The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Kudos on an honest assessment though [MENTION=34109]beagle9[/MENTION]. I very rarely see a moment of honesty from the left or criticism of Obama from them.

But here is the bottom line in this debate - the U.S. Constitution guarantees me freedom and nobody has the right to take that away. Even if they think taking away my freedom is "for the good".

If you believe so strongly that corporations have a civic duty, then I have to ask one glaring and obvious question: why don't you carry your civic duty and start a corporation which eschews profits for civic duty? You can't call someone else out for what you yourself are not willing to do. Doing so is called hypocrisy and it is despicable.
Why do you try and paint my character into some form of character that I am not or why have you created a character in me that suits your debating style here, and then once you do this, you next try to deal with what you have created as if I am watching not from here, but rather I am watching a show that is on TV in which is that of someone for whom I am not in character, but yet here I am being someone that you wish I weren't, so next you try and re-create me with your words for your own benefit in the scheme of things ? Pitiful... LOL

Jesus... can you say run-on sentence? Regroup and repost something coherent.
Run on or not, you understood it unless you are just trying to deflect what I have said now, in which you know I'm right on now don't you ? :lol:

I see your style of debate here, and I see right through you in this way. You separate post and then answer what you have set up in order to create an answer to what you want in the way that you want upon what you have separated. This you do in order for it to be set up in this way as a tactic to deflect or confuse somehow. You like taking things out of context I see, and this you do in order to confuse others about what might be going on between you and another poster when debating them. Is it that you do this in order to gain an upper hand or to confuse others about the valuable points that are being made by your opponent against your positions taken ? It doesn't work though, because people here are equally as smart as you are, and so what you are doing is actually setting yourself up for others whom see this, to then move in on you quickly after exposing yourself in this way. Maybe I better leave you be, just so you won't expose your weakness like this among others that are here. :eusa_shifty:
Why did Obama leave all of Bush's policies in tact?

He dug us out of the Bush Great Recession.

He restored order from Wall St chaos.

He saved US auto.

Wait...what? I thought you said Obama "dug us out of the recession" that he created? :lmao:

PMZ's extraordinary ignorance illustrated once again. Ladies & Gentlemen, welcome to a Dumbocrat economy. They collapsed Detroit. They will collapse the United States if we allow them...

Nation's poor at 49.7 million, higher than official rate
Why do you try and paint my character into some form of character that I am not or why have you created a character in me that suits your debating style here, and then once you do this, you next try to deal with what you have created as if I am watching not from here, but rather I am watching a show that is on TV in which is that of someone for whom I am not in character, but yet here I am being someone that you wish I weren't, so next you try and re-create me with your words for your own benefit in the scheme of things ? Pitiful... LOL

Jesus... can you say run-on sentence? Regroup and repost something coherent.
Run on or not, you understood it unless you are just trying to deflect what I have said now, in which you know I'm right on now don't you ? :lol:

I see your style of debate here, and I see right through you in this way. You separate post and then answer what you have set up in order to create an answer to what you want in the way that you want upon what you have separated. This you do in order for it to be set up in this way as a tactic to deflect or confuse somehow. You like taking things out of context I see, and this you do in order to confuse others about what might be going on between you and another poster when debating them. Is it that you do this in order to gain an upper hand or to confuse others about the valuable points that are being made by your opponent against your positions taken ? It doesn't work though, because people here are equally as smart as you are, and so what you are doing is actually setting yourself up for others whom see this, to then move in on you quickly after exposing yourself in this way. Maybe I better leave you be, just so you won't expose your weakness like this among others that are here. :eusa_shifty:

Beagle, your grammar is atrocious (no wonder you're a Dumbocrat - you're education is pitiful). I seriously can't even understand half of what you're saying. You ramble on incoherently and with absolutely atrocious grammar.

Read the bolded part above - it's not even coherent.

As far as "separating" posts - I do that so I don't ramble on like you do. I break it down into simple, short posts so that everyone can follow and nobody skips it (like they do your posts) because they don't want to spend 20 minutes on a single post.

You're upset because by simplifying you're incoherent ramblings, I'm exposing your ignorance (as if your atrocious grammar doesn't do that enough). Deal with it. Nothing has been taken out of context. If it has, you would be able to expose that. And you can't. Instead, you just create the most extreme run-on sentences and omit punctuation.
Jesus... can you say run-on sentence? Regroup and repost something coherent.
Run on or not, you understood it unless you are just trying to deflect what I have said now, in which you know I'm right on now don't you ? :lol:

I see your style of debate here, and I see right through you in this way. You separate post and then answer what you have set up in order to create an answer to what you want in the way that you want upon what you have separated. This you do in order for it to be set up in this way as a tactic to deflect or confuse somehow. You like taking things out of context I see, and this you do in order to confuse others about what might be going on between you and another poster when debating them. Is it that you do this in order to gain an upper hand or to confuse others about the valuable points that are being made by your opponent against your positions taken ? It doesn't work though, because people here are equally as smart as you are, and so what you are doing is actually setting yourself up for others whom see this, to then move in on you quickly after exposing yourself in this way. Maybe I better leave you be, just so you won't expose your weakness like this among others that are here. :eusa_shifty:

Beagle, your grammar is atrocious (no wonder you're a Dumbocrat - you're education is pitiful). I seriously can't even understand half of what you're saying. You ramble on incoherently and with absolutely atrocious grammar.

Read the bolded part above - it's not even coherent.

As far as "separating" posts - I do that so I don't ramble on like you do. I break it down into simple, short posts so that everyone can follow and nobody skips it (like they do your posts) because they don't want to spend 20 minutes on a single post.

You're upset because by simplifying you're incoherent ramblings, I'm exposing your ignorance (as if your atrocious grammar doesn't do that enough). Deal with it. Nothing has been taken out of context. If it has, you would be able to expose that. And you can't. Instead, you just create the most extreme run-on sentences and omit punctuation.

The concept of you exposing Beagle's ignorance is the ultimate in irony.

You do it in every post. But not Beagle's.
Why did Obama leave all of Bush's policies in tact?

He dug us out of the Bush Great Recession.

He restored order from Wall St chaos.

He saved US auto.

Wait...what? I thought you said Obama "dug us out of the recession" that he created? :lmao:

PMZ's extraordinary ignorance illustrated once again. Ladies & Gentlemen, welcome to a Dumbocrat economy. They collapsed Detroit. They will collapse the United States if we allow them...

Nation's poor at 49.7 million, higher than official rate

Don't remember 2007, 2008, 2009, do you.

They were the classic conclusion to the Bush reign of ignorance. The wars, the wealth redistribution, the crashing economy, Nero fiddling.

They will live in infamy as the textbook consequences of conservatism.
Run on or not, you understood it unless you are just trying to deflect what I have said now, in which you know I'm right on now don't you ? :lol:

I see your style of debate here, and I see right through you in this way. You separate post and then answer what you have set up in order to create an answer to what you want in the way that you want upon what you have separated. This you do in order for it to be set up in this way as a tactic to deflect or confuse somehow. You like taking things out of context I see, and this you do in order to confuse others about what might be going on between you and another poster when debating them. Is it that you do this in order to gain an upper hand or to confuse others about the valuable points that are being made by your opponent against your positions taken ? It doesn't work though, because people here are equally as smart as you are, and so what you are doing is actually setting yourself up for others whom see this, to then move in on you quickly after exposing yourself in this way. Maybe I better leave you be, just so you won't expose your weakness like this among others that are here. :eusa_shifty:

Beagle, your grammar is atrocious (no wonder you're a Dumbocrat - you're education is pitiful). I seriously can't even understand half of what you're saying. You ramble on incoherently and with absolutely atrocious grammar.

Read the bolded part above - it's not even coherent.

As far as "separating" posts - I do that so I don't ramble on like you do. I break it down into simple, short posts so that everyone can follow and nobody skips it (like they do your posts) because they don't want to spend 20 minutes on a single post.

You're upset because by simplifying you're incoherent ramblings, I'm exposing your ignorance (as if your atrocious grammar doesn't do that enough). Deal with it. Nothing has been taken out of context. If it has, you would be able to expose that. And you can't. Instead, you just create the most extreme run-on sentences and omit punctuation.

The concept of you exposing Beagle's ignorance is the ultimate in irony.

You do it in every post. But not Beagle's.

PMZ - you're just crying like a little girl because I've owned you with facts and you know it. Look how many links I have in this thread alone. You've added nothing but your own ignorant opinions.
For once you're right [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] - liberalism has dismantled this country, redirected wealth away from those who create it to parasites like you who inexplicably feel entitled to it, and sent the core of American industry overseas.

The question is, if you know this, why do you continue to support failed liberal policy? :bang3:

If you were sane, you'd realize that there has been only one political change in this country. The contamination of the GOP by dixiecrats.

The Democrats are largely unchanged. Centrists. People oriented. People who see government as the will of we, the people. The force that keeps us free.

Real Republicans are also unchanged. Just marginalized by extremism. The American Taliban. Media conservatives who give up thinking for themselves in favor of accepting Fox opinions based on Fox facts built on what Republicans wish was true.

Republican failure since the influx of dixiecrats is legion. One mega failure after another. $17T in debt due to the imposition of what conservatives wish for, on the good people of America.

We're done. You're out. You are unaffordable. You are unable to govern. You are the antithesis of statesmen. You are fired.

PMZ, buddy, I've already proven you have no idea what you are talking about.

When Barack Obama took office, the national debt stood at $10 trillion dollars (amassed over 230 years). It took Obama and the Dumbocrats only 4.5 years to add $7 trillion to it (this proves you have no idea what you are talking about).

You think Barack Obama "saved the economy". Under George W. Bush, unemployment was in the 6% range and never went above the 7% range at worst. Under Barack Obama, unemployment skyrocketed to 10% and has never gone below 8% (this proves you have no idea what you are talking about).

You think Barack Obama "kept this nation safe from terrorism". But under Barack Obama, we have suffered more terrorist attacks than any president in U.S. history except for Bill Clinton (this proves you have no idea what you are talking about).

Another example of your comical absurdity - you complain about "corporate welfare" and then praise Obama for bailing out incompetent companies which should have been left to fail. :cuckoo:

Here's the bottom line - the Dumbocrat party has been completely hijacked by communists/socialists/marxists and is radically left of center. The only liberals left have flocked to the Republican Party which has transformed that party significantly left of center (George Bush was a liberal fantasy come true - expand govenrment, spend recklessly, and piss all over the Constitution). The Constitution is "ground zero" and the epitome of "centrist". And that is exactly why the Tea Party is the only sane, centrist, rational group in America. All they have ever advocated is for the federal government to be forced to adhere to the highest law in the land. Nothing more. Nothing less. Libertarians, Sovereign Citizens, and Anarchists are the right's radical equivalent of the Dumbocrats. JFK adamently declared that lowering taxes was the only way to save a struggling economy. Today the Dumbocrat party is so unhinged, anyone who says the exact same thing (which is the truth) is declared by them to be "tea party radicals".

You're party is unhinged PMZ. And you are a willfully ignorant soldier for the party - trading your rights and freedoms for the most pathetic government table scraps. All of which has exposed you on USMB for being the ignorant partisan hack that you are. You have zero credibility and nobody takes anything you say seriously. It's your own fault.

Modern Democrats Would View John F. Kennedy As A Reaganite Extremist - Forbes

If you were literate I'd suspect you to be a propaganda writer for Big Brother. You really seem to believe that, if you say it, some will believe it. Probably based on your experience with the cult.

They already believe it, bro. For the same reason you do. It drags America down to the level of Republican demonstrated performance.

I'm sticking with winners.
He dug us out of the Bush Great Recession.

He restored order from Wall St chaos.

He saved US auto.

Wait...what? I thought you said Obama "dug us out of the recession" that he created? :lmao:

PMZ's extraordinary ignorance illustrated once again. Ladies & Gentlemen, welcome to a Dumbocrat economy. They collapsed Detroit. They will collapse the United States if we allow them...

Nation's poor at 49.7 million, higher than official rate

Don't remember 2007, 2008, 2009, do you.

They were the classic conclusion to the Bush reign of ignorance. The wars, the wealth redistribution, the crashing economy, Nero fiddling.

They will live in infamy as the textbook consequences of conservatism.
Conservatism gone wrong is more like it.
Wait...what? I thought you said Obama "dug us out of the recession" that he created? :lmao:

PMZ's extraordinary ignorance illustrated once again. Ladies & Gentlemen, welcome to a Dumbocrat economy. They collapsed Detroit. They will collapse the United States if we allow them...

Nation's poor at 49.7 million, higher than official rate

Don't remember 2007, 2008, 2009, do you.

They were the classic conclusion to the Bush reign of ignorance. The wars, the wealth redistribution, the crashing economy, Nero fiddling.

They will live in infamy as the textbook consequences of conservatism.
Conservatism gone wrong is more like it.

The chaos that resulted may have been unintended but was predictable.
If you were sane, you'd realize that there has been only one political change in this country. The contamination of the GOP by dixiecrats.

The Democrats are largely unchanged. Centrists. People oriented. People who see government as the will of we, the people. The force that keeps us free.

Real Republicans are also unchanged. Just marginalized by extremism. The American Taliban. Media conservatives who give up thinking for themselves in favor of accepting Fox opinions based on Fox facts built on what Republicans wish was true.

Republican failure since the influx of dixiecrats is legion. One mega failure after another. $17T in debt due to the imposition of what conservatives wish for, on the good people of America.

We're done. You're out. You are unaffordable. You are unable to govern. You are the antithesis of statesmen. You are fired.

PMZ, buddy, I've already proven you have no idea what you are talking about.

When Barack Obama took office, the national debt stood at $10 trillion dollars (amassed over 230 years). It took Obama and the Dumbocrats only 4.5 years to add $7 trillion to it (this proves you have no idea what you are talking about).

You think Barack Obama "saved the economy". Under George W. Bush, unemployment was in the 6% range and never went above the 7% range at worst. Under Barack Obama, unemployment skyrocketed to 10% and has never gone below 8% (this proves you have no idea what you are talking about).

You think Barack Obama "kept this nation safe from terrorism". But under Barack Obama, we have suffered more terrorist attacks than any president in U.S. history except for Bill Clinton (this proves you have no idea what you are talking about).

Another example of your comical absurdity - you complain about "corporate welfare" and then praise Obama for bailing out incompetent companies which should have been left to fail. :cuckoo:

Here's the bottom line - the Dumbocrat party has been completely hijacked by communists/socialists/marxists and is radically left of center. The only liberals left have flocked to the Republican Party which has transformed that party significantly left of center (George Bush was a liberal fantasy come true - expand govenrment, spend recklessly, and piss all over the Constitution). The Constitution is "ground zero" and the epitome of "centrist". And that is exactly why the Tea Party is the only sane, centrist, rational group in America. All they have ever advocated is for the federal government to be forced to adhere to the highest law in the land. Nothing more. Nothing less. Libertarians, Sovereign Citizens, and Anarchists are the right's radical equivalent of the Dumbocrats. JFK adamently declared that lowering taxes was the only way to save a struggling economy. Today the Dumbocrat party is so unhinged, anyone who says the exact same thing (which is the truth) is declared by them to be "tea party radicals".

You're party is unhinged PMZ. And you are a willfully ignorant soldier for the party - trading your rights and freedoms for the most pathetic government table scraps. All of which has exposed you on USMB for being the ignorant partisan hack that you are. You have zero credibility and nobody takes anything you say seriously. It's your own fault.

Modern Democrats Would View John F. Kennedy As A Reaganite Extremist - Forbes

If you were literate I'd suspect you to be a propaganda writer for Big Brother. You really seem to believe that, if you say it, some will believe it. Probably based on your experience with the cult.

They already believe it, bro. For the same reason you do. It drags America down to the level of Republican demonstrated performance.

I'm sticking with winners.

Only a partisan hack like PMZ could consider the people who collapsed Detroit to be the "winners"... :lmao:

As I've said my friend, I've got facts backed up by link after link. All you have is ignorant, uninformed opinion. Game over.
He dug us out of the Bush Great Recession.

He restored order from Wall St chaos.

He saved US auto.

Wait...what? I thought you said Obama "dug us out of the recession" that he created? :lmao:

PMZ's extraordinary ignorance illustrated once again. Ladies & Gentlemen, welcome to a Dumbocrat economy. They collapsed Detroit. They will collapse the United States if we allow them...

Nation's poor at 49.7 million, higher than official rate

Don't remember 2007, 2008, 2009, do you.

They were the classic conclusion to the Bush reign of ignorance. The wars, the wealth redistribution, the crashing economy, Nero fiddling.

They will live in infamy as the textbook consequences of conservatism.

Watching you panic in the face of facts is priceless. No matter how you try to spin the story - everything under Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats is worse.

Unemployment? Exponentially higher under Obama and the Dumbocrats

National Debt? Exponentially higher under Obama and the Dumbocrats

People on food stamps? Exponentially higher under Obama and the Dumbocrats

People in poverty? Exponentially higher under Obama and the Dumbocrats

People without healthcare? Exponentially higher under Obama and the Dumbocrats

Dumbocrat policy of punish success and redistribute wealth to parasites like PMZ is a spectacular failure and the undeniable numbers prove it. They will live in infamy as the textbook consequences of the cancer known as liberalism.
If you were sane, you'd realize that there has been only one political change in this country. The contamination of the GOP by dixiecrats.

The Democrats are largely unchanged. Centrists. People oriented. People who see government as the will of we, the people. The force that keeps us free.

Real Republicans are also unchanged. Just marginalized by extremism. The American Taliban. Media conservatives who give up thinking for themselves in favor of accepting Fox opinions based on Fox facts built on what Republicans wish was true.

Republican failure since the influx of dixiecrats is legion. One mega failure after another. $17T in debt due to the imposition of what conservatives wish for, on the good people of America.

We're done. You're out. You are unaffordable. You are unable to govern. You are the antithesis of statesmen. You are fired.

PMZ, buddy, I've already proven you have no idea what you are talking about.

When Barack Obama took office, the national debt stood at $10 trillion dollars (amassed over 230 years). It took Obama and the Dumbocrats only 4.5 years to add $7 trillion to it (this proves you have no idea what you are talking about).

You think Barack Obama "saved the economy". Under George W. Bush, unemployment was in the 6% range and never went above the 7% range at worst. Under Barack Obama, unemployment skyrocketed to 10% and has never gone below 8% (this proves you have no idea what you are talking about).

You think Barack Obama "kept this nation safe from terrorism". But under Barack Obama, we have suffered more terrorist attacks than any president in U.S. history except for Bill Clinton (this proves you have no idea what you are talking about).

Another example of your comical absurdity - you complain about "corporate welfare" and then praise Obama for bailing out incompetent companies which should have been left to fail. :cuckoo:

Here's the bottom line - the Dumbocrat party has been completely hijacked by communists/socialists/marxists and is radically left of center. The only liberals left have flocked to the Republican Party which has transformed that party significantly left of center (George Bush was a liberal fantasy come true - expand govenrment, spend recklessly, and piss all over the Constitution). The Constitution is "ground zero" and the epitome of "centrist". And that is exactly why the Tea Party is the only sane, centrist, rational group in America. All they have ever advocated is for the federal government to be forced to adhere to the highest law in the land. Nothing more. Nothing less. Libertarians, Sovereign Citizens, and Anarchists are the right's radical equivalent of the Dumbocrats. JFK adamently declared that lowering taxes was the only way to save a struggling economy. Today the Dumbocrat party is so unhinged, anyone who says the exact same thing (which is the truth) is declared by them to be "tea party radicals".

You're party is unhinged PMZ. And you are a willfully ignorant soldier for the party - trading your rights and freedoms for the most pathetic government table scraps. All of which has exposed you on USMB for being the ignorant partisan hack that you are. You have zero credibility and nobody takes anything you say seriously. It's your own fault.

Modern Democrats Would View John F. Kennedy As A Reaganite Extremist - Forbes

If you were literate I'd suspect you to be a propaganda writer for Big Brother. You really seem to believe that, if you say it, some will believe it. Probably based on your experience with the cult.

They already believe it, bro. For the same reason you do. It drags America down to the level of Republican demonstrated performance.

I'm sticking with winners.

In other words - you can't come up with an intelligent response to inconvenient FACTS....

The chaos that resulted may have been unintended but was predictable.

That was well said PMZ. Dumbocrats never intend to collapse the economy - they are just so stupid they don't realize their socialism will do just that (but it's very predictable for the rest of us who are informed and have studied history)...

PMZ, buddy, I've already proven you have no idea what you are talking about.

When Barack Obama took office, the national debt stood at $10 trillion dollars (amassed over 230 years). It took Obama and the Dumbocrats only 4.5 years to add $7 trillion to it (this proves you have no idea what you are talking about).

You think Barack Obama "saved the economy". Under George W. Bush, unemployment was in the 6% range and never went above the 7% range at worst. Under Barack Obama, unemployment skyrocketed to 10% and has never gone below 8% (this proves you have no idea what you are talking about).

You think Barack Obama "kept this nation safe from terrorism". But under Barack Obama, we have suffered more terrorist attacks than any president in U.S. history except for Bill Clinton (this proves you have no idea what you are talking about).

Another example of your comical absurdity - you complain about "corporate welfare" and then praise Obama for bailing out incompetent companies which should have been left to fail. :cuckoo:

Here's the bottom line - the Dumbocrat party has been completely hijacked by communists/socialists/marxists and is radically left of center. The only liberals left have flocked to the Republican Party which has transformed that party significantly left of center (George Bush was a liberal fantasy come true - expand govenrment, spend recklessly, and piss all over the Constitution). The Constitution is "ground zero" and the epitome of "centrist". And that is exactly why the Tea Party is the only sane, centrist, rational group in America. All they have ever advocated is for the federal government to be forced to adhere to the highest law in the land. Nothing more. Nothing less. Libertarians, Sovereign Citizens, and Anarchists are the right's radical equivalent of the Dumbocrats. JFK adamently declared that lowering taxes was the only way to save a struggling economy. Today the Dumbocrat party is so unhinged, anyone who says the exact same thing (which is the truth) is declared by them to be "tea party radicals".

You're party is unhinged PMZ. And you are a willfully ignorant soldier for the party - trading your rights and freedoms for the most pathetic government table scraps. All of which has exposed you on USMB for being the ignorant partisan hack that you are. You have zero credibility and nobody takes anything you say seriously. It's your own fault.

Modern Democrats Would View John F. Kennedy As A Reaganite Extremist - Forbes

If you were literate I'd suspect you to be a propaganda writer for Big Brother. You really seem to believe that, if you say it, some will believe it. Probably based on your experience with the cult.

They already believe it, bro. For the same reason you do. It drags America down to the level of Republican demonstrated performance.

I'm sticking with winners.

Only a partisan hack like PMZ could consider the people who collapsed Detroit to be the "winners"... :lmao:

As I've said my friend, I've got facts backed up by link after link. All you have is ignorant, uninformed opinion. Game over.

The people who collapsed Detroit were Bush and Wall St. I don't consider them winners in any way.
Wait...what? I thought you said Obama "dug us out of the recession" that he created? :lmao:

PMZ's extraordinary ignorance illustrated once again. Ladies & Gentlemen, welcome to a Dumbocrat economy. They collapsed Detroit. They will collapse the United States if we allow them...

Nation's poor at 49.7 million, higher than official rate

Don't remember 2007, 2008, 2009, do you.

They were the classic conclusion to the Bush reign of ignorance. The wars, the wealth redistribution, the crashing economy, Nero fiddling.

They will live in infamy as the textbook consequences of conservatism.

Watching you panic in the face of facts is priceless. No matter how you try to spin the story - everything under Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats is worse.

Unemployment? Exponentially higher under Obama and the Dumbocrats

National Debt? Exponentially higher under Obama and the Dumbocrats

People on food stamps? Exponentially higher under Obama and the Dumbocrats

People in poverty? Exponentially higher under Obama and the Dumbocrats

People without healthcare? Exponentially higher under Obama and the Dumbocrats

Dumbocrat policy of punish success and redistribute wealth to parasites like PMZ is a spectacular failure and the undeniable numbers prove it. They will live in infamy as the textbook consequences of the cancer known as liberalism.

Bush's collapse of America was timed according to Republican strategy. Record breaking wealth redistribution for 8 years, followed by collapse of the economy followed by, goodbye fellows. Don't call me.
Dimwits like you parrot your mind controllers with, on Jan 20, 2009, it's all on Obama.

There was a time when I would have said it is inconceivable that any American would ever be stupid enough to fall for that, but it turns out that I underestimated the magnitude of our ignorance.

Your ignorance is unprecedented.

No matter, as long as we keep the wee brains out of government.

Then we can start working on keeping them out of business.
The chaos that resulted may have been unintended but was predictable.

That was well said PMZ. Dumbocrats never intend to collapse the economy - they are just so stupid they don't realize their socialism will do just that (but it's very predictable for the rest of us who are informed and have studied history)...


Are you really going to tell us it was fine until Bush left?

That would be truly monumental delusion. Record breaking.
PMZ, buddy, I've already proven you have no idea what you are talking about.

When Barack Obama took office, the national debt stood at $10 trillion dollars (amassed over 230 years). It took Obama and the Dumbocrats only 4.5 years to add $7 trillion to it (this proves you have no idea what you are talking about).

You think Barack Obama "saved the economy". Under George W. Bush, unemployment was in the 6% range and never went above the 7% range at worst. Under Barack Obama, unemployment skyrocketed to 10% and has never gone below 8% (this proves you have no idea what you are talking about).

You think Barack Obama "kept this nation safe from terrorism". But under Barack Obama, we have suffered more terrorist attacks than any president in U.S. history except for Bill Clinton (this proves you have no idea what you are talking about).

Another example of your comical absurdity - you complain about "corporate welfare" and then praise Obama for bailing out incompetent companies which should have been left to fail. :cuckoo:

Here's the bottom line - the Dumbocrat party has been completely hijacked by communists/socialists/marxists and is radically left of center. The only liberals left have flocked to the Republican Party which has transformed that party significantly left of center (George Bush was a liberal fantasy come true - expand govenrment, spend recklessly, and piss all over the Constitution). The Constitution is "ground zero" and the epitome of "centrist". And that is exactly why the Tea Party is the only sane, centrist, rational group in America. All they have ever advocated is for the federal government to be forced to adhere to the highest law in the land. Nothing more. Nothing less. Libertarians, Sovereign Citizens, and Anarchists are the right's radical equivalent of the Dumbocrats. JFK adamently declared that lowering taxes was the only way to save a struggling economy. Today the Dumbocrat party is so unhinged, anyone who says the exact same thing (which is the truth) is declared by them to be "tea party radicals".

You're party is unhinged PMZ. And you are a willfully ignorant soldier for the party - trading your rights and freedoms for the most pathetic government table scraps. All of which has exposed you on USMB for being the ignorant partisan hack that you are. You have zero credibility and nobody takes anything you say seriously. It's your own fault.

Modern Democrats Would View John F. Kennedy As A Reaganite Extremist - Forbes

If you were literate I'd suspect you to be a propaganda writer for Big Brother. You really seem to believe that, if you say it, some will believe it. Probably based on your experience with the cult.

They already believe it, bro. For the same reason you do. It drags America down to the level of Republican demonstrated performance.

I'm sticking with winners.

In other words - you can't come up with an intelligent response to inconvenient FACTS....


Do you claim that any Bush policy created disaster that wasn't cleared up by Jan 20, 2009 became Obama's?
Every once in a while I give Rotweiner the benefit of the doubt and think, nobody is that stupid. I'll never make that mistake again. He really is, and what's worse, believes everybody else is too.

Scary that he's out on the street somewhere.

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