The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Harp all they want, rightwingers have latched on to another Ben Ghazzi. LOL

Administration: Obamacare Site Running Smoothly |

Sure the Administration says it's running smoothly. They said it was ready in September. They said it was performing optimally in October - until the reports of all the problems came in.

It was down today when I was at a Humana seminar instructing insurance agents on the places to enter their NPN. The connection the insurance companies' portals was down too.
Like all entertainment, they play to their audience.

Their audience is not fair and balanced.


Well it doesn't all come from Fox News--does it?--:lol: And that's why Obama's approval rating is in the toilet. CNN and all of the major networks have been discussing the Obama LIE. Apparently they have woken up from their 6 year Obama coma. Unfortunately--you haven't yet.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein on Tuesday joined the ranks of worried Democrats demanding that President Obama allow people to keep their current insurance policies. Feinstein’s move is bad news for an administration desperate for good news following the roll-out debacle of the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance exchange on Oct. 1, which has been plagued by technical problems.

In addition to the website snarl, thousands of individual policies have been cancelled by insurance companies to meet minimum coverage standards under Obama’s signature health care law.

The California Democrat is a political heavyweight, given her Senate seniority and reputation for working across the aisle. She won re-election in 2012 to a new six-year term, and so does not share the political fears of Democrats up for re-election in 2014 such as Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, whose bill Feinstein will co-sponsor. Feinstein is the first blue-state Democrat to join the effort.

“Since the beginning of September, I have received 30,842 calls, emails and letters from Californians, many of whom are very distressed by cancellations of their insurance policies and who are facing increased out-of-pocket costs.

“For example, a father from Rancho Mirage called and said: ‘I work three jobs to pay the bills for my wife and daughter. I got a letter that my plan is going from $420 to $943. I went to HealthCare.Gov, then Covered California. I researched my premiums. A policy almost identical to my old one is being offered for $863. I’m now being forced to come up with over $400 a month with 30 days’ notice. Let me spell it out: I do not have the income to afford this.’
Dianne Feinstein joins effort to change Affordable Care Act - Politics Blog

[ame=]Bill Clinton: Obama Should Honor His Keep Your Plan Promise - YouTube[/ame]

And the Lie of the Year award goes to Barack Obama--reported by the Washington Post
Politifact awards ?Lie of the Year? to Obama

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: to insure the unisured EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: uninsuring the insured

What was that again about Fox News---:lol:

He did what government could to accomplish what he promised. Private insurance companies chose a different direction. Apparently that was enough to fool Republicans.

You may be correct that this is the best the government can do.

Run with that and enjoy your private Medicare Advantage plan. It's good to note that you aren't choosing the "public option" you have and limiting yourself to Original Medicare. Smart choice for you.
Good stuff, now that's what I call slinging it with the truth in your hands...Get-r-done.. :)
Like all entertainment, they play to their audience.

Their audience is not fair and balanced.


Well it doesn't all come from Fox News--does it?--:lol: And that's why Obama's approval rating is in the toilet. CNN and all of the major networks have been discussing the Obama LIE. Apparently they have woken up from their 6 year Obama coma. Unfortunately--you haven't yet.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein on Tuesday joined the ranks of worried Democrats demanding that President Obama allow people to keep their current insurance policies. Feinstein’s move is bad news for an administration desperate for good news following the roll-out debacle of the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance exchange on Oct. 1, which has been plagued by technical problems.

In addition to the website snarl, thousands of individual policies have been cancelled by insurance companies to meet minimum coverage standards under Obama’s signature health care law.

The California Democrat is a political heavyweight, given her Senate seniority and reputation for working across the aisle. She won re-election in 2012 to a new six-year term, and so does not share the political fears of Democrats up for re-election in 2014 such as Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, whose bill Feinstein will co-sponsor. Feinstein is the first blue-state Democrat to join the effort.

“Since the beginning of September, I have received 30,842 calls, emails and letters from Californians, many of whom are very distressed by cancellations of their insurance policies and who are facing increased out-of-pocket costs.

“For example, a father from Rancho Mirage called and said: ‘I work three jobs to pay the bills for my wife and daughter. I got a letter that my plan is going from $420 to $943. I went to HealthCare.Gov, then Covered California. I researched my premiums. A policy almost identical to my old one is being offered for $863. I’m now being forced to come up with over $400 a month with 30 days’ notice. Let me spell it out: I do not have the income to afford this.’
Dianne Feinstein joins effort to change Affordable Care Act - Politics Blog

[ame=]Bill Clinton: Obama Should Honor His Keep Your Plan Promise - YouTube[/ame]

And the Lie of the Year award goes to Barack Obama--reported by the Washington Post
Politifact awards ?Lie of the Year? to Obama

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: to insure the unisured EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: uninsuring the insured

What was that again about Fox News---:lol:

He did what government could to accomplish what he promised. Private insurance companies chose a different direction. Apparently that was enough to fool Republicans.

My God do you love the taste of Obama's cock. It is remarkable sitting here watching you rub your nipples as you fellate this man who has lied to you over and over and over. He laughs his ass off at what a useful little idiot you are as you swallow his load. But at the end of the day, I guess parasites like you are just looking for freebies and could care less about anything else.

Taxpayers Shell Out $14,000 per Obamacare “Enrollee”
Wednesday, December 11, 2013 5:12 PM | John Kartch

$5.2 billion for just 364,682 “enrollees”

In her testimony before Congress today, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius provided an updated dollar amount for the cost of $677 million. In addition to the $677 million spent on the federal Obamacare website, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has shoveled $4.5 billion of taxpayer money to promote Obamacare on the state level.

HHS also released updated “enrollment” figures for Obamacare. According to the agency 364,682 people have “selected a plan” – the equivalent of putting an item in your online shopping cart and leaving it there.

That means the taxpayer cost per “enrollee” is over $14,000.

($4.5 billion + $677 million = $5,177,000,000 ÷ 364,682 = $14,196)

ATR Mobile: Taxpayers Shell Out $14,000 per Obamacare Enrollee
Truly a "most bizarre chapter of American politics" and I thank the gods everyday that I get to witness it first hand

And Obama thanks God everyday that he has parasites like you who are also useful idiots. Truly a rare breed (it's astounding what ignorant, brain washed little MSNBC bitches you two are - all alone on a board getting your asses handed to you on a 50:2 ratio). :lmao:

But, deep down, you both know you're wrong. When you've been smacked in the face so hard with an avalanche of facts that you can no longer make an intelligent argument, and instead are relegated to barking "Fox! Fox! Fox!" like someone suffering from Tourette's Syndrome, it's pretty obvious you've been defeated and you know it.
And the band continues to play...

White House broadens Obamacare exemptions - Jennifer Haberkorn and Carrie Budoff Brown -

White House broadens Obamacare exemptions

Millions of Americans who had their health plans cancelled will be exempt from the Obamacare individual mandate, the administration said Thursday — a surprise move that comes just before Monday’s deadline to sign up for coverage starting Jan. 1.
The administration also said people who had their plans cancelled could get a scaled-back catastrophic plan, which has more limited benefits than those included in other Obamacare health plans.

The move prompted sharp criticism from Republicans and concern from the insurance industry that another last-minute change would disrupt coverage and lead to tumult in the new marketplaces.

(Also on POLITICO: For Obamacare boosters, all memes are good memes)
“This latest rule change could cause significant instability in the marketplace and lead to further confusion and disruption for consumers,” said Karen Ignagni, president of America’s Health Insurance Plans, an industry trade group.
If obamacare wasn't such a catastrophic failure, why would democrats want to hand out free pot to everyone who signs up?

Obamacare is only a catastrophe on Fox News. They declared it such well before it became the law of the land, and have never relented.

That’s why real America is tuning them out and relying on news shows to learn what's really going on in the world.

Of course they are. That's why CNN and MSNBC have such massive ratings.

Literally 3 out of every 4 posts [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] makes his only response is "this is Fox News's fault". What does that tell you?

He's so brainwashed by MSNBC, he has no facts, no information, no reality. And he can't accept them either. We have filled this thread with a mountain of evidence - link after link after link - to news sources all over the world. He has yet to provide even one. And in the face of all of the facts, his only response has been "Fox! Fox! Fox!".
And the band continues to play...

White House broadens Obamacare exemptions - Jennifer Haberkorn and Carrie Budoff Brown -

White House broadens Obamacare exemptions

Millions of Americans who had their health plans cancelled will be exempt from the Obamacare individual mandate, the administration said Thursday — a surprise move that comes just before Monday’s deadline to sign up for coverage starting Jan. 1.
The administration also said people who had their plans cancelled could get a scaled-back catastrophic plan, which has more limited benefits than those included in other Obamacare health plans.

The move prompted sharp criticism from Republicans and concern from the insurance industry that another last-minute change would disrupt coverage and lead to tumult in the new marketplaces.

(Also on POLITICO: For Obamacare boosters, all memes are good memes)
“This latest rule change could cause significant instability in the marketplace and lead to further confusion and disruption for consumers,” said Karen Ignagni, president of America’s Health Insurance Plans, an industry trade group.

And even though this link is not from Fox, I can already tell you what PMZ's response is going to be:

PMZ: "Fox! Fox! Fox!"
On page 196 here, we already have two more links (neither from Fox News) than PMZ has provided to back up his ignorant opinions in this entire thread.

And he will humiliate himself once again by yelling "Fox! Fox! Fox!"
Obamacare is only a catastrophe on Fox News. They declared it such well before it became the law of the land, and have never relented.

That’s why real America is tuning them out and relying on news shows to learn what's really going on in the world.

Of course they are. That's why CNN and MSNBC have such massive ratings.

Literally 3 out of every 4 posts [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] makes his only response is "this is Fox News's fault". What does that tell you?

He's so brainwashed by MSNBC, he has no facts, no information, no reality. And he can't accept them either. We have filled this thread with a mountain of evidence - link after link after link - to news sources all over the world. He has yet to provide even one. And in the face of all of the facts, his only response has been "Fox! Fox! Fox!".
PMZ is the board troll, the posts he/she/it delivers are no more than a child with a lame answer/excuse and when caught with facts ignores them or cries "FOX NEWS"
I'm surprised that so many banter back and forth with him.
Troll may be exchanged with chew toy, I suppose.
One thing is obvious. Those nursed on Republican propaganda know exactly what they're getting but it tastes so good and nourishes their demanding control freak egos so they can't stop.

They know that it's all bullshit but it feels so good to hear that, despite your hatred for most of the rest of the world, the Fox boobs and boobies love you and tell you that you're sooo smart.

Nobody admits to their Fox or Limbaugh addiction. But the chorus singing in goose stepping harmony is indisputable evidence of their atrophied brains being on the feeding tube.

The giant flushing sound that you hear is their movement swirling the bowl.
One thing is obvious. Those nursed on Republican propaganda know exactly what they're getting but it tastes so good and nourishes their demanding control freak egos so they can't stop.

They know that it's all bullshit but it feels so good to hear that, despite your hatred for most of the rest of the world, the Fox boobs and boobies love you and tell you that you're sooo smart.

Nobody admits to their Fox or Limbaugh addiction. But the chorus singing in goose stepping harmony is indisputable evidence of their atrophied brains being on the feeding tube.

The giant flushing sound that you hear is their movement swirling the bowl.

Are you sure it's not the obvious display of big government incompetence?

Lookee here, Obama just granted exactly what the Republicans wanted during the shutdown:

The individual mandate no longer applies to people whose plans were canceled
One thing is obvious. Those nursed on Republican propaganda know exactly what they're getting but it tastes so good and nourishes their demanding control freak egos so they can't stop.

They know that it's all bullshit but it feels so good to hear that, despite your hatred for most of the rest of the world, the Fox boobs and boobies love you and tell you that you're sooo smart.

Nobody admits to their Fox or Limbaugh addiction. But the chorus singing in goose stepping harmony is indisputable evidence of their atrophied brains being on the feeding tube.

The giant flushing sound that you hear is their movement swirling the bowl.

Are you sure it's not the obvious display of big government incompetence?

Lookee here, Obama just granted exactly what the Republicans wanted during the shutdown:

The individual mandate no longer applies to people whose plans were canceled

I read that it's nothing new. Those provisions have always been part of ACA. Just like the grandfathering provision.
The ACA is really in the tank.

It is beyond the rational mind that people are still saying "things are fine".
One thing is obvious. Those nursed on Republican propaganda know exactly what they're getting but it tastes so good and nourishes their demanding control freak egos so they can't stop.

They know that it's all bullshit but it feels so good to hear that, despite your hatred for most of the rest of the world, the Fox boobs and boobies love you and tell you that you're sooo smart.

Nobody admits to their Fox or Limbaugh addiction. But the chorus singing in goose stepping harmony is indisputable evidence of their atrophied brains being on the feeding tube.

The giant flushing sound that you hear is their movement swirling the bowl.

You just proved Rotweiler's point. You can't defend the policy itself. Even if you argue it's okay for the young and healthy to subsidize the old, sick and poor you still have the minisucle benefit provided to those people overshadowed by a mountain of negatives that have come with it. You can keep barking Fox news and Limbaugh until you're blue in the face. The fact is I don't have the time personally to watch or listen to either of them. One doesn't need to listen to either of them or right wing pundit or right wing news source to see the obvious problems with Obamacare. Until you can show that you can make a credible argument that despite what is in front of our faces, Obamacare is largely a success, instead of vomiting 'you're a Fox news parrot' endlessly, no one is going to take you seriously.
Last edited:
One thing is obvious. Those nursed on Republican propaganda know exactly what they're getting but it tastes so good and nourishes their demanding control freak egos so they can't stop.

They know that it's all bullshit but it feels so good to hear that, despite your hatred for most of the rest of the world, the Fox boobs and boobies love you and tell you that you're sooo smart.

Nobody admits to their Fox or Limbaugh addiction. But the chorus singing in goose stepping harmony is indisputable evidence of their atrophied brains being on the feeding tube.

The giant flushing sound that you hear is their movement swirling the bowl.

Are you sure it's not the obvious display of big government incompetence?

Lookee here, Obama just granted exactly what the Republicans wanted during the shutdown:

The individual mandate no longer applies to people whose plans were canceled

If you were a stockholder in a company and they screwed up a rollout the way Sebelius has, you'd sack the whole management team...if you even still have a company.

And yet she still motors on at the mouth while her brain is somewhere else.
One thing is obvious. Those nursed on Republican propaganda know exactly what they're getting but it tastes so good and nourishes their demanding control freak egos so they can't stop.

They know that it's all bullshit but it feels so good to hear that, despite your hatred for most of the rest of the world, the Fox boobs and boobies love you and tell you that you're sooo smart.

Nobody admits to their Fox or Limbaugh addiction. But the chorus singing in goose stepping harmony is indisputable evidence of their atrophied brains being on the feeding tube.

The giant flushing sound that you hear is their movement swirling the bowl.

Are you sure it's not the obvious display of big government incompetence?

Lookee here, Obama just granted exactly what the Republicans wanted during the shutdown:

The individual mandate no longer applies to people whose plans were canceled

I read that it's nothing new. Those provisions have always been part of ACA. Just like the grandfathering provision.

It appears you are ignorant about that which you support. This is a new decision, hence the press release from HHS that actually communicates the policy that didn't exist before.

And it would have prevented the shutdown if done just 11 weeks ago.
One thing is obvious. Those nursed on Republican propaganda know exactly what they're getting but it tastes so good and nourishes their demanding control freak egos so they can't stop.

They know that it's all bullshit but it feels so good to hear that, despite your hatred for most of the rest of the world, the Fox boobs and boobies love you and tell you that you're sooo smart.

Nobody admits to their Fox or Limbaugh addiction. But the chorus singing in goose stepping harmony is indisputable evidence of their atrophied brains being on the feeding tube.

The giant flushing sound that you hear is their movement swirling the bowl.

You just proved Rotweiler's point. You can't defend the policy itself. Even if you argue it's okay for the young and healthy to subsidize the old, sick and poor you still have the minisucle benefit provided to those people overshadowed by a mountain of negatives that have come with it. You can keep barking Fox news and Limbaugh until your blue in the face. The fact is I don't have the time personally to watch or listen to either of them. One doesn't need to listen to either of them or right wing pundit or right wing news source to see the obvious problems with Obamacare. Until you can show that you can make a credible argument that despite what is in front of our faces, Obamacare is largely a success, instead of vomiting 'you're a Fox news parrot' endlessly, no one is going to take you seriously.

Obamacare is largely a success compared to doing nothing about the twice as expensive, half as effective American health care non system.
People are programmed to forget that when Republicans had power last, they almost sunk the country. We'll be paying their bills for many, many, many generations

Despite that, they like to pretend that the proper comparison is not between Democrat and Republican results, but between Democrat results and imaginary perfection. And they get away with that by doing nothing so there are no real alternatives to compare to.

And the minions lap it up like mothers milk.

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