The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Yeah [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] - you idiot liberal Dumbocrats are soooo "comfortable and competent with complexity" that you need Obama to mandate to the private industry what type of plans they provide because you're too stupid to read the policy, understand what you're getting, and then choose one that you want... :lmao:

You're so fuck'n stupid, you don't even realize you contradict yourself in almost every post. This is another classic example.

Oh, by the way [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION], if Obama felt he needed to "provide a basic floor for included services" to "protect" people because the insurance companies were so bad, then why did he promise over and over and over "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan"?

The more you assholes try to lie your way out of your previous lies, the more you burry yourselves. It's too late to change the narrative now! Obama SWORE "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan". He obviously knew that was a lie if he felt the need to create this "basic floor".

I know that you love the idea of private business preying on their customers and our government. But our government serves those customers, all of them, not just the wealthy ones. And as those customers elected our government to solve some of their problems, that's what happened. Now those customers will vote in the Obamacare marketplace for which companies to hire and which to fire.

Those companies that chose to abuse their customers will be taught a lesson about who's in charge.

Then those same customers will vote for who in government to hire and fire.

Looks like you will lose all around.
Yeah [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] - you idiot liberal Dumbocrats are soooo "comfortable and competent with complexity" that you need Obama to mandate to the private industry what type of plans they provide because you're too stupid to read the policy, understand what you're getting, and then choose one that you want... :lmao:

You're so fuck'n stupid, you don't even realize you contradict yourself in almost every post. This is another classic example.

Oh, by the way [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION], if Obama felt he needed to "provide a basic floor for included services" to "protect" people because the insurance companies were so bad, then why did he promise over and over and over "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan"?

The more you assholes try to lie your way out of your previous lies, the more you burry yourselves. It's too late to change the narrative now! Obama SWORE "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan". He obviously knew that was a lie if he felt the need to create this "basic floor".

I know that you love the idea of private business preying on their customers and our government. But our government serves those customers, all of them, not just the wealthy ones. And as those customers elected our government to solve some of their problems, that's what happened. Now those customers will vote in the Obamacare marketplace for which companies to hire and which to fire.

Those companies that chose to abuse their customers will be taught a lesson about who's in charge.

Boy you've got that right! Serves them a shit sandwich! Serves them communism. Serves them poverty. Serves them misery. Serves them $17 trillion in debt.

By the way - are you admitting you were too incompetent to read your policy? I mean, how else could a private business "prey" on you? You chose to do business with them. And you can choose to drop them any time you want and do business with someone else.

Choice. What PMZ fears the most. He fears that Americans will have the choice not to let him be a parasite.
Oh, by the way [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION], if Obama felt he needed to "provide a basic floor for included services" to "protect" people because the insurance companies were so bad, then why did he promise over and over and over "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan"?

The more you assholes try to lie your way out of your previous lies, the more you burry yourselves. It's too late to change the narrative now! Obama SWORE "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan". He obviously knew that was a lie if he felt the need to create this "basic floor".

I know that you love the idea of private business preying on their customers and our government. But our government serves those customers, all of them, not just the wealthy ones. And as those customers elected our government to solve some of their problems, that's what happened. Now those customers will vote in the Obamacare marketplace for which companies to hire and which to fire.

Those companies that chose to abuse their customers will be taught a lesson about who's in charge.

Then those same customers will vote for who in government to hire and fire.

Looks like you will lose all around.

Why are you so afraid to have an honest conversation? (Don't worry PMZ - that's rhetorical - we all know why you're afraid of the truth).

Your incoherent ramblings about "who is in charge" didn't answer the question. If Obama felt that insurance companies and their policies were so awful, he needed to create a "basic floor" for policies to prevent the previous awful policies, why did he adamantly promise over and over and over "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan"?

You are admitting that he needed to LIE to the American people to get his shit legislation passed?
Oh, by the way [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION], if Obama felt he needed to "provide a basic floor for included services" to "protect" people because the insurance companies were so bad, then why did he promise over and over and over "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan"?

The more you assholes try to lie your way out of your previous lies, the more you burry yourselves. It's too late to change the narrative now! Obama SWORE "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan". He obviously knew that was a lie if he felt the need to create this "basic floor".

I know that you love the idea of private business preying on their customers and our government. But our government serves those customers, all of them, not just the wealthy ones. And as those customers elected our government to solve some of their problems, that's what happened. Now those customers will vote in the Obamacare marketplace for which companies to hire and which to fire.

Those companies that chose to abuse their customers will be taught a lesson about who's in charge.

Boy you've got that right! Serves them a shit sandwich! Serves them communism. Serves them poverty. Serves them misery. Serves them $17 trillion in debt.

By the way - are you admitting you were too incompetent to read your policy? I mean, how else could a private business "prey" on you? You chose to do business with them. And you can choose to drop them any time you want and do business with someone else.

Choice. What PMZ fears the most. He fears that Americans will have the choice not to let him be a parasite.

I'm all for choice. That’s what ACA is aimed at.

I don't fear anything because I live in a democracy and we have a strong problem solving government and we promote competition in business. So I'm in control. Or, rather, we are. We hire and fire government and business. What could be more freedom than that?
I know that you love the idea of private business preying on their customers and our government. But our government serves those customers, all of them, not just the wealthy ones. And as those customers elected our government to solve some of their problems, that's what happened. Now those customers will vote in the Obamacare marketplace for which companies to hire and which to fire.

Those companies that chose to abuse their customers will be taught a lesson about who's in charge.

Then those same customers will vote for who in government to hire and fire.

Looks like you will lose all around.

Why are you so afraid to have an honest conversation? (Don't worry PMZ - that's rhetorical - we all know why you're afraid of the truth).

Your incoherent ramblings about "who is in charge" didn't answer the question. If Obama felt that insurance companies and their policies were so awful, he needed to create a "basic floor" for policies to prevent the previous awful policies, why did he adamantly promise over and over and over "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan"?

You are admitting that he needed to LIE to the American people to get his shit legislation passed?

Are you saying he should have made grandfathering mandatory rather than optional?
I know that you love the idea of private business preying on their customers and our government. But our government serves those customers, all of them, not just the wealthy ones. And as those customers elected our government to solve some of their problems, that's what happened. Now those customers will vote in the Obamacare marketplace for which companies to hire and which to fire.

Those companies that chose to abuse their customers will be taught a lesson about who's in charge.

Boy you've got that right! Serves them a shit sandwich! Serves them communism. Serves them poverty. Serves them misery. Serves them $17 trillion in debt.

By the way - are you admitting you were too incompetent to read your policy? I mean, how else could a private business "prey" on you? You chose to do business with them. And you can choose to drop them any time you want and do business with someone else.

Choice. What PMZ fears the most. He fears that Americans will have the choice not to let him be a parasite.

I'm all for choice. That’s what ACA is aimed at.

I don't fear anything because I live in a democracy and we have a strong problem solving government and we promote competition in business. So I'm in control. Or, rather, we are. We hire and fire government and business. What could be more freedom than that?

I'm sorry. I've tried to respect your views and give them honest consideration. But you are a fool.
Boy you've got that right! Serves them a shit sandwich! Serves them communism. Serves them poverty. Serves them misery. Serves them $17 trillion in debt.

By the way - are you admitting you were too incompetent to read your policy? I mean, how else could a private business "prey" on you? You chose to do business with them. And you can choose to drop them any time you want and do business with someone else.

Choice. What PMZ fears the most. He fears that Americans will have the choice not to let him be a parasite.

I'm all for choice. That’s what ACA is aimed at.

I don't fear anything because I live in a democracy and we have a strong problem solving government and we promote competition in business. So I'm in control. Or, rather, we are. We hire and fire government and business. What could be more freedom than that?

I'm sorry. I've tried to respect your views and give them honest consideration. But you are a fool.

One of us is.

I'm proud to be an American and of America. I think that we have the most effective system the world has ever seen. Conservatism was tried and failed spectacularly. So I'm for returning to what worked. A majority of Americans agree with me.

You're looking for something that exists only in your imagination. A country of only responsible people. Many families can't achieve that. The odds of a country achieving it are astronomical and will never happen.

But, feel free to dream. I'll stay here in the real world.
I'm all for choice. That’s what ACA is aimed at.

I don't fear anything because I live in a democracy and we have a strong problem solving government and we promote competition in business. So I'm in control. Or, rather, we are. We hire and fire government and business. What could be more freedom than that?

I'm sorry. I've tried to respect your views and give them honest consideration. But you are a fool.

One of us is.

I'm proud to be an American and of America. I think that we have the most effective system the world has ever seen. Conservatism was tried and failed spectacularly. So I'm for returning to what worked. A majority of Americans agree with me.

You're looking for something that exists only in your imagination. A country of only responsible people. Many families can't achieve that. The odds of a country achieving it are astronomical and will never happen.

But, feel free to dream. I'll stay here in the real world.
I had no idea you were for eliminating all of the federal socialist programs. Cool.
I'm sorry. I've tried to respect your views and give them honest consideration. But you are a fool.

One of us is.

I'm proud to be an American and of America. I think that we have the most effective system the world has ever seen. Conservatism was tried and failed spectacularly. So I'm for returning to what worked. A majority of Americans agree with me.

You're looking for something that exists only in your imagination. A country of only responsible people. Many families can't achieve that. The odds of a country achieving it are astronomical and will never happen.

But, feel free to dream. I'll stay here in the real world.
I had no idea you were for eliminating all of the federal socialist programs. Cool.

You mean like the military? Replace them with private militias commanded by war lords. War for profit. Soldiers of Fortune. Texas Rangers.

We actually have that now in many cities. Competitive street gangs.

You are a bright one.
One of us is.

I'm proud to be an American and of America. I think that we have the most effective system the world has ever seen. Conservatism was tried and failed spectacularly. So I'm for returning to what worked. A majority of Americans agree with me.

You're looking for something that exists only in your imagination. A country of only responsible people. Many families can't achieve that. The odds of a country achieving it are astronomical and will never happen.

But, feel free to dream. I'll stay here in the real world.
I had no idea you were for eliminating all of the federal socialist programs. Cool.

You mean like the military? Replace them with private militias commanded by war lords. War for profit. Soldiers of Fortune. Texas Rangers.

We actually have that now in many cities. Competitive street gangs.

You are a bright one.

>>> You mean like the military? Replace them with private militias commanded by war lords. War for profit. Soldiers of Fortune. Texas Rangers.

Are you retarded? Our military is not socialist. War for profit? You are one sick sob.

The Texas Rangers are plenty busy policing the state of Texas. We don't need federal police, and the Rangers would not be a good replacement for the military. God you are so dumb.

>>> We actually have that now in many cities. Competitive street gangs.

Have what in many cities? What drugs are you taking?

>>> You are a bright one.

Why thank you.
I had no idea you were for eliminating all of the federal socialist programs. Cool.

You mean like the military? Replace them with private militias commanded by war lords. War for profit. Soldiers of Fortune. Texas Rangers.

We actually have that now in many cities. Competitive street gangs.

You are a bright one.

>>> You mean like the military? Replace them with private militias commanded by war lords. War for profit. Soldiers of Fortune. Texas Rangers.

Are you retarded? Our military is not socialist. War for profit? You are one sick sob.

The Texas Rangers are plenty busy policing the state of Texas. We don't need federal police, and the Rangers would not be a good replacement for the military. God you are so dumb.

>>> We actually have that now in many cities. Competitive street gangs.

Have what in many cities? What drugs are you taking?

>>> You are a bright one.

Why thank you.

Socialism is what Brown wants it to be. Not what the English language says it is. And it, and all government, needs to be universally bad and capitalism needs to be universally good because that's what Brown remembers his last independent thought was back in the fourth grade.
I know that you love the idea of private business preying on their customers and our government. But our government serves those customers, all of them, not just the wealthy ones. And as those customers elected our government to solve some of their problems, that's what happened. Now those customers will vote in the Obamacare marketplace for which companies to hire and which to fire.

Those companies that chose to abuse their customers will be taught a lesson about who's in charge.

Boy you've got that right! Serves them a shit sandwich! Serves them communism. Serves them poverty. Serves them misery. Serves them $17 trillion in debt.

By the way - are you admitting you were too incompetent to read your policy? I mean, how else could a private business "prey" on you? You chose to do business with them. And you can choose to drop them any time you want and do business with someone else.

Choice. What PMZ fears the most. He fears that Americans will have the choice not to let him be a parasite.

I'm all for choice. That’s what ACA is aimed at.

I don't fear anything because I live in a democracy and we have a strong problem solving government and we promote competition in business. So I'm in control. Or, rather, we are. We hire and fire government and business. What could be more freedom than that?

Really [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]? So I can fire Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama right now? Because I can fire my insurance company right now. That is real choice. Not the faux "choice" of your communism.

Want to try again? Each time you create a new narrative to "support" your indefensible position, I'm able to disprove your narrative in a single sentence or two. Do try and put more effort in (for once in your life :lol:)
Last edited:
Why are you so afraid to have an honest conversation? (Don't worry PMZ - that's rhetorical - we all know why you're afraid of the truth).

Your incoherent ramblings about "who is in charge" didn't answer the question. If Obama felt that insurance companies and their policies were so awful, he needed to create a "basic floor" for policies to prevent the previous awful policies, why did he adamantly promise over and over and over "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan"?

You are admitting that he needed to LIE to the American people to get his shit legislation passed?

Are you saying he should have made grandfathering mandatory rather than optional?

Nice spin, but I'm saying he should not have lied to the American people to get his bill passed.

But like all parasites who embrace communism to avoid work, you support the lies and the propaganda in the "ends justify the means" mentality.

If you had a shred of decency and integrity in you, you would denounce Obama and the ACA as both required endless lies and back room deals to come to fruition.
I don't remember any facts from you. Not that anyone here will be surprised. Your tutor, Fox Opinions, doesn't do facts. Too inconvenient. They package Republican opinions and issue them to people who don't know better.

Says the buffoon who has been completely duped by the Dumbocrats and parrots their pitiful talking points... :lmao:

Why do you think you've been annihilated on this board PMZ? Because you're incapable of forming your own thoughts. Once we examine the Dumbocrat talking points you post and we destroy them with facts, you're left confused and are relegated to your absurd "Fox! Fox! Fox!" Tourette's outbursts. You can't come up with a rational response because you are on the wrong side of the facts to start with and you're not terribly bright, so continuing the debate after ThinkProgress doesn't have a talking point in response to our responses becomes impossible for you.
Social Security--Medicare--Medicade--Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac--the US Post office are all considered bankrupt in this country--and the Federal Government just took over medical insurance.

You Voted for it, You got it.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

You notice [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] skipped over this post?
Folks, this is proof that [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] is a completely unhinged buffoon who contradicts himself.

In post #1134 on page 76 he writes:
It sucks not to be able to be irresponsible about your health care costs.

Obamacare means that you have to pay your own bills. No welfare for the wealthy.

Next thing you know they'll be after other means of avoiding personal responsibility.

So his entire narrative is "I'm all about personal responsibility" (ie conservatism). Now, lets examine post #1407 on page 94:
You're looking for something that exists only in your imagination. A country of only responsible people. Many families can't achieve that. The odds of a country achieving it are astronomical and will never happen.

But, feel free to dream. I'll stay here in the real world.

So suddenly his narrative has changed from "I'm all for personal responsibility" to "personal responsibility cannot be achieved". :cuckoo:

Can you say schizophrenic? PMZ - can you give us an honest answer just once? Do you believe in personal responsibility or not? Yes or No?
Boy you've got that right! Serves them a shit sandwich! Serves them communism. Serves them poverty. Serves them misery. Serves them $17 trillion in debt.

By the way - are you admitting you were too incompetent to read your policy? I mean, how else could a private business "prey" on you? You chose to do business with them. And you can choose to drop them any time you want and do business with someone else.

Choice. What PMZ fears the most. He fears that Americans will have the choice not to let him be a parasite.

I'm all for choice. That’s what ACA is aimed at.

I don't fear anything because I live in a democracy and we have a strong problem solving government and we promote competition in business. So I'm in control. Or, rather, we are. We hire and fire government and business. What could be more freedom than that?

Really [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]? So I can fire Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama right now? Because I can fire my insurance company right now. That is real choice. Not the faux "choice" of your communism.

Want to try again? Each time you create a new narrative to "support" your indefensible position, I'm able to disprove your narrative in a single sentence or two. Do try and put more effort in (for once in your life :lol:)

I'm glad that I don't have to live in your self centered paranoid world. "We", not you, hire and fire government. "We", not you, hire and fire businesses.

You are a legend only in you own mind. In fact, there seems to be no room in your mind for anyone but you.
I don't remember any facts from you. Not that anyone here will be surprised. Your tutor, Fox Opinions, doesn't do facts. Too inconvenient. They package Republican opinions and issue them to people who don't know better.

Says the buffoon who has been completely duped by the Dumbocrats and parrots their pitiful talking points... :lmao:

Why do you think you've been annihilated on this board PMZ? Because you're incapable of forming your own thoughts. Once we examine the Dumbocrat talking points you post and we destroy them with facts, you're left confused and are relegated to your absurd "Fox! Fox! Fox!" Tourette's outbursts. You can't come up with a rational response because you are on the wrong side of the facts to start with and you're not terribly bright, so continuing the debate after ThinkProgress doesn't have a talking point in response to our responses becomes impossible for you.

"Why do you think you've been annihilated on this board PMZ?"

Joke of the day.
I'm all for choice. That’s what ACA is aimed at.

I don't fear anything because I live in a democracy and we have a strong problem solving government and we promote competition in business. So I'm in control. Or, rather, we are. We hire and fire government and business. What could be more freedom than that?

Really [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]? So I can fire Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama right now? Because I can fire my insurance company right now. That is real choice. Not the faux "choice" of your communism.

Want to try again? Each time you create a new narrative to "support" your indefensible position, I'm able to disprove your narrative in a single sentence or two. Do try and put more effort in (for once in your life :lol:)

I'm glad that I don't have to live in your self centered paranoid world. "We", not you, hire and fire government. "We", not you, hire and fire businesses.

You are a legend only in you own mind. In fact, there seems to be no room in your mind for anyone but you.

There you have it folks! Communism! "We". The collective.

Sorry asshole, but I fire businesses that I do business with. Not we. I. If I don't like my insurance company, I fire them. If I don't like the products of a store, I don't do business with them - I go somewhere else.

Me. I. The individual. That's what America was built on asshole. You can take your collectivism to Cuba where it belongs.
Really [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]? So I can fire Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama right now? Because I can fire my insurance company right now. That is real choice. Not the faux "choice" of your communism.

Want to try again? Each time you create a new narrative to "support" your indefensible position, I'm able to disprove your narrative in a single sentence or two. Do try and put more effort in (for once in your life :lol:)

I'm glad that I don't have to live in your self centered paranoid world. "We", not you, hire and fire government. "We", not you, hire and fire businesses.

You are a legend only in you own mind. In fact, there seems to be no room in your mind for anyone but you.

There you have it folks! Communism! "We". The collective.

Sorry asshole, but I fire businesses that I do business with. Not we. I. If I don't like my insurance company, I fire them. If I don't like the products of a store, I don't do business with them - I go somewhere else.

Me. I. The individual. That's what America was built on asshole. You can take your collectivism to Cuba where it belongs.
That's the radical leftists of today, and under the radical kenyan they have in the white house, they've really gone wild in the last five years with their commie agenda, they're very emboldened right now. But what they don't realize is, there's a reset coming, a huge push back. Americans are getting fed up with their radical socialist/commie bull shit, and their little boi king, tin pan, wanna be dictator, LIAR.

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