The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Again using the term Dixiecrat to define the GOP is nothing more than political stereotyping to create a boogyman among voters just like the far right uses the term Socialist to define the DNC.
Currently the GOP is partially controlled by the far right as the DNC is partially controlled by the far left. Hell, by today's liberal standards, Kennedy would be considered a Blue Dog at best. And people wonder why our government is so dysfunctional.
Personally I have no problem with it, for the most part (barring the ACA implementation and the shutdown) neither extreme has the upper hand and any real damage they can do is relatively minimized.
Until the mainsteam moderates retake control of both parties my hope is they keep canceling each other out. :thup:

There is no evidence that the Democrats have moved even an inch to the left. There's overwhelming evidence that dixiecrats are right wing extremists and always have been.

What's changed is that somehow, I think from Fox Republican propaganda, the dixiecrats now run the GOP.

I've always been a registered Republican even though that party left me in the 60s. My parents were delegates at several Republican National Conventions. I knew the party of business well. The present devolution is not remotely as competent. In fact it's anti-American.

To call someone's beliefs prejudiced is an attempt to imply they are not objective. That implication has absolutely no impact on reality. Some opinions are, some aren't, and you don't get to make that call. You can offer evidence, you can debate the evidence, but not judge prejudice in the absence of evidence and debate.

True, hyper-partisan hacks would obviously discount the evidence right before their eyes. A simple look at the last 40 years will prove my point if one is willing to look objectively.

Why on earth do you consider yourself objective?
Someday Obamacare will be a widely regarded improvement to our past inept, expensive health care insurance non-system.

Fact: We have the #1 healthcare system in the world. The wealthiest from around the world fly to the United States for their healthcare.

Fact: Even the Dumbocrats own most overblown statics claim that 30 million Americans didn't have health insurance. That means over 100,000,000 Americans had coverage. Or, for Dumbocrats not capable of dealing with large numbers, over 91% of America. So in essence, while the overwhelming majority of Americans had exactly what they needed, Dumbocrats in true communist fashion fucked up the entire system for the fringe 9% of asshats who would rather shoot up heroin than hold a job.

Fact: PMZ was challenged 30 pages and two weeks ago why Obamacare explicitly outlaws and penalizes "cadillac plans" when the Dumbocrats claim the entire point of Obamacare is to create quality, affordable healthcare (which is exactly what a cadillac plan is).

The fact that PMZ would claim our system was "inept" in light of these indisputable facts shows how profoundly ignorant he is - and thus unqualified to discuss healthcare. He's a partisan hack looking to be a parasite who mooches off of his fellow citizen.
Hmm, so if I can only afford the basic plan instead of the Cadillac plan, then what does this mean for me ?
Does it mean that if someone walks into the door of a health treatment facility with something ailing them, and they have the Cadillac plan but I have the basic plan, then will they get life saving treatment immediately and without delay, but rather I will have to sit in the waiting room for hours with the possibility of becoming sicker as I sit there, and maybe even becoming critical due the access being based on one plan verses another plan in which is interpreted by the health care provider as such when they are processing me in with the other person in this way ?

Shouldn't it be that everyone who is an American, should have equal access to health care as Americans together, where as we are all treated alike as human beings when we get sick, otherwise instead of having this class system operating in the health care industry as it had been over time ?

How can we get beyond the one person is better treated than another is, and all because of the differences being found now in affordable and/or not so affordable health care plans along with the care one receives due to those plans ?

We know how to manage and insure for globally competitive health care. It's called Medicare. It would have been easy to extend that to younger citizens. Why didn't we?


Look at the present. The propaganda blowers are set on max for some simple insurance regulation. Why? They hate progress. They fear change. They want control. They love aristocracy.

WHO rates American health care as decidedly mediocre in terms of results. Republicans counter, it's great for the aristocrats, what's the problem?

They've earned a long vacation from government.
Fact: We have the #1 healthcare system in the world. The wealthiest from around the world fly to the United States for their healthcare.

Fact: Even the Dumbocrats own most overblown statics claim that 30 million Americans didn't have health insurance. That means over 100,000,000 Americans had coverage. Or, for Dumbocrats not capable of dealing with large numbers, over 91% of America. So in essence, while the overwhelming majority of Americans had exactly what they needed, Dumbocrats in true communist fashion fucked up the entire system for the fringe 9% of asshats who would rather shoot up heroin than hold a job.

Fact: PMZ was challenged 30 pages and two weeks ago why Obamacare explicitly outlaws and penalizes "cadillac plans" when the Dumbocrats claim the entire point of Obamacare is to create quality, affordable healthcare (which is exactly what a cadillac plan is).

The fact that PMZ would claim our system was "inept" in light of these indisputable facts shows how profoundly ignorant he is - and thus unqualified to discuss healthcare. He's a partisan hack looking to be a parasite who mooches off of his fellow citizen.
Hmm, so if I can only afford the basic plan instead of the Cadillac plan, then what does this mean for me ?
Does it mean that if someone walks into the door of a health treatment facility with something ailing them, and they have the Cadillac plan but I have the basic plan, then will they get life saving treatment immediately and without delay, but rather I will have to sit in the waiting room for hours with the possibility of becoming sicker as I sit there, and maybe even becoming critical due the access being based on one plan verses another plan in which is interpreted by the health care provider as such when they are processing me in with the other person in this way ?

Shouldn't it be that everyone who is an American, should have equal access to health care as Americans together, where as we are all treated alike as human beings when we get sick, otherwise instead of having this class system operating in the health care industry as it had been over time ?

How can we get beyond the one person is better treated than another is, and all because of the differences being found now in affordable and/or not so affordable health care plans along with the care one receives due to those plans ?

We know how to manage and insure for globally competitive health care. It's called Medicare. It would have been easy to extend that to younger citizens. Why didn't we?


Look at the present. The propaganda blowers are set on max for some simple insurance regulation. Why? They hate progress. They fear change. They want control. They love aristocracy.

WHO rates American health care as decidedly mediocre in terms of results. Republicans counter, it's great for the aristocrats, what's the problem?

They've earned a long vacation from government.
Medicare only pays "half" the price everyone else has to pay. It's a government mandated scam. If everyone was on medicare there would be ZERO DOCTORS SERVING CUSTOMERS IN THIS COUNTRY. The only problem this country has, is the scumbag democrats like you that are raping the taxpayer and burning the country to the ground.
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Hmm, so if I can only afford the basic plan instead of the Cadillac plan, then what does this mean for me ?
Does it mean that if someone walks into the door of a health treatment facility with something ailing them, and they have the Cadillac plan but I have the basic plan, then will they get life saving treatment immediately and without delay, but rather I will have to sit in the waiting room for hours with the possibility of becoming sicker as I sit there, and maybe even becoming critical due the access being based on one plan verses another plan in which is interpreted by the health care provider as such when they are processing me in with the other person in this way ?

Shouldn't it be that everyone who is an American, should have equal access to health care as Americans together, where as we are all treated alike as human beings when we get sick, otherwise instead of having this class system operating in the health care industry as it had been over time ?

How can we get beyond the one person is better treated than another is, and all because of the differences being found now in affordable and/or not so affordable health care plans along with the care one receives due to those plans ?

We know how to manage and insure for globally competitive health care. It's called Medicare. It would have been easy to extend that to younger citizens. Why didn't we?


Look at the present. The propaganda blowers are set on max for some simple insurance regulation. Why? They hate progress. They fear change. They want control. They love aristocracy.

WHO rates American health care as decidedly mediocre in terms of results. Republicans counter, it's great for the aristocrats, what's the problem?

They've earned a long vacation from government.
Medicare only pays "half" the price everyone else has to pay. It's a government mandated scam. If everyone was on medicare there would be ZERO DOCTORS SERVING CUSTOMERS IN THIS COUNTRY. The only problem this country has, is the scumbag democrats like you that are raping the taxpayer and burning the country to the ground.

You neglect to mention that what we spend on health care is 2X everyone else. All of our global competition. So if Medicare is paying 1/2 X that puts us the same as every other developed country.

But the Republican aristocracy prevents American competitiveness.
They want Americans to be impoverished. They look at that 15% of the wealth split among 80% of the people and they say, how did that happen! That should be ours! They're just workers! We're aristocrats! WE ARE SPECIAL AND ENTITLED!

Guess what. You are not. You are terrible at governance. You are terrible at business. You suck at religion too.

You are worthless to real American wealth creators.
Someday Obamacare will be a widely regarded improvement to our past inept, expensive health care insurance non-system.

Fact: We have the #1 healthcare system in the world. The wealthiest from around the world fly to the United States for their healthcare.

Fact: Even the Dumbocrats own most overblown statics claim that 30 million Americans didn't have health insurance. That means over 100,000,000 Americans had coverage. Or, for Dumbocrats not capable of dealing with large numbers, over 91% of America. So in essence, while the overwhelming majority of Americans had exactly what they needed, Dumbocrats in true communist fashion fucked up the entire system for the fringe 9% of asshats who would rather shoot up heroin than hold a job.

Fact: PMZ was challenged 30 pages and two weeks ago why Obamacare explicitly outlaws and penalizes "cadillac plans" when the Dumbocrats claim the entire point of Obamacare is to create quality, affordable healthcare (which is exactly what a cadillac plan is).

The fact that PMZ would claim our system was "inept" in light of these indisputable facts shows how profoundly ignorant he is - and thus unqualified to discuss healthcare. He's a partisan hack looking to be a parasite who mooches off of his fellow citizen.
Hmm, so if I can only afford the basic plan instead of the Cadillac plan, then what does this mean for me ?
Does it mean that if someone walks into the door of a health treatment facility with something ailing them, and they have the Cadillac plan but I have the basic plan, then will they get life saving treatment immediately and without delay, but rather I will have to sit in the waiting room for hours with the possibility of becoming sicker as I sit there, and maybe even becoming critical due the access being based on one plan verses another plan in which is interpreted by the health care provider as such when they are processing me in with the other person in this way ?

Shouldn't it be that everyone who is an American, should have equal access to health care as Americans together, where as we are all treated alike as human beings when we get sick, otherwise instead of having this class system operating in the health care industry as it had been over time ?

How can we get beyond the one person is better treated than another is, and all because of the differences being found now in affordable and/or not so affordable health care plans along with the care one receives due to those plans ?


Clearly you have no idea what a "cadillac plan" means (hint: it does not mean someone gets treated first in a hospital before someone else).

I wonder - will there ever be a day when Democrats know what they are talking about before they speak?
Shouldn't it be that everyone who is an American, should have equal access to health care as Americans together, where as we are all treated alike as human beings when we get sick, otherwise instead of having this class system operating in the health care industry as it had been over time ?

No, it shouldn't. Not at all. Not even a little [MENTION=34109]beagle9[/MENTION]. There is a name for that kind of asinine thinking - it's called communism. And it has a 100% failure rate world wide. It has never succeeded in history. Not even once.

The correct response is "shouldn't it be that every person act like the adults they are, put their big girl and big boy pants on, and take care of themselves like responsible people"? That's the only system that works. The few cannot care for the many.

Even the dumbest animal in the wild can figure out how to survive on it's own - without petitioning government for help. What does it say about Democrats that they can't?
We know how to manage and insure for globally competitive health care. It's called Medicare.

Oh, you mean that insolvent, bankrupt piece of shit socialism which has helped bankrupt America to the tune of $17 trillion in debt?

Yeah, lets expand that so we can go to $34 trillion in debt... :cuckoo:
We know how to manage and insure for globally competitive health care. It's called Medicare. It would have been easy to extend that to younger citizens. Why didn't we?


Look at the present. The propaganda blowers are set on max for some simple insurance regulation. Why? They hate progress. They fear change. They want control. They love aristocracy.

WHO rates American health care as decidedly mediocre in terms of results. Republicans counter, it's great for the aristocrats, what's the problem?

They've earned a long vacation from government.
Medicare only pays "half" the price everyone else has to pay. It's a government mandated scam. If everyone was on medicare there would be ZERO DOCTORS SERVING CUSTOMERS IN THIS COUNTRY. The only problem this country has, is the scumbag democrats like you that are raping the taxpayer and burning the country to the ground.

You neglect to mention that what we spend on health care is 2X everyone else. All of our global competition. So if Medicare is paying 1/2 X that puts us the same as every other developed country.

But the Republican aristocracy prevents American competitiveness.
They want Americans to be impoverished. They look at that 15% of the wealth split among 80% of the people and they say, how did that happen! That should be ours! They're just workers! We're aristocrats! WE ARE SPECIAL AND ENTITLED!

Guess what. You are not. You are terrible at governance. You are terrible at business. You suck at religion too.

You are worthless to real American wealth creators.

The only reason it's 2x higher is you socialist scum bags that hand out monopolies to drug companies and force health care providers to redistribute charges for non-paying customers to paying customers. What an idiot you are. Hey let's give free drugs to africa, and subsidize the cost here in the states. Hey let's give free health care to illegals and subsidize the cost to the taxpayer and people with private insurance. Hey let's give monopolies to drug companies so they can get windfall profits. Hey let's have a war on drugs to enforce the drug company monopolies at the taxpayer's expense. Oh look we can create a permanent democrat base by giving most black males a criminal record and convincing them it's cool to have a record, we'll pay you to not have a salary and a real job, you guys just keep selling the drugs, we'll look the other way most of the time.
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Shouldn't it be that everyone who is an American, should have equal access to health care as Americans together, where as we are all treated alike as human beings when we get sick, otherwise instead of having this class system operating in the health care industry as it had been over time ?

No, it shouldn't. Not at all. Not even a little [MENTION=34109]beagle9[/MENTION]. There is a name for that kind of asinine thinking - it's called communism. And it has a 100% failure rate world wide. It has never succeeded in history. Not even once.

The correct response is "shouldn't it be that every person act like the adults they are, put their big girl and big boy pants on, and take care of themselves like responsible people"? That's the only system that works. The few cannot care for the many.

Even the dumbest animal in the wild can figure out how to survive on it's own - without petitioning government for help. What does it say about Democrats that they can't?

Another conservative plea to return to the caves and jungle.
Given the Republican record of failures over the last few decades, the boogeyman is all that's left to campaign on.

Exactly like Nazis scapegoating Jews to the Germans.

Will we never learn?
Given the Republican record of failures over the last few decades, the boogeyman is all that's left to campaign on.

Exactly like Nazis scapegoating Jews to the Germans.

Will we never learn?

I'm not campaigning for Republicans. I've never voted for one. I doubt I ever will. But Republicans aren't responsible for the ACA.
Given the Republican record of failures over the last few decades, the boogeyman is all that's left to campaign on.

Exactly like Nazis scapegoating Jews to the Germans.

Will we never learn?

You mean given the authoritarian socialist record of failures. Bush was war-hawk no child left behind compassionate conservative, aka authoritarian socialist, no different than Obama. This is why Obama merely doubled down on all of Bush's policies.
Given the Republican record of failures over the last few decades, the boogeyman is all that's left to campaign on.

Exactly like Nazis scapegoating Jews to the Germans.

Will we never learn?

I'm not campaigning for Republicans. I've never voted for one. I doubt I ever will. But Republicans aren't responsible for the ACA.

Who then are you waiting for, to propose a solution to irresponsible people charging their health care to you and I?
Given the Republican record of failures over the last few decades, the boogeyman is all that's left to campaign on.

Exactly like Nazis scapegoating Jews to the Germans.

Will we never learn?

You mean given the authoritarian socialist record of failures. Bush was war-hawk no child left behind compassionate conservative, aka authoritarian socialist, no different than Obama. This is why Obama merely doubled down on all of Bush's policies.

Bush policies and performance avoided freeing us from all national debt, instead leaving us with $17T.

What failure is even in the same zip code as that?
Given the Republican record of failures over the last few decades, the boogeyman is all that's left to campaign on.

Exactly like Nazis scapegoating Jews to the Germans.

Will we never learn?

Can you name one Republican "failure"? The fact that you didn't says it all.

I however can list endless Dumbocrat failures:

  • Bill Clinton's "Community Re-Investment Act" collapsed the housing market. It has also contributed to the longest period of above 8% unemployment (sans the Great Depression) in U.S. history.

  • Barack Obama's "Obamacare" has caused millions to lose their health insurance. It has also contributed to the longest period of above 8% unemployment (sans the Great Depression) in U.S. history.

  • The Dodd-Frank "Finance Reform" has caused the low income and middle class to lose free checking. It has also contributed to the longest period of above 8% unemployment (sans the Great Depression) in U.S. history.

  • Dumbocrat policy of punish success, steal from producers, and reward failure in exchange for votes and thus power, collapsed Detroit.

  • Dumbocrat policy of punish success, steal from producers, and reward failure in exchange for votes and thus power, has the state of California $132 billion in debt and on the verge of collapse.

  • Dumbocrat policy of punish success, steal from producers, and reward failure in exchange for votes and thus power, has the nation $17 trillion in debt and on the verge of collapse.

  • Dumbocrat policy of punish success, steal from producers, and reward failure in exchange for votes and thus power has caused Dumbocrats to create the high corporate tax rate in the world - forcing jobs overseas and contributing to the longest period of above 8% unemployment (sans the Great Depression) in U.S. history.

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