The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

I found this news to be interesting....

Reports: Obamacare Sticker Shock to Slam Families, Small Businesses - Guy Benson

The Associated Press' latest poll shows nearly half of all insured Americans reporting that Obamacare has already impacted their 2014 coverage. Within this group, nearly seven in ten point to rising premiums, and nearly eight in ten place blame squarely on the new law.

Now, I am sure we will hear the same refrain...

Fox News...
Fox News...
Fox News...

But this appears to be an AP poll. And if the survey was done right (notice I can say "if"...unlike the left which will latch their lips onto anything they think will help their cause and suck on it till it does what they hope for), then some of those eight are liberals and democrats.

But it's all semantics.....


People complaining about health care costs as they renew their insurance is new this year how?

Oh yeah, the Republican appointed scapegoat that they've whined about for four years now.

Same ol', same ol'.

I'll take that to mean you can't deny your bullshyt claim.

Back to ignoring your sorry ass.

My claim that people whine every year when they renew their health insurance and are confronted by the unaffordable cost of health care?

You're a beaut.
Reality has escaped the minds of Americans today, they have lost their sense of country purpose and their humanity.

'If Nikki White had been a resident of any other rich country, she would be alive today.'

"Around the time she graduated from college, Monique A. "Nikki" White contracted systemic lupus erythematosus; that's a serious disease, but one that modern medicine knows how to manage. If this bright, feisty, dazzling young woman had lived in, say, Japan-the world's second-richest nation-or Germany (third richest), or Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Canada, Sweden, etc., the health care systems there would have given her the standard treatment for lupus, and she could have lived a normal life span. But Nikki White was a citizen of the world's richest country, the United States of America. Once she was sick, she couldn't get health insurance. Like tens of millions of her fellow Americans, she had too much money to qualify for health care under welfare, but too little money to pay for the drugs and doctors she needed to stay alive. She spent the last months of her life frantically writing letters and filling out forms, pleading for help. When she died, Nikki White was thirty-two years old." from 'Prologue: A Moral Question,' The Healing of America, T.R. Reid
Reality has escaped the minds of Americans today, they have lost their sense of country purpose and their humanity.

'If Nikki White had been a resident of any other rich country, she would be alive today.'

"Around the time she graduated from college, Monique A. "Nikki" White contracted systemic lupus erythematosus; that's a serious disease, but one that modern medicine knows how to manage. If this bright, feisty, dazzling young woman had lived in, say, Japan-the world's second-richest nation-or Germany (third richest), or Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Canada, Sweden, etc., the health care systems there would have given her the standard treatment for lupus, and she could have lived a normal life span. But Nikki White was a citizen of the world's richest country, the United States of America. Once she was sick, she couldn't get health insurance. Like tens of millions of her fellow Americans, she had too much money to qualify for health care under welfare, but too little money to pay for the drugs and doctors she needed to stay alive. She spent the last months of her life frantically writing letters and filling out forms, pleading for help. When she died, Nikki White was thirty-two years old." from 'Prologue: A Moral Question,' The Healing of America, T.R. Reid

Humanity wasn't written into the Constitution.

Reality has escaped the minds of Americans today, they have lost their sense of country purpose and their humanity.

'If Nikki White had been a resident of any other rich country, she would be alive today.'

"Around the time she graduated from college, Monique A. "Nikki" White contracted systemic lupus erythematosus; that's a serious disease, but one that modern medicine knows how to manage. If this bright, feisty, dazzling young woman had lived in, say, Japan-the world's second-richest nation-or Germany (third richest), or Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Canada, Sweden, etc., the health care systems there would have given her the standard treatment for lupus, and she could have lived a normal life span. But Nikki White was a citizen of the world's richest country, the United States of America. Once she was sick, she couldn't get health insurance. Like tens of millions of her fellow Americans, she had too much money to qualify for health care under welfare, but too little money to pay for the drugs and doctors she needed to stay alive. She spent the last months of her life frantically writing letters and filling out forms, pleading for help. When she died, Nikki White was thirty-two years old." from 'Prologue: A Moral Question,' The Healing of America, T.R. Reid

Humanity wasn't written into the Constitution.


Apparently, it was written into the hearts of mankind. Most, anyway.
The next big challenge for the nation's health care law may be sticker shock, when consumers find they're still paying high medical bills after buying low-cost insurance for the first time...With a Dec. 23 deadline looming for anyone who wants health insurance by Jan. 1, people may hurry to choose plans with cheap monthly payments on a new insurance marketplace. But they may be surprised, especially if they've never had coverage before, to find they're still on the hook for thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket "deductibles," a standard part of most insurance policies. Many will find they must pay costs up to $6,350 -- on top of their monthly premiums -- before their insurance pays anything for actual medical care. If they have a family, they may have to pay nearly $13,000 in an out-of-pocket "deductible" before insurance starts paying.

Reports: Obamacare Sticker Shock to Slam Families, Small Businesses - Guy Benson
The job for the people at the Republican propaganda factory now is to pull from those in their army who might have been better off with the Republican do nothing plan, and portray them as a majority. Pretty ordinary propaganda kind of stuff.

In this particular story, the victim is someone who's a healthcare insurance neophyte, who refuses all help, goes for the cheapest plan, gets expensively I'll, and is surprised to find that his only option is the same only option as before ACA. Medical bankruptcy.

Proving beyond doubt that the Democrat solution is not perfect, just better than the Republican none solution.
The job for the people at the Republican propaganda factory now is to pull from those in their army who might have been better off with the Republican do nothing plan, and portray them as a majority. Pretty ordinary propaganda kind of stuff.

In this particular story, the victim is someone who's a healthcare insurance neophyte, who refuses all help, goes for the cheapest plan, gets expensively ill, and is surprised to find that his only option is the same only option as before ACA. Medical bankruptcy.

Proving beyond doubt that the Democrat solution is not perfect, just better than the Republican none solution.
[ame=]NJTV: New Jersey Residents Upset They Can't Keep Their Health Plans Because Of ObamaCare - YouTube[/ame]

And yet more of the millions of examples of people who's choices have been slashed by Obamacare.

The Associated Press' latest poll shows nearly half of all insured Americans reporting that Obamacare has already impacted their 2014 coverage. Within this group, nearly seven in ten point to rising premiums, and nearly eight in ten place blame squarely on the new law. As HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius finally admits that Obamacare will increase costs for "some" consumers, middle class families are girding their loins for the year to come. Democrats will eagerly point to a handful of success stories, wherein people managed to enroll in better coverage for less money. But the law was sold as a boon to all Americans -- a coruscating lie that has betrayed millions.

Reports: Obamacare Sticker Shock to Slam Families, Small Businesses - Guy Benson

Is someone going to say only republicans were hurt by this. Don't think so.

Just wait till the big one hits.

Think the canceled health policies hurt the Obamacare cause? There’s another political time bomb lurking that could explode not too long before next year’s elections: rate hikes for small businesses. Like the canceled individual health plans, it’s another example of a tradeoff that health care experts have long known about, as the new rules for health insurance prices create winners and losers. But most Americans won’t become aware of it until some small business employees learn that their premiums are going up because of a law called — oops — the Affordable Care Act...And the timing will be terrible for Democrats: A lot of those small businesses will have to start dealing with their new prices in October — just in time for Republicans to make it an issue in their mid-term election campaigns.

Obamacare...the gift that keeps on giving.

Maternity Insurance for a 64 year old woman. :lol:
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NJTV: New Jersey Residents Upset They Can't Keep Their Health Plans Because Of ObamaCare - YouTube

And yet more of the millions of examples of people who's choices have been slashed by Obamacare.

The Associated Press' latest poll shows nearly half of all insured Americans reporting that Obamacare has already impacted their 2014 coverage. Within this group, nearly seven in ten point to rising premiums, and nearly eight in ten place blame squarely on the new law. As HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius finally admits that Obamacare will increase costs for "some" consumers, middle class families are girding their loins for the year to come. Democrats will eagerly point to a handful of success stories, wherein people managed to enroll in better coverage for less money. But the law was sold as a boon to all Americans -- a coruscating lie that has betrayed millions.

Reports: Obamacare Sticker Shock to Slam Families, Small Businesses - Guy Benson

Is someone going to say only republicans were hurt by this. Don't think so.

Just wait till the big one hits.

Think the canceled health policies hurt the Obamacare cause? There’s another political time bomb lurking that could explode not too long before next year’s elections: rate hikes for small businesses. Like the canceled individual health plans, it’s another example of a tradeoff that health care experts have long known about, as the new rules for health insurance prices create winners and losers. But most Americans won’t become aware of it until some small business employees learn that their premiums are going up because of a law called — oops — the Affordable Care Act...And the timing will be terrible for Democrats: A lot of those small businesses will have to start dealing with their new prices in October — just in time for Republicans to make it an issue in their mid-term election campaigns.

Obamacare...the gift that keeps on giving.

Maternity Insurance for a 64 year old woman. :lol:

Keep yelling "FIRE" as you have continuously for five years. Some day, if you keep it up, by chance, there may be one.
Some frustrated consumers are sending premium payments to insurers who have never heard of them. Others say they will pass up federal subsidies and pay full price through insurers, while still others have given up altogether on the promise of health insurance by Jan. 1. Consternation and confusion over applications sent through the federal website continue into the last seven days before the Dec. 23 enrollment deadline. Consumers with health issues are particularly nervous about the prospect of not having insurance at the start of the new year. Federal assurances last week about a "special enrollment period" for people whose applications have been hung up on the site are little comfort as neither insurers nor consumers have any idea how this will work and who will qualify...While HHS said the number of errors in information forms sent to insurers are now close to zero, insurers say they continue to find errors, especially duplicate enrollments and cancellations from the same consumer with the same time stamp.

USA Today: On Obamacare, 'Consternation and Confusion' Still Reigns - Guy Benson
Yawn.............12 million losing insurance............I'm now one of them.............

My increase was 61% increase................Oh well, say's the libs, it must suck to be you and just ignore we are getting screwed over...................

Affordable Care Act.......................Wrong name..................It sure as hell isn't Affordable to Millions anymore...............But hey, if you are in the lower wage's they say it's great..................................................

Damaging those not damaged before the law, and still trying to Justify their BS.

Are you in a responsible State with an exchange? Did you take advantage of it, or the Federal exchange? Was the 61% increase the least expensive option there? Did you ask your former insurer what their increase is attributed to? Were there other benefit changes than those required by ACA? Did you have other changes that increased the insurance companies risk?

All States have exchanges............I'm not ready to give it my dang information until they get their stupid heads out of their asses on it. I'm not giving out my personal data to them on web site that they are having bugs out the ass with.............

As far as the increase, I've posted the letter as received and it was due to the ACA..............

Give me a break Lib. You KNOW DAMN GOOD AND WELL these increases are due to the new law. It's all over the Damn news unless you have your head up Obama's butt. And as stated my dang insurance was better than the gold plan as listed on the ACA. Your Bronze and Silver plans are BS HIGH DEDUCT PLANS at a higher fucking price.

Stop BOOT licking the damn Law that you know causes damage. Or go get your head surgically removed from Obama's Ass.
Yawn.............12 million losing insurance............I'm now one of them.............

My increase was 61% increase................Oh well, say's the libs, it must suck to be you and just ignore we are getting screwed over...................

Affordable Care Act.......................Wrong name..................It sure as hell isn't Affordable to Millions anymore...............But hey, if you are in the lower wage's they say it's great..................................................

Damaging those not damaged before the law, and still trying to Justify their BS.

How many in your family and from what amount to what amount?

There have been a few good examples where middle class wage earners have gotten $500.00 or more a month increases; that's NOT affordable.

Family of 3, Blue Cross Blue Shield. Put the letter up a long while back in the thread.
Yawn.............12 million losing insurance............I'm now one of them.............

My increase was 61% increase................Oh well, say's the libs, it must suck to be you and just ignore we are getting screwed over...................

Affordable Care Act.......................Wrong name..................It sure as hell isn't Affordable to Millions anymore...............But hey, if you are in the lower wage's they say it's great..................................................

Damaging those not damaged before the law, and still trying to Justify their BS.

Are you in a responsible State with an exchange? Did you take advantage of it, or the Federal exchange? Was the 61% increase the least expensive option there? Did you ask your former insurer what their increase is attributed to? Were there other benefit changes than those required by ACA? Did you have other changes that increased the insurance companies risk?

All States have exchanges............I'm not ready to give it my dang information until they get their stupid heads out of their asses on it. I'm not giving out my personal data to them on web site that they are having bugs out the ass with.............

As far as the increase, I've posted the letter as received and it was due to the ACA..............

Give me a break Lib. You KNOW DAMN GOOD AND WELL these increases are due to the new law. It's all over the Damn news unless you have your head up Obama's butt. And as stated my dang insurance was better than the gold plan as listed on the ACA. Your Bronze and Silver plans are BS HIGH DEDUCT PLANS at a higher fucking price.

Stop BOOT licking the damn Law that you know causes damage. Or go get your head surgically removed from Obama's Ass.

He's a dick and someone I am certain has grown old living off of others.

He talks about personal responsibility, but what he means is your personal responsibility to help him and his ilk so the welfare keeps on coming.
and more coverage, yes?

you leftard shills are incredible in your brainwashed idiocy

sadly, not only leftards :D

To be brainwashed you need a brain.

The cancelled policies happen every year. I can recall that at the end of 2010, 2011, and 2012, there were five million people telling us that their policies were cancelled. Oh, wait....that wasn't the case.

But it's still common or a "normal occurance".

Like I be brainwashed....

Tell us where you got your multi year policies. I've never seen one.

As I keep explaining to this lying asshole [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION], there has never been a policy in world history that "cancels" after 1 year.

Why would a company want to lose your business after 1 year?!?!? :cuckoo:

Every single insurance policy in world history has been perpetual. You keep paying your premium, the coverage continues uninterrupted after each year. It's just a simple fact and this lying piece of shit believed he can convince the world otherwise by simply telling the same lie over and over.
Uh-oh [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]...more evidence that you're a moron who supports policies that are collapsing this nation...

With Affordable Care Act, Canceled Policies For New York Professionals
"Cultural elite" that supported Obamacare are now being dropped

Many in New York's professional and cultural elite have long supported President Obama's health care plan. But now, to their surprise, thousands of writers, opera singers, music teachers, photographers, doctors, lawyers and others are learning that their health insurance plans are being canceled and they may have to pay more to get comparable coverage, if they can find it.

People have more choice in health care companies and policies than ever before.

And yet they are having their plans cancelled on them (after having the same plans for decades without any problems) and are having to pay a lot more for a new plan.

Didn't you Dumbocrats promise that Obamacare would bring down the cost of healthcare? Oh wait, that's right, you also promised "if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan" :eusa_whistle:
"Idealism is fine, but as it approaches reality, the costs become prohibitive." -William F. Buckley
Since the passage of Obamacare in 2010, many of the President’s famous promises have been routinely broken. As he so ironically threatened in 2009, “If you misrepresent what’s in this plan, we will call you out.” To that end, here are 10 promises of Obamacare that have already been broken.

1. “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period.”

  • Millions of Americans have lost and will lose their current coverage due to Obamacare.

  • 4.7 million reported health insurance cancellations or changes of existing policies in 32 states.
2. “That means that no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period.”

  • Many Americans might not be able to keep their current doctor without paying extra.

  • Many plans offered on Obamacare’s exchanges have very limited provider networks.
3. “In an Obama administration, we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year.”

  • Premiums for people purchasing coverage in the individual market have significantly increased in a majority of states.

  • Family premiums for those with employer-based coverage have increased by an average of $2,976 from 2009 to 2013.
4. “For the 85% and 90% of Americans who already have health insurance, this thing’s already happened. And their only impact is that their insurance is stronger, better and more secure than it was before. Full stop. That’s it. They don’t have to worry about anything else.”

  • Obamacare imposes new benefit mandates on those with employer-sponsored coverage—a majority of Americans.

  • Coverage mandates are leading to higher premiums and companies changing their plans to adapt to them.
5. “Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase.”

  • Obamacare contains 18 separate tax hikes, fees, and penalties, many of which heavily impact the middle class.

  • Among the taxes that will hit the middle class are the individual mandate tax, the medical device tax, and new penalties and limits on health savings accounts and flexible spending accounts.
6. “I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits—either now or in the future.”

  • Obamacare’s new spending is unsustainable.

  • The GAO found that Obamacare would increase cost $6.2 trillion over the next 75 years.
7. “Whatever ideas exist in terms of bending the cost curve and starting to reduce costs for families, businesses, and government, those elements are in this bill.”


  • Health spending is still rising and is projected to grow at an average rate of 5.8% from 2012 to 2022.

  • Obamacare’s new entitlements will help drive greater health spending in 2014 and beyond.
8. “I will protect Medicare.”

  • Obamacare cuts Medicare spending.

  • Obamacare makes unprecedented and unrealistic payment reductions to Medicare providers and Medicare Advantage plans in order to finance the new spending in the law. The cuts amount to over $700 billion from 2013 to 2022.
9. “I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American.”

  • Millions of Americans will remain uninsured.

  • Despite spending nearly $1.8 trillion in new spending from 2014 to 2023, the law falls far short of universal coverage. Indeed, Obamacare is projected by the CBO to leave 31 million uninsured after a decade of full implementation.
10. “So this law means more choice, more competition, lower costs for millions of Americans."


  • Obamacare has not increased insurer competition or consumer choice. In the vast majority of states, the number of insurers competing in the state’s exchange is actually less than the number of carriers that previously sold individual market policies in the state.

  • At the local level, for 35% of the nation’s counties, exchange enrollees will have a choice of plans from only two insurers—a duopoly. In 17% of counties, consumers will have no choice—a monopoly—as only one carrier is offering coverage in the exchange.

Top 10 Broken Obamacare Promises

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