The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Another example. People who don't plan on covering their health care costs are irresponsible and if they need health care, end up dumping on responsible people. That practice has been ended by ACA, exactly as you recommend.

Yep ... All 50,000 of them.


You're saying that in your opinion there are only 50K Americans without health care insurance?

No ... You said that the ACA ended a practice where people without insurance were no longer able to get away without paying for their healthcare.
I agreed with you ... And you must be talking about the less than 50,000 that signed up for President Obama's government provided insurance.

That is what ACA has accomplished as far as the uninsured getting insurance ... Take it or leave it.

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Kids....the truth about grandfathered plans......NEW people CANNOT buy into them...they are closed plans...the ONLY folks that can get into them now are family members of those already in.

Grandfathered plans CANNOT market on the Exchanges..because they are not "qualified" plans.

Yes, that's what would be expected from grandfathering.
Yep ... All 50,000 of them.


You're saying that in your opinion there are only 50K Americans without health care insurance?

No ... You said that the ACA ended a practice where people without insurance were no longer able to get away without paying for their healthcare.
I agreed with you ... And you must be talking about the less than 50,000 that signed up for President Obama's government provided insurance.

That is what ACA has accomplished as far as the uninsured getting insurance ... Take it or leave it.


It's not done yet. If people without insurance choose to continue without it they will be taxed, which will be used to reduce the costs that they will impose on responsible people.
Does anyone remember Joe Biden whispering in Obama's hear--"this is one big deal, when Obamacare passed? Well, it's turned out to be one big DISASTER.

The non-medicade--enrollment is a total FLOP. Meaning those that are getting on these state run Obamacare web-sites are horrified by the premiums--after Obama promised the American public that he could save the average family of 4-- $2500.00 a year. NOT TRUE.

Obviously--the 32 times repeated promise of "If you like your plan you can keep it," is taking it's toll on Obama--this administration and democrat politicians. 5 million Americans have received cancellation notices from their insurers--and they're redirected to much more expensive plans--that they cannot afford. That is why paid enrollment is so low.

Now that Democrats on the hill are in full panic mode--over thousands of nasty grams and telephone calls they're getting from constituents--they want something done right now. BUT--they voted for Obamacare--and in they all knew two years ago--that millions would lose their insurance because of the mandates in Obamacare. There was even a time they could have done something about it on the Senate floor--and they voted against a fix that would have kept the promise of being able to keep your insurance. This is going to spread like a virus through the employer mandate next year, causing higher unemployment. Millions more will lose their insurance.

I really don't see how they fix this. Republicans won't go for subsidizing higher insurance rates for individuals that have lost their insurance. Obama promised over and over again that Obamacare wouldn't "add a single dime to the deficit." Obama doesn't want massive changes to Obamacare. For Obamacare to work--he needed the individual insurance market to collapse--and everyone needed to sign up on these web-sites. They're not signing up which equates to much higher insurance premiums.

They really need to put a torch to Obamacare and start over.

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Does anyone remember Joe Biden whispering in Obama's hear--"this is one big deal, when Obamacare passed? Well, it's turned out to be one big DISASTER.

The non-medicade--enrollment is a total FLOP. Meaning those that are getting on these state run Obamacare web-sites are horrified by the premiums--after Obama promised the American public that he could save the average family of 4-- $2500.00 a year. NOT TRUE.

Obviously--the 32 times repeated promise of "If you like your plan you can keep it," is taking it's toll on Obama--this administration and democrat politicians. 5 million Americans have received cancellation notices from their insurers--and they're redirected to much more expensive plans--that they cannot afford. That is why paid enrollment is so low.

Now that Democrats on the hill are in full panic mode--over thousands of nasty grams and telephone calls they're getting from constituents--they want something done right now. BUT--they voted for Obamacare--and in they all knew two years ago--that millions would lose their insurance because of the mandates in Obamacare. There was even a time they could have done something about it on the Senate floor--and they voted against a fix that would have kept the promise of being able to keep your insurance. This is going to spread like a virus through the employer mandate next year, causing higher unemployment. Millions more will lose their insurance.

I really don't see how they fix this. Republicans won't go for subsidizing higher insurance rates for individuals that have lost their insurance. Obama promised over and over again that Obamacare wouldn't "add a single dime to the deficit." Obama doesn't want massive changes to Obamacare. For Obamacare to work--he needed the individual insurance market to collapse--and everyone needed to sign up on these web-sites. They're not signing up which equates to much higher insurance premiums.

They really need to put a torch to Obamacare and start over.


We need to put a torch to Fox Opinions, the only real problem with Obamacare.

The conservative goose steppers are so hypnotized by it that they've completely stopped independent thought.
Does anyone remember Joe Biden whispering in Obama's hear--"this is one big deal, when Obamacare passed? Well, it's turned out to be one big DISASTER.

The non-medicade--enrollment is a total FLOP. Meaning those that are getting on these state run Obamacare web-sites are horrified by the premiums--after Obama promised the American public that he could save the average family of 4-- $2500.00 a year. NOT TRUE.

Obviously--the 32 times repeated promise of "If you like your plan you can keep it," is taking it's toll on Obama--this administration and democrat politicians. 5 million Americans have received cancellation notices from their insurers--and they're redirected to much more expensive plans--that they cannot afford. That is why paid enrollment is so low.

Now that Democrats on the hill are in full panic mode--over thousands of nasty grams and telephone calls they're getting from constituents--they want something done right now. BUT--they voted for Obamacare--and in they all knew two years ago--that millions would lose their insurance because of the mandates in Obamacare. There was even a time they could have done something about it on the Senate floor--and they voted against a fix that would have kept the promise of being able to keep your insurance. This is going to spread like a virus through the employer mandate next year, causing higher unemployment. Millions more will lose their insurance.

I really don't see how they fix this. Republicans won't go for subsidizing higher insurance rates for individuals that have lost their insurance. Obama promised over and over again that Obamacare wouldn't "add a single dime to the deficit." Obama doesn't want massive changes to Obamacare. For Obamacare to work--he needed the individual insurance market to collapse--and everyone needed to sign up on these web-sites. They're not signing up which equates to much higher insurance premiums.

They really need to put a torch to Obamacare and start over.

My daughter who is 22 years old, well she liked my idea about a Medicare single payer plan. This would have 4 cards issued to the individual groups that are out there. One card would represent the workers in America, the other the seniors, the poor and needy another card, and the special needs group their own card. There would be a tax that would come out of the workers pay as shown on their pay stubs called or noted as (HCS), which is code for health care services.

The tax would pay for their insurance against medical problems, and the cards would be issued. The worker tax would also pay for the seniors who had come before them in life (it's only right). If the tax isn't to high, then it could also pay for the other two groups as well without being subsidized in any way. Example: A mandatory $15.00 a week would come out of all workers checks in America (this includes every working citizen to be covered, and they would have to participate), where as this would go to paying for the health care needs of all citizens if possible. These cards could be used anywhere that legitimate health care is offered or provided in America. Each card would represent the plans as needed for each group. There would also be a set up where if a person wanted to pay more for their card to turn gold in color, then they could do that as well. This would then add services that may not be included in the basic plans that the basic cards represent for them as they would then choose. These services would not be covered at the basic tax rate or charge that is taken in the flat rate taken in the basic plan. The government could subsidize for the seniors or which ever group is needed by deducting an amount from the rates if needed, and this would be in order to keep the tax within reason when the nation is going through tougher economic times. Choice would still be America's to choose their own doctors, care, hospitals etc. just as long as they don't choose a care provider that is on a list the government has banned due to fowl play, bad services or fraudulent activities. The current insurance companies in each state could be turned into government run fraud detection agencies, and would manage the cards and plans represented for the citizens within that state for the federal government.

Now is it that the plan here wouldn't work, and all because of the unemployed who would out weigh the worker bee's ten to one now in America ? Is this why America is failing no matter what goes on in these things or ways of thinking now ? I know I would love to have a card that I could go to my doctor, hospital or emergency center for services, and everything would be taken care of without any hassles at all, and also to know that the seniors, the poor, and the special needs group are also covered as well. I would feel proud to contribute in a managed way to the system, just as long as the system worked well and was run well for all involved.

Think about the lottery and how much money this is bringing in, and how much money is being won by the winners, but here we are and we can't get basic or great health care to all citizens in this nation ?
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Does anyone remember Joe Biden whispering in Obama's hear--"this is one big deal, when Obamacare passed? Well, it's turned out to be one big DISASTER.

The non-medicade--enrollment is a total FLOP. Meaning those that are getting on these state run Obamacare web-sites are horrified by the premiums--after Obama promised the American public that he could save the average family of 4-- $2500.00 a year. NOT TRUE.

Obviously--the 32 times repeated promise of "If you like your plan you can keep it," is taking it's toll on Obama--this administration and democrat politicians. 5 million Americans have received cancellation notices from their insurers--and they're redirected to much more expensive plans--that they cannot afford. That is why paid enrollment is so low.

Now that Democrats on the hill are in full panic mode--over thousands of nasty grams and telephone calls they're getting from constituents--they want something done right now. BUT--they voted for Obamacare--and in they all knew two years ago--that millions would lose their insurance because of the mandates in Obamacare. There was even a time they could have done something about it on the Senate floor--and they voted against a fix that would have kept the promise of being able to keep your insurance. This is going to spread like a virus through the employer mandate next year, causing higher unemployment. Millions more will lose their insurance.

I really don't see how they fix this. Republicans won't go for subsidizing higher insurance rates for individuals that have lost their insurance. Obama promised over and over again that Obamacare wouldn't "add a single dime to the deficit." Obama doesn't want massive changes to Obamacare. For Obamacare to work--he needed the individual insurance market to collapse--and everyone needed to sign up on these web-sites. They're not signing up which equates to much higher insurance premiums.

They really need to put a torch to Obamacare and start over.


We need to put a torch to Fox Opinions, the only real problem with Obamacare.

The conservative goose steppers are so hypnotized by it that they've completely stopped independent thought.

The fact that we keep providing concrete evidence that Obamacare is an unmitigated disaster while you can only provide your Tourette's outburst "Fox! Fox! Fox!" is proof of who is right in this discussion and who is a desperate parasite looking to mooch off of the system.

Hell, the architect of Obamacare - Max Baucus (radical left-winger) is on record calling Obamacare "a train wreck". :lol:
It's not done yet. If people without insurance choose to continue without it they will be taxed, which will be used to reduce the costs that they will impose on responsible people.

Oh ... The ACA is far from done screwing crap up ... I mean just look at the policies canceled versus the number of people enrolled in the new plans.
If you don't want to talk about what the ACA has done ... And want to keep dreaming about what it will never do ... Then just phrase it that way.

Otherwise ... I think it would be better if we keep an eye on what is happening ... Since even the President has admitted that what he said about it wasn't necessarily true ... And nothing has lived up to Democrat expectations so far.

I trust you there ... Even you were finally able to call the fine associated with the Individual Mandate what it really is ... You just called it a tax ... Which is more than the Democrats in Congress would ever admit to.
You know that when the government takes revenue from a fee levied on citizens for not buying a product ... Then turns around and uses that money to provide that same product ... It is a tax for not buying their product.

You have to admit that would land you in jail if you were in the private sector ... Charging people and forcing them to pay money because they don't buy your crappy product.

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Does anyone remember Joe Biden whispering in Obama's hear--"this is one big deal, when Obamacare passed? Well, it's turned out to be one big DISASTER.

The non-medicade--enrollment is a total FLOP. Meaning those that are getting on these state run Obamacare web-sites are horrified by the premiums--after Obama promised the American public that he could save the average family of 4-- $2500.00 a year. NOT TRUE.

Obviously--the 32 times repeated promise of "If you like your plan you can keep it," is taking it's toll on Obama--this administration and democrat politicians. 5 million Americans have received cancellation notices from their insurers--and they're redirected to much more expensive plans--that they cannot afford. That is why paid enrollment is so low.

Now that Democrats on the hill are in full panic mode--over thousands of nasty grams and telephone calls they're getting from constituents--they want something done right now. BUT--they voted for Obamacare--and in they all knew two years ago--that millions would lose their insurance because of the mandates in Obamacare. There was even a time they could have done something about it on the Senate floor--and they voted against a fix that would have kept the promise of being able to keep your insurance. This is going to spread like a virus through the employer mandate next year, causing higher unemployment. Millions more will lose their insurance.

I really don't see how they fix this. Republicans won't go for subsidizing higher insurance rates for individuals that have lost their insurance. Obama promised over and over again that Obamacare wouldn't "add a single dime to the deficit." Obama doesn't want massive changes to Obamacare. For Obamacare to work--he needed the individual insurance market to collapse--and everyone needed to sign up on these web-sites. They're not signing up which equates to much higher insurance premiums.

They really need to put a torch to Obamacare and start over.

My daughter who is 22 years old, well she liked my idea about a Medicare single payer plan. This would have 4 cards issued to the individual groups that are out there. One card would represent the workers in America, the other the seniors, the poor and needy another card, and the special needs group their own card. There would be a tax that would come out of the workers pay as shown on their pay stubs called or noted as (HCS), which is code for health care services.

The tax would pay for their insurance against medical problems, and the cards would be issued. The worker tax would also pay for the seniors who had come before them in life (it's only right). If the tax isn't to high, then it could also pay for the other two groups as well without being subsidized in any way. Example: A mandatory $15.00 a week would come out of all workers checks in America (this includes every working citizen to be covered, and they would have to participate), where as this would go to paying for the health care needs of all citizens if possible. These cards could be used anywhere that legitimate health care is offered or provided in America. Each card would represent the plans as needed for each group. There would also be a set up where if a person wanted to pay more for their card to turn gold in color, then they could do that as well. This would then add services that may not be included in the basic plans that the basic cards represent for them as they would then choose. These services would not be covered at the basic tax rate or charge that is taken in the flat rate taken in the basic plan. The government could subsidize for the seniors or which ever group is needed by deducting an amount from the rates if needed, and this would be in order to keep the tax within reason when the nation is going through tougher economic times. Choice would still be America's to choose their own doctors, care, hospitals etc. just as long as they don't choose a care provider that is on a list the government has banned due to fowl play, bad services or fraudulent activities. The current insurance companies in each state could be turned into government run fraud detection agencies, and would manage the cards and plans represented for the citizens within that state for the federal government.

Now is it that the plan here wouldn't work, and all because of the unemployed who would out weigh the worker bee's ten to one now in America ? Is this why America is failing no matter what goes on in these things or ways of thinking now ? I know I would love to have a card that I could go to my doctor, hospital or emergency center for services, and everything would be taken care of without any hassles at all, and also to know that the seniors, the poor, and the special needs group are also covered as well. I would feel proud to contribute in a managed way to the system, just as long as the system worked well and was run well for all involved.

Think about the lottery and how much money this is bringing in, and how much money is being won by the winners, but here we are and we can't get basic or great health care to all citizens in this nation ?

And that would solve all our problems all we need is a new tax! Then life would be just dandy for everyone. We all get what we want! Back to work slaves!
Does anyone remember Joe Biden whispering in Obama's hear--"this is one big deal, when Obamacare passed? Well, it's turned out to be one big DISASTER.

The non-medicade--enrollment is a total FLOP. Meaning those that are getting on these state run Obamacare web-sites are horrified by the premiums--after Obama promised the American public that he could save the average family of 4-- $2500.00 a year. NOT TRUE.

Obviously--the 32 times repeated promise of "If you like your plan you can keep it," is taking it's toll on Obama--this administration and democrat politicians. 5 million Americans have received cancellation notices from their insurers--and they're redirected to much more expensive plans--that they cannot afford. That is why paid enrollment is so low.

Now that Democrats on the hill are in full panic mode--over thousands of nasty grams and telephone calls they're getting from constituents--they want something done right now. BUT--they voted for Obamacare--and in they all knew two years ago--that millions would lose their insurance because of the mandates in Obamacare. There was even a time they could have done something about it on the Senate floor--and they voted against a fix that would have kept the promise of being able to keep your insurance. This is going to spread like a virus through the employer mandate next year, causing higher unemployment. Millions more will lose their insurance.

I really don't see how they fix this. Republicans won't go for subsidizing higher insurance rates for individuals that have lost their insurance. Obama promised over and over again that Obamacare wouldn't "add a single dime to the deficit." Obama doesn't want massive changes to Obamacare. For Obamacare to work--he needed the individual insurance market to collapse--and everyone needed to sign up on these web-sites. They're not signing up which equates to much higher insurance premiums.

They really need to put a torch to Obamacare and start over.


We need to put a torch to Fox Opinions, the only real problem with Obamacare.

The conservative goose steppers are so hypnotized by it that they've completely stopped independent thought.

The fact that we keep providing concrete evidence that Obamacare is an unmitigated disaster while you can only provide your Tourette's outburst "Fox! Fox! Fox!" is proof of who is right in this discussion and who is a desperate parasite looking to mooch off of the system.

Hell, the architect of Obamacare - Max Baucus (radical left-winger) is on record calling Obamacare "a train wreck". :lol:

You've been saying that Obamacare will be a disaster for five years now. You said that Medicare would be a disaster for 30 years. You say everything done by government will be a disaster. Trust only business. But the things wrong with Obamacare are caused by private business. The website design. Private insurance companies resetting their make more money regardless of the cost to others guns. Private insurance companies chosing not to grandfather and blaming it on government.

It's been a private business clusterfuck since day one that will be saved by Obamacare.
Does anyone remember Joe Biden whispering in Obama's hear--"this is one big deal, when Obamacare passed? Well, it's turned out to be one big DISASTER.

The non-medicade--enrollment is a total FLOP. Meaning those that are getting on these state run Obamacare web-sites are horrified by the premiums--after Obama promised the American public that he could save the average family of 4-- $2500.00 a year. NOT TRUE.

Obviously--the 32 times repeated promise of "If you like your plan you can keep it," is taking it's toll on Obama--this administration and democrat politicians. 5 million Americans have received cancellation notices from their insurers--and they're redirected to much more expensive plans--that they cannot afford. That is why paid enrollment is so low.

Now that Democrats on the hill are in full panic mode--over thousands of nasty grams and telephone calls they're getting from constituents--they want something done right now. BUT--they voted for Obamacare--and in they all knew two years ago--that millions would lose their insurance because of the mandates in Obamacare. There was even a time they could have done something about it on the Senate floor--and they voted against a fix that would have kept the promise of being able to keep your insurance. This is going to spread like a virus through the employer mandate next year, causing higher unemployment. Millions more will lose their insurance.

I really don't see how they fix this. Republicans won't go for subsidizing higher insurance rates for individuals that have lost their insurance. Obama promised over and over again that Obamacare wouldn't "add a single dime to the deficit." Obama doesn't want massive changes to Obamacare. For Obamacare to work--he needed the individual insurance market to collapse--and everyone needed to sign up on these web-sites. They're not signing up which equates to much higher insurance premiums.

They really need to put a torch to Obamacare and start over.

My daughter who is 22 years old, well she liked my idea about a Medicare single payer plan. This would have 4 cards issued to the individual groups that are out there. One card would represent the workers in America, the other the seniors, the poor and needy another card, and the special needs group their own card. There would be a tax that would come out of the workers pay as shown on their pay stubs called or noted as (HCS), which is code for health care services.

The tax would pay for their insurance against medical problems, and the cards would be issued. The worker tax would also pay for the seniors who had come before them in life (it's only right). If the tax isn't to high, then it could also pay for the other two groups as well without being subsidized in any way. Example: A mandatory $15.00 a week would come out of all workers checks in America (this includes every working citizen to be covered, and they would have to participate), where as this would go to paying for the health care needs of all citizens if possible. These cards could be used anywhere that legitimate health care is offered or provided in America. Each card would represent the plans as needed for each group. There would also be a set up where if a person wanted to pay more for their card to turn gold in color, then they could do that as well. This would then add services that may not be included in the basic plans that the basic cards represent for them as they would then choose. These services would not be covered at the basic tax rate or charge that is taken in the flat rate taken in the basic plan. The government could subsidize for the seniors or which ever group is needed by deducting an amount from the rates if needed, and this would be in order to keep the tax within reason when the nation is going through tougher economic times. Choice would still be America's to choose their own doctors, care, hospitals etc. just as long as they don't choose a care provider that is on a list the government has banned due to fowl play, bad services or fraudulent activities. The current insurance companies in each state could be turned into government run fraud detection agencies, and would manage the cards and plans represented for the citizens within that state for the federal government.

Now is it that the plan here wouldn't work, and all because of the unemployed who would out weigh the worker bee's ten to one now in America ? Is this why America is failing no matter what goes on in these things or ways of thinking now ? I know I would love to have a card that I could go to my doctor, hospital or emergency center for services, and everything would be taken care of without any hassles at all, and also to know that the seniors, the poor, and the special needs group are also covered as well. I would feel proud to contribute in a managed way to the system, just as long as the system worked well and was run well for all involved.

Think about the lottery and how much money this is bringing in, and how much money is being won by the winners, but here we are and we can't get basic or great health care to all citizens in this nation ?

And that would solve all our problems all we need is a new tax! Then life would be just dandy for everyone. We all get what we want! Back to work slaves!

It's unRepublican to tax. They much prefer to finance their lavish spending through debt.

Why? Grover Norquist has them believing in the tax fairy. Lower the rates for the wealthy and revenue will go up.

Except what goes up is only the revenue of the wealthy and debt for everyone else.


And all of the cultists say amen
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Just think, had the demcrats listened to the tea party, negotiated and reconsidered this ill fated launch of obamacare, they wouldn't be the laughing stock of the nation they are today
Just think, had the demcrats listened to the tea party, negotiated and reconsidered this ill fated launch of obamacare, they wouldn't be the laughing stock of the nation they are today

You think that people are laughing with you. They're not. They've been laughing at you for as long as you've been jumping up and down at the Obamacare boogeyman.
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Just think, had the demcrats listened to the tea party, negotiated and reconsidered this ill fated launch of obamacare, they wouldn't be the laughing stock of the nation they are today

The Democrats didn't do that though ... Because they are the party of "No".

We should just go the single payer route and make Medicare available to everyone. We can also include dental coverage as well.

Our national defense, the military, is a single payer system. Nobody seems to be losing sleep over this obvious fact. The federal government pays private firms to build guns, bullets, tanks, aircraft, ships, submarines, satellite systems, etc.

We should do the same thing for health care. Our human capital is the the most invaluable asset we have. The overall health of our citizenry should be a #1 priority on par with national defense.

I don't see the federal government going around forcing people to purchase national defense insurance. The US government pays for the collective defense of the country.

We'll eventually get to single payer by 2025 if I had to guesstimate.
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Every once in a while you see little kids in stores acting like Republicans. Screaming that they are going to hold their breath until they pass out if they don't get their way.

The answer to the kids and Republicans should be the same.

Give it your all. While you're doing that, we'll finish the work that needs to be done.
Every once in a while you see little kids in stores acting like Republicans. Screaming that they are going to hold their breath until they pass out if they don't get their way.

The answer to the kids and Republicans should be the same.

Give it your all. While you're doing that, we'll finish the work that needs to be done.

ROFL if you don't give me your income I'll scream and call you crybabies. ROFL
ROFL if you don't give me your income I'll scream and call you crybabies. ROFL

The only way a Liberal could ever understand what you just mentioned ... Is if they were willing to accept their responsibility in the matter ... And personal responsibility is not high on their list of virtuous character qualities.


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