The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Uh-oh [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]...more evidence that you're a moron who supports policies that are collapsing this nation...

With Affordable Care Act, Canceled Policies For New York Professionals
"Cultural elite" that supported Obamacare are now being dropped

Many in New York's professional and cultural elite have long supported President Obama's health care plan. But now, to their surprise, thousands of writers, opera singers, music teachers, photographers, doctors, lawyers and others are learning that their health insurance plans are being canceled and they may have to pay more to get comparable coverage, if they can find it.

People have more choice in health care companies and policies than ever before.

and more coverage, yes?

you leftard shills are incredible in your brainwashed idiocy

sadly, not only leftards :D

Yes, better coverage. No more inadequate coverage policies.
ACA did not create the healthcare insurance market.
Exactly. That's why I put used quotes. What ACA creates is nothing at all like a free market.

ACA had nothing to do with it except to allow everyone access to it.

Your euphemisms grow more outrageous with every post. How does 'force everyone to participate' translate to 'allow everyone access'? That's some kind of twisted wordplay you've got going on there.
ACA did not create the healthcare insurance market.
Exactly. That's why I put used quotes. What ACA creates is nothing at all like a free market.

ACA had nothing to do with it except to allow everyone access to it.

Your euphemisms grow more outrageous with every post. How does 'force everyone to participate' translate to 'allow everyone access'? That's some kind of twisted wordplay you've got going on there.

There are very few people in the country who are personally responsible for all of their health care costs that don't cover that risk with insurance.

There were many before ACA who wanted health care insurance but had no access to the market because their employers chose not to pay them enough to afford it. Because of ACA they now have access.
ACA did not create the healthcare insurance market.
Exactly. That's why I put used quotes. What ACA creates is nothing at all like a free market.

ACA had nothing to do with it except to allow everyone access to it.

Your euphemisms grow more outrageous with every post. How does 'force everyone to participate' translate to 'allow everyone access'? That's some kind of twisted wordplay you've got going on there.

There are very few people in the country who are personally responsible for all of their health care costs that don't cover that risk with insurance.

There were many before ACA who wanted health care insurance but had no access to the market because their employers chose not to pay them enough to afford it. Because of ACA they now have access.

Exactly. That's why I put used quotes. What ACA creates is nothing at all like a free market.

Your euphemisms grow more outrageous with every post. How does 'force everyone to participate' translate to 'allow everyone access'? That's some kind of twisted wordplay you've got going on there.

There are very few people in the country who are personally responsible for all of their health care costs that don't cover that risk with insurance.

There were many before ACA who wanted health care insurance but had no access to the market because their employers chose not to pay them enough to afford it. Because of ACA they now have access.

Again, Brownie tries for another world record in understated eloquence demonstrating the depth of conservative intellect.
There were many before ACA who wanted health care insurance but had no access to the market because their employers chose not to pay them enough to afford it. Because of ACA they now have access.

There were many before ACA who responsibly paid for their own health care, saving thousands of dollars yearly by carrying only limited insurance coverage. Because of ACA they are now forced to pay for shitty insurance coverage they neither want nor need, merely to keep your pals in the insurance industry in tall cotton.
There were many before ACA who wanted health care insurance but had no access to the market because their employers chose not to pay them enough to afford it. Because of ACA they now have access.

There were many before ACA who responsibly paid for their own health care, saving thousands of dollars yearly by carrying only limited insurance coverage. Because of ACA they are now forced to pay for shitty insurance coverage they neither want nor need, merely to keep your pals in the insurance industry in tall cotton.

In most of those cases those playing that game were doing so because they knew that the worst consequence was to declare medical bankruptcy pushing their bills off to others.

We insist on personal responsibility now.
People have more choice in health care companies and policies than ever before.

and more coverage, yes?

you leftard shills are incredible in your brainwashed idiocy

sadly, not only leftards :D

Yes, better coverage. No more inadequate coverage policies.

At 3 times the premiums. IOW--we have no choices now. We all are required to pay for pre-natal regardless of age or gender. If you've already had your kids and want no more--you are required to pay for it anyway. If you're not mentally ill, you are required to pay for it. If you're not addicted to drugs, you are required to pay for it.

This is Obamacare--and nation wide group health insurance policy with NO choices except to opt for large deductibles and co-pays.

NOW you liberals ask yourself something. If Obamacare was such a GREAT deal with lower premiums and better value--why haven't the 5.5 million policies with an estimated 12 million covered under those policies-- who just lost the insurance they liked gone running to the Obamacare exchanges to buy another policy? If it were the case that Obamacare was as promised--lower premiums better value--he would be a hero right now, instead his approval have fallen below G.W. Bush's. And the Obamacare mandates haven't even moved into the employer mandate as yet--which it's estimated that another 120 million policies will be cancelled. Democrats postponed that until AFTER the mid-term elections in 2014 for very good reason.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein on Tuesday joined the ranks of worried Democrats demanding that President Obama allow people to keep their current insurance policies. Feinstein’s move is bad news for an administration desperate for good news following the roll-out debacle of the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance exchange on Oct. 1, which has been plagued by technical problems.

“Since the beginning of September, I have received 30,842 calls, emails and letters from Californians, many of whom are very distressed by cancellations of their insurance policies and who are facing increased out-of-pocket costs.

“For example, a father from Rancho Mirage called and said: ‘I work three jobs to pay the bills for my wife and daughter. I got a letter that my plan is going from $420 to $943. I went to HealthCare.Gov, then Covered California. I researched my premiums. A policy almost identical to my old one is being offered for $863. I’m now being forced to come up with over $400 a month with 30 days’ notice. Let me spell it out: I do not have the income to afford this.’
Dianne Feinstein joins effort to change Affordable Care Act - Politics Blog

Obama had to CRUSH the individual market--in order for these people to pay higher premiums-on the Obamacare exchanges--so Obamacare would float. Barack Obama LIED to these people over 40 times about them being able to keep the policies and the doctors they liked. They won't be able to do any of that now.

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: to insure the unisured EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: uninsuring the insured


Welcome to your hope and change
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It appears you don't know much about the policies you support. Show me how someone will be subsidized if they can't afford 40% of the cost for chemotherapy under their ACA compliant Bronze Plan.

or pay the maximum out of the pocket annual 12.500 ( for the out of the network services) before ANY insurance benefits kick in - under obamacare compliant silver plan.

Why would someone worried about cost go out of network?

You haven't been able to find how someone will be subsidized if they can't afford 40% of the cost for chemotherapy under their ACA Bronze Plan have you?

Here's a hint - there is no subsidy for that situation. Someone only qualifies for subsidies if they have a low income. They don't qualify for subsidies if they have a medium income and high medical costs.
There were many before ACA who wanted health care insurance but had no access to the market because their employers chose not to pay them enough to afford it. Because of ACA they now have access.

There were many before ACA who responsibly paid for their own health care, saving thousands of dollars yearly by carrying only limited insurance coverage. Because of ACA they are now forced to pay for shitty insurance coverage they neither want nor need, merely to keep your pals in the insurance industry in tall cotton.

What you'll get is some dickhead response that says people are now personally responsible.

Which is nicer way of saying that you'll be paying for their insurance via subsidies and told that this is a better way.

Somehow they think that will keep ER visits down.
There were many before ACA who wanted health care insurance but had no access to the market because their employers chose not to pay them enough to afford it. Because of ACA they now have access.

There were many before ACA who responsibly paid for their own health care, saving thousands of dollars yearly by carrying only limited insurance coverage. Because of ACA they are now forced to pay for shitty insurance coverage they neither want nor need, merely to keep your pals in the insurance industry in tall cotton.

In most of those cases those playing that game were doing so because they knew that the worst consequence was to declare medical bankruptcy pushing their bills off to others.

We insist on personal responsibility now.

Please tell me what you would say to this father. I figured you must have missed the post or you would have responded (probably by telling the poor bastard to find a fourth job so he can feel good about his being (more) personally responsible (probably by being forced to carry insurance against AIDS or something like that). Looking forward to your (em)pathetic words.......

Sen. Dianne Feinstein on Tuesday joined the ranks of worried Democrats demanding that President Obama allow people to keep their current insurance policies. Feinstein’s move is bad news for an administration desperate for good news following the roll-out debacle of the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance exchange on Oct. 1, which has been plagued by technical problems.

“Since the beginning of September, I have received 30,842 calls, emails and letters from Californians, many of whom are very distressed by cancellations of their insurance policies and who are facing increased out-of-pocket costs.

“For example, a father from Rancho Mirage called and said: ‘I work three jobs to pay the bills for my wife and daughter. I got a letter that my plan is going from $420 to $943. I went to HealthCare.Gov, then Covered California. I researched my premiums. A policy almost identical to my old one is being offered for $863. I’m now being forced to come up with over $400 a month with 30 days’ notice. Let me spell it out: I do not have the income to afford this.’
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There were many before ACA who wanted health care insurance but had no access to the market because their employers chose not to pay them enough to afford it. Because of ACA they now have access.

There were many before ACA who responsibly paid for their own health care, saving thousands of dollars yearly by carrying only limited insurance coverage. Because of ACA they are now forced to pay for shitty insurance coverage they neither want nor need, merely to keep your pals in the insurance industry in tall cotton.

In most of those cases those playing that game were doing so because they knew that the worst consequence was to declare medical bankruptcy pushing their bills off to others.

We insist on personal responsibility now.

Yes more of the ever-popular guilty-until-proven-innocence premise at the heart of the statist mentality. Deal with the people who do wrong with proper legal remedies, and leave everyone else out of your fascist nonsense.
There were many before ACA who responsibly paid for their own health care, saving thousands of dollars yearly by carrying only limited insurance coverage. Because of ACA they are now forced to pay for shitty insurance coverage they neither want nor need, merely to keep your pals in the insurance industry in tall cotton.

In most of those cases those playing that game were doing so because they knew that the worst consequence was to declare medical bankruptcy pushing their bills off to others.

We insist on personal responsibility now.

Yes more of the ever-popular guilty-until-proven-innocence premise at the heart of the statist mentality. Deal with the people who do wrong with proper legal remedies, and leave everyone else out of your fascist nonsense.

I guess the question is how subsidizing these people isn't "pushing their bills off to others".
In most of those cases those playing that game were doing so because they knew that the worst consequence was to declare medical bankruptcy pushing their bills off to others.

We insist on personal responsibility now.

Yes more of the ever-popular guilty-until-proven-innocence premise at the heart of the statist mentality. Deal with the people who do wrong with proper legal remedies, and leave everyone else out of your fascist nonsense.

I guess the question is how subsidizing these people isn't "pushing their bills off to others".

Now, now someone went bankrupt over some medical bills--either because they did not have medical insurance (most likely) and or their personal choice in their deductible was too high. So EVERYONE in this country is now responsible for this personal bankruptcy and need to pay higher premiums for coverage they don't need to prevent this from ever happening again---:lol::lol: As if that would fix the bankruptcy problem in this country anyway--LOL

This is the way a lil Einstein Liberal thinks. We can protect everyone in this country by everyone paying more for medical insurance aka Obamacare. Taxpayer subsidies just "grows on trees" to a liberal mind. Those dollars just come out of the air and not someone else's pocket.

NOTE--that they are not at all concerned about the 5.5 million insurance policies that were just cancelled--with an estimated 12 million more that today are uninsured because of Obamacare. Nosirree--it'a all about that poor sole that went bankrupt over medical bills--because that's what Obama told them.

The 5 best sentences:

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

Something a Liberal could never possibly understand

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Uh-oh [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]...more evidence that you're a moron who supports policies that are collapsing this nation...

With Affordable Care Act, Canceled Policies For New York Professionals
"Cultural elite" that supported Obamacare are now being dropped

Many in New York's professional and cultural elite have long supported President Obama's health care plan. But now, to their surprise, thousands of writers, opera singers, music teachers, photographers, doctors, lawyers and others are learning that their health insurance plans are being canceled and they may have to pay more to get comparable coverage, if they can find it.

Sadly, they reelected a boy, would be king, and throw them under the bus, because he could.
There were many before ACA who wanted health care insurance but had no access to the market because their employers chose not to pay them enough to afford it. Because of ACA they now have access.

There were many before ACA who responsibly paid for their own health care, saving thousands of dollars yearly by carrying only limited insurance coverage. Because of ACA they are now forced to pay for shitty insurance coverage they neither want nor need, merely to keep your pals in the insurance industry in tall cotton.

I'm sure that we all would like free health care. But, reality is, somebody has to pay for all of that technology and training and work.

We could have everybody in a position to pay their own but business would rather pay executives lavishly and workers who create all wealth a pitenence. Logical? No, but the executives are making the decisions without accountability so it is what it is.

So, that's what we have to work with. The only choice left, if we want to be competitive with global business, is to use government to move back some of the wealth that capitalism moves up.
There were many before ACA who wanted health care insurance but had no access to the market because their employers chose not to pay them enough to afford it. Because of ACA they now have access.

There were many before ACA who responsibly paid for their own health care, saving thousands of dollars yearly by carrying only limited insurance coverage. Because of ACA they are now forced to pay for shitty insurance coverage they neither want nor need, merely to keep your pals in the insurance industry in tall cotton.

I'm sure that we all would like free health care. But, reality is, somebody has to pay for all of that technology and training and work.

We could have everybody in a position to pay their own but business would rather pay executives lavishly and workers who create all wealth a pitenence. Logical? No, but the executives are making the decisions without accountability so it is what it is.

So, that's what we have to work with. The only choice left, if we want to be competitive with global business, is to use government to move back some of the wealth that capitalism moves up.

I've learned, rightfully I think, to be deeply wary of anyone telling me that some shitty option is 'the only choice left'. And I don't particularly care about being 'competitive with global business'. So, suck corporate cock all you want, leave the rest of us out of your 5-year plans.
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