The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Rotweiner is clearly one of the classiest folks here. I think that he'll make a wonderful poster boy for conservatives. In fact, I hope that when Americans go to the polls, he's first in their minds as a representative business owner.

Oh so that's how dumbocrats elect representatives, they completely ignore the candidates and instead "visualize" someone, that they barely know and is not running for election, who they hate and or are jealous of with their desires for revenge and plunder.

Exactly... And this comes as a shock to you? Look at who these people elect. Did you really think they were informed and unbiased voters? :lol:
Rotweiner is clearly one of the classiest folks here. I think that he'll make a wonderful poster boy for conservatives. In fact, I hope that when Americans go to the polls, he's first in their minds as a representative business owner.

You lie through your teeth, refuse to care for yourself like an adult, demand slavery, and you want to discuss being "classy"? Really? :eusa_doh:
Rotweiner is clearly one of the classiest folks here. I think that he'll make a wonderful poster boy for conservatives. In fact, I hope that when Americans go to the polls, he's first in their minds as a representative business owner.

Oh so that's how dumbocrats elect representatives, they completely ignore the candidates and instead "visualize" someone, that they barely know and is not running for election, who they hate and or are jealous of with their desires for revenge and plunder.

Exactly... And this comes as a shock to you? Look at who these people elect. Did you really think they were informed and unbiased voters? :lol:

That "oh" was feigned surprise.
Oh so that's how dumbocrats elect representatives, they completely ignore the candidates and instead "visualize" someone, that they barely know and is not running for election, who they hate and or are jealous of with their desires for revenge and plunder.

Exactly... And this comes as a shock to you? Look at who these people elect. Did you really think they were informed and unbiased voters? :lol:

That "oh" was feigned surprise.

I know. I just wanted to elaborate on Dumbocrat ignorance... :)
That "oh" was feigned surprise.

I know. I just wanted to elaborate on Dumbocrat ignorance... :)

Well you've established your street cred in ignorance.

I have - I'm unquestionably the most informed, fact-based poster on USMB. So nobody is more qualified to call out ignorance (such as yours) as I am.

Hey, are you still waiting for a radical left-wing site like ThinkProgess to explain to you why Obama explicitly outlawed cadillac plans? :lmao:
Who then are you waiting for, to propose a solution to irresponsible people charging their health care to you and I?

It would likely take electing a genuine libertarian for that to happen, but I'd be open to efforts from either party toward that goal. ACA only pushes us deeper into that hole.

Anyway, I have to be frank here. Your phony concern for 'responsibility' is wearing thin. I have little patience for Orwellian language games. I guess you think it's a way to get under conservatives' skin, given that 'responsiblity' is something of a buzzword with them, but it doesn't make your argument any more compelling. It just makes it kind of sleazy.

At least I have arguments. You, not so much, Libertarian being shorthand for accepting problems and ignoring solutions.

LOL, no you don't.

You have opinions that you value more than facts or reality.
It would likely take electing a genuine libertarian for that to happen, but I'd be open to efforts from either party toward that goal. ACA only pushes us deeper into that hole.

Anyway, I have to be frank here. Your phony concern for 'responsibility' is wearing thin. I have little patience for Orwellian language games. I guess you think it's a way to get under conservatives' skin, given that 'responsiblity' is something of a buzzword with them, but it doesn't make your argument any more compelling. It just makes it kind of sleazy.

At least I have arguments. You, not so much, Libertarian being shorthand for accepting problems and ignoring solutions.

LOL, no you don't.

You have opinions that you value more than facts or reality.

I have opinions based on facts and reality.

You have opinions given to you based on politics.
I know. I just wanted to elaborate on Dumbocrat ignorance... :)

Well you've established your street cred in ignorance.

I have - I'm unquestionably the most informed, fact-based poster on USMB. So nobody is more qualified to call out ignorance (such as yours) as I am.

Hey, are you still waiting for a radical left-wing site like ThinkProgess to explain to you why Obama explicitly outlawed cadillac plans? :lmao:

Rotweiner is a legend in his own mind. I suppose, if you have to tell people that you're smart, that means that's your only option. Otherwise nobody would even guess that you are.
At least I have arguments. You, not so much, Libertarian being shorthand for accepting problems and ignoring solutions.

LOL, no you don't.

You have opinions that you value more than facts or reality.

I have opinions based on facts and reality.

You have opinions given to you based on politics.

Too funny moron, you post nothing but opinion backed up by are too afraid to venture into a thread based on facts..projection and semantics are the refuge of the weak kid...
Well you've established your street cred in ignorance.

I have - I'm unquestionably the most informed, fact-based poster on USMB. So nobody is more qualified to call out ignorance (such as yours) as I am.

Hey, are you still waiting for a radical left-wing site like ThinkProgess to explain to you why Obama explicitly outlawed cadillac plans? :lmao:

Rotweiner is a legend in his own mind. I suppose, if you have to tell people that you're smart, that means that's your only option. Otherwise nobody would even guess that you are.

Right on cue...projection :)
I have - I'm unquestionably the most informed, fact-based poster on USMB. So nobody is more qualified to call out ignorance (such as yours) as I am.

Hey, are you still waiting for a radical left-wing site like ThinkProgess to explain to you why Obama explicitly outlawed cadillac plans? :lmao:

Rotweiner is a legend in his own mind. I suppose, if you have to tell people that you're smart, that means that's your only option. Otherwise nobody would even guess that you are.

Right on cue...projection :)

He's the one that said what he said.
Rotweiner is a legend in his own mind. I suppose, if you have to tell people that you're smart, that means that's your only option. Otherwise nobody would even guess that you are.

Right on cue...projection :)

He's the one that said what he said.

YOU are a legend in YOUR own mind....and your greatest wish is that we all believe how great you are too.


I'm just some schmuck in Omaha who works in the insurance know...rubber meets the road and all that shit.
LOL, no you don't.

You have opinions that you value more than facts or reality.

I have opinions based on facts and reality.

You have opinions given to you based on politics.

Too funny moron, you post nothing but opinion backed up by are too afraid to venture into a thread based on facts..projection and semantics are the refuge of the weak kid...

You're projecting, screwball.
Shouldn't it be that everyone who is an American, should have equal access to health care as Americans together, where as we are all treated alike as human beings when we get sick, otherwise instead of having this class system operating in the health care industry as it had been over time ?

No, it shouldn't. Not at all. Not even a little [MENTION=34109]beagle9[/MENTION]. There is a name for that kind of asinine thinking - it's called communism. And it has a 100% failure rate world wide. It has never succeeded in history. Not even once.

The correct response is "shouldn't it be that every person act like the adults they are, put their big girl and big boy pants on, and take care of themselves like responsible people"? That's the only system that works. The few cannot care for the many.

Even the dumbest animal in the wild can figure out how to survive on it's own - without petitioning government for help. What does it say about Democrats that they can't?

You comparing us to the animals in the wild eh ? No one ask for the few to care for the many, just to level the playing field is all people want in these situations, where as they can get the same medicine that the next person gets in order to survive the day. Take care of themselves you say ? How about when the private sector has sought to engage in greed and cheap labor, so they throw away the American workforce by the millions over time (not caring about where they went or who took responsibility for them), and they did this just as long as they got what they wanted in the way of premium health care for themselves, lavish living standards, and also huge profits for themselves in the scheme of things. Everyone else is then left to pick up the crumbs that were left by the way side, and then to distribute them in the best way possible until help arrived. The government has been forced to fill that gap by the greedy private sector who had failed the people, therefore throwing hundreds of thousands onto the government doorsteps for help, and then when the government tries to help them, the wealthy cry fowl on that one also. It virtually places people into a no win situation in the struggle, therefore making them desperate and sometimes dangerous in which we have seen in many ways. The proper balance in it all has been damaged and put in an off balance way, so the key is to bring it all back into some sort of balance that suits everyone somehow, but not the bad guy's at the end of the day should it help, otherwise for whom abused the system of help as was needed and received by them or for whom had run the system into the ground from the top down. :eusa_whistle:
I have opinions based on facts and reality.

You have opinions given to you based on politics.

Too funny moron, you post nothing but opinion backed up by are too afraid to venture into a thread based on facts..projection and semantics are the refuge of the weak kid...

You're projecting, screwball.

Says the kid running from any reality that might not be his it.
Too funny moron, you post nothing but opinion backed up by are too afraid to venture into a thread based on facts..projection and semantics are the refuge of the weak kid...

You're projecting, screwball.

Says the kid running from any reality that might not be his it.

There's only one reality and it's not what you want it to be.
Right on cue...projection :)

He's the one that said what he said.

YOU are a legend in YOUR own mind....and your greatest wish is that we all believe how great you are too.


I'm just some schmuck in Omaha who works in the insurance know...rubber meets the road and all that shit.

Never met an insurance salesman that wasn't first, a salesman.
It would likely take electing a genuine libertarian for that to happen, but I'd be open to efforts from either party toward that goal. ACA only pushes us deeper into that hole.

Anyway, I have to be frank here. Your phony concern for 'responsibility' is wearing thin. I have little patience for Orwellian language games. I guess you think it's a way to get under conservatives' skin, given that 'responsiblity' is something of a buzzword with them, but it doesn't make your argument any more compelling. It just makes it kind of sleazy.

At least I have arguments. You, not so much, Libertarian being shorthand for accepting problems and ignoring solutions.

LOL, no you don't.

You have opinions that you value more than facts or reality.


Truer words were never spoken. [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] is a willfully ignorant partisan hack. It's people like him who have this nation $17 trillion in debt and put unqualified community organizers like Barack Obama in the White House because they eschew facts for ideology.
No one ask for the few to care for the many, just to level the playing field is all people want in these situations

The playing field was leveled the day the U.S. Constitution was signed into law [MENTION=34109]beagle9[/MENTION]. Every man has the exact same equal opportunity because that document prevents anyone from oppressing you.

All the left ever does is disingenuously cry "level the playing field" which is nothing but liberal code-word for "I want communism - the few should be forced to labor against their will for the many".

Have you ever noticed that when you (and your fellow liberals like PMZ) post, you can never cite anything? Forget about a link to a reputable cite providing an example of an "unleveled playing field" - you can't even give ONE example in your entire rant.

You guys eschew all reality and facts for ideology. Where is this supposed "unleveled playing field" beagle9?!? Someone choosing to pump heroin into their veins rather than hold a job with health insurance is not an "unleveled playing field" - it's the freedom of an asshole to make bad choices and fail. I love that we have that freedom.

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