The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Conservatism is the more efficient means for people to accomplish that which they desire. Modern Liberalism is the least efficient means to do anything, and merely results in a society filled with frigging spastic retard liars like you.

''Conservatism is the more efficient means for people to accomplish that which they desire.''

If you are a predator, conservatism is efficient because it promotes helpless prey. Liberalism evens the playing field. You hate that.

Yeah cause the free market is helpless consumers buying goods from ruthless sellers. ROFL what an idiot. And you did industrial process improvement for a living? ROFL I'll be no one ever saved a dime taking advice from you.

You are not aware of any ruthless sellers? Ruthless as in make more money regardless of the cost to others?

You must not get out much.

Of course, regulation and competition constrains many of them. Without those forces, every business would be ruthless.

What do you think make more money regardless of the cost to others means?
Folks - you simply cannot make this up. [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] is the poster boy of the modern day idiot Dumbocrat. Completely uninformed about the most basics of government, economics, and society.

Case in point - the United States has never been a Democracy. We are a Republic.

Now, it's sad enough that PMZ is ignorant of that basic (yet critical) fact. But what's worse is that he's too fuck'n lazy to do an 1.4 second Google search to verify his information before ignorantly posting it.

Lazy & Ignorant... like I said, the poster boy of the modern day idiot Dumbocrat.

(P.S. - after the Obama regime of terror occupied the White House, the American people handed the Dumbocrats one of the biggest ass-kickings in U.S. political history and conservatives now control the House. How is that whole "vote ourselves communism" thing working out for you? :lol:)

Old Rotweiner is back at it again rewriting history. But, can we blame him? He's stuck with a no account political cult based on a foundation of ignorance built by bought and paid for media propaganda.

So, yes, we should hold him accountable for his words and actions.

And we should vote everybody like him out of our government. And as consumers, support only those who love America.

"Rewriting history"... it is astounding how stupid [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] is. He doesn't even know that is nation is NOT a democracy and never has been... :lmao:

Man, this is HUMILIATING for the left. I have to imagine they are all cringing right now and screaming "shut up PMZ - you are embarrassing us".

I simply can't believe this juvenile dumb fuck doesn't know his nation is not a democracy. Maybe he's not old enough to take the civics class reserved for upper classman? :eusa_whistle:

Breaking news for Rotweiner.

Universal suffrage.
I think that I speak for the vast majority of middle America when I say fuck off.

Kid I am middle america.....get over yourself.

You'll learn on election day that you're not. If you were you'd hang around with better class of people. Smarter people who think for themselves. Puppets need not apply.

You ain't my first Rodeo kid.....young uns like you come and don't think for yourself..and thats the funny little elephant in the just spout lefty talking points and pretend to be a badass.

Power to the people and all of that revolutionary bullshit has been the battle cry of you little mindless children throughout history.
Conservatism is the more efficient means for people to accomplish that which they desire. Modern Liberalism is the least efficient means to do anything, and merely results in a society filled with frigging spastic retard liars like you.

Again, not a shred of evidence. You merely repeat the propaganda that you unquestionably bought from the Fox boobs and boobies. They told you why you should be angry and gave you a scapegoat (everyone outside your cult) and you have so little respect for others that you thought that we would buy that BS too.

Not a chance. The rest of us are way smarter than that.

You had your chance to do good and the people like you but in government did badly. Very badly. We'll be paying for generations.

You are free to spend the rest of your life in your deluded state. We are free to vote. That’s the power of the democracy that you deny.

Keep denying it.

Bullshit you liar. Bush was a libtard just like you.

You mean like Rush and Beck?

I don't blame you for throwing him under the bus. I do blame you for being stupid enough to think that anyone will fall for it.
''Conservatism is the more efficient means for people to accomplish that which they desire.''

If you are a predator, conservatism is efficient because it promotes helpless prey. Liberalism evens the playing field. You hate that.

By it's very definition, FREEDOM is a "level playing field" you stupid asshat because it prevents someone from impeding on you or holding you back.

Where as liberalism (ie communism) ensures that the field is completely uneven and slanted in favor of the dictator.

Man are you one stupid mother fucker.... :bang3:

Rotweiner at his best. Freedom levels the playing field. Spoken like a true predator.

In other words those with the least ethical and moral behavior deserve to win.

Your hero must be Bernie Madoff.

Madoff is a GREAT example. For one, he went to prison for what he did (proving freedom does not mean anarchy). Two, those greedy liberals had the freedom to chose what to do with their money. Those chose to hand it over to a complete stranger out of greed. That's their own problem and they got exactly what they deserved.

Their stupidity did not effect me one bit like you communist stupidity does when Obama fucks up.

Want to try again sparky?
Kid I am middle america.....get over yourself.

You'll learn on election day that you're not. If you were you'd hang around with better class of people. Smarter people who think for themselves. Puppets need not apply.

You ain't my first Rodeo kid.....young uns like you come and don't think for yourself..and thats the funny little elephant in the just spout lefty talking points and pretend to be a badass.

Power to the people and all of that revolutionary bullshit has been the battle cry of you little mindless children throughout history.

Bush did it by rewarding having wealth over creating it. The evidence is the huge transfer of wealth up. The biggest in history.

But did that satisfy the wealthy? Not at all. Now they're eyeing the 15% shared by 80% of Americans and saying we want that too. And we don't want them to have health insurance or jobs for that matter. We want it all. We need slaves to do our work and starving people make the best ones.

I think that I speak for the vast majority of middle America when I say fuck off. Stay out of our government. Not that you'll have any choice come election days.

You don't speak for anyone little boy.

I think that I speak for the vast majority of middle America when I say fuck off.

So then why is EVERYONE here supporting Antares and telling YOU to FUCK OFF?

Sorry junior, you're in the minority (the lazy, greedy, immature American who can't think for herself but instead parrots her masters).
I think that I speak for the vast majority of middle America when I say fuck off.

Kid I am middle america.....get over yourself.

You'll learn on election day that you're not. If you were you'd hang around with better class of people. Smarter people who think for themselves. Puppets need not apply.

Says the Dumbocrat getting destroyed in a debate because mommy & daddy taught her liberalism and she never dared venture beyond that ideology - even for a moment... :eusa_doh:

Now tell us again how the U.S. is a "democracy" in your little mind [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]... :lmao:
[MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION], you live in a Representative Republic.....just say thank you Antares and go look up what that means.
Old Rotweiner is back at it again rewriting history. But, can we blame him? He's stuck with a no account political cult based on a foundation of ignorance built by bought and paid for media propaganda.

So, yes, we should hold him accountable for his words and actions.

And we should vote everybody like him out of our government. And as consumers, support only those who love America.

"Rewriting history"... it is astounding how stupid [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] is. He doesn't even know that is nation is NOT a democracy and never has been... :lmao:

Man, this is HUMILIATING for the left. I have to imagine they are all cringing right now and screaming "shut up PMZ - you are embarrassing us".

I simply can't believe this juvenile dumb fuck doesn't know his nation is not a democracy. Maybe he's not old enough to take the civics class reserved for upper classman? :eusa_whistle:

Breaking news for Rotweiner.

Universal suffrage.

Breaking news for [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]... we are not, not have we ever been, a "democracy". We are a Republic, stupid. We elect officials to legislate on our behalf and the minority is protected through a wide range of tools such as the Senate, the electoral college, and the Constitution. In a democracy, majority "mob rule" rules and a vote is taken by the people for every issue.

The fact that you don't even know that much clearly indicates you are woefully unqualified to be here and discussing any of this. But when has ignorance ever stopped a Dumbocrat from opening their mouth? :lol:
By it's very definition, FREEDOM is a "level playing field" you stupid asshat because it prevents someone from impeding on you or holding you back.

Where as liberalism (ie communism) ensures that the field is completely uneven and slanted in favor of the dictator.

Man are you one stupid mother fucker.... :bang3:

Rotweiner at his best. Freedom levels the playing field. Spoken like a true predator.

In other words those with the least ethical and moral behavior deserve to win.

Your hero must be Bernie Madoff.

Madoff is a GREAT example. For one, he went to prison for what he did (proving freedom does not mean anarchy). Two, those greedy liberals had the freedom to chose what to do with their money. Those chose to hand it over to a complete stranger out of greed. That's their own problem and they got exactly what they deserved.

Their stupidity did not effect me one bit like you communist stupidity does when Obama fucks up.

Want to try again sparky?

Why did he go to jail? He thought that regulation didn't apply to him. He found out he was wrong. He found out that, in a democracy, the rules favor we the people.

Your hero Romney campaigned on the idea that he only cared about 47% of the population. If we were the plutocracy that you favor, he would have won. Instead he got his ass handed to him.

People smarter than you (almost everybody) would learn from that. Conservatives are incapable of learning. That's why they screw up everything that they touch.

And stop thinking that you spell plutocracy, republic. Nobody thinks that we have a monarch. Be the first conservative to say what you mean, and mean what you say.
Rotweiner at his best. Freedom levels the playing field. Spoken like a true predator.

In other words those with the least ethical and moral behavior deserve to win.

Your hero must be Bernie Madoff.

Madoff is a GREAT example. For one, he went to prison for what he did (proving freedom does not mean anarchy). Two, those greedy liberals had the freedom to chose what to do with their money. Those chose to hand it over to a complete stranger out of greed. That's their own problem and they got exactly what they deserved.

Their stupidity did not effect me one bit like you communist stupidity does when Obama fucks up.

Want to try again sparky?

Why did he go to jail? He thought that regulation didn't apply to him. He found out he was wrong. He found out that, in a democracy, the rules favor we the people.

First of all stupid, we don't have a "democracy". Jesus - Antares even threw you a bone on this one and you still couldn't learn from it?!? :bang3:

You are not "we the people". You're the fringe minority radical that America hates.

"We the people" support and defend the U.S. Constitution while you cry about it like a little girl.
Kid I am middle america.....get over yourself.

You'll learn on election day that you're not. If you were you'd hang around with better class of people. Smarter people who think for themselves. Puppets need not apply.

You ain't my first Rodeo kid.....young uns like you come and don't think for yourself..and thats the funny little elephant in the just spout lefty talking points and pretend to be a badass.

Power to the people and all of that revolutionary bullshit has been the battle cry of you little mindless children throughout history.

Well looky here. A badass. I was supporting a family when you were a gleam in your daddy's eye. You're just another cult member mistaking watching TV for thinking. Because you never had any experience thinking. You slept through the fifth grade and decided that seeing as you didn't learn anything then, you already knew everything.

Prime cult minion.
Astounding mix of arrogance and ignorance here.

[MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] - please explain to me who the fuck are you to tell another business what they "should" cover?!? Obviously they covered everything they should or those 76,000 people wouldn't have done business with them - they would have gone somewhere else.

Want to try again?

Every business is regulated because their one rule, make more money regardless of the cost to others, makes regulation and competition absolutely necessary. And the health care insurance market is about as lacking price competition as any.

So no, I don't want to try again. You need to.

By the way - I noticed you were unable to explain why those 76,000 customers didn't go somewhere else if CareFirst was not proving what they "should"?

You're silence is deafening... :D

Still waiting for an answer from [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] on this... :lol:

It exposes her ignorance and she knows it!
Madoff is a GREAT example. For one, he went to prison for what he did (proving freedom does not mean anarchy). Two, those greedy liberals had the freedom to chose what to do with their money. Those chose to hand it over to a complete stranger out of greed. That's their own problem and they got exactly what they deserved.

Their stupidity did not effect me one bit like you communist stupidity does when Obama fucks up.

Want to try again sparky?

Why did he go to jail? He thought that regulation didn't apply to him. He found out he was wrong. He found out that, in a democracy, the rules favor we the people.

First of all stupid, we don't have a "democracy". Jesus - Antares even threw you a bone on this one and you still couldn't learn from it?!? :bang3:

You are not "we the people". You're the fringe minority radical that America hates.

"We the people" support and defend the U.S. Constitution while you cry about it like a little girl.

What do you call it when all citizens vote for their governmental representation? When all of their representation vote on laws? When the supreme court votes on adjudication? When juries vote?

""We the people" support and defend the U.S. Constitution". The only true thing that you've posted. We are not about to let the cult of conservatism change that. Ever.
Last edited:
You'll learn on election day that you're not. If you were you'd hang around with better class of people. Smarter people who think for themselves. Puppets need not apply.

You ain't my first Rodeo kid.....young uns like you come and don't think for yourself..and thats the funny little elephant in the just spout lefty talking points and pretend to be a badass.

Power to the people and all of that revolutionary bullshit has been the battle cry of you little mindless children throughout history.

Well looky here. A badass. I was supporting a family when you were a gleam in your daddy's eye. You're just another cult member mistaking watching TV for thinking. Because you never had any experience thinking. You slept through the fifth grade and decided that seeing as you didn't learn anything then, you already knew everything.

Prime cult minion.

Supporting a family?!? You're a fuck'n parasite who can't even support your own conclusions! :lmao:
Every business is regulated because their one rule, make more money regardless of the cost to others, makes regulation and competition absolutely necessary. And the health care insurance market is about as lacking price competition as any.

So no, I don't want to try again. You need to.

By the way - I noticed you were unable to explain why those 76,000 customers didn't go somewhere else if CareFirst was not proving what they "should"?

You're silence is deafening... :D

Still waiting for an answer from [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] on this... :lol:

It exposes her ignorance and she knows it!

Some probably did numbnuts. Some probably went with the compliant policies CareFirst had to offer to replace the non compliant policies. This isn't rocket science but certainly seems well beyond you.
Why did he go to jail? He thought that regulation didn't apply to him. He found out he was wrong. He found out that, in a democracy, the rules favor we the people.

First of all stupid, we don't have a "democracy". Jesus - Antares even threw you a bone on this one and you still couldn't learn from it?!? :bang3:

You are not "we the people". You're the fringe minority radical that America hates.

"We the people" support and defend the U.S. Constitution while you cry about it like a little girl.

What do you call it when all citizens vote for their governmental representation? When all of their representation vote on laws? When the supreme court votes on adjudication? When juries vote?

""We the people" support and defend the U.S. Constitution". The only true thing that you've posted. We are not about to let the cult of conservatism change that. Ever.

Sweetie, you're so fuck'n stupid, you don't even understand that the U.S. Constitution is conservative. Everything about it. Limiting the power of government, maximizing the freedom of people.

It was built and designed to protect America from ignorant assholes like you...
You ain't my first Rodeo kid.....young uns like you come and don't think for yourself..and thats the funny little elephant in the just spout lefty talking points and pretend to be a badass.

Power to the people and all of that revolutionary bullshit has been the battle cry of you little mindless children throughout history.

Well looky here. A badass. I was supporting a family when you were a gleam in your daddy's eye. You're just another cult member mistaking watching TV for thinking. Because you never had any experience thinking. You slept through the fifth grade and decided that seeing as you didn't learn anything then, you already knew everything.

Prime cult minion.

Supporting a family?!? You're a fuck'n parasite who can't even support your own conclusions! :lmao:

Can't wait to see your evidence!
By the way - I noticed you were unable to explain why those 76,000 customers didn't go somewhere else if CareFirst was not proving what they "should"?

You're silence is deafening... :D

Still waiting for an answer from [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] on this... :lol:

It exposes her ignorance and she knows it!

Some probably did numbnuts. Some probably went with the compliant policies CareFirst had to offer to replace the non compliant policies. This isn't rocket science but certainly seems well beyond you.

"It isn't rocket science" and yet your dumb-ass can only make up answers with "some probably did". :lmao:

We are talking about the 76,000 who clearly did not leave. You're now contradicting yourself (like typical idiot Dumbocrats always do).

Game over junior. You lose...


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