The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Uh-oh [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]...more evidence that you're a moron who supports policies that are collapsing this nation...

With Affordable Care Act, Canceled Policies For New York Professionals
"Cultural elite" that supported Obamacare are now being dropped

Many in New York's professional and cultural elite have long supported President Obama's health care plan. But now, to their surprise, thousands of writers, opera singers, music teachers, photographers, doctors, lawyers and others are learning that their health insurance plans are being canceled and they may have to pay more to get comparable coverage, if they can find it.

People have more choice in health care companies and policies than ever before.

Yet the choices of doctors and hospitals are limited under your messiah's care.

Obama promised people could keep their doctors. But in many states the new plans appear to offer a narrow choice of hospitals and doctors. Overall, it's shaping up as less choice than what people get through Medicare or employer-based coverage. Also, it can get complicated tracking down which medical providers are in what plans.
Limited patient choice next health overhaul issue
Gee, Republicans whining about Obamacare. There is nothing new in the world. Same ol', same ol'.

When your only political friend is the bogieman, I guess that you do what you have to do.

I still wonder why I was never offered one of these multi year contracts that Rotweiner got all of the time. He must be still paying 1970s rates.
Gee, Republicans whining about Obamacare. There is nothing new in the world. Same ol', same ol'.

When your only political friend is the bogieman, I guess that you do what you have to do.

I still wonder why I was never offered one of these multi year contracts that Rotweiner got all of the time. He must be still paying 1970s rates.

Actually, if you were an honest troll (which you're not), you would have posted, "Gee, Republicans and democrats whining about Obamacare."
You are the outlier and not mainstream.
Gee, Republicans whining about Obamacare. There is nothing new in the world. Same ol', same ol'.

When your only political friend is the bogieman, I guess that you do what you have to do.

I still wonder why I was never offered one of these multi year contracts that Rotweiner got all of the time. He must be still paying 1970s rates.

Actually, if you were an honest troll (which you're not), you would have posted, "Gee, Republicans and democrats whining about Obamacare."
You are the outlier and not mainstream.

It's close. If Republicans relied on facts rather than propaganda, it would not even be in the news.
Gee, Republicans whining about Obamacare. There is nothing new in the world. Same ol', same ol'.

When your only political friend is the bogieman, I guess that you do what you have to do.

I still wonder why I was never offered one of these multi year contracts that Rotweiner got all of the time. He must be still paying 1970s rates.

Actually, if you were an honest troll (which you're not), you would have posted, "Gee, Republicans and democrats whining about Obamacare."
You are the outlier and not mainstream.

It's close. If Republicans relied on facts rather than propaganda, it would not even be in the news.
This post is an example on why people consider you no more than a board troll. You ignore the facts and just continue on with your personal talking points.:eusa_whistle:
Actually, if you were an honest troll (which you're not), you would have posted, "Gee, Republicans and democrats whining about Obamacare."
You are the outlier and not mainstream.

It's close. If Republicans relied on facts rather than propaganda, it would not even be in the news.
This post is an example on why people consider you no more than a board troll. You ignore the facts and just continue on with your personal talking points.:eusa_whistle:

Apparently somebody appointed you keeper of truth?

I missed that vote.
To be brainwashed you need a brain.

The cancelled policies happen every year. I can recall that at the end of 2010, 2011, and 2012, there were five million people telling us that their policies were cancelled. Oh, wait....that wasn't the case.

But it's still common or a "normal occurance".

Like I be brainwashed....

Tell us where you got your multi year policies. I've never seen one.

As I keep explaining to this lying asshole [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION], there has never been a policy in world history that "cancels" after 1 year.

Why would a company want to lose your business after 1 year?!?!? :cuckoo:

Every single insurance policy in world history has been perpetual. You keep paying your premium, the coverage continues uninterrupted after each year. It's just a simple fact and this lying piece of shit believed he can convince the world otherwise by simply telling the same lie over and over.

Da--Duh--they're not making any money at it- is the answer to your question. People who are in business HAVE to make money to stay in business. And IF Americans do not sign up in MASS for Obamacare--especially the 18-34 age group--insurers have already notified us that they won't be making any money. Therefore next year, they will be forced to raise premiums making it un-affordable to about everyone.

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Harp all they want, rightwingers have latched on to another Ben Ghazzi. LOL

Administration: Obamacare Site Running Smoothly |

It's been so long since they've made any point that stuck, they're getting really frustrated. But they tell each other that they're winning the hearts and minds of those that they've pledged to hate.

It is the most bizarre chapter of American politics.

Truly a "most bizarre chapter of American politics" and I thank the gods everyday that I get to witness it first hand

Harp all they want, rightwingers have latched on to another Ben Ghazzi. LOL

Administration: Obamacare Site Running Smoothly |

It's been so long since they've made any point that stuck, they're getting really frustrated. But they tell each other that they're winning the hearts and minds of those that they've pledged to hate.

It is the most bizarre chapter of American politics.

Truly a "most bizarre chapter of American politics" and I thank the gods everyday that I get to witness it first hand


Well, I am not stupid enough to believe an administration--with the person at the helm--Obama who has already lied to the American public over 40 times--to actually believe what they say now.

But you Lil Einstein's--go right ahead--and drink your Obama kool aid until it fries what brain you have left.-:lol:


Welcome to your hope and change
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It's been so long since they've made any point that stuck, they're getting really frustrated. But they tell each other that they're winning the hearts and minds of those that they've pledged to hate.

It is the most bizarre chapter of American politics.

Truly a "most bizarre chapter of American politics" and I thank the gods everyday that I get to witness it first hand


Well, I am not stupid enough to believe an administration--with the person at the helm--Obama who has already lied to the American public over 40 times--to actually believe what they say now.

But you Lil Einstein's--go right ahead--and drink your Obama kool aid until it fries what brain you have left.-:lol:


You are apparently stupid enough to believe the boobs and boobies reciting Republican propaganda on Fox.
Truly a "most bizarre chapter of American politics" and I thank the gods everyday that I get to witness it first hand


Well, I am not stupid enough to believe an administration--with the person at the helm--Obama who has already lied to the American public over 40 times--to actually believe what they say now.

But you Lil Einstein's--go right ahead--and drink your Obama kool aid until it fries what brain you have left.-:lol:


You are apparently stupid enough to believe the boobs and boobies reciting Republican propaganda on Fox.

What??? Hold on now. Are you saying Fox news isn't 'fair and balanced'?
Well, I am not stupid enough to believe an administration--with the person at the helm--Obama who has already lied to the American public over 40 times--to actually believe what they say now.

But you Lil Einstein's--go right ahead--and drink your Obama kool aid until it fries what brain you have left.-:lol:


You are apparently stupid enough to believe the boobs and boobies reciting Republican propaganda on Fox.

What??? Hold on now. Are you saying Fox news isn't 'fair and balanced'?

Like all entertainment, they play to their audience.

Their audience is not fair and balanced.

You are apparently stupid enough to believe the boobs and boobies reciting Republican propaganda on Fox.

What??? Hold on now. Are you saying Fox news isn't 'fair and balanced'?

Like all entertainment, they play to their audience.

Their audience is not fair and balanced.


Well it doesn't all come from Fox News--does it?--:lol: And that's why Obama's approval rating is in the toilet. CNN and all of the major networks have been discussing the Obama LIE. Apparently they have woken up from their 6 year Obama coma. Unfortunately--you haven't yet.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein on Tuesday joined the ranks of worried Democrats demanding that President Obama allow people to keep their current insurance policies. Feinstein’s move is bad news for an administration desperate for good news following the roll-out debacle of the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance exchange on Oct. 1, which has been plagued by technical problems.

In addition to the website snarl, thousands of individual policies have been cancelled by insurance companies to meet minimum coverage standards under Obama’s signature health care law.

The California Democrat is a political heavyweight, given her Senate seniority and reputation for working across the aisle. She won re-election in 2012 to a new six-year term, and so does not share the political fears of Democrats up for re-election in 2014 such as Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, whose bill Feinstein will co-sponsor. Feinstein is the first blue-state Democrat to join the effort.

“Since the beginning of September, I have received 30,842 calls, emails and letters from Californians, many of whom are very distressed by cancellations of their insurance policies and who are facing increased out-of-pocket costs.

“For example, a father from Rancho Mirage called and said: ‘I work three jobs to pay the bills for my wife and daughter. I got a letter that my plan is going from $420 to $943. I went to HealthCare.Gov, then Covered California. I researched my premiums. A policy almost identical to my old one is being offered for $863. I’m now being forced to come up with over $400 a month with 30 days’ notice. Let me spell it out: I do not have the income to afford this.’
Dianne Feinstein joins effort to change Affordable Care Act - Politics Blog

[ame=]Bill Clinton: Obama Should Honor His Keep Your Plan Promise - YouTube[/ame]

And the Lie of the Year award goes to Barack Obama--reported by the Washington Post
Politifact awards ?Lie of the Year? to Obama

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: to insure the unisured EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: uninsuring the insured

What was that again about Fox News---:lol:
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What??? Hold on now. Are you saying Fox news isn't 'fair and balanced'?

Like all entertainment, they play to their audience.

Their audience is not fair and balanced.


Well it doesn't all come from Fox News--does it?--:lol: And that's why Obama's approval rating is in the toilet. CNN and all of the major networks have been discussing the Obama LIE. Apparently they have woken up from their 6 year Obama coma. Unfortunately--you haven't yet.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein on Tuesday joined the ranks of worried Democrats demanding that President Obama allow people to keep their current insurance policies. Feinstein’s move is bad news for an administration desperate for good news following the roll-out debacle of the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance exchange on Oct. 1, which has been plagued by technical problems.

In addition to the website snarl, thousands of individual policies have been cancelled by insurance companies to meet minimum coverage standards under Obama’s signature health care law.

The California Democrat is a political heavyweight, given her Senate seniority and reputation for working across the aisle. She won re-election in 2012 to a new six-year term, and so does not share the political fears of Democrats up for re-election in 2014 such as Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, whose bill Feinstein will co-sponsor. Feinstein is the first blue-state Democrat to join the effort.

“Since the beginning of September, I have received 30,842 calls, emails and letters from Californians, many of whom are very distressed by cancellations of their insurance policies and who are facing increased out-of-pocket costs.

“For example, a father from Rancho Mirage called and said: ‘I work three jobs to pay the bills for my wife and daughter. I got a letter that my plan is going from $420 to $943. I went to HealthCare.Gov, then Covered California. I researched my premiums. A policy almost identical to my old one is being offered for $863. I’m now being forced to come up with over $400 a month with 30 days’ notice. Let me spell it out: I do not have the income to afford this.’
Dianne Feinstein joins effort to change Affordable Care Act - Politics Blog

[ame=]Bill Clinton: Obama Should Honor His Keep Your Plan Promise - YouTube[/ame]

And the Lie of the Year award goes to Barack Obama--reported by the Washington Post
Politifact awards ?Lie of the Year? to Obama

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: to insure the unisured EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: uninsuring the insured

What was that again about Fox News---:lol:

He did what government could to accomplish what he promised. Private insurance companies chose a different direction. Apparently that was enough to fool Republicans.
The job for the people at the Republican propaganda factory now is to pull from those in their army who might have been better off with the Republican do nothing plan, and portray them as a majority. Pretty ordinary propaganda kind of stuff.

In this particular story, the victim is someone who's a healthcare insurance neophyte, who refuses all help, goes for the cheapest plan, gets expensively I'll, and is surprised to find that his only option is the same only option as before ACA. Medical bankruptcy.

Proving beyond doubt that the Democrat solution is not perfect, just better than the Republican none solution.

Except there is a Republican solution - actually a few of them:

The American Health Care Reform Act | Republican Study Committee (RSC)

All these were presented by Republicans before Obama was even elected:

10 Steps to Transform Health Care - Issue Statements - United States Senator Mike Enzi

Dr. Coburn, colleagues introduce "Every American Insured Health Act" - Press Releases - Tom Coburn, M.D., United States Senator from Oklahoma

Bill Summary & Status - 111th Congress (2009 - 2010) - S.391 - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

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