The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Boskin: ObamaCare's Troubles Are Only Beginning -

The "sticker shock" that many buyers of new, ACA-compliant health plans have experienced—with premiums 30% higher, or more, than their previous coverage—has only begun. The costs borne by individuals will be even more obvious next year as more people start having to pay higher deductibles and copays.

The corporate insurance industry is lining up to kill the government it appears.. I mean wow what a set up! Now look at the extreme profits it will be making off of the government now, and it will be doing this because of the government taking on most of the peoples care now, in which they can't believe has actually come true for them.

Now the government will be paying out in all these subsidies to the insurance industry, in which they (the corps) are going to be smiling all the way to their banks afterwards right ? Talk about sitting back and waiting for the clumsy bear to just walk right up and say shoot me at close range, I mean hec it can't get no better for the insurance carriers than this right ?

They were killing us with extreme rate hikes early on (going higher and higher), and that has in turn caused the government to jump in with both feet for all of us who were getting murdered in such a market place that was being set up. Now it appears to me that they (the corps), has coaxed the government into doing this, and now it is clear how they did it.

You see it was all due to the instability that was coming from it all, and now they (the corps) have once again trapped the government into paying big bucks, and all because they know that the government controls the printing presses, and that it can't stand many waves or troubles to arise while always in campaign mode these days. So here we have government that is coerced into paying out of compassion and their fear of instability, and they knew that the government will be responsible for all that they have decided to be responsible for, and this to avoid any potential collapse that is designed against them by corporations who have learned this weakness about the government now.

Now these things will come at one hell of a price when all is said and done, and guess who will be looked at to pay for it all by both of them when looking down from their places on high ? We will be looked at to carry the load for it all by new or higher taxes on us.

Wow, it is really amazing how we as citizens (who are trying to make it), are caught between the government and corporate America who is trying to kill the government and us for profits, where as the government just fires back at us with higher taxes in the end as if that solves these issues. Like I said before, we can't stand anymore out here, but maybe the government is figuring that they will force the re-balancing in it all, by holding us hostage against the corporations, because they know the corps need is to be healthy and work ready, and if we are struggling so hard in life, then they will have to pay more to us, and that will pay the government back in the high taxes they will be using on us to pay for it all. It's a circle, and we are stuck in the middle of a game that is played by these two giants on us "Corporate America" & the "U.S. Government."

So, you're saying that the high and growing faster than inflation cost of health care is just insurance companies profits?
If they can't afford to be in a position to be personally responsible for their own health care costs, they will be subsidized.

Big improvement to the Republican plan. Throw the folks Republicans want poor to the dogs until only the wealthy are left.

Ignore the fact that there would be nobody creating wealth then.

It appears you don't know much about the policies you support. Show me how someone will be subsidized if they can't afford 40% of the cost for chemotherapy under their ACA compliant Bronze Plan.

or pay the maximum out of the pocket annual 12.500 ( for the out of the network services) before ANY insurance benefits kick in - under obamacare compliant silver plan.

Why would someone worried about cost go out of network?
It appears you don't know much about the policies you support. Show me how someone will be subsidized if they can't afford 40% of the cost for chemotherapy under their ACA compliant Bronze Plan.

or pay the maximum out of the pocket annual 12.500 ( for the out of the network services) before ANY insurance benefits kick in - under obamacare compliant silver plan.

Why would someone worried about cost go out of network?

because someone might actually need MEDICAL CARE not that crap which is covered under obamacare.

and the REAL medical care will be OUT of the crappy obamacare network ( as nobody REAL will take the crap)
Boskin: ObamaCare's Troubles Are Only Beginning -

The "sticker shock" that many buyers of new, ACA-compliant health plans have experienced—with premiums 30% higher, or more, than their previous coverage—has only begun. The costs borne by individuals will be even more obvious next year as more people start having to pay higher deductibles and copays.

The corporate insurance industry is lining up to kill the government it appears.. I mean wow what a set up! Now look at the extreme profits it will be making off of the government now, and it will be doing this because of the government taking on most of the peoples care now, in which they can't believe has actually come true for them.

Now the government will be paying out in all these subsidies to the insurance industry, in which they (the corps) are going to be smiling all the way to their banks afterwards right ? Talk about sitting back and waiting for the clumsy bear to just walk right up and say shoot me at close range, I mean hec it can't get no better for the insurance carriers than this right ?

They were killing us with extreme rate hikes early on (going higher and higher), and that has in turn caused the government to jump in with both feet for all of us who were getting murdered in such a market place that was being set up. Now it appears to me that they (the corps), has coaxed the government into doing this, and now it is clear how they did it.

You see it was all due to the instability that was coming from it all, and now they (the corps) have once again trapped the government into paying big bucks, and all because they know that the government controls the printing presses, and that it can't stand many waves or troubles to arise while always in campaign mode these days. So here we have government that is coerced into paying out of compassion and their fear of instability, and they knew that the government will be responsible for all that they have decided to be responsible for, and this to avoid any potential collapse that is designed against them by corporations who have learned this weakness about the government now.

Now these things will come at one hell of a price when all is said and done, and guess who will be looked at to pay for it all by both of them when looking down from their places on high ? We will be looked at to carry the load for it all by new or higher taxes on us.

Wow, it is really amazing how we as citizens (who are trying to make it), are caught between the government and corporate America who is trying to kill the government and us for profits, where as the government just fires back at us with higher taxes in the end as if that solves these issues. Like I said before, we can't stand anymore out here, but maybe the government is figuring that they will force the re-balancing in it all, by holding us hostage against the corporations, because they know the corps need is to be healthy and work ready, and if we are struggling so hard in life, then they will have to pay more to us, and that will pay the government back in the high taxes they will be using on us to pay for it all. It's a circle, and we are stuck in the middle of a game that is played by these two giants on us "Corporate America" & the "U.S. Government."

So, you're saying that the high and growing faster than inflation cost of health care is just insurance companies profits?

Nope. You have to actually read the posts to understand what the poster is 'saying'. Keep trying, you'll get it eventually.
or pay the maximum out of the pocket annual 12.500 ( for the out of the network services) before ANY insurance benefits kick in - under obamacare compliant silver plan.

Why would someone worried about cost go out of network?

because someone might actually need MEDICAL CARE not that crap which is covered under obamacare.

and the REAL medical care will be OUT of the crappy obamacare network ( as nobody REAL will take the crap)

Everyone is free to use medicine men, but when they discover that they aren't getting cured they'll need real health care insurance to make sure that they are personally responsible for their real health care.
If obamacare wasn't such a catastrophic failure, why would democrats want to hand out free pot to everyone who signs up?

Obamacare is only a catastrophe on Fox News. They declared it such well before it became the law of the land, and have never relented.

That’s why real America is tuning them out and relying on news shows to learn what's really going on in the world.

The Kelly file on Fox news--who's ratings right now--do better than MSNBC and CNN combined--tells the story.

Obamacare is a disaster--and it only gets worse day by day. People are NOT pushing the buy button on these exchanges--and December 23 (only a few days away) is the deadline. Last count only 365,000 people have purchased insurance on the Obamacare exchanges.

Due the Obamacare mandates--5.5 million policies were cancelled after being promised by Obama and Democrats over 40 times that people could keep the policies they liked. THEY LIED. When you add in the spouses and children covered under these policies it was another 12 million added to the uninsured in this country.

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: to insure the uninsured EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: uninsuring the insured.


Welcome to your hope and change
The corporate insurance industry is lining up to kill the government it appears.. I mean wow what a set up! Now look at the extreme profits it will be making off of the government now, and it will be doing this because of the government taking on most of the peoples care now, in which they can't believe has actually come true for them.

Now the government will be paying out in all these subsidies to the insurance industry, in which they (the corps) are going to be smiling all the way to their banks afterwards right ? Talk about sitting back and waiting for the clumsy bear to just walk right up and say shoot me at close range, I mean hec it can't get no better for the insurance carriers than this right ?

They were killing us with extreme rate hikes early on (going higher and higher), and that has in turn caused the government to jump in with both feet for all of us who were getting murdered in such a market place that was being set up. Now it appears to me that they (the corps), has coaxed the government into doing this, and now it is clear how they did it.

You see it was all due to the instability that was coming from it all, and now they (the corps) have once again trapped the government into paying big bucks, and all because they know that the government controls the printing presses, and that it can't stand many waves or troubles to arise while always in campaign mode these days. So here we have government that is coerced into paying out of compassion and their fear of instability, and they knew that the government will be responsible for all that they have decided to be responsible for, and this to avoid any potential collapse that is designed against them by corporations who have learned this weakness about the government now.

Now these things will come at one hell of a price when all is said and done, and guess who will be looked at to pay for it all by both of them when looking down from their places on high ? We will be looked at to carry the load for it all by new or higher taxes on us.

Wow, it is really amazing how we as citizens (who are trying to make it), are caught between the government and corporate America who is trying to kill the government and us for profits, where as the government just fires back at us with higher taxes in the end as if that solves these issues. Like I said before, we can't stand anymore out here, but maybe the government is figuring that they will force the re-balancing in it all, by holding us hostage against the corporations, because they know the corps need is to be healthy and work ready, and if we are struggling so hard in life, then they will have to pay more to us, and that will pay the government back in the high taxes they will be using on us to pay for it all. It's a circle, and we are stuck in the middle of a game that is played by these two giants on us "Corporate America" & the "U.S. Government."

So, you're saying that the high and growing faster than inflation cost of health care is just insurance companies profits?

Nope. You have to actually read the posts to understand what the poster is 'saying'. Keep trying, you'll get it eventually.

I do. And then I think about them and determine their logical conclusion. Try it next time.
So, you're saying that the high and growing faster than inflation cost of health care is just insurance companies profits?

Nope. You have to actually read the posts to understand what the poster is 'saying'. Keep trying, you'll get it eventually.

I do. And then I think about them and determine their logical conclusion. Try it next time.

Yes, I'm familiar with your use of the phrase 'logical conclusion', which for you is apparently a euphemism for 'building a strawman'. You simply don't want to face the fact that your precious health care 'reform' was converted, by lobbyists and willing dupes in Congress, into an insurance industry bailout. If you're not a paid shill, then you really need to look again at what you're defending. It's not what you think.
or pay the maximum out of the pocket annual 12.500 ( for the out of the network services) before ANY insurance benefits kick in - under obamacare compliant silver plan.

Why would someone worried about cost go out of network?

because someone might actually need MEDICAL CARE not that crap which is covered under obamacare.

and the REAL medical care will be OUT of the crappy obamacare network ( as nobody REAL will take the crap)

Dude, the PPACA isn't an insurance plan or a medical care provider. You have to go to an insurance company, like Blue Cross/Blue Shield or Kaiser, to get medical coverage.

So what are you talking about? Cuz apparently you don't know what the PPACA is or what medical insurance is.
The corporate insurance industry is lining up to kill the government it appears.. I mean wow what a set up! Now look at the extreme profits it will be making off of the government now, and it will be doing this because of the government taking on most of the peoples care now, in which they can't believe has actually come true for them.

Now the government will be paying out in all these subsidies to the insurance industry, in which they (the corps) are going to be smiling all the way to their banks afterwards right ? Talk about sitting back and waiting for the clumsy bear to just walk right up and say shoot me at close range, I mean hec it can't get no better for the insurance carriers than this right ?

They were killing us with extreme rate hikes early on (going higher and higher), and that has in turn caused the government to jump in with both feet for all of us who were getting murdered in such a market place that was being set up. Now it appears to me that they (the corps), has coaxed the government into doing this, and now it is clear how they did it.

You see it was all due to the instability that was coming from it all, and now they (the corps) have once again trapped the government into paying big bucks, and all because they know that the government controls the printing presses, and that it can't stand many waves or troubles to arise while always in campaign mode these days. So here we have government that is coerced into paying out of compassion and their fear of instability, and they knew that the government will be responsible for all that they have decided to be responsible for, and this to avoid any potential collapse that is designed against them by corporations who have learned this weakness about the government now.

Now these things will come at one hell of a price when all is said and done, and guess who will be looked at to pay for it all by both of them when looking down from their places on high ? We will be looked at to carry the load for it all by new or higher taxes on us.

Wow, it is really amazing how we as citizens (who are trying to make it), are caught between the government and corporate America who is trying to kill the government and us for profits, where as the government just fires back at us with higher taxes in the end as if that solves these issues. Like I said before, we can't stand anymore out here, but maybe the government is figuring that they will force the re-balancing in it all, by holding us hostage against the corporations, because they know the corps need is to be healthy and work ready, and if we are struggling so hard in life, then they will have to pay more to us, and that will pay the government back in the high taxes they will be using on us to pay for it all. It's a circle, and we are stuck in the middle of a game that is played by these two giants on us "Corporate America" & the "U.S. Government."

So, you're saying that the high and growing faster than inflation cost of health care is just insurance companies profits?

Nope. You have to actually read the posts to understand what the poster is 'saying'. Keep trying, you'll get it eventually.

It is a perfectly good question because your diatribe does state that the government has helped insurance companies hike rates.

"They were killing us with extreme rate hikes early on (going higher and higher), and that has in turn caused the government to jump in with both feet for all of us who were getting murdered in such a market place that was being set up. Now it appears to me that they (the corps), has coaxed the government into doing this, and now it is clear how they did it. "

So, as apparently you don't know what you are talking about, you might take advantage of a question that clarifies your ramblings.
Why would someone worried about cost go out of network?

because someone might actually need MEDICAL CARE not that crap which is covered under obamacare.

and the REAL medical care will be OUT of the crappy obamacare network ( as nobody REAL will take the crap)

Everyone is free to use medicine men, but when they discover that they aren't getting cured they'll need real health care insurance to make sure that they are personally responsible for their real health care.

what does this idiocy have to do with the need for real medical treatment, like a complicated surgery, for example? and which will be out of the possibility for somebody insured under this crap obamacare?
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Why would someone worried about cost go out of network?

because someone might actually need MEDICAL CARE not that crap which is covered under obamacare.

and the REAL medical care will be OUT of the crappy obamacare network ( as nobody REAL will take the crap)

Dude, the PPACA isn't an insurance plan or a medical care provider. You have to go to an insurance company, like Blue Cross/Blue Shield or Kaiser, to get medical coverage.

So what are you talking about? Cuz apparently you don't know what the PPACA is or what medical insurance is.

piss off, uneducated idiot
So, you're saying that the high and growing faster than inflation cost of health care is just insurance companies profits?

Nope. You have to actually read the posts to understand what the poster is 'saying'. Keep trying, you'll get it eventually.

It is a perfectly good question because your diatribe does state that the government has helped insurance companies hike rates.

"They were killing us with extreme rate hikes early on (going higher and higher), and that has in turn caused the government to jump in with both feet for all of us who were getting murdered in such a market place that was being set up. Now it appears to me that they (the corps), has coaxed the government into doing this, and now it is clear how they did it. "

So, as apparently you don't know what you are talking about, you might take advantage of a question that clarifies your ramblings.

Well, they weren't my 'ramblings', but I thought the poster made some good points, points that had nothing at all to do with PMZ's misinterpretation. Beagle9 is merely pointing out the 'briar patch' nature of the insurance lobby's approach to reform. The insurance companies are hardly the hapless victims of ACA. I believe they've pursued it as a calculated effort to avoid the impending collapse of their industry - by cementing themselves into the system via federal regulation. Essentially they're converting the failing health insurance market into a public utility (for very 'private' profit), financed by taxpayers and unwilling "mandated" customers.
That is not remotely accurate. The only reason that Fox news sounds harsh sometimes is because they usually tell the truth and don't have as much left-wing claptrap
If obamacare wasn't such a catastrophic failure, why would democrats want to hand out free pot to everyone who signs up?

Obamacare is only a catastrophe on Fox News. They declared it such well before it became the law of the land, and have never relented.

That’s why real America is tuning them out and relying on news shows to learn what's really going on in the world.

The Kelly file on Fox news--who's ratings right now--do better than MSNBC and CNN combined--tells the story.

Obamacare is a disaster--and it only gets worse day by day. People are NOT pushing the buy button on these exchanges--and December 23 (only a few days away) is the deadline. Last count only 365,000 people have purchased insurance on the Obamacare exchanges.

Due the Obamacare mandates--5.5 million policies were cancelled after being promised by Obama and Democrats over 40 times that people could keep the policies they liked. THEY LIED. When you add in the spouses and children covered under these policies it was another 12 million added to the uninsured in this country.

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: to insure the uninsured EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: uninsuring the insured.


Welcome to your hope and change

Thank you for sharing your dreams and aspirations. They align perfectly with those of Fox News so I'm sure that you and they will have a strong relationship telling each other that you're right.
Nope. You have to actually read the posts to understand what the poster is 'saying'. Keep trying, you'll get it eventually.

I do. And then I think about them and determine their logical conclusion. Try it next time.

Yes, I'm familiar with your use of the phrase 'logical conclusion', which for you is apparently a euphemism for 'building a strawman'. You simply don't want to face the fact that your precious health care 'reform' was converted, by lobbyists and willing dupes in Congress, into an insurance industry bailout. If you're not a paid shill, then you really need to look again at what you're defending. It's not what you think.

The health insurance industry never needed a bailout as its a product that is essential in today's world for everyone.

That point was made decades ago by business using it as hiring and loyalty bait. As the unemployment that those businesses created in order to shift compensation from those who create value to those who create chaos and waste, that bait has been rendered no longer necessary, thus creating the need for ACA.
because someone might actually need MEDICAL CARE not that crap which is covered under obamacare.

and the REAL medical care will be OUT of the crappy obamacare network ( as nobody REAL will take the crap)

Dude, the PPACA isn't an insurance plan or a medical care provider. You have to go to an insurance company, like Blue Cross/Blue Shield or Kaiser, to get medical coverage.

So what are you talking about? Cuz apparently you don't know what the PPACA is or what medical insurance is.

piss off, uneducated idiot

So, you didn't know that the PPACA is not an insurance plan?

Got anything to back up any of your statements? Any text from PPACA? Any examples of insurance that doesn't provide what you say they don't provide?

Sounds to me like you are an uneducated idiot with nothing but unfounded opinions you pulled out of your ass.

Got any proof I didn't get an education? Cuz, last I checked, my transcripts are still available.
Dude, the PPACA isn't an insurance plan or a medical care provider. You have to go to an insurance company, like Blue Cross/Blue Shield or Kaiser, to get medical coverage.

So what are you talking about? Cuz apparently you don't know what the PPACA is or what medical insurance is.

piss off, uneducated idiot

So, you didn't know that the PPACA is not an insurance plan?

Got anything to back up any of your statements? Any text from PPACA? Any examples of insurance that doesn't provide what you say they don't provide?

Sounds to me like you are an uneducated idiot with nothing but unfounded opinions you pulled out of your ass.

Got any proof I didn't get an education? Cuz, last I checked, my transcripts are still available.

learn to read and comrehend the written text FIRST, if you want to be taken seriously.
Nope. You have to actually read the posts to understand what the poster is 'saying'. Keep trying, you'll get it eventually.

It is a perfectly good question because your diatribe does state that the government has helped insurance companies hike rates.

"They were killing us with extreme rate hikes early on (going higher and higher), and that has in turn caused the government to jump in with both feet for all of us who were getting murdered in such a market place that was being set up. Now it appears to me that they (the corps), has coaxed the government into doing this, and now it is clear how they did it. "

So, as apparently you don't know what you are talking about, you might take advantage of a question that clarifies your ramblings.

Well, they weren't my 'ramblings', but I thought the poster made some good points, points that had nothing at all to do with PMZ's misinterpretation. Beagle9 is merely pointing out the 'briar patch' nature of the insurance lobby's approach to reform. The insurance companies are hardly the hapless victims of ACA. I believe they've pursued it as a calculated effort to avoid the impending collapse of their industry - by cementing themselves into the system via federal regulation. Essentially they're converting the failing health insurance market into a public utility (for very 'private' profit), financed by taxpayers and unwilling "mandated" customers.

Oops, my bad.

Never the less, you are wrong as the poster did say exactly what what asked about in the clarifying question.

And, while you are right that insurance companies and the entirety of the major players in the health care reform were involved in it's drafting, the question is, so what? Why shouldn't the players in the free market put in their two cents when it comes to major legislation that affects those markets? We don't live in an aristocracy.

Never the less, the rambiling conclusions are pure bs. Like "health insurance market into a public utility". Prove that one because last I looked, there is Aetna, Kaiser, BlueCross/BlueShield, and numerous other insurance companies. That is called a free market which has always been subject to regulations because markets have inefficiencies, are not perfect.

All in all, none of what you are saying has any basis in actual measurable reality.

No, the poster made no good points. It was all a meaningless diatribe driven by some life long accumulation of bullshit driven by a paranoid delusion. Even if he does, indeed, have a couple of points interspersing the rest of the crap, they aren't worth anything because they are part of the context of the rest of it.

We can go, sentence by sentence, down the diatribe, and demonstrate that 99% of it has no basis.
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piss off, uneducated idiot

So, you didn't know that the PPACA is not an insurance plan?

Got anything to back up any of your statements? Any text from PPACA? Any examples of insurance that doesn't provide what you say they don't provide?

Sounds to me like you are an uneducated idiot with nothing but unfounded opinions you pulled out of your ass.

Got any proof I didn't get an education? Cuz, last I checked, my transcripts are still available.

learn to read and comrehend the written text FIRST, if you want to be taken seriously.

I do and can. That you can't write is your problem

Still haven't actually read the PPACA, have you? Talk about "uneducated".

But that is the way with idiots, learn nothing, make up unsupported bs, then claim everyone else is "uneducated".

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