The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

For four or five years Republicans have tried to make the point that doing nothing is easier for them than doing anything. And that if you ignore we, the people, health care is fine.

"You, the people" don't get to trample the Constitution or take away my rights simply because you're lazy and incompetent.

What does it say about you [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] that the dumbest wild animal in the world can figure out how to survive on it's own - with absolutely no interference from government and without petitioning government to steal from other animals on their behalf - but you can't?

For four or five years Republicans have tried to make the point that doing nothing is easier for them than doing anything...

Really sums up the idiocy of Dumbocrats, doesn't it? Don't research policy, examine figures, or analyze plans. Just do.......anything.

Folks - any wonder why we're $17 trillion in debt and failing miserably as a nation when this is the mindset of the modern day Dumbocrat?
For four or five years Republicans have tried to make the point that doing nothing is easier for them than doing anything. And that if you ignore we, the people, health care is fine.

"You, the people" don't get to trample the Constitution or take away my rights simply because you're lazy and incompetent.

What does it say about you [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] that the dumbest wild animal in the world can figure out how to survive on it's own - with absolutely no interference from government and without petitioning government to steal from other animals on their behalf - but you can't?


Democrats are truly the dumbest animal in the animal kingdom or are they just smart crooks that like to live off the fat of other people's efforts? Hmmm... maybe not so dumb, just despicable crooks.
The inconvenient truth for Republicans is that our national boat would be sinking without Medicare. And Obamacare will be equally necessary. And that Republicans have fought tooth and nail against both. And deservedly lost.

The lies from the left never step.

Medicare is bankrupt and insolvent (Obama's entire case for Obamacare was because the federal government could no longer afford their healthcare entitlements.

Our national boat is sinking because of Medicare. We're $17 trillion in debt. Which part of that do you not understand - the trillion or the debt? :eusa_doh:

Here's what I understand.

Bush had a golden opportunity to get us completely out of debt. He chose not to.

Instead, he launched several absolutely unaffordable policies. His holy wars. His weath redistribution tax cuts. His over-stimulation of the economy. His refusal to regulate mortgage backed derivatives. The resulting Great Recession. His Medicare part D.

That’s the complete story of our current debt. His choice between zero and $17T.

SS and Medicare both have surpluses that are invested in US Treasury bonds as required by law.

Despite their dismal financial results Republicans at every opportunity waste billions shutting down the government.

Now, they want to waste more billions undoing the only progress made in solving our worst in the world, completely uncompetitive health care non-system.

We can, in no way, afford conservatism. It's the most expensive political philosophy in the world, a fact that conservatives are unable to even process.

But the electorate has caught on. And democracy will solve the problem.
Oh wytchey - put on your little tin foil hat and tell us again how this is all one giant "conspiracy"... :lmao:

CareFirst says 76,000 customers will lose current coverage due to Obamacare |

From your reference.

'' CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield is being forced to cancel plans that currently cover 76,000 individuals in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C., due to changes made by President Obama's health care law, the company told the Washington Examiner today''

Of course they are. They didn't cover what they should have then and have to now.

They'll be replace by new policies with adequate coverage.

Astounding mix of arrogance and ignorance here.

[MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] - please explain to me who the fuck are you to tell another business what they "should" cover?!? Obviously they covered everything they should or those 76,000 people wouldn't have done business with them - they would have gone somewhere else.

Want to try again?

Every business is regulated because their one rule, make more money regardless of the cost to others, makes regulation and competition absolutely necessary. And the health care insurance market is about as lacking price competition as any.

So no, I don't want to try again. You need to.
The inconvenient truth for Republicans is that our national boat would be sinking without Medicare. And Obamacare will be equally necessary. And that Republicans have fought tooth and nail against both. And deservedly lost.

The lies from the left never step.

Medicare is bankrupt and insolvent (Obama's entire case for Obamacare was because the federal government could no longer afford their healthcare entitlements.

Our national boat is sinking because of Medicare. We're $17 trillion in debt. Which part of that do you not understand - the trillion or the debt? :eusa_doh:

Here's what I understand.

Bush had a golden opportunity to get us completely out of debt. He chose not to.

Instead, he launched several absolutely unaffordable policies. His holy wars. His weath redistribution tax cuts. His over-stimulation of the economy. His refusal to regulate mortgage backed derivatives. The resulting Great Recession. His Medicare part D.

That’s the complete story of our current debt. His choice between zero and $17T.

SS and Medicare both have surpluses that are invested in US Treasury bonds as required by law.

Despite their dismal financial results Republicans at every opportunity waste billions shutting down the government.

Now, they want to waste more billions undoing the only progress made in solving our worst in the world, completely uncompetitive health care non-system.

We can, in no way, afford conservatism. It's the most expensive political philosophy in the world, a fact that conservatives are unable to even process.

But the electorate has caught on. And democracy will solve the problem.
Booooooosh!!! ROFL what a retard.
From your reference.

'' CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield is being forced to cancel plans that currently cover 76,000 individuals in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C., due to changes made by President Obama's health care law, the company told the Washington Examiner today''

Of course they are. They didn't cover what they should have then and have to now.

They'll be replace by new policies with adequate coverage.

Astounding mix of arrogance and ignorance here.

[MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] - please explain to me who the fuck are you to tell another business what they "should" cover?!? Obviously they covered everything they should or those 76,000 people wouldn't have done business with them - they would have gone somewhere else.

Want to try again?

Every business is regulated because their one rule, make more money regardless of the cost to others, makes regulation and competition absolutely necessary. And the health care insurance market is about as lacking price competition as any.

So no, I don't want to try again. You need to.
You are nothing but a lying POS.
The Republican vultures are circling again eyeing everyone's wallets. Their story? Trust us. We're the good guys despite our absolutely disreputable performance.

They see the middle class exactly as a lion sees a herd of prey. Lunch to be harvested.

One can never be too fat. Besides the kill is fun, and the meat tasty, and if God hadn't wanted me to be a predator he wouldn't have given me these teeth and claws.

Unlike the herds, Americans have democracy. We can vote the lions out of our business.

And we will. Pull their teeth.
The Republican vultures are circling again eyeing everyone's wallets. Their story? Trust us. We're the good guys despite our absolutely disreputable performance.

They see the middle class exactly as a lion sees a herd of prey. Lunch to be harvested.

One can never be too fat. Besides the kill is fun, and the meat tasty, and if God hadn't wanted me to be a predator he wouldn't have given me these teeth and claws.

Unlike the herds, Americans have democracy. We can vote the lions out of our business.

And we will. Pull their teeth.

You are FOS. Heinz is republican? Gates is republican? Soros is republican? Bull shit retard. The richest of the rich are democrats. The republicans are the people working their ass off to improve the lives of their families. You will never be anything but a piece of poo.
The inconvenient truth for Republicans is that our national boat would be sinking without Medicare. And Obamacare will be equally necessary. And that Republicans have fought tooth and nail against both. And deservedly lost.

The lies from the left never step.

Medicare is bankrupt and insolvent (Obama's entire case for Obamacare was because the federal government could no longer afford their healthcare entitlements.

Our national boat is sinking because of Medicare. We're $17 trillion in debt. Which part of that do you not understand - the trillion or the debt? :eusa_doh:

Here's what I understand.

Bush had a golden opportunity to get us completely out of debt. He chose not to.

Instead, he launched.. His weath redistribution tax cuts.

Oh the mindset of the idiot liberal. Can you please explain how tax cuts are "wealth redistribution" [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]?

How is taking less of what someone already has "redistributing" anything? :eusa_doh:
The inconvenient truth for Republicans is that our national boat would be sinking without Medicare. And Obamacare will be equally necessary. And that Republicans have fought tooth and nail against both. And deservedly lost.

The lies from the left never step.

Medicare is bankrupt and insolvent (Obama's entire case for Obamacare was because the federal government could no longer afford their healthcare entitlements.

Our national boat is sinking because of Medicare. We're $17 trillion in debt. Which part of that do you not understand - the trillion or the debt? :eusa_doh:

Here's what I understand.

Bush had a golden opportunity to get us completely out of debt. He chose not to.

Instead, he launched several absolutely unaffordable policies. His holy wars. His weath redistribution tax cuts. His over-stimulation of the economy. His refusal to regulate mortgage backed derivatives. The resulting Great Recession. His Medicare part D.

That’s the complete story of our current debt. His choice between zero and $17T.

SS and Medicare both have surpluses that are invested in US Treasury bonds as required by law.

Despite their dismal financial results Republicans at every opportunity waste billions shutting down the government.

Now, they want to waste more billions undoing the only progress made in solving our worst in the world, completely uncompetitive health care non-system.

We can, in no way, afford conservatism. It's the most expensive political philosophy in the world, a fact that conservatives are unable to even process.

But the electorate has caught on. And democracy will solve the problem.

Conservatism is personal responsibility. Socialism (which is what you falsely label as "democracy") requires a few to pay for all.

When Obama took office, the national debt stood at $10 trillion dollars (which took 230 years). It now stands at $17 trillion after only 5 years of Obama.

Clearly the only thing we can't afford is your stupidity.

(Seriously [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] - if you're going to attempt to spin things, you really need to do a better job than this here - it was jus weak and pathetic!)
From your reference.

'' CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield is being forced to cancel plans that currently cover 76,000 individuals in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C., due to changes made by President Obama's health care law, the company told the Washington Examiner today''

Of course they are. They didn't cover what they should have then and have to now.

They'll be replace by new policies with adequate coverage.

Astounding mix of arrogance and ignorance here.

[MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] - please explain to me who the fuck are you to tell another business what they "should" cover?!? Obviously they covered everything they should or those 76,000 people wouldn't have done business with them - they would have gone somewhere else.

Want to try again?

Every business is regulated because their one rule, make more money regardless of the cost to others, makes regulation and competition absolutely necessary. And the health care insurance market is about as lacking price competition as any.

So no, I don't want to try again. You need to.

[MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] - I know you are a bit lacking in IQ (hence the reason you are a parasite and not a producer) but surely even you can understand that the only reason a business exists is to make money. Their sole reason for existing is to make money. Not to provide for you. Not to be patriotic. Not to "share the wealth". To make money.

Now, what makes competition "absolutely necessary" is that it improves products (goods or services) while driving down costs. So in your confusion, you literally just made the case for the free market and against Obamacare... :lol:

As I said, would you like to try again [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]?
From your reference.

'' CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield is being forced to cancel plans that currently cover 76,000 individuals in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C., due to changes made by President Obama's health care law, the company told the Washington Examiner today''

Of course they are. They didn't cover what they should have then and have to now.

They'll be replace by new policies with adequate coverage.

Astounding mix of arrogance and ignorance here.

[MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] - please explain to me who the fuck are you to tell another business what they "should" cover?!? Obviously they covered everything they should or those 76,000 people wouldn't have done business with them - they would have gone somewhere else.

Want to try again?

Every business is regulated because their one rule, make more money regardless of the cost to others, makes regulation and competition absolutely necessary. And the health care insurance market is about as lacking price competition as any.

So no, I don't want to try again. You need to.

By the way - I noticed you were unable to explain why those 76,000 customers didn't go somewhere else if CareFirst was not proving what they "should"?

You're silence is deafening... :D
The Republican vultures are circling again eyeing everyone's wallets. Their story? Trust us. We're the good guys despite our absolutely disreputable performance.

They see the middle class exactly as a lion sees a herd of prey. Lunch to be harvested.

One can never be too fat. Besides the kill is fun, and the meat tasty, and if God hadn't wanted me to be a predator he wouldn't have given me these teeth and claws.

Unlike the herds, Americans have democracy. We can vote the lions out of our business.

And we will. Pull their teeth.

Words need to be substituted there. You are as blind as a bat. Maybe an ophtalmologist could help. Then again it might take a neurosurgeon...
The Republican vultures are circling again eyeing everyone's wallets. Their story? Trust us. We're the good guys despite our absolutely disreputable performance.

They see the middle class exactly as a lion sees a herd of prey. Lunch to be harvested.

One can never be too fat. Besides the kill is fun, and the meat tasty, and if God hadn't wanted me to be a predator he wouldn't have given me these teeth and claws.

Unlike the herds, Americans have democracy. We can vote the lions out of our business.

And we will. Pull their teeth.

Folks - you simply cannot make this up. [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] is the poster boy of the modern day idiot Dumbocrat. Completely uninformed about the most basics of government, economics, and society.

Case in point - the United States has never been a Democracy. We are a Republic.

Now, it's sad enough that PMZ is ignorant of that basic (yet critical) fact. But what's worse is that he's too fuck'n lazy to do an 1.4 second Google search to verify his information before ignorantly posting it.

Lazy & Ignorant... like I said, the poster boy of the modern day idiot Dumbocrat.

(P.S. - after the Obama regime of terror occupied the White House, the American people handed the Dumbocrats one of the biggest ass-kickings in U.S. political history and conservatives now control the House. How is that whole "vote ourselves communism" thing working out for you? :lol:)
The Republican vultures are circling again eyeing everyone's wallets...

:eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: :eusa_liar:

Isn't it remarkable how the Dumbocrats accuse their opposition of being guilty of the Dubmocrats own policies (much like the Nazi's used to do)?

The Republican platforms is simple - this is America, America is freedom, freedom includes keeping what you earn.

The Dumbocrat platform is much more complex - this isn't America, you're not entitled to freedom, and you OWE us what you make so that we can't redistribute it among our friends and the power elite.

The ONLY one's who have EVER "circled the people's wallets like vultures" are the Dumbocrats.
What we see overwhelming evidence of here is a combination of the Dunning-Kruger effect ignorance being too ignorant to even recognize itself, and circling vultures that want to finish what they started under Bush, the harvesting of the middle class.
Example. They deny that we, the people, through democracy, are fully capable of voting them completely out of government.

They've been brainwashed to claim, robot like, America is a republic, which is defined in legitimate dictionaries as, not having a monarch.

We don't have a monarch, we do have a democracy, and it's their worst enemy because we can render the predators completely harmless in government and in business. Just by voting. And regulating. And as consumers, supporting only legitimate businesses.

We have power. They have declared and demonstrated their hatred of and for America. Our power can, should, in fact has to, send them packing forever.
What we see overwhelming evidence of here is a combination of the Dunning-Kruger effect ignorance being too ignorant to even recognize itself, and circling vultures that want to finish what they started under Bush, the harvesting of the middle class.
Example. They deny that we, the people, through democracy, are fully capable of voting them completely out of government.

They've been brainwashed to claim, robot like, America is a republic, which is defined in legitimate dictionaries as, not having a monarch.

We don't have a monarch, we do have a democracy, and it's their worst enemy because we can render the predators completely harmless in government and in business. Just by voting. And regulating. And as consumers, supporting only legitimate businesses.

We have power. They have declared and demonstrated their hatred of and for America. Our power can, should, in fact has to, send them packing forever.

Are you are entirely incapable of writing a sentence without lying?
The lies from the left never step.

Medicare is bankrupt and insolvent (Obama's entire case for Obamacare was because the federal government could no longer afford their healthcare entitlements.

Our national boat is sinking because of Medicare. We're $17 trillion in debt. Which part of that do you not understand - the trillion or the debt? :eusa_doh:

Here's what I understand.

Bush had a golden opportunity to get us completely out of debt. He chose not to.

Instead, he launched.. His weath redistribution tax cuts.

Oh the mindset of the idiot liberal. Can you please explain how tax cuts are "wealth redistribution" [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]?

How is taking less of what someone already has "redistributing" anything? :eusa_doh:

Bush did it by rewarding having wealth over creating it. The evidence is the huge transfer of wealth up. The biggest in history.

But did that satisfy the wealthy? Not at all. Now they're eyeing the 15% shared by 80% of Americans and saying we want that too. And we don't want them to have health insurance or jobs for that matter. We want it all. We need slaves to do our work and starving people make the best ones.

I think that I speak for the vast majority of middle America when I say fuck off. Stay out of our government. Not that you'll have any choice come election days.

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