The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

I say, let's shoot the poor and the wealthy and keep only the wealth creators.

Yeah and being an "engineer" I've heard that argument plenty of times. One needs to be careful of the tendency to over value oneself in the grand scheme of things. How about we not shoot anyone, and let everyone live the fullest of their own potential through their own efforts?

Because the wealthy can't live with the poor, and the poor with the wealthy. Too much whining going on that amounts to nothing. The middle class does all of the work and creates all of the wealth. We don't need either category. Why not just keep all of the wealth that we create?
:cuckoo: A letter I got in the mail today is this... I will write it just like it is written for all to see, and then I want your comments in respect to where this post and thread is at now.. This is from Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) to me as a worker with this coverage through my employer. Thanks


Effective January 1st, 2014. The ACA will require all health insurance/care providers to collect a payment known as a "reinsurance fee", and this on behalf of the federal government. These payments will fund a transitional reinsurance program that aims to stabilize the market by paying insurers that cover high risk individuals.

To comply with the ACA requirement, BCBS will calculate reinsurance fee's into your premium rate at the amount of $ 9.12 per employee per month (PEPM). This change will be reflected in your bill for 2014.

As a group with an anniversary date of February 1, 2014 or later, we want to ensure that you are aware of this off anniversary change and why it was occurring. Please keep in mind that reinsurance fee's are collected on behalf of the federal government: Blue Cross Blue Shield will not profit from these contributions.

For more information about this fee, and the transitional reinsurance program, please visit

If you have any questions pertaining to your BCBS bill, please contact your BCBS representative.

So here I am after all this time watching my health care go higher and higher, where as I was hoping that my insurance bill as a working contributing citizen would finally get some relief in the whole thing sooner or later, getting hammered yet again and again in all of this mess.

Now I make less than 50,000 dollars a year now, and I have worked all my life contributing as a working man to my country, family and friends, only to get screwed into the ground for it all in the end. All I ask is for some sense to become the norm again for us working people in this nation, instead of us being asked now to carry such a heavy load. I have done what I was supposed to do in life, and it appears that that was the wrong thing to do in life, because now I am the fool for it all. As if I haven't been duped by all of this in the past, it seems to be getting worse and worse now.

How much more can the real working people stand in this nation ? It's so sad now ! Think about the feds waste in this nation, and then think about how it's never enough what goes on with us who are working to cover it all. :confused:

SS started at 2% now it's 15%... just sayin this 10 a month thing is just the start of a long run of a ton of increases. If all you got was an extra 10 you are lucky. Many folks are going from 450 a month to 1200 a month... we are gonna be so screwed with this. But Obama will tell you to smile and be happy because your 50k is within the 4x of poverty number so you will be approved for the subsidies if you move to the health exchange.

Like you I'm amazed more people haven't gone postal on our government, like the TSA killer did this morning and the IRS killer did in austin a couple years back when he flew a plane into the IRS building.
Below the poverty line at around 50,000 or less eh ?

So I could go to the web site and look at these exchanges you say, and then I can apply for subsidies, and even get a new plan that fits maybe, therefore making me a government healthcare welfare recipient now ?

So instead of a positive I become a negative on the system along with so many more, even when I am doing ok working and paying my bills now ? I mean as long as they don't keep going higher and higher and higher because the government or insurance companies are making it this way, then I will be alright just as I always have been. I just want to be treated fair and get a just plan that is right for workers like me, no more and no less.

I worked hard in my life, and me and my wife did the right things in our lives, but fast as a speeding bullet we are quickly being threatened to have nothing to show for it, and that is unacceptable is what I think.

I agree, it sucks. And actually the Poverty line for Obama Care subsidies is like 90k for a family of 4. Nutz. But then if you want half the population to get used to welfare and vote democrat for it that's probably a good way to do it.
I say, let's shoot the poor and the wealthy and keep only the wealth creators.

Yeah and being an "engineer" I've heard that argument plenty of times. One needs to be careful of the tendency to over value oneself in the grand scheme of things. How about we not shoot anyone, and let everyone live the fullest of their own potential through their own efforts?

Because the wealthy can't live with the poor, and the poor with the wealthy. Too much whining going on that amounts to nothing. The middle class does all of the work and creates all of the wealth. We don't need either category. Why not just keep all of the wealth that we create?

Because even if we decide to work for ourselves the democrats and republicans insist on redistributing our income to corporate green energy scams and hand-outs for the poor?
Mr Brown has one solution to all problems. Keep the poor barefoot and pregnant and most of all poorer, and give to the wealthy, the 15% of the wealth that, somehow, slipped away from the wealthy and is now shared by 80% of Americans.

Sounds like a return to slavery, doesn't it?

Don't you love when Dumbocrats accuse people of their own stupid policies?

This is where your marxism that (you deny) is so glaringly and painfully obvious. The assertion that adhering to the Constitution somehow magically "keeps" people poor or keeps people wealthy.

When you advocate constitutional conservatism, you do so for the express purpose of ensuring that no one is ever "kept" anywhere. Everyone is completely free to success or fail of their own accord.

Nobody made poor people poor PMZ - they did that to themselves. Being a marxist though, who believes the government should control everything and everyone for the "good" of the nation, you can't comprehend personal responsibility and thus you ignorantly believe that people are "kept" in a certain class.
Mr Brown has one solution to all problems. Keep the poor barefoot and pregnant and most of all poorer, and give to the wealthy, the 15% of the wealth that, somehow, slipped away from the wealthy and is now shared by 80% of Americans.

Sounds like a return to slavery, doesn't it?

Don't you love when Dumbocrats accuse people of their own stupid policies?

This is where your marxism that (you deny) is so glaringly and painfully obvious. The assertion that adhering to the Constitution somehow magically "keeps" people poor or keeps people wealthy.

When you advocate constitutional conservatism, you do so for the express purpose of ensuring that no one is ever "kept" anywhere. Everyone is completely free to success or fail of their own accord.

Nobody made poor people poor PMZ - they did that to themselves. Being a marxist though, who believes the government should control everything and everyone for the "good" of the nation, you can't comprehend personal responsibility and thus you ignorantly believe that people are "kept" in a certain class.
The government does nothing, but rather it is the group that gets in control of it that does with it what it wants to, and then all those who oppose suffers under the situation until somehow it gets changed back to good by another group. Right now there is a President and a few groups whom want to take this government and force others to yield to it big time, and become in subjection to it, give most of their hard earned money to it, and all in order to help move forward an agenda in which the groups that are controlling it believes in now, and they won't stop at nothing until they get what they think they want in order to get there.

Ok, now I make less than $50,000 dollars a year right, but because I was a responsible law abiding citizen all my life, who worked hard and done right, I could make it off of that money with no problem. I have my land paid for, my home paid for, my vehicles paid for, I also have a shop I built, tools, and the know how to use them tools, a green house with over 150 blueberries growing in two gallon pots, a produce stand, three dogs, two cats, a horse, a horse barn, but now I am considered poor by the government, so they want to give me subsidies for health care in which will cost everyone else because they can't figure out how to get health insurance companies to be fair, quit gouging people, and to stop all fraud against the Medicare program that was in place for seniors, poor children, and etc. ? I would love to make more money of course, but the government needs to recognize that if people do right in life, they can make it off of a lot less money than the government thinks that they can before going after more and more. You would be surprised what people can do with their money if it is used right, and in my opinion where the government needs to always be at, is making sure that it is spurring growth with it's policies, in order to create jobs for hundreds of thousands of people across America through the private sectors, and to make sure that it is only using the money that it has available to it ((THE RIGHT WAY)) when doing so, just like I have to. It should be looking at ways to create competition against private sector bad guy's, in order to run them out of business if they aren't going to operate in good conscience and in good standings with the American people.

One example is this health care thing, where as if health care providers aren't doing right and they are charging to much, then have it where the citizens don't have to buy their health care through that company in the area of question, but instead they can buy it (not get it for free), from the government who would offer a better deal and plan for the citizens against that kind of gouging situation that is going on in an area of the country. Then if the private sector gets their act in line with dong what is right again, and they could offer a little more in perks or benefits than the government can because there's money to be made, then the citizen could switch back or move over to a private plan, and get off of the government plan if they want to. Once the roles shrink to a small level on the government plan, it will then give back the citizens more of their taxes through tax cuts, and it will create the incentive to stay at the private sector insurance carrier instead of upon the government roles. This should be the goal of our government always, which is to get the private sector to work, and not to allow the private sector to use the government as an out after they have raped the citizens of a generation before dying out finally themselves over time.
Mr Brown has one solution to all problems. Keep the poor barefoot and pregnant and most of all poorer, and give to the wealthy, the 15% of the wealth that, somehow, slipped away from the wealthy and is now shared by 80% of Americans.

Sounds like a return to slavery, doesn't it?

Don't you love when Dumbocrats accuse people of their own stupid policies?

This is where your marxism that (you deny) is so glaringly and painfully obvious. The assertion that adhering to the Constitution somehow magically "keeps" people poor or keeps people wealthy.

When you advocate constitutional conservatism, you do so for the express purpose of ensuring that no one is ever "kept" anywhere. Everyone is completely free to success or fail of their own accord.

Nobody made poor people poor PMZ - they did that to themselves. Being a marxist though, who believes the government should control everything and everyone for the "good" of the nation, you can't comprehend personal responsibility and thus you ignorantly believe that people are "kept" in a certain class.
The government does nothing, but rather it is the group that gets in control of it that does with it what it wants to, and then all those who oppose suffers under the situation until somehow it gets changed back to good by another group. Right now there is a President and a few groups whom want to take this government and force others to yield to it big time, and become in subjection to it, give most of their hard earned money to it, and all in order to help move forward an agenda in which the groups that are controlling it believes in now, and they won't stop at nothing until they get what they think they want in order to get there.

Ok, now I make less than $50,000 dollars a year right, but because I was a responsible law abiding citizen all my life, who worked hard and done right, I could make it off of that money with no problem. I have my land paid for, my home paid for, my vehicles paid for, I also have a shop I built, tools, and the know how to use them tools, a green house with over 150 blueberries growing in two gallon pots, a produce stand, three dogs, two cats, a horse, a horse barn, but now I am considered poor by the government, so they want to give me subsidies for health care in which will cost everyone else because they can't figure out how to get health insurance companies to be fair, quit gouging people, and to stop all fraud against the Medicare program that was in place for seniors, poor children, and etc. ? I would love to make more money of course, but the government needs to recognize that if people do right in life, they can make it off of a lot less money than the government thinks that they can before going after more and more. You would be surprised what people can do with their money if it is used right, and in my opinion where the government needs to always be at, is making sure that it is spurring growth with it's policies, in order to create jobs for hundreds of thousands of people across America through the private sectors, and to make sure that it is only using the money that it has available to it ((THE RIGHT WAY)) when doing so, just like I have to. It should be looking at ways to create competition against private sector bad guy's, in order to run them out of business if they aren't going to operate in good conscience and in good standings with the American people.

One example is this health care thing, where as if health care providers aren't doing right and they are charging to much, then have it where the citizens don't have to buy their health care through that company in the area of question, but instead they can buy it (not get it for free), from the government who would offer a better deal and plan for the citizens against that kind of gouging situation that is going on in an area of the country. Then if the private sector gets their act in line with dong what is right again, and they could offer a little more in perks or benefits than the government can because there's money to be made, then the citizen could switch back or move over to a private plan, and get off of the government plan if they want to. Once the roles shrink to a small level on the government plan, it will then give back the citizens more of their taxes through tax cuts, and it will create the incentive to stay at the private sector insurance carrier instead of upon the government roles. This should be the goal of our government always, which is to get the private sector to work, and not to allow the private sector to use the government as an out after they have raped the citizens of a generation before dying out finally themselves over time.

If you believe that you 'done right', but don't have health insurance, you are mistaken. Chances are, you will get sick or injured. Very often the cost consequences of that are unaffordable. So, you may be doing well (being responsible) in many areas, but not in this one. You are setting yourself up for emergency room welfare.

Obamacare allows you to become responsible in the least expensive way that private health insurance offers. And if that is unaffordable, it will help you pay.

A win for everyone.
Mr Brown has one solution to all problems. Keep the poor barefoot and pregnant and most of all poorer, and give to the wealthy, the 15% of the wealth that, somehow, slipped away from the wealthy and is now shared by 80% of Americans.

Sounds like a return to slavery, doesn't it?

Don't you love when Dumbocrats accuse people of their own stupid policies?

This is where your marxism that (you deny) is so glaringly and painfully obvious. The assertion that adhering to the Constitution somehow magically "keeps" people poor or keeps people wealthy.

When you advocate constitutional conservatism, you do so for the express purpose of ensuring that no one is ever "kept" anywhere. Everyone is completely free to success or fail of their own accord.

Nobody made poor people poor PMZ - they did that to themselves. Being a marxist though, who believes the government should control everything and everyone for the "good" of the nation, you can't comprehend personal responsibility and thus you ignorantly believe that people are "kept" in a certain class.

I advocate adherence to our Constitution. Conservatives to some mystical document known only to Republican propagandists.

If you have an idea for amending the present document to change it into the mythological document of your dreams, have at it. The process is spelled out in detail.

It doesn't even require posting.

You're completely missing the point. PMZ, and others, are arguing that because we have safety nets covering people who can't afford health care they can, in effect, force other people to pay their way. And they're using that as justification for forced insurance covering such situations.

But we have lots of other similar safety nets, and I'm asking what's different about those? You can make the same argument for food, rent, children, etc - all the other expenses that can be pushed off on the welfare state. It seems like a dangerous precedent to use the potential need for public assistance as an excuse for mandated insurance.
:cuckoo: A letter I got in the mail today is this... I will write it just like it is written for all to see, and then I want your comments in respect to where this post and thread is at now.. This is from Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) to me as a worker with this coverage through my employer. Thanks


Effective January 1st, 2014. The ACA will require all health insurance/care providers to collect a payment known as a "reinsurance fee", and this on behalf of the federal government. These payments will fund a transitional reinsurance program that aims to stabilize the market by paying insurers that cover high risk individuals.

To comply with the ACA requirement, BCBS will calculate reinsurance fee's into your premium rate at the amount of $ 9.12 per employee per month (PEPM). This change will be reflected in your bill for 2014.

As a group with an anniversary date of February 1, 2014 or later, we want to ensure that you are aware of this off anniversary change and why it was occurring. Please keep in mind that reinsurance fee's are collected on behalf of the federal government: Blue Cross Blue Shield will not profit from these contributions.

For more information about this fee, and the transitional reinsurance program, please visit

If you have any questions pertaining to your BCBS bill, please contact your BCBS representative.

So here I am after all this time watching my health care go higher and higher, where as I was hoping that my insurance bill as a working contributing citizen would finally get some relief in the whole thing sooner or later, getting hammered yet again and again in all of this mess.

Now I make less than 50,000 dollars a year now, and I have worked all my life contributing as a working man to my country, family and friends, only to get screwed into the ground for it all in the end. All I ask is for some sense to become the norm again for us working people in this nation, instead of us being asked now to carry such a heavy load. I have done what I was supposed to do in life, and it appears that that was the wrong thing to do in life, because now I am the fool for it all. As if I haven't been duped by all of this in the past, it seems to be getting worse and worse now.

How much more can the real working people stand in this nation ? It's so sad now ! Think about the feds waste in this nation, and then think about how it's never enough what goes on with us who are working to cover it all. :confused:

SS started at 2% now it's 15%... just sayin this 10 a month thing is just the start of a long run of a ton of increases. If all you got was an extra 10 you are lucky. Many folks are going from 450 a month to 1200 a month... we are gonna be so screwed with this. But Obama will tell you to smile and be happy because your 50k is within the 4x of poverty number so you will be approved for the subsidies if you move to the health exchange.

Like you I'm amazed more people haven't gone postal on our government, like the TSA killer did this morning and the IRS killer did in austin a couple years back when he flew a plane into the IRS building.

One thing that we can apparently agree on. The private health care businesses, delivery and insurance, are making more money regardless of the cost to others.
Don't you love when Dumbocrats accuse people of their own stupid policies?

This is where your marxism that (you deny) is so glaringly and painfully obvious. The assertion that adhering to the Constitution somehow magically "keeps" people poor or keeps people wealthy.

When you advocate constitutional conservatism, you do so for the express purpose of ensuring that no one is ever "kept" anywhere. Everyone is completely free to success or fail of their own accord.

Nobody made poor people poor PMZ - they did that to themselves. Being a marxist though, who believes the government should control everything and everyone for the "good" of the nation, you can't comprehend personal responsibility and thus you ignorantly believe that people are "kept" in a certain class.
The government does nothing, but rather it is the group that gets in control of it that does with it what it wants to, and then all those who oppose suffers under the situation until somehow it gets changed back to good by another group. Right now there is a President and a few groups whom want to take this government and force others to yield to it big time, and become in subjection to it, give most of their hard earned money to it, and all in order to help move forward an agenda in which the groups that are controlling it believes in now, and they won't stop at nothing until they get what they think they want in order to get there.

Ok, now I make less than $50,000 dollars a year right, but because I was a responsible law abiding citizen all my life, who worked hard and done right, I could make it off of that money with no problem. I have my land paid for, my home paid for, my vehicles paid for, I also have a shop I built, tools, and the know how to use them tools, a green house with over 150 blueberries growing in two gallon pots, a produce stand, three dogs, two cats, a horse, a horse barn, but now I am considered poor by the government, so they want to give me subsidies for health care in which will cost everyone else because they can't figure out how to get health insurance companies to be fair, quit gouging people, and to stop all fraud against the Medicare program that was in place for seniors, poor children, and etc. ? I would love to make more money of course, but the government needs to recognize that if people do right in life, they can make it off of a lot less money than the government thinks that they can before going after more and more. You would be surprised what people can do with their money if it is used right, and in my opinion where the government needs to always be at, is making sure that it is spurring growth with it's policies, in order to create jobs for hundreds of thousands of people across America through the private sectors, and to make sure that it is only using the money that it has available to it ((THE RIGHT WAY)) when doing so, just like I have to. It should be looking at ways to create competition against private sector bad guy's, in order to run them out of business if they aren't going to operate in good conscience and in good standings with the American people.

One example is this health care thing, where as if health care providers aren't doing right and they are charging to much, then have it where the citizens don't have to buy their health care through that company in the area of question, but instead they can buy it (not get it for free), from the government who would offer a better deal and plan for the citizens against that kind of gouging situation that is going on in an area of the country. Then if the private sector gets their act in line with dong what is right again, and they could offer a little more in perks or benefits than the government can because there's money to be made, then the citizen could switch back or move over to a private plan, and get off of the government plan if they want to. Once the roles shrink to a small level on the government plan, it will then give back the citizens more of their taxes through tax cuts, and it will create the incentive to stay at the private sector insurance carrier instead of upon the government roles. This should be the goal of our government always, which is to get the private sector to work, and not to allow the private sector to use the government as an out after they have raped the citizens of a generation before dying out finally themselves over time.

If you believe that you 'done right', but don't have health insurance, you are mistaken. Chances are, you will get sick or injured. Very often the cost consequences of that are unaffordable. So, you may be doing well (being responsible) in many areas, but not in this one. You are setting yourself up for emergency room welfare.

Obamacare allows you to become responsible in the least expensive way that private health insurance offers. And if that is unaffordable, it will help you pay.

A win for everyone.
I have health insurance right now through my employer as this has always has been the case, and I have had it the whole time in my life while working, but funny how it is getting to costly these days to afford anymore, and this for those who do work, now why is this happening again ?
Health insurance premiums have been systematically increasing while benefits have been shrinking for years now.... Long before the ACA came along.
The government does nothing, but rather it is the group that gets in control of it that does with it what it wants to, and then all those who oppose suffers under the situation until somehow it gets changed back to good by another group. Right now there is a President and a few groups whom want to take this government and force others to yield to it big time, and become in subjection to it, give most of their hard earned money to it, and all in order to help move forward an agenda in which the groups that are controlling it believes in now, and they won't stop at nothing until they get what they think they want in order to get there.

Ok, now I make less than $50,000 dollars a year right, but because I was a responsible law abiding citizen all my life, who worked hard and done right, I could make it off of that money with no problem. I have my land paid for, my home paid for, my vehicles paid for, I also have a shop I built, tools, and the know how to use them tools, a green house with over 150 blueberries growing in two gallon pots, a produce stand, three dogs, two cats, a horse, a horse barn, but now I am considered poor by the government, so they want to give me subsidies for health care in which will cost everyone else because they can't figure out how to get health insurance companies to be fair, quit gouging people, and to stop all fraud against the Medicare program that was in place for seniors, poor children, and etc. ? I would love to make more money of course, but the government needs to recognize that if people do right in life, they can make it off of a lot less money than the government thinks that they can before going after more and more. You would be surprised what people can do with their money if it is used right, and in my opinion where the government needs to always be at, is making sure that it is spurring growth with it's policies, in order to create jobs for hundreds of thousands of people across America through the private sectors, and to make sure that it is only using the money that it has available to it ((THE RIGHT WAY)) when doing so, just like I have to. It should be looking at ways to create competition against private sector bad guy's, in order to run them out of business if they aren't going to operate in good conscience and in good standings with the American people.

One example is this health care thing, where as if health care providers aren't doing right and they are charging to much, then have it where the citizens don't have to buy their health care through that company in the area of question, but instead they can buy it (not get it for free), from the government who would offer a better deal and plan for the citizens against that kind of gouging situation that is going on in an area of the country. Then if the private sector gets their act in line with dong what is right again, and they could offer a little more in perks or benefits than the government can because there's money to be made, then the citizen could switch back or move over to a private plan, and get off of the government plan if they want to. Once the roles shrink to a small level on the government plan, it will then give back the citizens more of their taxes through tax cuts, and it will create the incentive to stay at the private sector insurance carrier instead of upon the government roles. This should be the goal of our government always, which is to get the private sector to work, and not to allow the private sector to use the government as an out after they have raped the citizens of a generation before dying out finally themselves over time.

If you believe that you 'done right', but don't have health insurance, you are mistaken. Chances are, you will get sick or injured. Very often the cost consequences of that are unaffordable. So, you may be doing well (being responsible) in many areas, but not in this one. You are setting yourself up for emergency room welfare.

Obamacare allows you to become responsible in the least expensive way that private health insurance offers. And if that is unaffordable, it will help you pay.

A win for everyone.
I have health insurance right now through my employer as this has always has been the case, and I have had it the whole time in my life while working, but funny how it is getting to costly these days to afford anymore, and this for those who do work, now why is this happening again ?

Congratulations on working for a responsible employer.

The only significant forces in the health care delivery market for controlling costs are the government through Medicare and to a growingly lesser degree, large companies negotiating for coverage for their employees.

Other than that, arguably better, but always more costly diagnostics and cures rule the roost.

Cost increases greater than inflation have never even slowed.

And these structural health care delivery cost increases are not even addressed by ACA, which is mostly about regulating insurance.

Every one of our global competition successfully regulates health care delivery costs. We can't here. Because of the Republican boggieman, socialism.
Health insurance premiums have been systematically increasing while benefits have been shrinking for years now.... Long before the ACA came along.

Not true at all. But I forgive you for lying.
You sure about this RKM Brown ? I have seen my premiums go up and my quality of service go down also, as one example my deductible has never been this high before, and then I had once under United Health Care a change to a 60/40 on the pay ratio situation, where as now I am back to a 70/30 pay ratio situation under BCBS. My wife has a policy that is an 80/20 pay ratio, and she has a 2,000 dollar deductible. Not sure why we don't have a better pay ratio than what we do, as we do much more dangerous work than she does, but it depends on the company one is with, and what types of policies they are offered I guess.
Conservatives seem to be surprised that the cost of health care insurance follows the cost of health care delivery.

No wonder they have trouble with the real world.
Health insurance premiums have been systematically increasing while benefits have been shrinking for years now.... Long before the ACA came along.

Not true at all. But I forgive you for lying.
You sure about this RKM Brown ? I have seen my premiums go up and my quality of service go down also, as one example my deductible has never been this high before, and then I had once under United Health Care a change to a 60/40 on the pay ratio situation, where as now I am back to a 70/30 pay ratio situation under BCBS. My wife has a policy that is an 80/20 pay ratio, and she has a 2,000 dollar deductible. Not sure why we don't have a better pay ratio than what we do, as we do much more dangerous work than she does, but it depends on the company one is with, and what types of policies they are offered I guess.

Yes, I'm sure. We may not like the fact that our insurance pays the for the benefits of others but you can't blame the insurance or even the health care providers. The fault is the government mandates, government provided monopolies, and government programs that are saddling the insurance payer with extra benefits they don't want. That plus "inflation." Insurance companies just skim off the top the real winner here is the people who directly benefit from these government created issues. That would be the illegal immigrants, the drug companies, medicare/medicaid recipients, the suit happy lawyers, etc.. These government management missteps caused the rates to go up, then they come in to save the day with even more management missteps that will double and triple the costs yet again.

Insurance used to be a matter of calculating a premium cost based on "risk" that the insured will need benefits, and giving you a suitable charge based on that risk. People have come to believe insurance means you get something for nothing and everyone else gets screwed.
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Cost increases greater than inflation have never even slowed.

So once again, where does that perceived "problem" by you authorize the federal government to intervene? :eusa_whistle:
Not true at all. But I forgive you for lying.
You sure about this RKM Brown ? I have seen my premiums go up and my quality of service go down also, as one example my deductible has never been this high before, and then I had once under United Health Care a change to a 60/40 on the pay ratio situation, where as now I am back to a 70/30 pay ratio situation under BCBS. My wife has a policy that is an 80/20 pay ratio, and she has a 2,000 dollar deductible. Not sure why we don't have a better pay ratio than what we do, as we do much more dangerous work than she does, but it depends on the company one is with, and what types of policies they are offered I guess.

Yes, I'm sure. We may not like the fact that our insurance pays the for the benefits of others but you can't blame the insurance or even the health care providers. The fault is the government mandates, government provided monopolies, and government programs that are saddling the insurance payer with extra benefits they don't want. That plus "inflation." Insurance companies just skim off the top the real winner here is the people who directly benefit from these government created issues. That would be the illegal immigrants, the drug companies, the suit happy lawyers, etc.. These government management missteps caused the rates to go up, then they come in to save the day with even more management missteps that will double and triple the costs yet again.

The object of ACA is to, as much as possible, get all of us to pay for our own health care. As a start towards enabling us to manage it's costs down some day.

Wealthy people, and people whose employer foots their medical bills, aren't the problem. Obamacare would choose to ignore them. Private insurance won't.

So there are some in those two categories who have incomplete coverage. Who are at risk of expensive circumstances causing them to not being able to pay for their own medical expenses.

Obamacare plugs those holes.

The other end of the spectrum are people not being paid enough for full time work to afford to be healthy. If they get sick they can just be fired and replaced with a good "part". Business backs them into a corner where survival takes a great deal of work and time and cunning. That fact of survival puts their cost of surviving, that their employer ignores, on us, one way or another.

ACA puts those costs on, rather than under, the table.

The Republican fuss about all this has little to do with all if this. It has to do with maintaining their business, getting elected, competitive, by dragging their competition down to their level through advertising. Propaganda. Mind control. Brain washing. Dirty politics. Whatever you want to call it.

So it's necessary to understand all of this to separate politics from governance, health care insurance from delivery, business making more money regardless of the cost to others from government, health care cost escalation leading to improved health outcomes from merely more profit for a particular business, etc.

Most people can't. So politics and business takes advantage of that confusion.
Every one of our global competition successfully regulates health care delivery costs.

Why are you constantly trying to lower the United States to the same subpar level of the rest of the world? We are the United States. We're better than the rest of the world. And no matter how hard you try drag us down, conservatives will be here protecting the Republic and the Constitution.

If your only argument is "but mommy, Johnny did it too" then you have no argument.
Every one of our global competition successfully regulates health care delivery costs.

Why are you constantly trying to lower the United States to the same subpar level of the rest of the world? We are the United States. We're better than the rest of the world. And no matter how hard you try drag us down, conservatives will be here protecting the Republic and the Constitution.

If your only argument is "but mommy, Johnny did it too" then you have no argument.

the other shoe is about to drop

Virginia Democrat Kathleen Murphy

wants to see doctors and providers forced into accepting

medicaid and medicare

in an effort to make obamacare even better

MASON CONSERVATIVE: Virginia Democrat Calls For Forcing Doctors To Accept Medicare And Medicaid Patients

now all she needs is a law forbidding the doctors from quitting

and once and for all health care can be a god given right
Every one of our global competition successfully regulates health care delivery costs.

Why are you constantly trying to lower the United States to the same subpar level of the rest of the world? We are the United States. We're better than the rest of the world. And no matter how hard you try drag us down, conservatives will be here protecting the Republic and the Constitution.

If your only argument is "but mommy, Johnny did it too" then you have no argument.

the other shoe is about to drop

Virginia Democrat Kathleen Murphy

wants to see doctors and providers forced into accepting

medicaid and medicare

in an effort to make obamacare even better

MASON CONSERVATIVE: Virginia Democrat Calls For Forcing Doctors To Accept Medicare And Medicaid Patients

now all she needs is a law forbidding the doctors from quitting

and once and for all health care can be a god given right

Just wait until they tell you that because Obamacare is paying for your healthcare, they will control what you eat and mandate exercise. De Fürher Bloomberg already started this ball rolling with his ban on soda in New York.

And when it happens (and we all know it will) PMZ will attempt to defend it with every absurd argument he can think of. But....but....but...Cambodia regulates the diet of their citizens.... :bang3:

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