The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

The whole story on the Bush policy caused debt.

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The people who collapsed Detroit were Bush and Wall St. I don't consider them winners in any way.

Bush wasn't mayor for the past 60 years in Detroit - Dumbocrats were. Wall Street wasn't controlling the city council for the past 60 years - Dumbocrats were.

You have zero credibility my friend. The more you talk, the more people laugh at you. I can only believe at this point that you are a troll. Nobody - no matter how radical - could make such absurd comments as "Bush was mayor of Detroit for the past 60 years". :eusa_whistle:
The chaos that resulted may have been unintended but was predictable.

That was well said PMZ. Dumbocrats never intend to collapse the economy - they are just so stupid they don't realize their socialism will do just that (but it's very predictable for the rest of us who are informed and have studied history)...


Are you really going to tell us it was fine until Bush left?

That would be truly monumental delusion. Record breaking.

The numbers don't lie! And I just used them to prove you do...

Don't remember 2007, 2008, 2009, do you.

They were the classic conclusion to the Bush reign of ignorance. The wars, the wealth redistribution, the crashing economy, Nero fiddling.

They will live in infamy as the textbook consequences of conservatism.

Watching you panic in the face of facts is priceless. No matter how you try to spin the story - everything under Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats is worse.

Unemployment? Exponentially higher under Obama and the Dumbocrats

National Debt? Exponentially higher under Obama and the Dumbocrats

People on food stamps? Exponentially higher under Obama and the Dumbocrats

People in poverty? Exponentially higher under Obama and the Dumbocrats

People without healthcare? Exponentially higher under Obama and the Dumbocrats

Dumbocrat policy of punish success and redistribute wealth to parasites like PMZ is a spectacular failure and the undeniable numbers prove it. They will live in infamy as the textbook consequences of the cancer known as liberalism.

Record breaking wealth redistribution for 8 years, followed by collapse of the economy followed

So I'll ask again, if you know that Dumbocrats redistributing wealth creates collapse, why do you keep supporting Dumbocrats? :cuckoo:
The people who collapsed Detroit were Bush and Wall St. I don't consider them winners in any way.

Bush wasn't mayor for the past 60 years in Detroit - Dumbocrats were. Wall Street wasn't controlling the city council for the past 60 years - Dumbocrats were.

You have zero credibility my friend. The more you talk, the more people laugh at you. I can only believe at this point that you are a troll. Nobody - no matter how radical - could make such absurd comments as "Bush was mayor of Detroit for the past 60 years". :eusa_whistle:

You are so stupid that you think that the Detroit City Council ran General Motors. And the President of the US is subservient to them.

I honestly had no idea of the depth of your ignorance. It is astounding. Breathtaking. Monumental.

I apologize for giving you too much credit. You must be the easiest of all conservatives to reel in.

You're the only person that I would support letting Fox think for. Without their opinions, you might be mistaken for a box of hammers.
If you were literate I'd suspect you to be a propaganda writer for Big Brother. You really seem to believe that, if you say it, some will believe it. Probably based on your experience with the cult.

They already believe it, bro. For the same reason you do. It drags America down to the level of Republican demonstrated performance.

I'm sticking with winners.

In other words - you can't come up with an intelligent response to inconvenient FACTS....


Do you claim that any Bush policy created disaster that wasn't cleared up by Jan 20, 2009 became Obama's?

I don't "claim" anything. That's for Dumbocrat asshats like you. I simply deal in facts. And the facts are, everything is worse under Obama than they ever were under Bush.

Unemployment? Much higher under Obama.

National Debt? Much higher under Obama.

Terrorist attacks? Much higher under Obama.

People on food stamps? Much higher under Obama.

People in poverty? Much higher under Obama.

The facts don't lie PMZ - you Dumbocrats do.
The people who collapsed Detroit were Bush and Wall St. I don't consider them winners in any way.

Bush wasn't mayor for the past 60 years in Detroit - Dumbocrats were. Wall Street wasn't controlling the city council for the past 60 years - Dumbocrats were.

You have zero credibility my friend. The more you talk, the more people laugh at you. I can only believe at this point that you are a troll. Nobody - no matter how radical - could make such absurd comments as "Bush was mayor of Detroit for the past 60 years". :eusa_whistle:

You are so stupid that you think that the Detroit City Council ran General Motors. And the President of the US is subservient to them.

I honestly had no idea of the depth of your ignorance. It is astounding. Breathtaking. Monumental.

I apologize for giving you too much credit. You must be the easiest of all conservatives to reel in.

You're the only person that I would support letting Fox think for. Without their opinions, you might be mistaken for a box of hammers.

In other words, I've owned you with facts and now you're going to throw a tantrum...

Sorry chief, you've been thoroughly dominated in this debate and you know it. I win...

That was well said PMZ. Dumbocrats never intend to collapse the economy - they are just so stupid they don't realize their socialism will do just that (but it's very predictable for the rest of us who are informed and have studied history)...


Are you really going to tell us it was fine until Bush left?

That would be truly monumental delusion. Record breaking.

The numbers don't lie! And I just used them to prove you do...


These numbers don't lie.

You are so stupid that you think that the Detroit City Council ran General Motors.

Dumbocrat policy (highest corporate tax rate in the world) mixed with Dumbocrat greed (unions extorting the successful to reward the lazy and useless) ran General Motors. Ran it right into the ground as Dumbocrats always do.

Yes stupid, Dumbocrat run city council kept punishing GM with taxes and regulations.

Facts, they are a bitch! (Especially for ignorant, uneducated parasites like you)
The thing that perplexes me most about the healthcare law is how it forces citizens into selecting a product not necessarily everyone needs. Furthermore if I don't purchase said product I can be "fined" for not having it. I'd be more than happy to shell out a few extra dollars every year to make sure fellow citizens and the elderly can get their basic healthcare needs and checkups taken care of but I'm completely against paying for someones oxycotins from a bumper rub that happened a decade ago.

Universal healthcare should be funded by taxes and not by imposition of fines and should only cover basic needs. If you need more comprehensive coverage you should pay for that product.

It just seems unconstitutional to fine someone to be alive and well.
Watching you panic in the face of facts is priceless. No matter how you try to spin the story - everything under Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats is worse.

Unemployment? Exponentially higher under Obama and the Dumbocrats

National Debt? Exponentially higher under Obama and the Dumbocrats

People on food stamps? Exponentially higher under Obama and the Dumbocrats

People in poverty? Exponentially higher under Obama and the Dumbocrats

People without healthcare? Exponentially higher under Obama and the Dumbocrats

Dumbocrat policy of punish success and redistribute wealth to parasites like PMZ is a spectacular failure and the undeniable numbers prove it. They will live in infamy as the textbook consequences of the cancer known as liberalism.

Record breaking wealth redistribution for 8 years, followed by collapse of the economy followed

So I'll ask again, if you know that Dumbocrats redistributing wealth creates collapse, why do you keep supporting Dumbocrats? :cuckoo:

Because they redistribute wealth in the direction of solving problems whereby Republicans redistribute wealth faster, in the direction of causing problems.

Haven't you been paying attention? Or is this that inability to learn thing again.
Bush wasn't mayor for the past 60 years in Detroit - Dumbocrats were. Wall Street wasn't controlling the city council for the past 60 years - Dumbocrats were.

You have zero credibility my friend. The more you talk, the more people laugh at you. I can only believe at this point that you are a troll. Nobody - no matter how radical - could make such absurd comments as "Bush was mayor of Detroit for the past 60 years". :eusa_whistle:

You are so stupid that you think that the Detroit City Council ran General Motors. And the President of the US is subservient to them.

I honestly had no idea of the depth of your ignorance. It is astounding. Breathtaking. Monumental.

I apologize for giving you too much credit. You must be the easiest of all conservatives to reel in.

You're the only person that I would support letting Fox think for. Without their opinions, you might be mistaken for a box of hammers.

In other words, I've owned you with facts and now you're going to throw a tantrum...

Sorry chief, you've been thoroughly dominated in this debate and you know it. I win...


This is Rotweiner flat on the canvas counting me out. Can there be any more compelling evidence of his delusion?

I don't think so.
The thing that perplexes me most about the healthcare law is how it forces citizens into selecting a product not necessarily everyone needs. Furthermore if I don't purchase said product I can be "fined" for not having it. I'd be more than happy to shell out a few extra dollars every year to make sure fellow citizens and the elderly can get their basic healthcare needs and checkups taken care of but I'm completely against paying for someones oxycotins from a bumper rub that happened a decade ago.

Universal healthcare should be funded by taxes and not by imposition of fines and should only cover basic needs. If you need more comprehensive coverage you should pay for that product.

It just seems unconstitutional to fine someone to be alive and well.

It sucks not to be able to be irresponsible about your health care costs.

Obamacare means that you have to pay your own bills. No welfare for the wealthy.

Next thing you know they'll be after other means of avoiding personal responsibility.
Are you really going to tell us it was fine until Bush left?

That would be truly monumental delusion. Record breaking.

The numbers don't lie! And I just used them to prove you do...


These numbers don't lie.


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Actually, they do [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]. They are numbers that were intentionally misleading to brainwash simple-minded mongoloids like you. Take a peak at the facts that exposes the fake numbers in your chart PMZ (it's getting easier and easier to expose your lies and your ignorance):

Liberal Think Tank Fails Statistics 101

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
The thing that perplexes me most about the healthcare law is how it forces citizens into selecting a product not necessarily everyone needs. Furthermore if I don't purchase said product I can be "fined" for not having it. I'd be more than happy to shell out a few extra dollars every year to make sure fellow citizens and the elderly can get their basic healthcare needs and checkups taken care of but I'm completely against paying for someones oxycotins from a bumper rub that happened a decade ago.

Universal healthcare should be funded by taxes and not by imposition of fines and should only cover basic needs. If you need more comprehensive coverage you should pay for that product.

It just seems unconstitutional to fine someone to be alive and well.

It sucks not to be able to be irresponsible about your health care costs.

Spoken like a true parasite. That's why Obamacare makes me pay for everyone else's policy.

Sorry PMZ - you can't spin this (you're not smart enough...your arguments are far too weak).
In other words - you can't come up with an intelligent response to inconvenient FACTS....


Do you claim that any Bush policy created disaster that wasn't cleared up by Jan 20, 2009 became Obama's?

I don't "claim" anything. That's for Dumbocrat asshats like you. I simply deal in facts. And the facts are, everything is worse under Obama than they ever were under Bush.

Unemployment? Much higher under Obama.

National Debt? Much higher under Obama.

Terrorist attacks? Much higher under Obama.

People on food stamps? Much higher under Obama.

People in poverty? Much higher under Obama.

The facts don't lie PMZ - you Dumbocrats do.

Bush left Obama the problems that he created, to solve. Obama has, except for the problem that business caused and only business can solve. Unemployment.

You take the measures of Bush's incompetence and attribute them to Obama because it's possible that someone here will fall for that as you have.

That's a huge insult to everyone here.
You are so stupid that you think that the Detroit City Council ran General Motors.

Dumbocrat policy (highest corporate tax rate in the world) mixed with Dumbocrat greed (unions extorting the successful to reward the lazy and useless) ran General Motors. Ran it right into the ground as Dumbocrats always do.

Yes stupid, Dumbocrat run city council kept punishing GM with taxes and regulations.

Facts, they are a bitch! (Especially for ignorant, uneducated parasites like you)

You wouldn't know a fact if it was stapled to your forehead.
I'm not sure how canceling people's health insurance by the millions is helping anyone...

Nearly 250,000 Colorado healthcare plans cancelled under Obamacare |

Address that with the private health care insurance companies. They're the only ones cancelling policies. What do you think? Make more money regardless of the cost to others?

Obamacare is canceling their policies stupid (that's why we weren't seeing this phenomenon before October 1, 2013).

The fact that you look at 100 years of failed Dumbocrat policy and draw the same conclusion of "coincidence" every time is an astounding level of ignorance.
Do you claim that any Bush policy created disaster that wasn't cleared up by Jan 20, 2009 became Obama's?

I don't "claim" anything. That's for Dumbocrat asshats like you. I simply deal in facts. And the facts are, everything is worse under Obama than they ever were under Bush.

Unemployment? Much higher under Obama.

National Debt? Much higher under Obama.

Terrorist attacks? Much higher under Obama.

People on food stamps? Much higher under Obama.

People in poverty? Much higher under Obama.

The facts don't lie PMZ - you Dumbocrats do.

Bush left Obama the problems that he created, to solve. Obama has, except for the problem that business caused and only business can solve. Unemployment.

You take the measures of Bush's incompetence and attribute them to Obama because it's possible that someone here will fall for that as you have.

That's a huge insult to everyone here.

Unemployment has skyrocketed under Obama. That's not "coincidence" stupid. That's because Obama wants to punish success (taxes out of the stratosphere) and reward failure (redistributing wealth to you parasites).

The only incompetence is Obama's and everyone knows it - no matter how many absurd & outrageous lies you post in your panic-stricken state that you won't be allowed to continue being a parasite to your fellow citizens.

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