The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

At least I have arguments. You, not so much, Libertarian being shorthand for accepting problems and ignoring solutions.

LOL, no you don't.

You have opinions that you value more than facts or reality.


Truer words were never spoken. [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] is a willfully ignorant partisan hack. It's people like him who have this nation $17 trillion in debt and put unqualified community organizers like Barack Obama in the White House because they eschew facts for ideology.

Here's what Rotweiner is ignorant of.

Bush's holy wars.

Bush's wealth redistribution tax cuts.

Bush's Great Recession.

Recovery from Bush's Great Recession.

Bush's driving US Auto to bankruptcy.

Bush's driving Wall St into bankruptcy.

Republican's total disdain for middle America.

Republican war on progress.

Bush's failure to prevent 9/11.

Bush's failure to punish Al Qaida for 9/11.

But that doesn't mean that he's not in favor of anything. He greatly supports exchanging millions of American careers for executive bonuses by shipping key manufacturing technology to Communist China. Why? So that he can buy cheaper though lead painted toys for his grandchildren.

And he also favors personal irresponsibility in promoting people who want to send their medical bills to random others.

And climate change. And ignoring where future energy will come from.

Two things that it's too bad that we can't have. Standards to be a parent and to be a citizen.
How about when the private sector has sought to engage in greed and cheap labor, so they throw away the American workforce by the millions over time (not caring about where they went or who took responsibility for them)

[MENTION=34109]beagle9[/MENTION], my friend, there are simple realities that you must come to grips here:

  • Dumbocrat policy of punish success and reward failure has forced every single job that has gone overseas. Just use an ounce of common sense for a second here - if it were cheaper to do business here in the U.S., nobody would ever spend MORE money to ship jobs overseas. They do it because Dumbocrats have made it impossible to stay in business in the U.S. We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world (that's a simple fact beagle9). We have some of the most costly, stifling regulations in the world.

  • A business exists for one purpose and one purpose only: to make money. They do not exist because they owe you a damn thing. They do not exist to make sure Americans have jobs. They exist to make money. If they do not make money, they go out of business. The fact that people such as yourself and Barack Obama do not understand this is why we've experienced the longest period of 8% unemployment (sans the Great Depression) in U.S. history.

  • It is not the responsibility of business to "care" where jobs go. Dumbocrats create unsustainable environments, and business try to figure out how to survive those unsustainable environments. In many cases, that means moving your operations overseas to environments that welcome business, not punish them.

Welcome to reality beagle9. You're going to love it here if and when you dump your absurd ideology for an ounce of reality and common sense.
Two things that it's too bad that we can't have. Standards to be a parent and to be a citizen.

If we had standards for being a citizen, you would have been executed years ago you anti-American, anti-Constitutional communist prick.

Get off your lazy ass and care for yourself. Conservatives are tired of footing the bill for you in life.
Bush's wealth redistribution tax cuts.

I love the fact that you can't explain this libtard talking point but you post it over and over. Shows that you're a willfully ignorant partisan hack who eschews facts and reality for ideology... :lol:
The government has been forced to fill that gap by the greedy private sector who had failed the people, therefore throwing hundreds of thousands onto the government doorsteps for help, and then when the government tries to help them, the wealthy cry fowl on that one also.

My God, this rant is just dripping with communism. How can the private sector "fail the people" when they were never supposed to exist for the people and owe the people nothing?

Dumbocrats interference in the private sector (highest corporate tax rate in the world) is what has failed the people. The more they get involved (Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, etc.) the more the nation fails. The more the nation fails, the more you ask them to get involved to "help". It's a vicious cycle and a comical cluster-fuck of Dumbocrats who are so ignorant, they don't even understand the basic principles of economics or business.

But here is the most amazing thing about people like you and [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]: you guys sit on your fat, lazy asses talking about how business owners have failed you. Well, how many jobs have you created for other people [MENTION=34109]beagle9[/MENTION]? None. Not a damn one. Not one little job for someone in your entire life. How dare you sit in the bleachers and criticize the performance of the people on the field and actually in the game. I can't imagine the audacity it takes to sit on my fat lazy ass and cry that about what business owners are doing. Great men and women who took great risk and work their ass off while you sit at home living off of their hard earned money.

See, that's the beauty of the free market beagle9. If you don't like the job options, you can go into business for yourself any time you want. The fact that you're too lazy to start a business and create jobs for other people who desperately need them shows just how greedy and lazy you really are.
Bush's wealth redistribution tax cuts.

I love the fact that you can't explain this libtard talking point but you post it over and over. Shows that you're a willfully ignorant partisan hack who eschews facts and reality for ideology... :lol:

I've explained it over and over. It's explained in numerous place on the web. Also in books and newspapers and economic texts.

In fact there is only one place it's not explained. Republican propaganda.
The government has been forced to fill that gap by the greedy private sector who had failed the people, therefore throwing hundreds of thousands onto the government doorsteps for help, and then when the government tries to help them, the wealthy cry fowl on that one also.

My God, this rant is just dripping with communism. How can the private sector "fail the people" when they were never supposed to exist for the people and owe the people nothing?

Dumbocrats interference in the private sector (highest corporate tax rate in the world) is what has failed the people. The more they get involved (Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, etc.) the more the nation fails. The more the nation fails, the more you ask them to get involved to "help". It's a vicious cycle and a comical cluster-fuck of Dumbocrats who are so ignorant, they don't even understand the basic principles of economics or business.

But here is the most amazing thing about people like you and [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]: you guys sit on your fat, lazy asses talking about how business owners have failed you. Well, how many jobs have you created for other people [MENTION=34109]beagle9[/MENTION]? None. Not a damn one. Not one little job for someone in your entire life. How dare you sit in the bleachers and criticize the performance of the people on the field and actually in the game. I can't imagine the audacity it takes to sit on my fat lazy ass and cry that about what business owners are doing. Great men and women who took great risk and work their ass off while you sit at home living off of their hard earned money.

See, that's the beauty of the free market beagle9. If you don't like the job options, you can go into business for yourself any time you want. The fact that you're too lazy to start a business and create jobs for other people who desperately need them shows just how greedy and lazy you really are.

"How can the private sector "fail the people" when they were never supposed to exist for the people and owe the people"

Where is this written?
LOL, no you don't.

You have opinions that you value more than facts or reality.


Truer words were never spoken. [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] is a willfully ignorant partisan hack. It's people like him who have this nation $17 trillion in debt and put unqualified community organizers like Barack Obama in the White House because they eschew facts for ideology.

Here's what Rotweiner is ignorant of.

Bush's holy wars.

Bush's wealth redistribution tax cuts.

Bush's Great Recession.

Recovery from Bush's Great Recession.

Bush's driving US Auto to bankruptcy.

Bush's driving Wall St into bankruptcy.

Republican's total disdain for middle America.

Republican war on progress.

Bush's failure to prevent 9/11.

Bush's failure to punish Al Qaida for 9/11.

But that doesn't mean that he's not in favor of anything. He greatly supports exchanging millions of American careers for executive bonuses by shipping key manufacturing technology to Communist China. Why? So that he can buy cheaper though lead painted toys for his grandchildren.

And he also favors personal irresponsibility in promoting people who want to send their medical bills to random others.

And climate change. And ignoring where future energy will come from.

Two things that it's too bad that we can't have. Standards to be a parent and to be a citizen.

And you are ignorant of the fact that you are just like Bush, a socialist war-hawk claiming to be a conservative republican.
Last edited:

Truer words were never spoken. [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] is a willfully ignorant partisan hack. It's people like him who have this nation $17 trillion in debt and put unqualified community organizers like Barack Obama in the White House because they eschew facts for ideology.

Here's what Rotweiner is ignorant of.

Bush's holy wars.

Bush's wealth redistribution tax cuts.

Bush's Great Recession.

Recovery from Bush's Great Recession.

Bush's driving US Auto to bankruptcy.

Bush's driving Wall St into bankruptcy.

Republican's total disdain for middle America.

Republican war on progress.

Bush's failure to prevent 9/11.

Bush's failure to punish Al Qaida for 9/11.

But that doesn't mean that he's not in favor of anything. He greatly supports exchanging millions of American careers for executive bonuses by shipping key manufacturing technology to Communist China. Why? So that he can buy cheaper though lead painted toys for his grandchildren.

And he also favors personal irresponsibility in promoting people who want to send their medical bills to random others.

And climate change. And ignoring where future energy will come from.

Two things that it's too bad that we can't have. Standards to be a parent and to be a citizen.

And you are ignorant of the fact that you are just like Bush, a socialist war-hawk claiming to be a conservative republican.

Next you'll be telling me that I'm just like Ted Cruz, and you're just like Bill Clinton.
Here's what Rotweiner is ignorant of.

Bush's holy wars.

Bush's wealth redistribution tax cuts.

Bush's Great Recession.

Recovery from Bush's Great Recession.

Bush's driving US Auto to bankruptcy.

Bush's driving Wall St into bankruptcy.

Republican's total disdain for middle America.

Republican war on progress.

Bush's failure to prevent 9/11.

Bush's failure to punish Al Qaida for 9/11.

But that doesn't mean that he's not in favor of anything. He greatly supports exchanging millions of American careers for executive bonuses by shipping key manufacturing technology to Communist China. Why? So that he can buy cheaper though lead painted toys for his grandchildren.

And he also favors personal irresponsibility in promoting people who want to send their medical bills to random others.

And climate change. And ignoring where future energy will come from.

Two things that it's too bad that we can't have. Standards to be a parent and to be a citizen.

And you are ignorant of the fact that you are just like Bush, a socialist war-hawk claiming to be a conservative republican.

Next you'll be telling me that I'm just like Ted Cruz, and you're just like Bill Clinton.

Yes or no you claim to be a republican?

Yes or no with nearly every single one of your posts you side with socialist solutions?

Yes or no you have defended the acts of War on the South by Lincoln, and Obama's actions in the ME?
Here's what Rotweiner is ignorant of.

Bush's holy wars.

Bush's wealth redistribution tax cuts.

Bush's Great Recession.

Recovery from Bush's Great Recession.

Bush's driving US Auto to bankruptcy.

Bush's driving Wall St into bankruptcy.

Republican's total disdain for middle America.

Republican war on progress.

Bush's failure to prevent 9/11.

Bush's failure to punish Al Qaida for 9/11.

But that doesn't mean that he's not in favor of anything. He greatly supports exchanging millions of American careers for executive bonuses by shipping key manufacturing technology to Communist China. Why? So that he can buy cheaper though lead painted toys for his grandchildren.

And he also favors personal irresponsibility in promoting people who want to send their medical bills to random others.

And climate change. And ignoring where future energy will come from.

Two things that it's too bad that we can't have. Standards to be a parent and to be a citizen.

And you are ignorant of the fact that you are just like Bush, a socialist war-hawk claiming to be a conservative republican.

Next you'll be telling me that I'm just like Ted Cruz, and you're just like Bill Clinton.

Ted Cruz is photogenic. Bill Clinton is photogenic.

Maybe the four of you have something in common.
And you are ignorant of the fact that you are just like Bush, a socialist war-hawk claiming to be a conservative republican.

Next you'll be telling me that I'm just like Ted Cruz, and you're just like Bill Clinton.

Yes or no you claim to be a republican?

Yes or no with nearly every single one of your posts you side with socialist solutions?

Yes or no you have defended the acts of War on the South by Lincoln, and Obama's actions in the ME?

I've always been a registered Republican because I never gave up hope that they will return to what works.

Socialism is part of every government on earth. I think that your point is that I don't run from the boogeyman.

The Confederacy attacked my country. Lincoln defended the Union as his oath of office demanded. When it was over he had saved the south from themselves.

President Obama has ended Bush's holy wars and avoided more war in the middle east. He extracted retribution for 9/11. He has protected the country from terrorism.
And you are ignorant of the fact that you are just like Bush, a socialist war-hawk claiming to be a conservative republican.

Next you'll be telling me that I'm just like Ted Cruz, and you're just like Bill Clinton.

Ted Cruz is photogenic. Bill Clinton is photogenic.

Maybe the four of you have something in common.

I too have trouble with adoring women. My ubber charming little puppy uses me for a chick magnet all of the time.
Next you'll be telling me that I'm just like Ted Cruz, and you're just like Bill Clinton.

Yes or no you claim to be a republican?

Yes or no with nearly every single one of your posts you side with socialist solutions?

Yes or no you have defended the acts of War on the South by Lincoln, and Obama's actions in the ME?

I've always been a registered Republican because I never gave up hope that they will return to what works.

Socialism is part of every government on earth. I think that your point is that I don't run from the boogeyman.

The Confederacy attacked my country. Lincoln defended the Union as his oath of office demanded. When it was over he had saved the south from themselves.

President Obama has ended Bush's holy wars and avoided more war in the middle east. He extracted retribution for 9/11. He has protected the country from terrorism.
As I said, you're politics no different than Bush's politics.
The government has been forced to fill that gap by the greedy private sector who had failed the people, therefore throwing hundreds of thousands onto the government doorsteps for help, and then when the government tries to help them, the wealthy cry fowl on that one also.

My God, this rant is just dripping with communism. How can the private sector "fail the people" when they were never supposed to exist for the people and owe the people nothing?

Dumbocrats interference in the private sector (highest corporate tax rate in the world) is what has failed the people. The more they get involved (Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, etc.) the more the nation fails. The more the nation fails, the more you ask them to get involved to "help". It's a vicious cycle and a comical cluster-fuck of Dumbocrats who are so ignorant, they don't even understand the basic principles of economics or business.

But here is the most amazing thing about people like you and [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]: you guys sit on your fat, lazy asses talking about how business owners have failed you. Well, how many jobs have you created for other people [MENTION=34109]beagle9[/MENTION]? None. Not a damn one. Not one little job for someone in your entire life. How dare you sit in the bleachers and criticize the performance of the people on the field and actually in the game. I can't imagine the audacity it takes to sit on my fat lazy ass and cry that about what business owners are doing. Great men and women who took great risk and work their ass off while you sit at home living off of their hard earned money.

See, that's the beauty of the free market beagle9. If you don't like the job options, you can go into business for yourself any time you want. The fact that you're too lazy to start a business and create jobs for other people who desperately need them shows just how greedy and lazy you really are.

"How can the private sector "fail the people" when they were never supposed to exist for the people and owe the people"

Where is this written?

The health care sector in the US is market failure layered on top on market failure. It's almost laughable if were not so deadly serious in its ramifications.
Yes or no you claim to be a republican?

Yes or no with nearly every single one of your posts you side with socialist solutions?

Yes or no you have defended the acts of War on the South by Lincoln, and Obama's actions in the ME?

I've always been a registered Republican because I never gave up hope that they will return to what works.

Socialism is part of every government on earth. I think that your point is that I don't run from the boogeyman.

The Confederacy attacked my country. Lincoln defended the Union as his oath of office demanded. When it was over he had saved the south from themselves.

President Obama has ended Bush's holy wars and avoided more war in the middle east. He extracted retribution for 9/11. He has protected the country from terrorism.
As I said, you're politics no different than Bush's politics.

Then why aren't Republicans defending me?
I've always been a registered Republican because I never gave up hope that they will return to what works.

Socialism is part of every government on earth. I think that your point is that I don't run from the boogeyman.

The Confederacy attacked my country. Lincoln defended the Union as his oath of office demanded. When it was over he had saved the south from themselves.

President Obama has ended Bush's holy wars and avoided more war in the middle east. He extracted retribution for 9/11. He has protected the country from terrorism.
As I said, you're politics no different than Bush's politics.

Then why aren't Republicans defending me?

Bush's wealth redistribution tax cuts.

I love the fact that you can't explain this libtard talking point but you post it over and over. Shows that you're a willfully ignorant partisan hack who eschews facts and reality for ideology... :lol:

I've explained it over and over. It's explained in numerous place on the web. Also in books and newspapers and economic texts.

In fact there is only one place it's not explained. Republican propaganda.

You haven't explained it - not once. Because you can't. And posting stuff you can't explain is why you defeat your own position every time... :lmao:

You can't "redistribute" what already belonged to someone stupid... :eusa_whistle:

The fact that you believe you are entitled to what someone else earned shows what a fuck'n dirt bag communist asshole you are. And it also explains why you've been a miserable failure in life.
The government has been forced to fill that gap by the greedy private sector who had failed the people, therefore throwing hundreds of thousands onto the government doorsteps for help, and then when the government tries to help them, the wealthy cry fowl on that one also.

My God, this rant is just dripping with communism. How can the private sector "fail the people" when they were never supposed to exist for the people and owe the people nothing?

Dumbocrats interference in the private sector (highest corporate tax rate in the world) is what has failed the people. The more they get involved (Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, etc.) the more the nation fails. The more the nation fails, the more you ask them to get involved to "help". It's a vicious cycle and a comical cluster-fuck of Dumbocrats who are so ignorant, they don't even understand the basic principles of economics or business.

But here is the most amazing thing about people like you and [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]: you guys sit on your fat, lazy asses talking about how business owners have failed you. Well, how many jobs have you created for other people [MENTION=34109]beagle9[/MENTION]? None. Not a damn one. Not one little job for someone in your entire life. How dare you sit in the bleachers and criticize the performance of the people on the field and actually in the game. I can't imagine the audacity it takes to sit on my fat lazy ass and cry that about what business owners are doing. Great men and women who took great risk and work their ass off while you sit at home living off of their hard earned money.

See, that's the beauty of the free market beagle9. If you don't like the job options, you can go into business for yourself any time you want. The fact that you're too lazy to start a business and create jobs for other people who desperately need them shows just how greedy and lazy you really are.

"How can the private sector "fail the people" when they were never supposed to exist for the people and owe the people"

Where is this written?

Exactly asshole! Where is it written that the private sector exists for the people and owes them anything?

(PMZ is on the verge of accidentally waking up... :lol:)
No one ask for the few to care for the many, just to level the playing field is all people want in these situations

The playing field was leveled the day the U.S. Constitution was signed into law [MENTION=34109]beagle9[/MENTION]. Every man has the exact same equal opportunity because that document prevents anyone from oppressing you.

All the left ever does is disingenuously cry "level the playing field" which is nothing but liberal code-word for "I want communism - the few should be forced to labor against their will for the many".

Have you ever noticed that when you (and your fellow liberals like PMZ) post, you can never cite anything? Forget about a link to a reputable cite providing an example of an "unleveled playing field" - you can't even give ONE example in your entire rant.

You guys eschew all reality and facts for ideology. Where is this supposed "unleveled playing field" beagle9?!? Someone choosing to pump heroin into their veins rather than hold a job with health insurance is not an "unleveled playing field" - it's the freedom of an asshole to make bad choices and fail. I love that we have that freedom.
Not talking about all playing fields being leveled where there is no need of this, but just the ones that have purposely been set out of balance because of bad people having power over those fields, and in which because of this these fields have been thrown out of balance all because of, and so here we are talking about health care, and especially for what has happened in this field, but your claim is that it needed no reform at all or nothing needed done ?????? If something needed done, then what should have been done ? Do you have a clue maybe (?), because it seems that many don't these days.

People have listed all kinds of links, and also facts to show what had been going on over time, and now here you are trying to suggest that people are shooting from their hips on these issues or that they are making up what they live as a reality in their daily lives on these issues, but instead of them lying like we are seeing so many doing for political and power purposes these days, all we get is spin, spin, spin, and right on and right on it just all keeps going.

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