The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

My cost for employee furnished family health care just doubled BCBS. Fucking Obama and you stupid fucking liberals who voted for the cock sucker.

This is every bit as sensible as blaming government for rising gas prices.
My cost for employee furnished family health care just doubled BCBS. Fucking Obama and you stupid fucking liberals who voted for the cock sucker.

The Republicans tried to stop it... Gonna be interesting how this plays at the ballot booth.
My cost for employee furnished family health care just doubled BCBS. Fucking Obama and you stupid fucking liberals who voted for the cock sucker.

The Republicans tried to stop it... Gonna be interesting how this plays at the ballot booth.

This is the only campaign card in the Republican hand. Their bluffing about Obamacare is all that they can do to sell that weak hand.

The truth about Obamacare will be well known long before elections. And this bluff will have failed just like all of their other bluffs have.

They are learning oh so slowly that they should have invested in competence, a better hand, than in bluffing.
My cost for employee furnished family health care just doubled BCBS. Fucking Obama and you stupid fucking liberals who voted for the cock sucker.

This is every bit as sensible as blaming government for rising gas prices.

Negged and will continue until you have big red splats
Your ignorance is not my problem.

Interesting, yet you insist the reverse is true when discussing people who have no funds to pay for health care.

How does anybody get people without a living income to pay for living?

Are you thinking of debtor's prisons?

Your question makes no sense. That's like saying when someone comes to a car lot we should just let them walk off the lot with a new car if they don't earn more, in income, than the poverty level. Telling people they have to pay their way through life is not the ridiculous concept you are making it out to be. Billing someone for services rendered is not ridiculous. Attaching a lien on assets and using the courts to collect on un-paid bills is not some unfathonable topic.

I can be a multi-millionare with ZERO INCOME and thus get subsidies from OCA. Face it OCA is a monumentally stupid law.

The only possible reason I can fathom for your statements is you hope to somehow profit from it.
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Interesting, yet you insist the reverse is true when discussing people who have no funds to pay for health care.

How does anybody get people without a living income to pay for living?

Are you thinking of debtor's prisons?

Your question makes no sense. That's like saying when someone comes to a car lot we should just let them walk off the lot with a new car if they don't earn more, in income, than the poverty level. Telling people they have to pay their way through life is not the ridiculous concept you are making it out to be. Billing someone for services rendered is not ridiculous. Attaching a lien on assets and using the courts to collect on un-paid bills is not some unfathonable topic.

I can be a multi-millionare with ZERO INCOME and thus get subsidies from OCA. Face it OCA is a monumentally stupid law.

The only possible reason I can fathom for your statements is you hope to somehow profit from it.

I thought that you had some experience with poverty. Another lie?

My question is how does one live on a non living wage. Do you even understand the concept of not enough pay?

You want people not being paid enough to live on to pay your taxes and now, healthcare risen to an out of control cost that middle income people struggle paying.

How is that even possible?
My cost for employee furnished family health care just doubled BCBS. Fucking Obama and you stupid fucking liberals who voted for the cock sucker.

This is every bit as sensible as blaming government for rising gas prices.

Government mandates (ie Obamacare) and government taxes (because of Obamacare) have caused healthcare costs to skyrocket (just like the Dumbocrats intended). Don't pretend to be so stupid PMZ (I mean more than you actually are)...

Citing Obamacare, Cleveland Clinic to Cut $300M, Warns of Layoffs - US News and World Report

Cleveland Clinic announces job cuts to prepare for Obamacare | Reuters

Prestigious Cleveland Clinic Cuts $300M, Layoffs Loom Citing Obamacare | Ben Swann Truth In Media

World-Renowned Cleveland Clinic to Lay Off Thousands Due to Obamacare
We shouldn't have to pay lawyers to collect from anybody.

You heard it hear, folks, PMZ recommends we abandon invoicing, all bills must be paid up front and before services are rendered. lol No Trust, no credit, no checks, no payment when satisfied, no contracts, all consumer legal protections out the window.

You've become truly loony.

Every time he owns you in a discussion your ONLY reply has been "you've become truly loony". It's almost like that is your official phrase for surrendering...
Once again selfish communists like PMZ celebrate their free shit while people die because of it...

She’s fighting stage-4 cancer. Her insurance was canceled. Now, she writes, “I worry how long I'll live.”

A Stage-4 Gallblader Cancer Survivor Says: I Am One of ObamaCare's Losers -

And here's the rest if her story:
The Real Reason That The Cancer Patient Writing In Today's Wall Street Journal Lost Her Insurance | ThinkProgress

Who canceled her insurance?

The Dumbocrats did utilizing their new tool for destroying the U.S. - Obamacare
How does anybody get people without a living income to pay for living?

Are you thinking of debtor's prisons?

Your question makes no sense. That's like saying when someone comes to a car lot we should just let them walk off the lot with a new car if they don't earn more, in income, than the poverty level. Telling people they have to pay their way through life is not the ridiculous concept you are making it out to be. Billing someone for services rendered is not ridiculous. Attaching a lien on assets and using the courts to collect on un-paid bills is not some unfathonable topic.

I can be a multi-millionare with ZERO INCOME and thus get subsidies from OCA. Face it OCA is a monumentally stupid law.

The only possible reason I can fathom for your statements is you hope to somehow profit from it.

I thought that you had some experience with poverty. Another lie?

My question is how does one live on a non living wage. Do you even understand the concept of not enough pay?

You want people not being paid enough to live on to pay your taxes and now, healthcare risen to an out of control cost that middle income people struggle paying.

How is that even possible?

>>> I thought that you had some experience with poverty. Another lie?


>>> My question is how does one live on a non living wage.

Easy, live within their means, and share costs with volunteers. For example, if you can't afford the rent you split the rent. If you can't afford a car you take the bus, walk, ride, etc. If you can't afford to get your tooth pulled you find a dentist willing to do it for free or for barter. If you can't afford a personal doctor, you go to a clinic, or perhaps a free clinic. If you can't afford a new leg, you get a crutch or a wheel chair and hope for charity.

>>> Do you even understand the concept of not enough pay?

Of course I do. Do you understand the concept of a budget and living within your means?

>> You want people not being paid enough to live on to pay your taxes and now, healthcare risen to an out of control cost that middle income people struggle paying.

The reason for health care costs run amok is the liberal view that only a few people should have to pay, and the many should not have to pay a thing.

>> How is that even possible?

Easy, you don't spend money you don't have and you don't borrow money you can't pay back. Why is personal responsibility a foreign concept for you?
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You heard it hear, folks, PMZ recommends we abandon invoicing, all bills must be paid up front and before services are rendered. lol No Trust, no credit, no checks, no payment when satisfied, no contracts, all consumer legal protections out the window.

You've become truly loony.

Every time he owns you in a discussion your ONLY reply has been "you've become truly loony". It's almost like that is your official phrase for surrendering...

I've never posted that before because he has never acted loony before. Uninformed and non objective, but that time he fell to a new level that can only be described as loony.
You've become truly loony.

Every time he owns you in a discussion your ONLY reply has been "you've become truly loony". It's almost like that is your official phrase for surrendering...

I've never posted that before because he has never acted loony before. Uninformed and non objective, but that time he fell to a new level that can only be described as loony.

That's funny, all I did was clearly explain why your statement is ludicrous. Why is it loony to explain to you why your statements are ludicrous? Are you actually admitting, here, that anyone having a reasoned discussion with you must be loony toons?

Why must one be loony toons to have a disagreement with you? What are you hiding? Is this admission you are just being paid to make stupid statements in support of Obama?
Every time he owns you in a discussion your ONLY reply has been "you've become truly loony". It's almost like that is your official phrase for surrendering...

I've never posted that before because he has never acted loony before. Uninformed and non objective, but that time he fell to a new level that can only be described as loony.

That's funny, all I did was clearly explain why your statement is ludicrous. Why is it loony to explain to you why your statements are ludicrous? Are you actually admitting, here, that anyone having a reasoned discussion with you must be loony toons?

Why must one be loony toons to have a disagreement with you? What are you hiding? Is this admission you are just being paid to make stupid statements in support of Obama?

Your response was virtually disconnected from my post. Different zip code. And what you proposed in it made no sense as an idea.
I've never posted that before because he has never acted loony before. Uninformed and non objective, but that time he fell to a new level that can only be described as loony.

That's funny, all I did was clearly explain why your statement is ludicrous. Why is it loony to explain to you why your statements are ludicrous? Are you actually admitting, here, that anyone having a reasoned discussion with you must be loony toons?

Why must one be loony toons to have a disagreement with you? What are you hiding? Is this admission you are just being paid to make stupid statements in support of Obama?

Your response was virtually disconnected from my post. Different zip code. And what you proposed in it made no sense as an idea.

You said that "[w]e shouldn't have to pay lawyers to collect from anybody."
In response, I said "[y]ou heard it hear, folks, PMZ recommends we abandon invoicing, all bills must be paid up front and before services are rendered. lol No Trust, no credit, no checks, no payment when satisfied, no contracts, all consumer legal protections out the window."

Break it down.

The actor "we" is US Citizens, presumably producers who collect money from consumers, in this case, decidedly Health Care Providers.
The target of who we, the health care providers, should not have to pay as selected by YOU was "lawyers."
The purpose you gave for paying said lawyers was for collecting payment from consumers (anybody as specified by YOU).

Thus your statement means, you desire we (us citizens) eliminate the task of collections (for health care providers) by forcing payment from consumers through ACA. This presumably based on ACA as an alternative model to the good ole model pre-ACA. ACA comprising mandatory pre-payment, thus no (major) collections required, as the bulk of the (major) payments are made by insurance companies from premiums that are funded by policy holder premiums and taxes paid by tax payers. HC providers presumably will just pass on un-collected bills in the form of even higher costs. Further there's no reason for anyone to pay their portion of the bill any more as getting dropped from one policy is not a reason for the HC providers to refuse letting you right back in. It might affect your credit score, but who cares. Why borrow money when you can spend other peoples money? You see, the ACA law is everyone gets health care through insurance no matter if they have pre-existing. I don't think they can force you to pay the premiums either, not if you stop working. The subsidies will pick it up for you. Let's say you have to get a new heart and it will cost you 150k total, just a guess. You quit working join up for full subsidies. It's all paid for. No cost to you. Isn't that better than working or paying expensive premiums your whole life? Then you drop ACA sticking them with the bill. Any recurring problems just join up again.

Lawyers are typically involved with (large) collections only when the consumer refused to pay their bill timely. However, lawyers are also involved in setting up contracts between producers and consumers. These are all basic facts of record, that pretty much everyone knows. The prior system that we all used before ACA included customers being billed for services rendered. I'm surprised you don't know these facts.

With the facts out of the way, let's address my statements.

I said "PMZ recommends we abandon invoicing." What's the point of invoicing if the customer does not have to pay, or has already paid? Wasn't that your point when you said "no collect[ing] from anybody?"

I said PMZ recommends "all bills must be paid up front and before services are rendered." Wasn't that your point when you said ACA is the way to go? Isn't that what you meant by "no collect[ing] from anybody?" No collecting because the money is paid up front right?

I said PMZ recommends "No Trust, no credit, no checks, no payment when satisfied, no contracts, all consumer legal protections out the window." These are all ways to pay after you consume something for services rendered if you, the consumer, agrees to pay for the service. When we use such systems of payment after the fact, collections are involved where there is disagreement and/or if the consumer does not meet his obligations.

If you still think these points are not directly correlated to your statement that "[w]e shouldn't have to pay lawyers to collect from anybody," well then I can't help ya.
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That's funny, all I did was clearly explain why your statement is ludicrous. Why is it loony to explain to you why your statements are ludicrous? Are you actually admitting, here, that anyone having a reasoned discussion with you must be loony toons?

Why must one be loony toons to have a disagreement with you? What are you hiding? Is this admission you are just being paid to make stupid statements in support of Obama?

Your response was virtually disconnected from my post. Different zip code. And what you proposed in it made no sense as an idea.

You said that "[w]e shouldn't have to pay lawyers to collect from anybody."
In response, I said "[y]ou heard it hear, folks, PMZ recommends we abandon invoicing, all bills must be paid up front and before services are rendered. lol No Trust, no credit, no checks, no payment when satisfied, no contracts, all consumer legal protections out the window."

Break it down.

The actor "we" is US Citizens, presumably producers who collect money from consumers, in this case, decidedly Health Care Providers.
The target of who we, the health care providers, should not have to pay as selected by YOU was "lawyers."
The purpose you gave for paying said lawyers was for collecting payment from consumers (anybody as specified by YOU).

Thus your statement means, you desire we (us citizens) eliminate the task of collections (for health care providers) by forcing payment from consumers through ACA. This presumably based on ACA as an alternative model to the good ole model pre-ACA. ACA comprising mandatory pre-payment, thus no (major) collections required, as the bulk of the (major) payments are made by insurance companies from premiums that are funded by policy holder premiums and taxes paid by tax payers. HC providers presumably will just pass on un-collected bills in the form of even higher costs. Further there's no reason for anyone to pay their portion of the bill any more as getting dropped from one policy is not a reason for the HC providers to refuse letting you right back in. It might affect your credit score, but who cares. Why borrow money when you can spend other peoples money? You see, the ACA law is everyone gets health care through insurance no matter if they have pre-existing. I don't think they can force you to pay the premiums either, not if you stop working. The subsidies will pick it up for you. Let's say you have to get a new heart and it will cost you 150k total, just a guess. You quit working join up for full subsidies. It's all paid for. No cost to you. Isn't that better than working or paying expensive premiums your whole life? Then you drop ACA sticking them with the bill. Any recurring problems just join up again.

Lawyers are typically involved with (large) collections only when the consumer refused to pay their bill timely. However, lawyers are also involved in setting up contracts between producers and consumers. These are all basic facts of record, that pretty much everyone knows. The prior system that we all used before ACA included customers being billed for services rendered. I'm surprised you don't know these facts.

With the facts out of the way, let's address my statements.

I said "PMZ recommends we abandon invoicing." What's the point of invoicing if the customer does not have to pay, or has already paid? Wasn't that your point when you said "no collect[ing] from anybody?"

I said PMZ recommends "all bills must be paid up front and before services are rendered." Wasn't that your point when you said ACA is the way to go? Isn't that what you meant by "no collect[ing] from anybody?" No collecting because the money is paid up front right?

I said PMZ recommends "No Trust, no credit, no checks, no payment when satisfied, no contracts, all consumer legal protections out the window." These are all ways to pay after you consume something for services rendered if you, the consumer, agrees to pay for the service. When we use such systems of payment after the fact, collections are involved where there is disagreement and/or if the consumer does not meet his obligations.

If you still think these points are not directly correlated to your statement that "[w]e shouldn't have to pay lawyers to collect from anybody," well then I can't help ya.

This one is loonier than the other one.
But 57-year-old Gail Roach told WTAE that she found a great deal by completing her application by phone instead of using the broken website.

Roach said that because of her pre-existing condition, her retirement health care had cost her $509 a month. After spending some time talking to a specialist, she was able to find a plan for just $70 a month.

“I couldn’t believe it, I just couldn’t believe it,” Roach recalled. “It was within my budget.”

However, the savings didn’t stop there. After tax credits and something called the Cost Sharing Benefit, Roach’s monthly premiums plummeted to just $1.11.

“I’m telling people that they need to look into this, they need to be patient about it,” she advised. “If you go on the website and you can’t get through the website, call the number that’s on the website and just be very patient because it’s very much worth it.”

Woman with Type 2 diabetes sees premiums plummet from $500 to $1 under Obamacare | The Raw Story

[ame=]Pittsburgh woman finds incredible deal with Affordable Care Act - YouTube[/ame]

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