The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

I wasn't going to, but I just had to put PMZ on the "Full Retard List".

I read his posts and I just have to shake my head.

Thank you. I will continue to point out what you are wrong about. I hope in the end you hate me passionately.

We've tried running the country on idiocy. We'll be generations paying for it. Time to return to sensible, American, responsible, middle of the road politics that built the successful country that you'd like to destroy.

You will fail at that.
Insurance companies are expert in assessing how much every benefit that they offer will cost over the time of their policies, and with their particular population of insureds. The premiums that they get cover those health care costs plus their administration.

If premiums go up, that means what they plan on paying out, is predicted to go up.

So when Obamacare tells insurance companies that they have to cover pre-existing conditions, for instance, they add to premiums what that will cost. That means that prior to ACA those costs were not being paid by insurance, but left for the insureds to cover. In some cases an acceptable alternative. However in more cases, that led to medical bankruptcies which left others to pay the costs.

So, whatever the average premium increase is due to ACA, it's not additional health care costs, but a switch in who pays them.

The only exception to that are costs savings from treating the poor in the mainstream health care system rather than emergency rooms.

Proving that it is a Re-Distribution of wealth scheme by the Libs.

Denying those who lose their coverage due to the cost increases.

Manipulating data to understate the damage. Counting policy loses instead of the total number actually losing coverage. In my case 3 will lose coverage.

Denying the Economic impacts of said policy. Money circulation down, as more go into the health care system. Impact of increased prices on everything due to the employer mandated taxes that have been DELAYED PAST ELECTIONS.

The ACA, is mistitled. Should have been called Re-distribution of Wealth Health Care...............It was never about AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE............It's raising the rates on those who had coverage before. The Data Base alone has cost Health Care costs to go up as Doctors, and Hospitals have to hire new staff to enter the data into the RED TAPE MACHINE with 1,000's of new RIDICULOUS CODES.

Your BS law, has made the cost of treatment to go up rather than down. Fucking over those not in poverty. Making Health Insurance more expensive.............And you SIMPLY IGNORE THE DAMAGE to promote RE-DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH.

The Dems will NOT BE FORGIVEN for this. But the Dems think that it will not hurt them so much as the poverty ranges are getting more free stuff. Locking in their votes to the Machine.

Then later as this BS law implodes, the Gov't will say we have no other choice but to TAKE OVER.............And the HOLY GRAIL of SINGLE PAYER will be the ONLY ANSWER......................Which is the plan all along.

Purposely fucking over people like me for the plan............And LYING THEIR ASSES OFF ABOUT IT.

The Dems using the ASS as their MASCOT is FITTING...........NO.............

If you are determined enough to prove that what you fell so hard for is the truth, it's almost always possible to dream up a rationalization.

Republicans are counting on that now, as they have for every minute of the last five years.

The truth is that they hope by inflating problems and obscuring success, suckers like you will continue with their nose stuck up the elephants ass.

And they in no way underestimated your inability to think for yourself.

So emotional. Telling me to drink the Liberal BS. That is because you are a STATIST Lib.............

Gov't good. Private Bad...............

You post on emotion and not facts and figures. That's simply what you people do. You see MILLIONS lose their insurance. And go OH WELL, it's for the better good.

You see money taken out of our pockets. And go Oh Well, you should be glad to do it. Always saying Your Vision for America is better than ours..............Then you tag us with the Straw Man Argument.

Your policies are destructive to the economy. Your spending policies destroy the value of the dollar, as does the big spending Republicans. This lowers the standard of living for ALL AMERICANS.

Your back door REGULATIONS on industry. Cap N Trade by the back door CIRCUMVENTS the Constitution. Allows new laws to be created without Congressional Support. The EPA is now forcing the Coal Industry to either go under, adapt, or pay penalties. These penalties are being passed on to the consumer in the form of Rate hikes. Kemper Power Plant being a prime example as one of the first plants to be built forcing emissions into the earth. Cost overruns are now at over a BILLION DOLLARS.............

The cost to the local population is now going to be a 22% increase in Utility Rates............Thus Damaging the Pocket books of those you profess to be TRYING TO SAVE...........

The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions................And your side is paving us down that road.

Liberalism is a Psychology.
Proving that it is a Re-Distribution of wealth scheme by the Libs.

Denying those who lose their coverage due to the cost increases.

Manipulating data to understate the damage. Counting policy loses instead of the total number actually losing coverage. In my case 3 will lose coverage.

Denying the Economic impacts of said policy. Money circulation down, as more go into the health care system. Impact of increased prices on everything due to the employer mandated taxes that have been DELAYED PAST ELECTIONS.

The ACA, is mistitled. Should have been called Re-distribution of Wealth Health Care...............It was never about AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE............It's raising the rates on those who had coverage before. The Data Base alone has cost Health Care costs to go up as Doctors, and Hospitals have to hire new staff to enter the data into the RED TAPE MACHINE with 1,000's of new RIDICULOUS CODES.

Your BS law, has made the cost of treatment to go up rather than down. Fucking over those not in poverty. Making Health Insurance more expensive.............And you SIMPLY IGNORE THE DAMAGE to promote RE-DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH.

The Dems will NOT BE FORGIVEN for this. But the Dems think that it will not hurt them so much as the poverty ranges are getting more free stuff. Locking in their votes to the Machine.

Then later as this BS law implodes, the Gov't will say we have no other choice but to TAKE OVER.............And the HOLY GRAIL of SINGLE PAYER will be the ONLY ANSWER......................Which is the plan all along.

Purposely fucking over people like me for the plan............And LYING THEIR ASSES OFF ABOUT IT.

The Dems using the ASS as their MASCOT is FITTING...........NO.............

If you are determined enough to prove that what you fell so hard for is the truth, it's almost always possible to dream up a rationalization.

Republicans are counting on that now, as they have for every minute of the last five years.

The truth is that they hope by inflating problems and obscuring success, suckers like you will continue with their nose stuck up the elephants ass.

And they in no way underestimated your inability to think for yourself.

So emotional. Telling me to drink the Liberal BS. That is because you are a STATIST Lib.............

Gov't good. Private Bad...............

You post on emotion and not facts and figures. That's simply what you people do. You see MILLIONS lose their insurance. And go OH WELL, it's for the better good.

You see money taken out of our pockets. And go Oh Well, you should be glad to do it. Always saying Your Vision for America is better than ours..............Then you tag us with the Straw Man Argument.

Your policies are destructive to the economy. Your spending policies destroy the value of the dollar, as does the big spending Republicans. This lowers the standard of living for ALL AMERICANS.

Your back door REGULATIONS on industry. Cap N Trade by the back door CIRCUMVENTS the Constitution. Allows new laws to be created without Congressional Support. The EPA is now forcing the Coal Industry to either go under, adapt, or pay penalties. These penalties are being passed on to the consumer in the form of Rate hikes. Kemper Power Plant being a prime example as one of the first plants to be built forcing emissions into the earth. Cost overruns are now at over a BILLION DOLLARS.............

The cost to the local population is now going to be a 22% increase in Utility Rates............Thus Damaging the Pocket books of those you profess to be TRYING TO SAVE...........

The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions................And your side is paving us down that road.

Liberalism is a Psychology.
The road to HELL is always paved by bad intentions of those doing the paving, and the thing people have got to get through their heads finally, is that the paving crew is made up of both parties. It's just that some want to drive the machine while the other is shoveling the ((asphalt)) around or vice versa. Here is the kicker - We are the asphalt.
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It's amazing to me how quickly propaganda erases memory.

Remember 2007, 2008, and 2009? Remember even before when Bush was told that he could be the administration to pay off the National debt? What did he do instead. He declared holy war on Islam and stopped taxing wealthy friends and family. Then he tried to pay the mounting bills with a housing boom. Then the whole house of cards collapsed.

$17T in debt people, left in his wake.

Then the Republican plan. Ignore the biggest factor in our inability to compete in international business, health care. Instead send millions of jobs overseas. Ignore AGW and our future of fossil fuels in the decline. Ignore education, the only path back to prosperity. Ignore the 80% fighting over 15% of the wealth and cater to the 20% with 85% of the wealth. Fuel unemployment so that business can hire for peanuts and cancel the benefits systems that they invented.

Trash the country and the American Dream.

That's the promise of conservatism.
It's amazing to me how quickly propaganda erases memory.

Remember 2007, 2008, and 2009? Remember even before when Bush was told that he could be the administration to pay off the National debt? What did he do instead. 1. He declared holy war on Islam and stopped taxing wealthy friends and family. 2. Then he tried to pay the mounting bills with a housing boom. Then the whole house of cards collapsed.

$17T in debt people, left in his wake.

Then the Republican plan. Ignore the biggest factor in our inability to compete in international business, health care. Instead send millions of jobs overseas. Ignore AGW and our future of fossil fuels in the decline. Ignore education, the only path back to prosperity. Ignore the 80% fighting over 15% of the wealth and cater to the 20% with 85% of the wealth. Fuel unemployment so that business can hire for peanuts and cancel the benefits systems that they invented.

Trash the country and the American Dream.

That's the promise of conservatism.

Now you see, your propaganda machine is just as bad as the ones you accuse of this also.

Lets take #1. above - Now who declared war on who when reviewing the history of it all now ? I thought some Islamist named Bin Laden and his gang knocked our trade towers down, and before that they tried to bomb it from below on Clintons watch. Now who (?) bombed the Marine barracks in Lebanon, and how about the U.S.S. Cole or the hostages in Iran that opened up our eyes to these dangers years and years ago ? Who was Saehan, Saehan that shot Bobby Kennedy, and How about Fort Hood and etc.. (or) am I just wrong about all of these acts of "workplace violence" that keeps going on around here and elsewhere in the world in which we live and work in daily ? Now how about #2. So who started that housing bubble ? Wasn't it those super good hearted Democrats that wanted everyone to own their own house, and this whether they could ever afford one or not ? How many places became baby making factories under these programs, and how much did it swell the poverty levels up in this nation all because of these government funded roofs that resided over these baby making machines heads ? Then of course they needed all that welfare and food stamps in so that they could take care of it all right ? The rich just lined up to take advantage of the governments getting over on the working men and women in this nation the way that it was doing, and so it's hard to find a company not wanting to get in line for the money in which the government foolishly was throwing away like it was doing in the past.
I wasn't going to, but I just had to put PMZ on the "Full Retard List".

I read his posts and I just have to shake my head.

Thank you. I will continue to point out what you are wrong about. I hope in the end you hate me passionately.

We've tried running the country on idiocy. We'll be generations paying for it. Time to return to sensible, American, responsible, middle of the road politics that built the successful country that you'd like to destroy.

You will fail at that.
Sorry to disappoint, first, you have shown me nothing that I'm wrong about. Second, I don't "hate you passionately". I think that you're a full retard, nothing more, nothing less. :eusa_whistle:
I wasn't going to, but I just had to put PMZ on the "Full Retard List".

I read his posts and I just have to shake my head.

Thank you. I will continue to point out what you are wrong about. I hope in the end you hate me passionately.

We've tried running the country on idiocy. We'll be generations paying for it. Time to return to sensible, American, responsible, middle of the road politics that built the successful country that you'd like to destroy.

You will fail at that.
Sorry to disappoint, first, you have shown me nothing that I'm wrong about. Second, I don't "hate you passionately". I think that you're a full retard, nothing more, nothing less. :eusa_whistle:

I see you've run into the resident troll on these threads.

I finally put her on ignore.

She never addresses any of the key points in a thread....all it is left-wing pontification followed by...

Fox News
Fox News
Fox News
Resident trolls aside, does anyone here really believe the Republicans will make any substantial changes to the policies foisted on us by Obamacare?

I don't see it happening. Their latest suggestion for a replacement doesn't change much at all. It renames the 'mandate' to 'tax-incentive' and 'subsidies' to 'tax-credits'. It keeps the ban on pre-existing condition exclusions and sets up an 'exchange'. WTF??

Repeal and replace, my ass. This is what I've been saying all along. Republicans aren't going to turn down the power grab. It just isn't going to happen.
I wasn't going to, but I just had to put PMZ on the "Full Retard List".

I read his posts and I just have to shake my head.

Thank you. I will continue to point out what you are wrong about. I hope in the end you hate me passionately.

We've tried running the country on idiocy. We'll be generations paying for it. Time to return to sensible, American, responsible, middle of the road politics that built the successful country that you'd like to destroy.

You will fail at that.
Sorry to disappoint, first, you have shown me nothing that I'm wrong about. Second, I don't "hate you passionately". I think that you're a full retard, nothing more, nothing less. :eusa_whistle:

You will hate me passionately by the time I get done with you. Why? Because as a propaganda addict you can't defend what you've been told that you believe. Common ailment and the main motivation to think for yourself if you are able.
Thank you. I will continue to point out what you are wrong about. I hope in the end you hate me passionately.

We've tried running the country on idiocy. We'll be generations paying for it. Time to return to sensible, American, responsible, middle of the road politics that built the successful country that you'd like to destroy.

You will fail at that.
Sorry to disappoint, first, you have shown me nothing that I'm wrong about. Second, I don't "hate you passionately". I think that you're a full retard, nothing more, nothing less. :eusa_whistle:

I see you've run into the resident troll on these threads.

I finally put her on ignore.

She never addresses any of the key points in a thread....all it is left-wing pontification followed by...

Fox News
Fox News
Fox News

Here's a fine example of what one is left with when unable to think for herself.
Resident trolls aside, does anyone here really believe the Republicans will make any substantial changes to the policies foisted on us by Obamacare?

I don't see it happening. Their latest suggestion for a replacement doesn't change much at all. It renames the 'mandate' to 'tax-incentive' and 'subsidies' to 'tax-credits'. It keeps the ban on pre-existing condition exclusions and sets up an 'exchange'. WTF??

Repeal and replace, my ass. This is what I've been saying all along. Republicans aren't going to turn down the power grab. It just isn't going to happen.
There are at least two camps of republicans, those for complete repeal and those for applying more lube to obama care so it doesn't hurt so bad.
Resident trolls aside, does anyone here really believe the Republicans will make any substantial changes to the policies foisted on us by Obamacare?

I don't see it happening. Their latest suggestion for a replacement doesn't change much at all. It renames the 'mandate' to 'tax-incentive' and 'subsidies' to 'tax-credits'. It keeps the ban on pre-existing condition exclusions and sets up an 'exchange'. WTF??

Repeal and replace, my ass. This is what I've been saying all along. Republicans aren't going to turn down the power grab. It just isn't going to happen.

Republicans realize that there is absolutely no reason to change Obamacare. As the source of their propaganda, they know that it's all lies and half-truths and exaggerations. They'd get killed at the polls if they touched it.

It's the law of the land now. By the time that 2016 rolls around it will be as comfortable as an old shirt and just as serviceable.

They will try to make it an issue but it will fall as flat as all of their other bogiemen.

Republicans have only one path to redemption. Loudly and caustically and publically denounce conservatism.
Boskin: ObamaCare's Troubles Are Only Beginning -

The "sticker shock" that many buyers of new, ACA-compliant health plans have experienced—with premiums 30% higher, or more, than their previous coverage—has only begun. The costs borne by individuals will be even more obvious next year as more people start having to pay higher deductibles and copays.


There is only one Obamacare reason for significantly higher premiums. The "invincibles" haven't, in the past, been paying the real cost of their health insurance. They've been subsidized by the over 50 under 65 crowd. That has been corrected.

But the Republican propaganda machine reports that, implying that huge increases and canceled insurance is pervasive.

And the Party faithful lap it up just like it's truth.
Boskin: ObamaCare's Troubles Are Only Beginning -

The "sticker shock" that many buyers of new, ACA-compliant health plans have experienced—with premiums 30% higher, or more, than their previous coverage—has only begun. The costs borne by individuals will be even more obvious next year as more people start having to pay higher deductibles and copays.


There is only one Obamacare reason for significantly higher premiums. The "invincibles" haven't, in the past, been paying the real cost of their health insurance. They've been subsidized by the over 50 under 65 crowd. That has been corrected.

But the Republican propaganda machine reports that, implying that huge increases and canceled insurance is pervasive.

And the Party faithful lap it up just like it's truth.

Resident trolls aside, does anyone here really believe the Republicans will make any substantial changes to the policies foisted on us by Obamacare?

I don't see it happening. Their latest suggestion for a replacement doesn't change much at all. It renames the 'mandate' to 'tax-incentive' and 'subsidies' to 'tax-credits'. It keeps the ban on pre-existing condition exclusions and sets up an 'exchange'. WTF??

Repeal and replace, my ass. This is what I've been saying all along. Republicans aren't going to turn down the power grab. It just isn't going to happen.

Republicans realize that there is absolutely no reason to change Obamacare. As the source of their propaganda, they know that it's all lies and half-truths and exaggerations. They'd get killed at the polls if they touched it.

It's the law of the land now. By the time that 2016 rolls around it will be as comfortable as an old shirt and just as serviceable.

They will try to make it an issue but it will fall as flat as all of their other bogiemen.

Republicans have only one path to redemption. Loudly and caustically and publically denounce conservatism.

LOL.... not exactly. It's just that most Republicans in Congress are as deeply in bed with the insurance industry as the Democrats. Our only hope for positive changes it to vote them all out of office.

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