer will cost over the time of their policies, and with their particular population of insureds. The premiums that they get cover those health care costs plus their administration.

If premiums go up, that means what they plan on paying out, is predicted to go up.

So when Obamacare tells insurance companies that they have to cover pre-existing conditions, for instance, they add to premiums what that will cost. That means that prior to ACA those costs were not being paid by insurance, but left for the insureds to cover. In some cases an acceptable alternative. However in more cases, that led to medical bankruptcies which left others to pay the costs.

So, whatever the average premium increase is due to ACA, it's not additional health care costs, but a switch in who pays them.

The only exception to that are costs savings from treating the poor in the mainstream health care system rather than emergency rooms.

Proving that it is a Re-Distribution of wealth scheme by the Libs.

Denying those who lose their coverage due to the cost increases.

Manipulating data to understate the damage. Counting policy loses instead of the total number actually losing coverage. In my case 3 will lose coverage.

Denying the Economic impacts of said policy. Money circulation down, as more go into the health care system. Impact of increased prices on everything due to the employer mandated taxes that have been DELAYED PAST ELECTIONS.

The ACA, is mistitled. Should have been called Re-distribution of Wealth Health Care...............It was never about AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE............It's raising the rates on those who had coverage before. The Data Base alone has cost Health Care costs to go up as Doctors, and Hospitals have to hire new staff to enter the data into the RED TAPE MACHINE with 1,000's of new RIDICULOUS CODES.

Your BS law, has made the cost of treatment to go up rather than down. Fucking over those not in poverty. Making Health Insurance more expensive.............And you SIMPLY IGNORE THE DAMAGE to promote RE-DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH.

The Dems will NOT BE FORGIVEN for this. But the Dems think that it will not hurt them so much as the poverty ranges are getting more free stuff. Locking in their votes to the Machine.

Then later as this BS law implodes, the Gov't will say we have no other choice but to TAKE OVER.............And the HOLY GRAIL of SINGLE PAYER will be the ONLY ANSWER......................Which is the plan all along.

Purposely fucking over people like me for the plan............And LYING THEIR ASSES OFF ABOUT IT.

The Dems using the ASS as their MASCOT is FITTING...........NO.............

If you are determined enough to prove that what you fell so hard for is the truth, it's almost always possible to dream up a rationalization.

Republicans are counting on that now, as they have for every minute of the last five years.

The truth is that they hope by inflating problems and obscuring success, suckers like you will continue with their nose stuck up the elephants ass.

And they in no way underestimated your inability to think for yourself.

Which part of increased cost to my insurance don't you understand...........

Millions like me who are getting hosed...............

But that's ok to you.:mad:
Proving that it is a Re-Distribution of wealth scheme by the Libs.

Denying those who lose their coverage due to the cost increases.

Manipulating data to understate the damage. Counting policy loses instead of the total number actually losing coverage. In my case 3 will lose coverage.

Denying the Economic impacts of said policy. Money circulation down, as more go into the health care system. Impact of increased prices on everything due to the employer mandated taxes that have been DELAYED PAST ELECTIONS.

The ACA, is mistitled. Should have been called Re-distribution of Wealth Health Care...............It was never about AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE............It's raising the rates on those who had coverage before. The Data Base alone has cost Health Care costs to go up as Doctors, and Hospitals have to hire new staff to enter the data into the RED TAPE MACHINE with 1,000's of new RIDICULOUS CODES.

Your BS law, has made the cost of treatment to go up rather than down. Fucking over those not in poverty. Making Health Insurance more expensive.............And you SIMPLY IGNORE THE DAMAGE to promote RE-DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH.

The Dems will NOT BE FORGIVEN for this. But the Dems think that it will not hurt them so much as the poverty ranges are getting more free stuff. Locking in their votes to the Machine.

Then later as this BS law implodes, the Gov't will say we have no other choice but to TAKE OVER.............And the HOLY GRAIL of SINGLE PAYER will be the ONLY ANSWER......................Which is the plan all along.

Purposely fucking over people like me for the plan............And LYING THEIR ASSES OFF ABOUT IT.

The Dems using the ASS as their MASCOT is FITTING...........NO.............

If you are determined enough to prove that what you fell so hard for is the truth, it's almost always possible to dream up a rationalization.

Republicans are counting on that now, as they have for every minute of the last five years.

The truth is that they hope by inflating problems and obscuring success, suckers like you will continue with their nose stuck up the elephants ass.

And they in no way underestimated your inability to think for yourself.

Which part of increased cost to my insurance don't you understand...........

Millions like me who are getting hosed...............

But that's ok to you.:mad:

It's not OK with me. I'm just not willing to throw millions under the bus again for you. Or to pay your health care costs because you don't want to pay for adequate coverage.
Obamacare was to insure those that "weren't insured", what happened after that became an incredible disaster to obamacare. Oh, "period".

The post obamacare world will have more uninsured than the pre-obamacare world.

Shit happens.

Well as the Administration has said. Just take one for the team and deal with it.

'Embrace the Suck'

Nancy Pelosi better copyright that before everyone else on the planet uses it.
The post obamacare world will have more uninsured than the pre-obamacare world.

Shit happens.

Well as the Administration has said. Just take one for the team and deal with it.

'Embrace the Suck'

Nancy Pelosi better copyright that before everyone else on the planet uses it.

Conservatives are completely focused on the 15% of the country's wealth not in the hands of the wealthy but in the hands of their enemy, the middle class.

How did that happen despite the best efforts of business keeping unemployment high, wages and benefits dropping, jobs shipped overseas, and their relentless atack on drying up government? What's an aristocrat to do when workers demand a share in the wealth that they create?

This crap about the land of the free, the home of the brave has to stop and people have to accept the land of the royal, the home of their slaves.

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