The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Given the Republican record of failures over the last few decades, the boogeyman is all that's left to campaign on.

Exactly like Nazis scapegoating Jews to the Germans.

Will we never learn?

You mean given the authoritarian socialist record of failures. Bush was war-hawk no child left behind compassionate conservative, aka authoritarian socialist, no different than Obama. This is why Obama merely doubled down on all of Bush's policies.

Bush policies and performance avoided freeing us from all national debt, instead leaving us with $17T.

What failure is even in the same zip code as that?

That's funny - when Bush left office the national debt stood at $10 trillion. It's Barack Obama who has created $17 trillion in debt for us. Facts, they are a bitch - eh PMZ? :lol:
Given the Republican record of failures over the last few decades, the boogeyman is all that's left to campaign on.

Exactly like Nazis scapegoating Jews to the Germans.

Will we never learn?

I'm not campaigning for Republicans. I've never voted for one. I doubt I ever will. But Republicans aren't responsible for the ACA.

Who then are you waiting for, to propose a solution to irresponsible people charging their health care to you and I?

It would likely take electing a genuine libertarian for that to happen, but I'd be open to efforts from either party toward that goal. ACA only pushes us deeper into that hole.

Anyway, I have to be frank here. Your phony concern for 'responsibility' is wearing thin. I have little patience for Orwellian language games. I guess you think it's a way to get under conservatives' skin, given that 'responsiblity' is something of a buzzword with them, but it doesn't make your argument any more compelling. It just makes it kind of sleazy.

Proof that [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] has lost and knows he has lost. When you post statistical facts like this, which cannot be disputed, all he has left is to nonsensically yell "boogeyman" :cuckoo:
I'm not campaigning for Republicans. I've never voted for one. I doubt I ever will. But Republicans aren't responsible for the ACA.

Who then are you waiting for, to propose a solution to irresponsible people charging their health care to you and I?

It would likely take electing a genuine libertarian for that to happen, but I'd be open to efforts from either party toward that goal. ACA only pushes us deeper into that hole.

Anyway, I have to be frank here. Your phony concern for 'responsibility' is wearing thin. I have little patience for Orwellian language games. I guess you think it's a way to get under conservatives' skin, given that 'responsiblity' is something of a buzzword with them, but it doesn't make your argument any more compelling. It just makes it kind of sleazy.

At least I have arguments. You, not so much, Libertarian being shorthand for accepting problems and ignoring solutions.
Given the Republican record of failures over the last few decades, the boogeyman is all that's left to campaign on.

Exactly like Nazis scapegoating Jews to the Germans.

Will we never learn?

You mean given the authoritarian socialist record of failures. Bush was war-hawk no child left behind compassionate conservative, aka authoritarian socialist, no different than Obama. This is why Obama merely doubled down on all of Bush's policies.

Bush policies and performance avoided freeing us from all national debt, instead leaving us with $17T.

What failure is even in the same zip code as that?

Why did Obama leave all of Bush's policies in tact? Why did Obama start twice as many wars as Bush did? Why did Obama leave the Bush tax cuts in place for everyone but the very rich, which means nothing to overall revenue? Why did Obama leave no child left behind in? Why did Obama leave all of the medicare reforms in place? Why did Obama double down on all the failed policies of Bush? Why? Didn't he have both houses of congress?

Bush sucked because he was a socialist war-hawk. Obama sucks because he's a socialist war-hawk. Republican Neo-Cons are further to the left than Democrats used to be. That's the problem in this country scum bag socialist war-hawks.
You mean given the authoritarian socialist record of failures. Bush was war-hawk no child left behind compassionate conservative, aka authoritarian socialist, no different than Obama. This is why Obama merely doubled down on all of Bush's policies.

Bush policies and performance avoided freeing us from all national debt, instead leaving us with $17T.

What failure is even in the same zip code as that?

Why did Obama leave all of Bush's policies in tact? Why did Obama start twice as many wars as Bush did? Why did Obama leave the Bush tax cuts in place for everyone but the very rich, which means nothing to overall revenue? Why did Obama leave no child left behind in? Why did Obama leave all of the medicare reforms in place? Why did Obama double down on all the failed policies of Bush? Why? Didn't he have both houses of congress?

Bush sucked because he was a socialist war-hawk. Obama sucks because he's a socialist war-hawk. Republican Neo-Cons are further to the left than Democrats used to be. That's the problem in this country scum bag socialist war-hawks.

He ended the Bush wealth redistribution tax cuts.

He ended the Bush holy wars.

He dug us out of the Bush Great Recession.

He restored order from Wall St chaos.

He saved US auto.

He got retribution for 9/11.

He saved us from Cain/Palin and Romney/Ryan.
Who then are you waiting for, to propose a solution to irresponsible people charging their health care to you and I?

It would likely take electing a genuine libertarian for that to happen, but I'd be open to efforts from either party toward that goal. ACA only pushes us deeper into that hole.

Anyway, I have to be frank here. Your phony concern for 'responsibility' is wearing thin. I have little patience for Orwellian language games. I guess you think it's a way to get under conservatives' skin, given that 'responsiblity' is something of a buzzword with them, but it doesn't make your argument any more compelling. It just makes it kind of sleazy.

At least I have arguments. You, not so much, Libertarian being shorthand for accepting problems and ignoring solutions.

Blathering stupidity is not an argument.
It would likely take electing a genuine libertarian for that to happen, but I'd be open to efforts from either party toward that goal. ACA only pushes us deeper into that hole.

Anyway, I have to be frank here. Your phony concern for 'responsibility' is wearing thin. I have little patience for Orwellian language games. I guess you think it's a way to get under conservatives' skin, given that 'responsiblity' is something of a buzzword with them, but it doesn't make your argument any more compelling. It just makes it kind of sleazy.

At least I have arguments. You, not so much, Libertarian being shorthand for accepting problems and ignoring solutions.

Blathering stupidity is not an argument.

So why do you do it.
He ended the Bush wealth redistribution tax cuts

You mean Obama created redistribution by stealing from people and giving it to those to lazy to earn it? Got it. Careful PMZ - you're on the verge of being honest here.

He ended the Bush holy wars

:lmao: We're still in both Afghanistan and Iraq dumb fuck... :lmao:

He dug us out of the Bush Great Recession

:lmao: Obama created the Obama Great Depression. Unemployment is HIGHER under Obama. The National Debt is HIGHER under Obama. Energy prices are HIGHER under Obama. In what world are these numbers "digging out" of a recession?!? :cuckoo:

He restored order from Wall St chaos

He did? How? By increasing unemployment? Ok, well, sure I guess if there are less people working on Wall Street there is slightly less "chaos" :lmao:

He saved US auto

So he illegally implemented communism and you celebrate that? Oh, wait, of course you do. You're so dumb you're celebrating the thing you condemn - "corporate welfare". This is how dumb you are [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]. You contradict yourself. :eusa_doh:

He got retribution for 9/11

Really? So Al Qaeda is gone? :cuckoo:

He saved us from Cain/Palin and Romney/Ryan.

You mean he saved you from personal responsibility? Once again, we see PMZ becoming as close to honest as he will get.

So now that you've humiliated yourself with inaccurate libtard talking points, would you like to try again? Might I suggest something of factual substance this time?
Shouldn't it be that everyone who is an American, should have equal access to health care as Americans together, where as we are all treated alike as human beings when we get sick, otherwise instead of having this class system operating in the health care industry as it had been over time ?

No, it shouldn't. Not at all. Not even a little [MENTION=34109]beagle9[/MENTION]. There is a name for that kind of asinine thinking - it's called communism. And it has a 100% failure rate world wide. It has never succeeded in history. Not even once.

The correct response is "shouldn't it be that every person act like the adults they are, put their big girl and big boy pants on, and take care of themselves like responsible people"? That's the only system that works. The few cannot care for the many.

Even the dumbest animal in the wild can figure out how to survive on it's own - without petitioning government for help. What does it say about Democrats that they can't?

Another conservative plea to return to the caves and jungle.

Another Dumbocrat plea to return to slavery and force others to labor on their behalf because you're too fuck'n lazy to hold a job.

150 years later and you assholes still can't accept the fact that you lost the Civil War...
Libertarian being shorthand for accepting problems and ignoring solutions.

"Solutions" being Dumbocrat shorthand for communist redistribution of wealth, equality in poverty, and collapse...

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." --Winston Churchill
Libertarian being shorthand for accepting problems and ignoring solutions.

"Solutions" for what [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] - you're laziness? Sorry, the only real solution for that is for you to get up off of your lazy ass. Sadly though, we all know that's not going to happen.
Rotweiner is clearly one of the classiest folks here. I think that he'll make a wonderful poster boy for conservatives. In fact, I hope that when Americans go to the polls, he's first in their minds as a representative business owner.
Rotweiner is clearly one of the classiest folks here. I think that he'll make a wonderful poster boy for conservatives. In fact, I hope that when Americans go to the polls, he's first in their minds as a representative business owner.

Oh so that's how dumbocrats elect representatives, they completely ignore the candidates and instead "visualize" someone, that they barely know and is not running for election, who they hate and or are jealous of with their desires for revenge and plunder.
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