The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Yawn.............12 million losing insurance............I'm now one of them.............

My increase was 61% increase................Oh well, say's the libs, it must suck to be you and just ignore we are getting screwed over...................

Affordable Care Act.......................Wrong name..................It sure as hell isn't Affordable to Millions anymore...............But hey, if you are in the lower wage's they say it's great..................................................

Damaging those not damaged before the law, and still trying to Justify their BS.

Are you in a responsible State with an exchange? Did you take advantage of it, or the Federal exchange? Was the 61% increase the least expensive option there? Did you ask your former insurer what their increase is attributed to? Were there other benefit changes than those required by ACA? Did you have other changes that increased the insurance companies risk?

What's up with you? EVERYONE is complaining about the monthly premium cost of Obamacare--regardless if they're getting it on the state exchanges or the federal exchange.

I am another Coloradoan out of 250,000 of us that are getting the policies we liked CANCELLED. I was paying $238.00 per month for insurance. I am 60 years old and healthy, choose a 10K deductible to keep my premiums low. I don't paying for my own doctor's visits, or prescription medicine. I have a $2500.00 coverage for emergency room visits--and my physicals each year are paid for by the insurer. This is the Plan I liked and one that I could afford.

I went to my state Obamacare site--and my next choice is $495.00 per month with a 6K deductible.

So that's more than twice the premium that I was paying. The deductible at 6K is still too high for what I am paying in a monthly premium.

This is NOTHING NEW--it's just that Americans are slowly finding out that the cough-cough Affordable Health care act is really NOT Affordable.

Many Americans browsing the Obamacare exchanges are finding the Affordable Care Act isn't living up to its name.

It's not just premiums that are bringing up the costs. Consumers are finding high deductibles, co-payments and other expenses that make the Obamacare policies seem more like catastrophic plans than comprehensive insurance.

Those picking a bronze plan, which carry the lowest monthly rates, may have to spend $5,000 or more before the insurance kicks in. The next highest level of coverage, the silver tier, can carry $2,000 deductibles. And once they hit their deductibles, policy holders still have to pay for doctor visits, lab tests and medication.
Are Obamacare plans affordable? - Nov. 21, 2013

Now there is absolutely no problem with you--yourself getting on either your state exchange or the federal exchange to browse around for insurance coverage. They'll probably count you in as an enrollee in the stats. But if you see something that looks "affordable" let us know---:cuckoo:

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I was just in Manitou Spings this last weekend. Can't get enough of that place.

Love it !
Yawn.............12 million losing insurance............I'm now one of them.............

My increase was 61% increase................Oh well, say's the libs, it must suck to be you and just ignore we are getting screwed over...................

Affordable Care Act.......................Wrong name..................It sure as hell isn't Affordable to Millions anymore...............But hey, if you are in the lower wage's they say it's great..................................................

Damaging those not damaged before the law, and still trying to Justify their BS.

Are you in a responsible State with an exchange? Did you take advantage of it, or the Federal exchange? Was the 61% increase the least expensive option there? Did you ask your former insurer what their increase is attributed to? Were there other benefit changes than those required by ACA? Did you have other changes that increased the insurance companies risk?

What's up with you? EVERYONE is complaining about the monthly premium cost of Obamacare--regardless if they're getting it on the state exchanges or the federal exchange.

I am another Coloradoan out of 250,000 of us that are getting the policies we liked CANCELLED. I was paying $238.00 per month for insurance. I am 60 years old and healthy, choose a 10K deductible to keep my premiums low. I don't paying for my own doctor's visits, or prescription medicine. I have a $2500.00 coverage for emergency room visits--and my physicals each year are paid for by the insurer. This is the Plan I liked and one that I could afford.
Almost 250,000 Colo. residents lose health plans under ObamaCare | Fox News

I went to my state Obamacare site--and my next choice is $495.00 per month with a 6K deductible.

So that's more than twice the premium that I was paying. The deductible at 6K is still too high for what I am paying in a monthly premium.

This is NOTHING NEW--it's just that Americans are slowly finding out that the cough-cough Affordable Health care act is really NOT Affordable.

Many Americans browsing the Obamacare exchanges are finding the Affordable Care Act isn't living up to its name.

It's not just premiums that are bringing up the costs. Consumers are finding high deductibles, co-payments and other expenses that make the Obamacare policies seem more like catastrophic plans than comprehensive insurance.

Those picking a bronze plan, which carry the lowest monthly rates, may have to spend $5,000 or more before the insurance kicks in. The next highest level of coverage, the silver tier, can carry $2,000 deductibles. And once they hit their deductibles, policy holders still have to pay for doctor visits, lab tests and medication.
Are Obamacare plans affordable? - Nov. 21, 2013

Now there is absolutely no problem with you--yourself getting on either your state exchange or the federal exchange to browse around for insurance coverage. They'll probably count you in as an enrollee in the stats. But if you see something that looks "affordable" let us know---:cuckoo:


It's all semantics.

You weren't cancelled.

You were f**ked. It's not the same thing.
Are you in a responsible State with an exchange? Did you take advantage of it, or the Federal exchange? Was the 61% increase the least expensive option there? Did you ask your former insurer what their increase is attributed to? Were there other benefit changes than those required by ACA? Did you have other changes that increased the insurance companies risk?

Wrong the policies are being cancelled. Yes they by law now have to offer
What's up with you? EVERYONE is complaining about the monthly premium cost of Obamacare--regardless if they're getting it on the state exchanges or the federal exchange.

I am another Coloradoan out of 250,000 of us that are getting the policies we liked CANCELLED. I was paying $238.00 per month for insurance. I am 60 years old and healthy, choose a 10K deductible to keep my premiums low. I don't paying for my own doctor's visits, or prescription medicine. I have a $2500.00 coverage for emergency room visits--and my physicals each year are paid for by the insurer. This is the Plan I liked and one that I could afford.
Almost 250,000 Colo. residents lose health plans under ObamaCare | Fox News

I went to my state Obamacare site--and my next choice is $495.00 per month with a 6K deductible.

So that's more than twice the premium that I was paying. The deductible at 6K is still too high for what I am paying in a monthly premium.

This is NOTHING NEW--it's just that Americans are slowly finding out that the cough-cough Affordable Health care act is really NOT Affordable.

Many Americans browsing the Obamacare exchanges are finding the Affordable Care Act isn't living up to its name.

It's not just premiums that are bringing up the costs. Consumers are finding high deductibles, co-payments and other expenses that make the Obamacare policies seem more like catastrophic plans than comprehensive insurance.

Those picking a bronze plan, which carry the lowest monthly rates, may have to spend $5,000 or more before the insurance kicks in. The next highest level of coverage, the silver tier, can carry $2,000 deductibles. And once they hit their deductibles, policy holders still have to pay for doctor visits, lab tests and medication.
Are Obamacare plans affordable? - Nov. 21, 2013

Now there is absolutely no problem with you--yourself getting on either your state exchange or the federal exchange to browse around for insurance coverage. They'll probably count you in as an enrollee in the stats. But if you see something that looks "affordable" let us know---:cuckoo:


It's all semantics.

You weren't cancelled.

You were f**ked. It's not the same thing.

People's policies are being cancelled because Obama made the policies they liked "illegal." Additionally when they try to get a legal policy they are getting tied down and f**ked in the ass by the Obama machine. The only reason it's just 5million getting screwed is because the rest of the people have exemptions from the democrat Rape on our society.
Last edited:
Yawn.............12 million losing insurance............I'm now one of them.............

My increase was 61% increase................Oh well, say's the libs, it must suck to be you and just ignore we are getting screwed over...................

Affordable Care Act.......................Wrong name..................It sure as hell isn't Affordable to Millions anymore...............But hey, if you are in the lower wage's they say it's great..................................................

Damaging those not damaged before the law, and still trying to Justify their BS.

Are you in a responsible State with an exchange? Did you take advantage of it, or the Federal exchange? Was the 61% increase the least expensive option there? Did you ask your former insurer what their increase is attributed to? Were there other benefit changes than those required by ACA? Did you have other changes that increased the insurance companies risk?

What's up with you? EVERYONE is complaining about the monthly premium cost of Obamacare--regardless if they're getting it on the state exchanges or the federal exchange.

I am another Coloradoan out of 250,000 of us that are getting the policies we liked CANCELLED. I was paying $238.00 per month for insurance. I am 60 years old and healthy, choose a 10K deductible to keep my premiums low. I don't paying for my own doctor's visits, or prescription medicine. I have a $2500.00 coverage for emergency room visits--and my physicals each year are paid for by the insurer. This is the Plan I liked and one that I could afford.

I went to my state Obamacare site--and my next choice is $495.00 per month with a 6K deductible.

So that's more than twice the premium that I was paying. The deductible at 6K is still too high for what I am paying in a monthly premium.

This is NOTHING NEW--it's just that Americans are slowly finding out that the cough-cough Affordable Health care act is really NOT Affordable.

Many Americans browsing the Obamacare exchanges are finding the Affordable Care Act isn't living up to its name.

It's not just premiums that are bringing up the costs. Consumers are finding high deductibles, co-payments and other expenses that make the Obamacare policies seem more like catastrophic plans than comprehensive insurance.

Those picking a bronze plan, which carry the lowest monthly rates, may have to spend $5,000 or more before the insurance kicks in. The next highest level of coverage, the silver tier, can carry $2,000 deductibles. And once they hit their deductibles, policy holders still have to pay for doctor visits, lab tests and medication.
Are Obamacare plans affordable? - Nov. 21, 2013

Now there is absolutely no problem with you--yourself getting on either your state exchange or the federal exchange to browse around for insurance coverage. They'll probably count you in as an enrollee in the stats. But if you see something that looks "affordable" let us know---:cuckoo:


What you are ignoring is that there is simply no way that increases like that are attributable to ACA. Even though nothing would make you happier.

Why don't you investigate rather than just falling for what Republican propaganda wants you to believe?
Wrong the policies are being cancelled. Yes they by law now have to offer
What's up with you? EVERYONE is complaining about the monthly premium cost of Obamacare--regardless if they're getting it on the state exchanges or the federal exchange.

I am another Coloradoan out of 250,000 of us that are getting the policies we liked CANCELLED. I was paying $238.00 per month for insurance. I am 60 years old and healthy, choose a 10K deductible to keep my premiums low. I don't paying for my own doctor's visits, or prescription medicine. I have a $2500.00 coverage for emergency room visits--and my physicals each year are paid for by the insurer. This is the Plan I liked and one that I could afford.
Almost 250,000 Colo. residents lose health plans under ObamaCare | Fox News

I went to my state Obamacare site--and my next choice is $495.00 per month with a 6K deductible.

So that's more than twice the premium that I was paying. The deductible at 6K is still too high for what I am paying in a monthly premium.

This is NOTHING NEW--it's just that Americans are slowly finding out that the cough-cough Affordable Health care act is really NOT Affordable.

Are Obamacare plans affordable? - Nov. 21, 2013

Now there is absolutely no problem with you--yourself getting on either your state exchange or the federal exchange to browse around for insurance coverage. They'll probably count you in as an enrollee in the stats. But if you see something that looks "affordable" let us know---:cuckoo:


It's all semantics.

You weren't cancelled.

You were f**ked. It's not the same thing.

People's policies are being cancelled because Obama made the policies they liked "illegal." Additionally when they try to get a legal policy they are getting tied down and f**ked in the ass by the Obama machine. The only reason it's just 5million getting screwed is because the rest of the people have exemptions from the democrat Rape on our society.

Everybody addicted to conservative media believes what you say. Nobody who keeps up with the news does.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
It is sad that this has to happen.

It's also sad that the GOP has convinced people of "death panels", "losing freedom" and all the other hysterical nonsense that you sheep believe, that have actually made you think you hate a law that is a Republican idea.

So yeah, it's sad that a campaign needs to be waged to combat such blatant misinformation.

What a weal argument. First, most the GOP silenced Palin wen she talked about the death panels, but you know what SHE WAS RIGHT! But that isn't even the big issue at the moment.

Second, the issues is more people are losing insurance than gaining it. People are losing their doctors. And of course premiums and deductibles are skyrocketing now going down. Obama sold this on keeping your insurance, keeping your doctor and reducing your premiums and deductibles. People are finding out first hand that it's not true. The incompetent roll out was icing on the cake!
It is sad that this has to happen.

It's also sad that the GOP has convinced people of "death panels", "losing freedom" and all the other hysterical nonsense that you sheep believe, that have actually made you think you hate a law that is a Republican idea.

So yeah, it's sad that a campaign needs to be waged to combat such blatant misinformation.

What a weal argument. First, most the GOP silenced Palin wen she talked about the death panels, but you know what SHE WAS RIGHT! But that isn't even the big issue at the moment.

Second, the issues is more people are losing insurance than gaining it. People are losing their doctors. And of course premiums and deductibles are skyrocketing now going down. Obama sold this on keeping your insurance, keeping your doctor and reducing your premiums and deductibles. People are finding out first hand that it's not true. The incompetent roll out was icing on the cake!

What Republicans wish was true. How come none of this trauma is being reported on the news?
Your scotoma is "respect for the traditional American values of equal protection, individual liberty and rule of law" which haven't changed one iota for 230+ years. You use them as the bogieman to pursue lower taxes even in the face of facts that America is very competitive compared to any other country in value received and total tax rate.

You and I are among the most free of any humans who have walked the planet.

WTF??? Where did I argue for lower taxes? I actually think we should raise taxes, across the board, for everyone equally, until the fucking budget is balanced. Then we can have an honest discussion about how much government we want, and how much we want to pay for it. Until we do that, we're simply living a lie.

You don't have the slightest idea what I want because you're preoccupied with a strawman tailored for your idiotic talking points. But I ain't him. I stand up for real liberal values in the face of the corporatism whores like you are cheering for.
It's all semantics.

You weren't cancelled.

You were f**ked. It's not the same thing.

People's policies are being cancelled because Obama made the policies they liked "illegal." Additionally when they try to get a legal policy they are getting tied down and f**ked in the ass by the Obama machine. The only reason it's just 5million getting screwed is because the rest of the people have exemptions from the democrat Rape on our society.

Everybody addicted to conservative media believes what you say. Nobody who keeps up with the news does.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Retarded piece of shit.
why pay all this money to be misdiagnosed by an inept doctor? do people realize the difference between theory and practice? implementation without motivation will insure quality responds in a negative way. and about choices, i had choices of only four insurers. since i assume they have contacts with each other, ill also assume they colluded to keep prices in line with each other while setting policies. add in an inept government (which it is especially where i live in greater illinois) and i"ll will have a system in stagnation at best. i live in area with a massive superfund site due to mineral extraction. its been this way for fifty years in limbo, so long that anyone tied to doing anything about the cleaning up this toxic material that we all breath and drink inevitably has long ago been silenced by time. a facility i worked at and was OSHA approved every year was done so by a man who would be wined and dined and i saw a only a few times, all the while working with irritant chemicals that were sprayed in the air and i was required to apply without a face mask or even rubber gloves. so pardon me when i scoff at the hippocratic notions of helping my health, while in all reality might be only prolonging my suffering. Great way to lower cost would be by getting rid of the best we can these negative factors to our health. Before someone bashes me let me say that i am as poor(monetarily strictly) as you you can be and by all accounts could get free care if i chose to.
People's policies are being cancelled because Obama made the policies they liked "illegal." Additionally when they try to get a legal policy they are getting tied down and f**ked in the ass by the Obama machine. The only reason it's just 5million getting screwed is because the rest of the people have exemptions from the democrat Rape on our society.

Everybody addicted to conservative media believes what you say. Nobody who keeps up with the news does.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Retarded piece of shit.

I always so look forward to Brownies quote of the day. Delightful wit and wisdom.
why pay all this money to be misdiagnosed by an inept doctor? do people realize the difference between theory and practice? implementation without motivation will insure quality responds in a negative way. and about choices, i had choices of only four insurers. since i assume they have contacts with each other, ill also assume they colluded to keep prices in line with each other while setting policies. add in an inept government (which it is especially where i live in greater illinois) and i"ll will have a system in stagnation at best. i live in area with a massive superfund site due to mineral extraction. its been this way for fifty years in limbo, so long that anyone tied to doing anything about the cleaning up this toxic material that we all breath and drink inevitably has long ago been silenced by time. a facility i worked at and was OSHA approved every year was done so by a man who would be wined and dined and i saw a only a few times, all the while working with irritant chemicals that were sprayed in the air and i was required to apply without a face mask or even rubber gloves. so pardon me when i scoff at the hippocratic notions of helping my health, while in all reality might be only prolonging my suffering. Great way to lower cost would be by getting rid of the best we can these negative factors to our health. Before someone bashes me let me say that i am as poor(monetarily strictly) as you you can be and by all accounts could get free care if i chose to.

As you've found, we each are ultimately responsible for our own health. When the limitation to our ability to do that, is what value other people put on hard work, society is willing to help. At least some are. Others are not willing but can be persuaded.
People's policies are being cancelled because Obama made the policies they liked "illegal." Additionally when they try to get a legal policy they are getting tied down and f**ked in the ass by the Obama machine. The only reason it's just 5million getting screwed is because the rest of the people have exemptions from the democrat Rape on our society.

Everybody addicted to conservative media believes what you say. Nobody who keeps up with the news does.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Retarded piece of shit.

I found this news to be interesting....

Reports: Obamacare Sticker Shock to Slam Families, Small Businesses - Guy Benson

The Associated Press' latest poll shows nearly half of all insured Americans reporting that Obamacare has already impacted their 2014 coverage. Within this group, nearly seven in ten point to rising premiums, and nearly eight in ten place blame squarely on the new law.

Now, I am sure we will hear the same refrain...

Fox News...
Fox News...
Fox News...

But this appears to be an AP poll. And if the survey was done right (notice I can say "if"...unlike the left which will latch their lips onto anything they think will help their cause and suck on it till it does what they hope for), then some of those eight are liberals and democrats.

But it's all semantics.....

Are you in a responsible State with an exchange? Did you take advantage of it, or the Federal exchange? Was the 61% increase the least expensive option there? Did you ask your former insurer what their increase is attributed to? Were there other benefit changes than those required by ACA? Did you have other changes that increased the insurance companies risk?

What's up with you? EVERYONE is complaining about the monthly premium cost of Obamacare--regardless if they're getting it on the state exchanges or the federal exchange.

I am another Coloradoan out of 250,000 of us that are getting the policies we liked CANCELLED. I was paying $238.00 per month for insurance. I am 60 years old and healthy, choose a 10K deductible to keep my premiums low. I don't paying for my own doctor's visits, or prescription medicine. I have a $2500.00 coverage for emergency room visits--and my physicals each year are paid for by the insurer. This is the Plan I liked and one that I could afford.
Almost 250,000 Colo. residents lose health plans under ObamaCare | Fox News

I went to my state Obamacare site--and my next choice is $495.00 per month with a 6K deductible.

So that's more than twice the premium that I was paying. The deductible at 6K is still too high for what I am paying in a monthly premium.

This is NOTHING NEW--it's just that Americans are slowly finding out that the cough-cough Affordable Health care act is really NOT Affordable.

Many Americans browsing the Obamacare exchanges are finding the Affordable Care Act isn't living up to its name.

It's not just premiums that are bringing up the costs. Consumers are finding high deductibles, co-payments and other expenses that make the Obamacare policies seem more like catastrophic plans than comprehensive insurance.

Those picking a bronze plan, which carry the lowest monthly rates, may have to spend $5,000 or more before the insurance kicks in. The next highest level of coverage, the silver tier, can carry $2,000 deductibles. And once they hit their deductibles, policy holders still have to pay for doctor visits, lab tests and medication.
Are Obamacare plans affordable? - Nov. 21, 2013

Now there is absolutely no problem with you--yourself getting on either your state exchange or the federal exchange to browse around for insurance coverage. They'll probably count you in as an enrollee in the stats. But if you see something that looks "affordable" let us know---:cuckoo:


What you are ignoring is that there is simply no way that increases like that are attributable to ACA. Even though nothing would make you happier.

Why don't you investigate rather than just falling for what Republican propaganda wants you to believe?

While I have you on ignore...I can still see you dumbass posts through quotes.

This one is beyond stupid......

You said "What you are ignoring is that there is simply no way that increases like that are attributable to ACA."

And here is someone's story (which is being repeated about a million times).

Sue Walker received the bad news in September from the insurer who handled her medical coverage in Jacksonville, Ill. She was told that to meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act, her premium would go from $513 a month to $890. She also would be required to purchase insurance that included maternity benefits, even though Walker is 64 years old.​

I think you've got a Kool-Aid I.V.

Nobody cares what you post. You've shown yourself to be meaningless as a thinker.
Everybody addicted to conservative media believes what you say. Nobody who keeps up with the news does.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Retarded piece of shit.

I found this news to be interesting....

Reports: Obamacare Sticker Shock to Slam Families, Small Businesses - Guy Benson

The Associated Press' latest poll shows nearly half of all insured Americans reporting that Obamacare has already impacted their 2014 coverage. Within this group, nearly seven in ten point to rising premiums, and nearly eight in ten place blame squarely on the new law.

Now, I am sure we will hear the same refrain...

Fox News...
Fox News...
Fox News...

But this appears to be an AP poll. And if the survey was done right (notice I can say "if"...unlike the left which will latch their lips onto anything they think will help their cause and suck on it till it does what they hope for), then some of those eight are liberals and democrats.

But it's all semantics.....


People complaining about health care costs as they renew their insurance is new this year how?

Oh yeah, the Republican appointed scapegoat that they've whined about for four years now.

Same ol', same ol'.
What's up with you? EVERYONE is complaining about the monthly premium cost of Obamacare--regardless if they're getting it on the state exchanges or the federal exchange.

I am another Coloradoan out of 250,000 of us that are getting the policies we liked CANCELLED. I was paying $238.00 per month for insurance. I am 60 years old and healthy, choose a 10K deductible to keep my premiums low. I don't paying for my own doctor's visits, or prescription medicine. I have a $2500.00 coverage for emergency room visits--and my physicals each year are paid for by the insurer. This is the Plan I liked and one that I could afford.
Almost 250,000 Colo. residents lose health plans under ObamaCare | Fox News

I went to my state Obamacare site--and my next choice is $495.00 per month with a 6K deductible.

So that's more than twice the premium that I was paying. The deductible at 6K is still too high for what I am paying in a monthly premium.

This is NOTHING NEW--it's just that Americans are slowly finding out that the cough-cough Affordable Health care act is really NOT Affordable.

Are Obamacare plans affordable? - Nov. 21, 2013

Now there is absolutely no problem with you--yourself getting on either your state exchange or the federal exchange to browse around for insurance coverage. They'll probably count you in as an enrollee in the stats. But if you see something that looks "affordable" let us know---:cuckoo:


What you are ignoring is that there is simply no way that increases like that are attributable to ACA. Even though nothing would make you happier.

Why don't you investigate rather than just falling for what Republican propaganda wants you to believe?

While I have you on ignore...I can still see you dumbass posts through quotes.

This one is beyond stupid......

You said "What you are ignoring is that there is simply no way that increases like that are attributable to ACA."

And here is someone's story (which is being repeated about a million times).

Sue Walker received the bad news in September from the insurer who handled her medical coverage in Jacksonville, Ill. She was told that to meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act, her premium would go from $513 a month to $890. She also would be required to purchase insurance that included maternity benefits, even though Walker is 64 years old.​

I think you've got a Kool-Aid I.V.

Nobody cares what you post. You've shown yourself to be meaningless as a thinker.

I speak for myself. You speak for Fox and Republican dogma.

When, not if, they return to country over party, perhaps there will be a time when our views will coincide. In fact, I'm pretty sure that people like Boehner are waking up to the cost in elections of throwing the country under the bus to please their financial backers.

It's a matter of time. Time that I plan to spend specifically not ignoring you and other propaganda peddlers.
Retarded piece of shit.

I found this news to be interesting....

Reports: Obamacare Sticker Shock to Slam Families, Small Businesses - Guy Benson

The Associated Press' latest poll shows nearly half of all insured Americans reporting that Obamacare has already impacted their 2014 coverage. Within this group, nearly seven in ten point to rising premiums, and nearly eight in ten place blame squarely on the new law.

Now, I am sure we will hear the same refrain...

Fox News...
Fox News...
Fox News...

But this appears to be an AP poll. And if the survey was done right (notice I can say "if"...unlike the left which will latch their lips onto anything they think will help their cause and suck on it till it does what they hope for), then some of those eight are liberals and democrats.

But it's all semantics.....


People complaining about health care costs as they renew their insurance is new this year how?

Oh yeah, the Republican appointed scapegoat that they've whined about for four years now.

Same ol', same ol'.

I'll take that to mean you can't deny your bullshyt claim.

Back to ignoring you.

Missed that part where 8 in ten of those impacted blame Obamacare.....

How many people actually watch Fox News......:lol: :Lol:
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