The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

How about when the private sector has sought to engage in greed and cheap labor, so they throw away the American workforce by the millions over time (not caring about where they went or who took responsibility for them)

[MENTION=34109]beagle9[/MENTION], my friend, there are simple realities that you must come to grips here:

  • Dumbocrat policy of punish success and reward failure has forced every single job that has gone overseas. Just use an ounce of common sense for a second here - if it were cheaper to do business here in the U.S., nobody would ever spend MORE money to ship jobs overseas. They do it because Dumbocrats have made it impossible to stay in business in the U.S. We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world (that's a simple fact beagle9). We have some of the most costly, stifling regulations in the world.

  • A business exists for one purpose and one purpose only: to make money. They do not exist because they owe you a damn thing. They do not exist to make sure Americans have jobs. They exist to make money. If they do not make money, they go out of business. The fact that people such as yourself and Barack Obama do not understand this is why we've experienced the longest period of 8% unemployment (sans the Great Depression) in U.S. history.

  • It is not the responsibility of business to "care" where jobs go. Dumbocrats create unsustainable environments, and business try to figure out how to survive those unsustainable environments. In many cases, that means moving your operations overseas to environments that welcome business, not punish them.

Welcome to reality beagle9. You're going to love it here if and when you dump your absurd ideology for an ounce of reality and common sense.
No, what happened was the corruption of the upper class, in which yes may have been brought on by what you speak of, but no matter it's still greed and corruption that had been established over time because of the very reasons you gave for this. Now are we an America united or are we supposed to be, and if so wouldn't you think that everyone would consider the impact of their combined actions on America when they act ? If so should we always strive to make sure that when we act in any way that we act in life as Americans, then should we always consider the impact of our actions on our nation, our families and the citizens ? No one owes anyone a damn thing you say eh, and your right to a certain point, but what if the world war two veterans before going into war against Germany and Japan had that attitude before they went into that fight, therefore saying hey it's not my wars, and I have no dog on those fights? They would also say maybe that they don't owe the British people a damn thing, or the Jews or anyone else a damn thing, and so they would not do anything that would help them out ever, and they could have also said that hey lets just let them Germans and Jews duke it out or kill one another off, along with everyone else in that theater over there back then, now what would that have changed if such an attitude would have won the day ? Attitudes of greed and selfishness will destroy a nation, but a government seeking power and control under a specific leadership, can also breed fear into people as to where this nation is heading in all of this, and just because of the person and his cabinet who is running the place currently, we are in constant gridlock it seems anymore on just about everything. I do think that Barack Obama's early on stance of We (meaning him and his democrats), and going to fundamentally change America for ever. That was the first opening shot across the bow of the establishment from the get go, and it was one that has cast fear and anger in many who saw at that point this Barack Obama as an adversary instead of a President who wanted to work for all in America just as it should be.
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President Obama...has protected the country from terrorism.

I'm fascinated by [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] 's complete inability to make even the most rudimentary intelligent argument. I shudder to think just how low his IQ is (50 - 60?). With the exception of Bill Clinton, there have been more terrorist attacks under Barack Obama than all presidents in U.S. history combined...

  • On June 1, 2009 Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad walked into a Little Rock, Arkansas recruiting office and shot two men, killing one. The fact that an Al Qaeda operative successfully infiltrated the U.S. under Barack Obama's rule and then murdered is proof of the glaring incompetence of Barack Obama in protecting this nation.

  • On November 5, 2009 Nidal Hasan shot and killed 13 Americans and injured more than two dozen others. The fact that an Al Qaeda operative successfully infiltrated the U.S. military under Barack Obama's rule and then murdered so many is proof of the glaring incompetence of Barack Obama in protecting this nation.

  • On Christmas Day, 2009 23-year-old Al Qaeda operative Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempted to set off plastic explosives in his underwear. The fact that an Al Qaeda operative successfully boarded a plane with plastic explosives is proof of the glaring incompetence of Barack Obama in protecting this nation. The fact that the bomb failed to go off was simply blind luck.

  • On May 1, 2010 Faisal Shazhad successfully parked a Jeep Grand Cherokee packed with explosives on Time Square. The fact that an Al Qaeda operative successfully parked an automobile packed with explosives in the middle of New York City is proof of the glaring incompetence of Barack Obama in protecting this nation. The fact that the bomb failed to go off was simply blind luck.

  • On September 11, 2012 four U.S. government employees were brutally murdered in Benghazi. Despite having months of advance warnings that the attack was pending, Barack Obama forced staff to stay put and ordered additional security to stand down. It is proof of the glaring incompetence of Barack Obama in protecting this nation.

  • On April 15, 2013 3 U.S. citizens were killed and many more injured when multiple bombs exploded during the Boston Marathon. Despite having been warned by Russia about the terrorists and their activities, Barack Obama made the decision to ignore them and instead instructed the NSA to spy on Americans. It is proof of the glaring incompetence of Barack Obama in protecting this nation.
No one owes anyone a damn thing you say eh, and your right to a certain point, but what if the world war two veterans before going into war against Germany and Japan had that attitude before they went into that fight, therefore saying hey it's not my wars, and I have no dog on those fights? They would also say maybe that they don't owe the British people a damn thing, or the Jews or anyone else a damn thing, and so they would not doing anything that would help them out ever, and they could have said hey lets just let them Germans and Jews duke it out or kill one another off, along with everyone else in that theater over there back then, now what would that have changed if such an attitude would have won the day ?

You need to brush up on your history my friend. That is exactly what America did for 7 years. Despite being begged by Winston Churchill and England (among many others) we literally told them "hey, it's not our problem".

It wasn't until Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1942 that we entered the fray. Would you like to try again? Perhaps with a better analogy?
I do think that Barack Obama's early on stance of We (meaning him and his democrats), and going to fundamentally change America for ever. That was the first opening shot across the bow of the establishment from the get go, and it was one that has cast fear and anger in many who saw at that point this Barack Obama as an adversary instead of a President who wanted to work for all in America just as it should be.

Kudos on an honest assessment though [MENTION=34109]beagle9[/MENTION]. I very rarely see a moment of honesty from the left or criticism of Obama from them.

But here is the bottom line in this debate - the U.S. Constitution guarantees me freedom and nobody has the right to take that away. Even if they think taking away my freedom is "for the good".

If you believe so strongly that corporations have a civic duty, then I have to ask one glaring and obvious question: why don't you carry your civic duty and start a corporation which eschews profits for civic duty? You can't call someone else out for what you yourself are not willing to do. Doing so is called hypocrisy and it is despicable.
No one owes anyone a damn thing you say eh, and your right to a certain point, but what if the world war two veterans before going into war against Germany and Japan had that attitude before they went into that fight, therefore saying hey it's not my wars, and I have no dog on those fights? They would also say maybe that they don't owe the British people a damn thing, or the Jews or anyone else a damn thing, and so they would not doing anything that would help them out ever, and they could have said hey lets just let them Germans and Jews duke it out or kill one another off, along with everyone else in that theater over there back then, now what would that have changed if such an attitude would have won the day ?

You need to brush up on your history my friend. That is exactly what America did for 7 years. Despite being begged by Winston Churchill and England (among many others) we literally told them "hey, it's not our problem".

It wasn't until Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1942 that we entered the fray. Would you like to try again? Perhaps with a better analogy?
The analogy still stands as the world was on fire back then, and if your attitude would have prevailed back then as it does today, then we would all be under someone else's rule by now, and your freedoms would have been null and voided afterwards, so you think it never should apply this attitude of goodness and compassion that we all possess eh ? Why, because it's just to dangerous in the wrong hands now, even if it's to help our fellow man under dire circumstances these days ? Personally I think they elected the wrong man in this Barack Obama, and I think he is actually hurting America because of his agenda, his radicalness and his carelessness in which he has had instead of attempting to be a uniter, where as we do mostly know now that he is a divider of this nation instead.
I do think that Barack Obama's early on stance of We (meaning him and his democrats), and going to fundamentally change America for ever. That was the first opening shot across the bow of the establishment from the get go, and it was one that has cast fear and anger in many who saw at that point this Barack Obama as an adversary instead of a President who wanted to work for all in America just as it should be.

Kudos on an honest assessment though [MENTION=34109]beagle9[/MENTION]. I very rarely see a moment of honesty from the left or criticism of Obama from them.

But here is the bottom line in this debate - the U.S. Constitution guarantees me freedom and nobody has the right to take that away. Even if they think taking away my freedom is "for the good".

If you believe so strongly that corporations have a civic duty, then I have to ask one glaring and obvious question: why don't you carry your civic duty and start a corporation which eschews profits for civic duty? You can't call someone else out for what you yourself are not willing to do. Doing so is called hypocrisy and it is despicable.
Why do you try and paint my character into some form of character that I am not or why have you created a character in me that suits your debating style here, and then once you do this, you next try to deal with what you have created as if I am watching not from here, but rather I am watching a show that is on TV in which is that of someone for whom I am not in character, but yet here I am being someone that you wish I weren't, so next you try and re-create me with your words for your own benefit in the scheme of things ? Pitiful... LOL
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I love the fact that you can't explain this libtard talking point but you post it over and over. Shows that you're a willfully ignorant partisan hack who eschews facts and reality for ideology... :lol:

I've explained it over and over. It's explained in numerous place on the web. Also in books and newspapers and economic texts.

In fact there is only one place it's not explained. Republican propaganda.

You haven't explained it - not once. Because you can't. And posting stuff you can't explain is why you defeat your own position every time... :lmao:

You can't "redistribute" what already belonged to someone stupid... :eusa_whistle:

The fact that you believe you are entitled to what someone else earned shows what a fuck'n dirt bag communist asshole you are. And it also explains why you've been a miserable failure in life.

Rotweiner at his best. The poster boy for ignorant rednecks. The best recruiter for liberals yet.
My God, this rant is just dripping with communism. How can the private sector "fail the people" when they were never supposed to exist for the people and owe the people nothing?

Dumbocrats interference in the private sector (highest corporate tax rate in the world) is what has failed the people. The more they get involved (Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, etc.) the more the nation fails. The more the nation fails, the more you ask them to get involved to "help". It's a vicious cycle and a comical cluster-fuck of Dumbocrats who are so ignorant, they don't even understand the basic principles of economics or business.

But here is the most amazing thing about people like you and [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]: you guys sit on your fat, lazy asses talking about how business owners have failed you. Well, how many jobs have you created for other people [MENTION=34109]beagle9[/MENTION]? None. Not a damn one. Not one little job for someone in your entire life. How dare you sit in the bleachers and criticize the performance of the people on the field and actually in the game. I can't imagine the audacity it takes to sit on my fat lazy ass and cry that about what business owners are doing. Great men and women who took great risk and work their ass off while you sit at home living off of their hard earned money.

See, that's the beauty of the free market beagle9. If you don't like the job options, you can go into business for yourself any time you want. The fact that you're too lazy to start a business and create jobs for other people who desperately need them shows just how greedy and lazy you really are.

"How can the private sector "fail the people" when they were never supposed to exist for the people and owe the people"

Where is this written?

Exactly asshole! Where is it written that the private sector exists for the people and owes them anything?

(PMZ is on the verge of accidentally waking up... :lol:)

You're the one who said it like it was chisseled in stone. Did you just make it up? If not on what stone is it chisseled?
I do think that Barack Obama's early on stance of We (meaning him and his democrats), and going to fundamentally change America for ever. That was the first opening shot across the bow of the establishment from the get go, and it was one that has cast fear and anger in many who saw at that point this Barack Obama as an adversary instead of a President who wanted to work for all in America just as it should be.

Kudos on an honest assessment though [MENTION=34109]beagle9[/MENTION]. I very rarely see a moment of honesty from the left or criticism of Obama from them.

But here is the bottom line in this debate - the U.S. Constitution guarantees me freedom and nobody has the right to take that away. Even if they think taking away my freedom is "for the good".

If you believe so strongly that corporations have a civic duty, then I have to ask one glaring and obvious question: why don't you carry your civic duty and start a corporation which eschews profits for civic duty? You can't call someone else out for what you yourself are not willing to do. Doing so is called hypocrisy and it is despicable.

A display of massive ignorance.

Our Constitution is the bylaws of our government. It specifies what their responsibilities and duties are. The Bill of rights specifies a handful of areas that they are not permitted to legislate within. Those are the specific areas which have alway remained free of restrictions.

Back in the day of competent business leadership, corporations accepted that their employees and their customers we're from the same population, which was also the electorate of the communities that they did business in. And that the closer the employees got to the customers, the better off everyone was. Corporations were communities within communities.

Once many businesses returned to feudalism, that entire virtuous connection failed and instead there was competition instead of collaboration between workers/customers/electorate and executives. That was made worse by executives discovering how lucrative it could be to suck up to shareholders who cared nothing about long term success and would reward short term share price increase lavishly.

The most productive economy the world has ever known was killed, the concept of one country dismantled, the wealth redirected away from those who create it, to those who feel entitled to it, and the core of America industry sent overseas.

Republicans were the heart of business. Democrats were the heart of the workers/customers/electorate. Congress was where statesmen worked out solutions that satisfied both.

Conservatives have destroyed all of that, but all hope is not gone.

We need them out of government until they return to responsibility. That simple. If we fire them all they will get the message.
I do think that Barack Obama's early on stance of We (meaning him and his democrats), and going to fundamentally change America for ever. That was the first opening shot across the bow of the establishment from the get go, and it was one that has cast fear and anger in many who saw at that point this Barack Obama as an adversary instead of a President who wanted to work for all in America just as it should be.

Kudos on an honest assessment though [MENTION=34109]beagle9[/MENTION]. I very rarely see a moment of honesty from the left or criticism of Obama from them.

But here is the bottom line in this debate - the U.S. Constitution guarantees me freedom and nobody has the right to take that away. Even if they think taking away my freedom is "for the good".

If you believe so strongly that corporations have a civic duty, then I have to ask one glaring and obvious question: why don't you carry your civic duty and start a corporation which eschews profits for civic duty? You can't call someone else out for what you yourself are not willing to do. Doing so is called hypocrisy and it is despicable.

A display of massive ignorance.

Our Constitution is the bylaws of our government. It specifies what their responsibilities and duties are. The Bill of rights specifies a handful of areas that they are not permitted to legislate within. Those are the specific areas which have alway remained free of restrictions.

Back in the day of competent business leadership, corporations accepted that their employees and their customers we're from the same population, which was also the electorate of the communities that they did business in. And that the closer the employees got to the customers, the better off everyone was. Corporations were communities within communities.

Once many businesses returned to feudalism, that entire virtuous connection failed and instead there was competition instead of collaboration between workers/customers/electorate and executives. That was made worse by executives discovering how lucrative it could be to suck up to shareholders who cared nothing about long term success and would reward short term share price increase lavishly.

The most productive economy the world has ever known was killed, the concept of one country dismantled, the wealth redirected away from those who create it, to those who feel entitled to it, and the core of America industry sent overseas.

Republicans were the heart of business. Democrats were the heart of the workers/customers/electorate. Congress was where statesmen worked out solutions that satisfied both.

Conservatives have destroyed all of that, but all hope is not gone.

We need them out of government until they return to responsibility. That simple. If we fire them all they will get the message.

Do you realize that what you're envisioning as ideal government is essentially 'corporatism'?
No one owes anyone a damn thing you say eh, and your right to a certain point, but what if the world war two veterans before going into war against Germany and Japan had that attitude before they went into that fight, therefore saying hey it's not my wars, and I have no dog on those fights? They would also say maybe that they don't owe the British people a damn thing, or the Jews or anyone else a damn thing, and so they would not doing anything that would help them out ever, and they could have said hey lets just let them Germans and Jews duke it out or kill one another off, along with everyone else in that theater over there back then, now what would that have changed if such an attitude would have won the day ?

You need to brush up on your history my friend. That is exactly what America did for 7 years. Despite being begged by Winston Churchill and England (among many others) we literally told them "hey, it's not our problem".

It wasn't until Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1942 that we entered the fray. Would you like to try again? Perhaps with a better analogy?
The analogy still stands as the world was on fire back then, and if your attitude would have prevailed back then as it does today, then we would all be under someone else's rule by now, and your freedoms would have been null and voided afterwards, so you think it never should apply this attitude of goodness and compassion that we all possess eh ? Why, because it's just to dangerous in the wrong hands now, even if it's to help our fellow man under dire circumstances these days ? Personally I think they elected the wrong man in this Barack Obama, and I think he is actually hurting America because of his agenda, his radicalness and his carelessness in which he has had instead of attempting to be a uniter, where as we do mostly know now that he is a divider of this nation instead.

How exactly does your analogy "still stand" when we did exactly the opposite of what you initially claimed? :cuckoo:
I do think that Barack Obama's early on stance of We (meaning him and his democrats), and going to fundamentally change America for ever. That was the first opening shot across the bow of the establishment from the get go, and it was one that has cast fear and anger in many who saw at that point this Barack Obama as an adversary instead of a President who wanted to work for all in America just as it should be.

Kudos on an honest assessment though [MENTION=34109]beagle9[/MENTION]. I very rarely see a moment of honesty from the left or criticism of Obama from them.

But here is the bottom line in this debate - the U.S. Constitution guarantees me freedom and nobody has the right to take that away. Even if they think taking away my freedom is "for the good".

If you believe so strongly that corporations have a civic duty, then I have to ask one glaring and obvious question: why don't you carry your civic duty and start a corporation which eschews profits for civic duty? You can't call someone else out for what you yourself are not willing to do. Doing so is called hypocrisy and it is despicable.
Why do you try and paint my character into some form of character that I am not or why have you created a character in me that suits your debating style here, and then once you do this, you next try to deal with what you have created as if I am watching not from here, but rather I am watching a show that is on TV in which is that of someone for whom I am not in character, but yet here I am being someone that you wish I weren't, so next you try and re-create me with your words for your own benefit in the scheme of things ? Pitiful... LOL

Jesus... can you say run-on sentence? Regroup and repost something coherent.
President Obama...has protected the country from terrorism.

I'm fascinated by [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] 's complete inability to make even the most rudimentary intelligent argument. I shudder to think just how low his IQ is (50 - 60?). With the exception of Bill Clinton, there have been more terrorist attacks under Barack Obama than all presidents in U.S. history combined...

  • On June 1, 2009 Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad walked into a Little Rock, Arkansas recruiting office and shot two men, killing one. The fact that an Al Qaeda operative successfully infiltrated the U.S. under Barack Obama's rule and then murdered is proof of the glaring incompetence of Barack Obama in protecting this nation.

  • On November 5, 2009 Nidal Hasan shot and killed 13 Americans and injured more than two dozen others. The fact that an Al Qaeda operative successfully infiltrated the U.S. military under Barack Obama's rule and then murdered so many is proof of the glaring incompetence of Barack Obama in protecting this nation.

  • On Christmas Day, 2009 23-year-old Al Qaeda operative Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempted to set off plastic explosives in his underwear. The fact that an Al Qaeda operative successfully boarded a plane with plastic explosives is proof of the glaring incompetence of Barack Obama in protecting this nation. The fact that the bomb failed to go off was simply blind luck.

  • On May 1, 2010 Faisal Shazhad successfully parked a Jeep Grand Cherokee packed with explosives on Time Square. The fact that an Al Qaeda operative successfully parked an automobile packed with explosives in the middle of New York City is proof of the glaring incompetence of Barack Obama in protecting this nation. The fact that the bomb failed to go off was simply blind luck.

  • On September 11, 2012 four U.S. government employees were brutally murdered in Benghazi. Despite having months of advance warnings that the attack was pending, Barack Obama forced staff to stay put and ordered additional security to stand down. It is proof of the glaring incompetence of Barack Obama in protecting this nation.

  • On April 15, 2013 3 U.S. citizens were killed and many more injured when multiple bombs exploded during the Boston Marathon. Despite having been warned by Russia about the terrorists and their activities, Barack Obama made the decision to ignore them and instead instructed the NSA to spy on Americans. It is proof of the glaring incompetence of Barack Obama in protecting this nation.

[MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] wisely skipped this post. He didn't want to highlight his ignorance any further... :lol:
President Obama...has protected the country from terrorism.

I'm fascinated by [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] 's complete inability to make even the most rudimentary intelligent argument. I shudder to think just how low his IQ is (50 - 60?). With the exception of Bill Clinton, there have been more terrorist attacks under Barack Obama than all presidents in U.S. history combined...

  • On June 1, 2009 Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad walked into a Little Rock, Arkansas recruiting office and shot two men, killing one. The fact that an Al Qaeda operative successfully infiltrated the U.S. under Barack Obama's rule and then murdered is proof of the glaring incompetence of Barack Obama in protecting this nation.

  • On November 5, 2009 Nidal Hasan shot and killed 13 Americans and injured more than two dozen others. The fact that an Al Qaeda operative successfully infiltrated the U.S. military under Barack Obama's rule and then murdered so many is proof of the glaring incompetence of Barack Obama in protecting this nation.

  • On Christmas Day, 2009 23-year-old Al Qaeda operative Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempted to set off plastic explosives in his underwear. The fact that an Al Qaeda operative successfully boarded a plane with plastic explosives is proof of the glaring incompetence of Barack Obama in protecting this nation. The fact that the bomb failed to go off was simply blind luck.

  • On May 1, 2010 Faisal Shazhad successfully parked a Jeep Grand Cherokee packed with explosives on Time Square. The fact that an Al Qaeda operative successfully parked an automobile packed with explosives in the middle of New York City is proof of the glaring incompetence of Barack Obama in protecting this nation. The fact that the bomb failed to go off was simply blind luck.

  • On September 11, 2012 four U.S. government employees were brutally murdered in Benghazi. Despite having months of advance warnings that the attack was pending, Barack Obama forced staff to stay put and ordered additional security to stand down. It is proof of the glaring incompetence of Barack Obama in protecting this nation.

  • On April 15, 2013 3 U.S. citizens were killed and many more injured when multiple bombs exploded during the Boston Marathon. Despite having been warned by Russia about the terrorists and their activities, Barack Obama made the decision to ignore them and instead instructed the NSA to spy on Americans. It is proof of the glaring incompetence of Barack Obama in protecting this nation.

[MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] wisely skipped this post. He didn't want to highlight his ignorance any further... :lol:

Compare them to 9/11.
The most productive economy the world has ever known was killed, the concept of one country dismantled, the wealth redirected away from those who create it, to those who feel entitled to it, and the core of America industry sent overseas.

For once you're right [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] - liberalism has dismantled this country, redirected wealth away from those who create it to parasites like you who inexplicably feel entitled to it, and sent the core of American industry overseas.

The question is, if you know this, why do you continue to support failed liberal policy? :bang3:
I'm fascinated by [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] 's complete inability to make even the most rudimentary intelligent argument. I shudder to think just how low his IQ is (50 - 60?). With the exception of Bill Clinton, there have been more terrorist attacks under Barack Obama than all presidents in U.S. history combined...

  • On June 1, 2009 Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad walked into a Little Rock, Arkansas recruiting office and shot two men, killing one. The fact that an Al Qaeda operative successfully infiltrated the U.S. under Barack Obama's rule and then murdered is proof of the glaring incompetence of Barack Obama in protecting this nation.

  • On November 5, 2009 Nidal Hasan shot and killed 13 Americans and injured more than two dozen others. The fact that an Al Qaeda operative successfully infiltrated the U.S. military under Barack Obama's rule and then murdered so many is proof of the glaring incompetence of Barack Obama in protecting this nation.

  • On Christmas Day, 2009 23-year-old Al Qaeda operative Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempted to set off plastic explosives in his underwear. The fact that an Al Qaeda operative successfully boarded a plane with plastic explosives is proof of the glaring incompetence of Barack Obama in protecting this nation. The fact that the bomb failed to go off was simply blind luck.

  • On May 1, 2010 Faisal Shazhad successfully parked a Jeep Grand Cherokee packed with explosives on Time Square. The fact that an Al Qaeda operative successfully parked an automobile packed with explosives in the middle of New York City is proof of the glaring incompetence of Barack Obama in protecting this nation. The fact that the bomb failed to go off was simply blind luck.

  • On September 11, 2012 four U.S. government employees were brutally murdered in Benghazi. Despite having months of advance warnings that the attack was pending, Barack Obama forced staff to stay put and ordered additional security to stand down. It is proof of the glaring incompetence of Barack Obama in protecting this nation.

  • On April 15, 2013 3 U.S. citizens were killed and many more injured when multiple bombs exploded during the Boston Marathon. Despite having been warned by Russia about the terrorists and their activities, Barack Obama made the decision to ignore them and instead instructed the NSA to spy on Americans. It is proof of the glaring incompetence of Barack Obama in protecting this nation.

[MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] wisely skipped this post. He didn't want to highlight his ignorance any further... :lol:

Compare them to 9/11.

Moving the goal posts PMZ?!? You said "Barack Obama has protected this country from terrorism". The fact is, we've suffered MORE terrorist attacks under Barack Obama than any other president except for Bill Clinton.

You have zero credibility left PMZ. You're a partisan hack who parrots absurd, outrageous, and easily disprovable lies.
The most productive economy the world has ever known was killed, the concept of one country dismantled, the wealth redirected away from those who create it, to those who feel entitled to it, and the core of America industry sent overseas.

For once you're right [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] - liberalism has dismantled this country, redirected wealth away from those who create it to parasites like you who inexplicably feel entitled to it, and sent the core of American industry overseas.

The question is, if you know this, why do you continue to support failed liberal policy? :bang3:

If you were sane, you'd realize that there has been only one political change in this country. The contamination of the GOP by dixiecrats.

The Democrats are largely unchanged. Centrists. People oriented. People who see government as the will of we, the people. The force that keeps us free.

Real Republicans are also unchanged. Just marginalized by extremism. The American Taliban. Media conservatives who give up thinking for themselves in favor of accepting Fox opinions based on Fox facts built on what Republicans wish was true.

Republican failure since the influx of dixiecrats is legion. One mega failure after another. $17T in debt due to the imposition of what conservatives wish for, on the good people of America.

We're done. You're out. You are unaffordable. You are unable to govern. You are the antithesis of statesmen. You are fired.
The most productive economy the world has ever known was killed, the concept of one country dismantled, the wealth redirected away from those who create it, to those who feel entitled to it, and the core of America industry sent overseas.

For once you're right [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] - liberalism has dismantled this country, redirected wealth away from those who create it to parasites like you who inexplicably feel entitled to it, and sent the core of American industry overseas.

The question is, if you know this, why do you continue to support failed liberal policy? :bang3:

If you were sane, you'd realize that there has been only one political change in this country. The contamination of the GOP by dixiecrats.

The Democrats are largely unchanged. Centrists. People oriented. People who see government as the will of we, the people. The force that keeps us free.

Real Republicans are also unchanged. Just marginalized by extremism. The American Taliban. Media conservatives who give up thinking for themselves in favor of accepting Fox opinions based on Fox facts built on what Republicans wish was true.

Republican failure since the influx of dixiecrats is legion. One mega failure after another. $17T in debt due to the imposition of what conservatives wish for, on the good people of America.

We're done. You're out. You are unaffordable. You are unable to govern. You are the antithesis of statesmen. You are fired.

PMZ, buddy, I've already proven you have no idea what you are talking about.

When Barack Obama took office, the national debt stood at $10 trillion dollars (amassed over 230 years). It took Obama and the Dumbocrats only 4.5 years to add $7 trillion to it (this proves you have no idea what you are talking about).

You think Barack Obama "saved the economy". Under George W. Bush, unemployment was in the 6% range and never went above the 7% range at worst. Under Barack Obama, unemployment skyrocketed to 10% and has never gone below 8% (this proves you have no idea what you are talking about).

You think Barack Obama "kept this nation safe from terrorism". But under Barack Obama, we have suffered more terrorist attacks than any president in U.S. history except for Bill Clinton (this proves you have no idea what you are talking about).

Another example of your comical absurdity - you complain about "corporate welfare" and then praise Obama for bailing out incompetent companies which should have been left to fail. :cuckoo:

Here's the bottom line - the Dumbocrat party has been completely hijacked by communists/socialists/marxists and is radically left of center. The only liberals left have flocked to the Republican Party which has transformed that party significantly left of center (George Bush was a liberal fantasy come true - expand govenrment, spend recklessly, and piss all over the Constitution). The Constitution is "ground zero" and the epitome of "centrist". And that is exactly why the Tea Party is the only sane, centrist, rational group in America. All they have ever advocated is for the federal government to be forced to adhere to the highest law in the land. Nothing more. Nothing less. Libertarians, Sovereign Citizens, and Anarchists are the right's radical equivalent of the Dumbocrats. JFK adamently declared that lowering taxes was the only way to save a struggling economy. Today the Dumbocrat party is so unhinged, anyone who says the exact same thing (which is the truth) is declared by them to be "tea party radicals".

You're party is unhinged PMZ. And you are a willfully ignorant soldier for the party - trading your rights and freedoms for the most pathetic government table scraps. All of which has exposed you on USMB for being the ignorant partisan hack that you are. You have zero credibility and nobody takes anything you say seriously. It's your own fault.

Modern Democrats Would View John F. Kennedy As A Reaganite Extremist - Forbes
I've explained it over and over. It's explained in numerous place on the web. Also in books and newspapers and economic texts.

In fact there is only one place it's not explained. Republican propaganda.

You haven't explained it - not once. Because you can't. And posting stuff you can't explain is why you defeat your own position every time... :lmao:

You can't "redistribute" what already belonged to someone stupid... :eusa_whistle:

The fact that you believe you are entitled to what someone else earned shows what a fuck'n dirt bag communist asshole you are. And it also explains why you've been a miserable failure in life.

Rotweiner at his best. The poster boy for ignorant rednecks. The best recruiter for liberals yet.

I love how frustrated you get when I expose your ignorance. You can't "redistribute" something which already belonged to that person - which is why you can't explain your absurd statement while I can explain your idiocy. Once again, I win, you lose.

I do think that Barack Obama's early on stance of We (meaning him and his democrats), and going to fundamentally change America for ever. That was the first opening shot across the bow of the establishment from the get go, and it was one that has cast fear and anger in many who saw at that point this Barack Obama as an adversary instead of a President who wanted to work for all in America just as it should be.

Kudos on an honest assessment though [MENTION=34109]beagle9[/MENTION]. I very rarely see a moment of honesty from the left or criticism of Obama from them.

But here is the bottom line in this debate - the U.S. Constitution guarantees me freedom and nobody has the right to take that away. Even if they think taking away my freedom is "for the good".

If you believe so strongly that corporations have a civic duty, then I have to ask one glaring and obvious question: why don't you carry your civic duty and start a corporation which eschews profits for civic duty? You can't call someone else out for what you yourself are not willing to do. Doing so is called hypocrisy and it is despicable.

A display of massive ignorance.

Yes PMZ - you do display "massive ignorance" every time you post.

Tell me again why you refuse to do your civic duty and create jobs for your fellow citizens? Was it because you are too lazy? Or was it because you are too incompetent? Oh wait, that's right, you said it was both.

It's amazing that you refuse to do your civic duty but you'll complain about those who actually have created jobs for your fellow citizen. Kind of shows what an asshole you are, you know? :eusa_doh:

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