The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Conservativism always boils down to conspiracy theory. Never fails. The boogeyman. Black helicopters. Monsters in the closet.

That's why they are paralyzed in the face of problems and when ever they do act they screw up things.

(sigh) This is what I do.

You not believing it changes just is what it is.

Here is another truth PMZ, you have no knowledge of any of this, nothing.

You speculate, you hypothesize...and you simply scream "nuh-uh".

Prez Cracka lied.....THOUSANDS of plans are being cancelled because they were not grandfathered in and and the Preiums have gone throguh the roof.

You simply aren't capable of acknowledging the truth...and you demand that the narrative you've made up be true.

That isn't real and 2014 will not be good to you.

A simple, simple question. Where is the money from all of these premium increases going to? And for what?

Before or after the insurance industry takes it's cut?
(sigh) This is what I do.

You not believing it changes just is what it is.

Here is another truth PMZ, you have no knowledge of any of this, nothing.

You speculate, you hypothesize...and you simply scream "nuh-uh".

Prez Cracka lied.....THOUSANDS of plans are being cancelled because they were not grandfathered in and and the Preiums have gone throguh the roof.

You simply aren't capable of acknowledging the truth...and you demand that the narrative you've made up be true.

That isn't real and 2014 will not be good to you.

A simple, simple question. Where is the money from all of these premium increases going to? And for what?

Before or after the insurance industry takes it's cut?

Conservativism always boils down to conspiracy theory. Never fails. The boogeyman. Black helicopters. Monsters in the closet.

That's why they are paralyzed in the face of problems and when ever they do act they screw up things.

(sigh) This is what I do.

You not believing it changes just is what it is.

Here is another truth PMZ, you have no knowledge of any of this, nothing.

You speculate, you hypothesize...and you simply scream "nuh-uh".

Prez Cracka lied.....THOUSANDS of plans are being cancelled because they were not grandfathered in and and the Preiums have gone throguh the roof.

You simply aren't capable of acknowledging the truth...and you demand that the narrative you've made up be true.

That isn't real and 2014 will not be good to you.

A simple, simple question. Where is the money from all of these premium increases going to? And for what?

80 cents of every dollar goes to claims.....
Blue Cross Blue Shield is a non-profit.....

It is going to insurance costs.
10-1 enrollees are the sick....which I understand....but there is not enough money for this.
I am in the middle of this thing.

I to date have made 6000 dollars extra because of the ACA....

....and I am telling you of its failings.....the people have no choice but to buy these plans....they are all that there are to buy....and I listen to them justify to themselves why they have to buy.

Stop whining and be specific. What has Obamacare changed to cause the complete breakdown of the health care insurance business that you are trying to sell here.

I am in the middle of this thing.

I to date have made 6000 dollars extra because of the ACA....

....and I am telling you of its failings.....the people have no choice but to buy these plans....they are all that there are to buy....and I listen to them justify to themselves why they have to buy.

Stop whining and be specific. What has Obamacare changed to cause the complete breakdown of the health care insurance business that you are trying to sell here.


Nobody but you is whining, read what is posted kid, get back to me
A simple, simple question. Where is the money from all of these premium increases going to? And for what?

Before or after the insurance industry takes it's cut?


Well, the first thing is that profits are distributed to the shareholders. Then they cut checks to lobbyists and politicians who got the law passed in the first place. Once they are paid, hospitals, doctors and big pharma make out pretty good. The lawyers greasing all the legal shenanigans get a percentage. Then the bureaucrats and regulators running things must be paid. 'Middlemen' galore.
Poor PMZ , you live in a theoretical world and cannot stand the truth.

This is normal for a partisan shill.
Progressivism is a theoretical world unencumbered by does not require results....only intentions.

You are dismissed.
Before or after the insurance industry takes it's cut?


Well, the first thing is that profits are distributed to the shareholders. Then they cut checks to lobbyists and politicians who got the law passed in the first place. Once they are paid, hospitals, doctors and big pharma make out pretty good. The lawyers greasing all the legal shenanigans get a percentage. Then the bureaucrats and regulators running things must be paid. 'Middlemen' galore.

In other words the same forces that increase the cost of health care delivery every year.

Well, the first thing is that profits are distributed to the shareholders. Then they cut checks to lobbyists and politicians who got the law passed in the first place. Once they are paid, hospitals, doctors and big pharma make out pretty good. The lawyers greasing all the legal shenanigans get a percentage. Then the bureaucrats and regulators running things must be paid. 'Middlemen' galore.

In other words the same forces that increase the cost of health care delivery every year.

Yep. ACA cements them in place exactly what we need to be getting rid of. Resistance is futile.
Well, the first thing is that profits are distributed to the shareholders. Then they cut checks to lobbyists and politicians who got the law passed in the first place. Once they are paid, hospitals, doctors and big pharma make out pretty good. The lawyers greasing all the legal shenanigans get a percentage. Then the bureaucrats and regulators running things must be paid. 'Middlemen' galore.

In other words the same forces that increase the cost of health care delivery every year.

Yep. ACA cements them in place via legal mandate. Resistance is futile.

If they were in force before ACA than they are unrelated to ACA.
In other words the same forces that increase the cost of health care delivery every year.

Yep. ACA cements them in place via legal mandate. Resistance is futile.

If they were in force before ACA than they are unrelated to ACA.

Try to follow along. ACA makes it impossible for us to escape. It cruelly grabs all the people who were beginning to wake up, beginning to see just what a scam it all is, and forces them to the yoke. It sells us out to the insurance industry and makes it impossible for us to explore alternatives without permission from our government - government infested with the controlling influence of said corporations.
Yep. ACA cements them in place via legal mandate. Resistance is futile.

If they were in force before ACA than they are unrelated to ACA.

Try to follow along. ACA makes it impossible for us to escape. It cruelly grabs all the people who were beginning to wake up, beginning to see just what a scam it all is, and forces them to the yoke. It sells us out to the insurance industry and makes it impossible for us to explore alternatives without permission from our government - government infested with the controlling influence of said corporations.

Insurance regulation does all that? Somehow, I doubt it

However, as we've discussed before, we do need to go after the cause of all our health care trauma and that's the cost of delivery. I keep thinking that if all of this Republican energy went into that, rather than trying to defeat democrats at any expense to the country, we'd really be making progress.
If they were in force before ACA than they are unrelated to ACA.

Try to follow along. ACA makes it impossible for us to escape. It cruelly grabs all the people who were beginning to wake up, beginning to see just what a scam it all is, and forces them to the yoke. It sells us out to the insurance industry and makes it impossible for us to explore alternatives without permission from our government - government infested with the controlling influence of said corporations.

Insurance regulation does all that? Somehow, I doubt it

However, as we've discussed before, we do need to go after the cause of all our health care trauma and that's the cost of delivery. I keep thinking that if all of this Republican energy went into that, rather than trying to defeat democrats at any expense to the country, we'd really be making progress.
And the same is true for the Dems. If BOTH sides would work together...... Remember it ALWAYS takes two to tango.
Try to follow along. ACA makes it impossible for us to escape. It cruelly grabs all the people who were beginning to wake up, beginning to see just what a scam it all is, and forces them to the yoke. It sells us out to the insurance industry and makes it impossible for us to explore alternatives without permission from our government - government infested with the controlling influence of said corporations.

Insurance regulation does all that? Somehow, I doubt it

However, as we've discussed before, we do need to go after the cause of all our health care trauma and that's the cost of delivery. I keep thinking that if all of this Republican energy went into that, rather than trying to defeat democrats at any expense to the country, we'd really be making progress.
And the same is true for the Dems. If BOTH sides would work together...... Remember it ALWAYS takes two to tango.

If only. I really believe that democrats are for America, Republicans are for Republicans.
Insurance regulation does all that? Somehow, I doubt it

However, as we've discussed before, we do need to go after the cause of all our health care trauma and that's the cost of delivery. I keep thinking that if all of this Republican energy went into that, rather than trying to defeat democrats at any expense to the country, we'd really be making progress.
And the same is true for the Dems. If BOTH sides would work together...... Remember it ALWAYS takes two to tango.

If only. I really believe that democrats are for America, Republicans are for Republicans.
And you would be fooling yourself because that's a clueless hack approach. Unless you never took civics you'd know why we don't have a one party system. Just because you don't agree with one side or the other doesn't make the opposite side "for themselves" or "un/anti American". One day, if you're not totally brain dead, hopefully you'll come to realize that the Dems and the Pubs are essentially the same lying, conniving, scheming, self promoting clueless pricks who happen to be on opposite sides of most issues.
Of course the one party system works great if you have no problem disenfranchising millions of fellow Americans.......... Just ask your far right adversaries, they want what you want, an America in their image......... fuck anyone who disagrees.......
And the same is true for the Dems. If BOTH sides would work together...... Remember it ALWAYS takes two to tango.

If only. I really believe that democrats are for America, Republicans are for Republicans.
And you would be fooling yourself because that's a clueless hack approach. Unless you never took civics you'd know why we don't have a one party system. Just because you don't agree with one side or the other doesn't make the opposite side "for themselves" or "un/anti American". One day, if you're not totally brain dead, hopefully you'll come to realize that the Dems and the Pubs are essentially the same lying, conniving, scheming, self promoting clueless pricks who happen to be on opposite sides of most issues.
Of course the one party system works great if you have no problem disenfranchising millions of fellow Americans.......... Just ask your far right adversaries, they want what you want, an America in their image......... fuck anyone who disagrees.......

I think that our two party system is essential. But right at the moment, it's been so long since Republicans have done anything positive for the country, that they are not viable here. And their response to that is only propaganda trying to drag the democrats and country down to their level of incompetence.

I see no possibility of their recovery until they disown the dixiecrats.

The good news is that they're closer than ever to doing that. The bad news is that they have no leaders.
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