The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Uh-oh [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]...more evidence that you're a moron who supports policies that are collapsing this nation...

With Affordable Care Act, Canceled Policies For New York Professionals
"Cultural elite" that supported Obamacare are now being dropped

Many in New York's professional and cultural elite have long supported President Obama's health care plan. But now, to their surprise, thousands of writers, opera singers, music teachers, photographers, doctors, lawyers and others are learning that their health insurance plans are being canceled and they may have to pay more to get comparable coverage, if they can find it.

People have more choice in health care companies and policies than ever before.

and more coverage, yes?

you leftard shills are incredible in your brainwashed idiocy

sadly, not only leftards :D

To be brainwashed you need a brain.

The cancelled policies happen every year. I can recall that at the end of 2010, 2011, and 2012, there were five million people telling us that their policies were cancelled. Oh, wait....that wasn't the case.

But it's still common or a "normal occurance".

Like I be brainwashed....
I prefer the word "indoctrinated", it's what our public schools do these days.
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People have more choice in health care companies and policies than ever before.

and more coverage, yes?

you leftard shills are incredible in your brainwashed idiocy

sadly, not only leftards :D

To be brainwashed you need a brain.

The cancelled policies happen every year. I can recall that at the end of 2010, 2011, and 2012, there were five million people telling us that their policies were cancelled. Oh, wait....that wasn't the case.

But it's still common or a "normal occurance".

Like I be brainwashed....

Check this out.

March 28, 2006

Former Members Sue Blue Cross

"The state's largest health insurer systematically -- and illegally -- cancels coverage retroactively for people who need expensive care, 10 former Blue Cross members claimed in lawsuits filed Monday"

More insurance rescission coverage -

July 3, 2007

"BC Life & Health revoked 1,880 individual health insurance policies in California in 2004 and 2005, and a state agency that examined a sampling says it found that more than half the cases it reviewed were improperly handled"

Insurer cited in policy rescissions -

Hmm..... do you suppose that the problem is you weren't counting until 2013?
This is interesting;

"At issue is a so-called “grandfather” clause in the law stating that consumers would have the option of keeping policies in effect as of March 23, 2010, even if they didn’t meet requirements of the new health care law. But the Department of Health and Human Services then wrote regulations that narrowed that provision, saying that if any part of a policy was significantly changed after that date — the deductible, co-pay, or benefits, for example — the policy would not be grandfathered"

Insurers, state officials say cancellation of health care policies just as they predicted - Investigations

So the policies changed after March 23rd, upgraded benefits, as the "Department of Health and Human Services then wrote regulations that narrowed that provision"... Well that bites. Shame they have to get better insurance. No one likes that....
There were many before ACA who responsibly paid for their own health care, saving thousands of dollars yearly by carrying only limited insurance coverage. Because of ACA they are now forced to pay for shitty insurance coverage they neither want nor need, merely to keep your pals in the insurance industry in tall cotton.

I'm sure that we all would like free health care. But, reality is, somebody has to pay for all of that technology and training and work.

We could have everybody in a position to pay their own but business would rather pay executives lavishly and workers who create all wealth a pitenence. Logical? No, but the executives are making the decisions without accountability so it is what it is.

So, that's what we have to work with. The only choice left, if we want to be competitive with global business, is to use government to move back some of the wealth that capitalism moves up.

I've learned, rightfully I think, to be deeply wary of anyone telling me that some shitty option is 'the only choice left'. And I don't particularly care about being 'competitive with global business'. So, suck corporate cock all you want, leave the rest of us out of your 5-year plans.

"So, suck corporate cock all you want, leave the rest of us out of your 5-year plans."

I can't tell how impressed I am with your rational, clear eyed, and realistic logic applied to macroeconomics.

Wharton PhD?
People have more choice in health care companies and policies than ever before.

and more coverage, yes?

you leftard shills are incredible in your brainwashed idiocy

sadly, not only leftards :D

To be brainwashed you need a brain.

The cancelled policies happen every year. I can recall that at the end of 2010, 2011, and 2012, there were five million people telling us that their policies were cancelled. Oh, wait....that wasn't the case.

But it's still common or a "normal occurance".

Like I be brainwashed....

Tell us where you got your multi year policies. I've never seen one.
People have more choice in health care companies and policies than ever before.

and more coverage, yes?

you leftard shills are incredible in your brainwashed idiocy

sadly, not only leftards :D

To be brainwashed you need a brain.

The cancelled policies happen every year. I can recall that at the end of 2010, 2011, and 2012, there were five million people telling us that their policies were cancelled. Oh, wait....that wasn't the case.

But it's still common or a "normal occurance".

Like I be brainwashed....

Well, that is just a tough one. No one was counting the number of people who had their plans cancelled before 2013. Perhaps you have a source? Cuz I don't see any evidence to support of deny your position. You simply were not paying attention. That would be why you don't recall.

Page 20 of a google search and it is all after 2012. No one was counting before 2013.
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Yawn.............12 million losing insurance............I'm now one of them.............

My increase was 61% increase................Oh well, say's the libs, it must suck to be you and just ignore we are getting screwed over...................

Affordable Care Act.......................Wrong name..................It sure as hell isn't Affordable to Millions anymore...............But hey, if you are in the lower wage's they say it's great..................................................

Damaging those not damaged before the law, and still trying to Justify their BS.
Yawn.............12 million losing insurance............I'm now one of them.............

My increase was 61% increase................Oh well, say's the libs, it must suck to be you and just ignore we are getting screwed over...................

Affordable Care Act.......................Wrong name..................It sure as hell isn't Affordable to Millions anymore...............But hey, if you are in the lower wage's they say it's great..................................................

Damaging those not damaged before the law, and still trying to Justify their BS.

Are you in a responsible State with an exchange? Did you take advantage of it, or the Federal exchange? Was the 61% increase the least expensive option there? Did you ask your former insurer what their increase is attributed to? Were there other benefit changes than those required by ACA? Did you have other changes that increased the insurance companies risk?
Good info on ACA increases.

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I'm sure that we all would like free health care. But, reality is, somebody has to pay for all of that technology and training and work.

We could have everybody in a position to pay their own but business would rather pay executives lavishly and workers who create all wealth a pitenence. Logical? No, but the executives are making the decisions without accountability so it is what it is.

So, that's what we have to work with. The only choice left, if we want to be competitive with global business, is to use government to move back some of the wealth that capitalism moves up.

I've learned, rightfully I think, to be deeply wary of anyone telling me that some shitty option is 'the only choice left'. And I don't particularly care about being 'competitive with global business'. So, suck corporate cock all you want, leave the rest of us out of your 5-year plans.

"So, suck corporate cock all you want, leave the rest of us out of your 5-year plans."

I can't tell how impressed I am with your rational, clear eyed, and realistic logic applied to macroeconomics.

Wharton PhD?

So, you got nuthin? You come in here and shill your ass off for corporate welfare and try to pretend you're standing up for democracy? You're selling out our nation for a pat on the head.
I've learned, rightfully I think, to be deeply wary of anyone telling me that some shitty option is 'the only choice left'. And I don't particularly care about being 'competitive with global business'. So, suck corporate cock all you want, leave the rest of us out of your 5-year plans.

"So, suck corporate cock all you want, leave the rest of us out of your 5-year plans."

I can't tell how impressed I am with your rational, clear eyed, and realistic logic applied to macroeconomics.

Wharton PhD?

So, you got nuthin? You come in here and shill your ass off for corporate welfare and try to pretend you're standing up for democracy? You're selling out our nation for a pat on the head.

"You come in here and shill your ass off for corporate welfare and try to pretend you're standing up for democracy".

If you mean my support for saving all of the GM jobs, guilty as charged. If you mean big oil subsidies, I'm dead set against them.

I tend to ignore dogma and stick to informed rationale.
"So, suck corporate cock all you want, leave the rest of us out of your 5-year plans."

I can't tell how impressed I am with your rational, clear eyed, and realistic logic applied to macroeconomics.

Wharton PhD?

So, you got nuthin? You come in here and shill your ass off for corporate welfare and try to pretend you're standing up for democracy? You're selling out our nation for a pat on the head.

"You come in here and shill your ass off for corporate welfare and try to pretend you're standing up for democracy".

If you mean my support for saving all of the GM jobs, guilty as charged. If you mean big oil subsidies, I'm dead set against them.

I tend to ignore dogma and stick to informed rationale.

You also tend to shill for ACA - persistently and without any reasoned argument. You're a corporatist neo-con with no respect for the traditional American values of equal protection, individual liberty and rule of law.
So, you got nuthin? You come in here and shill your ass off for corporate welfare and try to pretend you're standing up for democracy? You're selling out our nation for a pat on the head.

"You come in here and shill your ass off for corporate welfare and try to pretend you're standing up for democracy".

If you mean my support for saving all of the GM jobs, guilty as charged. If you mean big oil subsidies, I'm dead set against them.

I tend to ignore dogma and stick to informed rationale.

You also tend to shill for ACA - persistently and without any reasoned argument. You're a corporatist neo-con with no respect for the traditional American values of equal protection, individual liberty and rule of law.

I do shill for ACA and Medicare and Social Security as programs that solve huge problems. My arguments are very reasoned and that's what upsets you.

Your scotoma is "respect for the traditional American values of equal protection, individual liberty and rule of law" which haven't changed one iota for 230+ years. You use them as the bogieman to pursue lower taxes even in the face of facts that America is very competitive compared to any other country in value received and total tax rate.

You and I are among the most free of any humans who have walked the planet.
and more coverage, yes?

you leftard shills are incredible in your brainwashed idiocy

sadly, not only leftards :D

To be brainwashed you need a brain.

The cancelled policies happen every year. I can recall that at the end of 2010, 2011, and 2012, there were five million people telling us that their policies were cancelled. Oh, wait....that wasn't the case.

But it's still common or a "normal occurance".

Like I be brainwashed....

Check this out.

March 28, 2006

Former Members Sue Blue Cross

"The state's largest health insurer systematically -- and illegally -- cancels coverage retroactively for people who need expensive care, 10 former Blue Cross members claimed in lawsuits filed Monday"

More insurance rescission coverage -

July 3, 2007

"BC Life & Health revoked 1,880 individual health insurance policies in California in 2004 and 2005, and a state agency that examined a sampling says it found that more than half the cases it reviewed were improperly handled"

Insurer cited in policy rescissions -

Hmm..... do you suppose that the problem is you weren't counting until 2013?

Is this supposed to be a legitimate question ? Really. five and nineteen hundred versus five million. Really.
To be brainwashed you need a brain.

The cancelled policies happen every year. I can recall that at the end of 2010, 2011, and 2012, there were five million people telling us that their policies were cancelled. Oh, wait....that wasn't the case.

But it's still common or a "normal occurance".

Like I be brainwashed....

Check this out.

March 28, 2006

Former Members Sue Blue Cross

"The state's largest health insurer systematically -- and illegally -- cancels coverage retroactively for people who need expensive care, 10 former Blue Cross members claimed in lawsuits filed Monday"

More insurance rescission coverage -

July 3, 2007

"BC Life & Health revoked 1,880 individual health insurance policies in California in 2004 and 2005, and a state agency that examined a sampling says it found that more than half the cases it reviewed were improperly handled"

Insurer cited in policy rescissions -

Hmm..... do you suppose that the problem is you weren't counting until 2013?

Is this supposed to be a legitimate question ? Really. five and nineteen hundred versus five million. Really.

All semantics. Canceled? How about replaced.

What is it when an insurance company says you can't have what you had last year because we don't offer it next year. Next year it will cost more. Next year the benefits and co-pays, and OOP and deductions will be different.

That's happened every year that I have had health insurance.
Yawn.............12 million losing insurance............I'm now one of them.............

My increase was 61% increase................Oh well, say's the libs, it must suck to be you and just ignore we are getting screwed over...................

Affordable Care Act.......................Wrong name..................It sure as hell isn't Affordable to Millions anymore...............But hey, if you are in the lower wage's they say it's great..................................................

Damaging those not damaged before the law, and still trying to Justify their BS.

Sorry to hear that. You just got your policy "replaced". Isn't that a nice way to t ell you to bend over and take the 61% increase ?
Yawn.............12 million losing insurance............I'm now one of them.............

My increase was 61% increase................Oh well, say's the libs, it must suck to be you and just ignore we are getting screwed over...................

Affordable Care Act.......................Wrong name..................It sure as hell isn't Affordable to Millions anymore...............But hey, if you are in the lower wage's they say it's great..................................................

Damaging those not damaged before the law, and still trying to Justify their BS.

How many in your family and from what amount to what amount?

There have been a few good examples where middle class wage earners have gotten $500.00 or more a month increases; that's NOT affordable.
Yawn.............12 million losing insurance............I'm now one of them.............

My increase was 61% increase................Oh well, say's the libs, it must suck to be you and just ignore we are getting screwed over...................

Affordable Care Act.......................Wrong name..................It sure as hell isn't Affordable to Millions anymore...............But hey, if you are in the lower wage's they say it's great..................................................

Damaging those not damaged before the law, and still trying to Justify their BS.

Sorry to hear that. You just got your policy "replaced". Isn't that a nice way to t ell you to bend over and take the 61% increase ?

Write a letter to his insurance company who chose his rates. Or to his state government if he's in one of the states where regulation has been so lax that medical bankruptcies are commonplace. Or if the state failed its citizens by not establishing an exchange.

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