The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

There are jobs that can be done by people with relatively little education and minimal skills. In other words, people who apply for them are not in a good position to negotiate. Businesses could pay them a wage that allows them to pay for the cost of their minimal lives, but chooses not to. The consequences of that are higher taxes.

In the history of this nation [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION], there has never been a single business that didn't pay a "living wage". Never. It has never happened.

The problem comes in the parasite (such as you) definition of "living wage". You believe you are entitled to a $700 iPhone, a $700 iPad, and $3,000 plasma tv, a $65,000 BMW, and a $400,000 home, among other things because you've seen other people with them. What you haven't seen is the work they had to put in to achieve those things.

If you weren't so greedy and lazy, you would realize that the lowest minimum wage job at McDonald's provides more than enough "living wage" in America. And it comes with tremendous perks such as college tuition to better yourself and become whatever you want to become. But a McDonald's minimum wage requires that you forgo the iPhone, the iPad, the plasma tv, the BMW, and the large home for paying your necessities such as food, health insurance, and utilities.

In summary - you want to put in the effort and hours of a minimum wage worker, live like a skilled and hard working executive, and have your fellow tax payer pick up the large gap left over.

How many years did you live on minimum wage without your parents support?
In the history of this nation [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION], there has never been a single business that didn't pay a "living wage". Never. It has never happened.

The problem comes in the parasite (such as you) definition of "living wage". You believe you are entitled to a $700 iPhone, a $700 iPad, and $3,000 plasma tv, a $65,000 BMW, and a $400,000 home, among other things because you've seen other people with them. What you haven't seen is the work they had to put in to achieve those things.

If you weren't so greedy and lazy, you would realize that the lowest minimum wage job at McDonald's provides more than enough "living wage" in America. And it comes with tremendous perks such as college tuition to better yourself and become whatever you want to become. But a McDonald's minimum wage requires that you forgo the iPhone, the iPad, the plasma tv, the BMW, and the large home for paying your necessities such as food, health insurance, and utilities.

In summary - you want to put in the effort and hours of a minimum wage worker, live like a skilled and hard working executive, and have your fellow tax payer pick up the large gap left over.

Never is a long time. The problem is the folks were are required to read Grapes of Wrath in HS.

Yes. If we employ censorship, we will be free.

The dust bowl was a long time ago.. my point wasn't to censor you idiot. My point was people romanticize about how government came in to save the day during the dustbowl. Hello!! The government created the dust bowl and the people helping out were the citizens of this country.
There are jobs that can be done by people with relatively little education and minimal skills. In other words, people who apply for them are not in a good position to negotiate.

So who's fault is that PMZ? People with "minimal skills" have no one to blame but themselves. This is still the land of endless opportunity (even if you libtard Dumbocrats are trying to end that). If someone doesn't have the skill set they need, it's because they chose to spend their life getting high (like you) and expecting that someone else would pay their way (like you).

Education in this country through high school is not only FREE, it is MANDATORY. With that high school diploma, no matter how destitute you are, you can get an entry level job with any corporation in America and go to college at the expense of the company. A FREE college education as well. And then there are libraries filled with volumes of information for any profession in the world which are FREE as well. And then, even more jaw dropping that libraries, is the endless volumes of FREE information on the internet for any profession in the world as well.

Game. Set. Match. You lose...


Another conservative myth. There is no unemployment.

Let me ask, how come you're not wealthier than Bill Gates? You just too lazy?

As a matter of fact....

While I wouldn't call it "lazy", I have made a conscious decision that my children, my family, and life in general are far more important than making a billion dollars and for that reason, I choose to not work the 18 hours per day necessary to become a billionaire.

Part of that is just my personality. Part of that is being highly educated. I read a book called "Win" by Frank Luntz. Allow me to educate you:

“In my research on behalf of some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs and paradigm breakers, I have interviewed dozens of people who at one time or another appeared on some elite list: the richest, the most powerful, the most influential. These are the captains of industry, Hollywood elite, sports celebrities—icons for all ages. They may have different pasts and different futures, but they all have one thing in common—one regret that no amount of money or power can change. In a word, it’s family. In five words, it’s the lack of family time:

I didn’t see my kids grow. They weren’t a part of my life and I wasn’t there for them, and there’s nothing I can do now to fix what I didn’t do then. I have plenty of time to make money. I don’t have any time to make memories

Excerpt From: Frank I. Luntz. “Win.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store:

See the bolded part above junior? While this was already my personality, that resonated with me strongly. I was - I am - and I will continue to be, dedicated to making memories with my children above and beyond all else. Including making unfathomable sums of money or saving the country from liberal parasites.

Any other questions?
There are jobs that can be done by people with relatively little education and minimal skills. In other words, people who apply for them are not in a good position to negotiate.

So who's fault is that PMZ? People with "minimal skills" have no one to blame but themselves. This is still the land of endless opportunity (even if you libtard Dumbocrats are trying to end that). If someone doesn't have the skill set they need, it's because they chose to spend their life getting high (like you) and expecting that someone else would pay their way (like you).

Education in this country through high school is not only FREE, it is MANDATORY. With that high school diploma, no matter how destitute you are, you can get an entry level job with any corporation in America and go to college at the expense of the company. A FREE college education as well. And then there are libraries filled with volumes of information for any profession in the world which are FREE as well. And then, even more jaw dropping that libraries, is the endless volumes of FREE information on the internet for any profession in the world as well.

Game. Set. Match. You lose...


Another conservative myth. There is no unemployment.

Let me ask, how come you're not wealthier than Bill Gates? You just too lazy?

That's a false zero-sum gain argument. Am I too lazy to be wealthier than Bill Gates? Maybe. However, I certainly never wanted to be unmarried at 39 and didn't want to have gray hair while still changing my own kids' diapers. While I may have not won the same life's lottery as Gates, he took a chance when he dropped out of college to concentrate on Microsoft. I've seen and have experienced many situations where that would be a very bad decision.

I don't need the billions to be happy where I am and that's what I love about free-market capitalism with proper government oversight - I can choose to cash out when I wish.
There are jobs that can be done by people with relatively little education and minimal skills. In other words, people who apply for them are not in a good position to negotiate. Businesses could pay them a wage that allows them to pay for the cost of their minimal lives, but chooses not to. The consequences of that are higher taxes.

In the history of this nation [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION], there has never been a single business that didn't pay a "living wage". Never. It has never happened.

The problem comes in the parasite (such as you) definition of "living wage". You believe you are entitled to a $700 iPhone, a $700 iPad, and $3,000 plasma tv, a $65,000 BMW, and a $400,000 home, among other things because you've seen other people with them. What you haven't seen is the work they had to put in to achieve those things.

If you weren't so greedy and lazy, you would realize that the lowest minimum wage job at McDonald's provides more than enough "living wage" in America. And it comes with tremendous perks such as college tuition to better yourself and become whatever you want to become. But a McDonald's minimum wage requires that you forgo the iPhone, the iPad, the plasma tv, the BMW, and the large home for paying your necessities such as food, health insurance, and utilities.

In summary - you want to put in the effort and hours of a minimum wage worker, live like a skilled and hard working executive, and have your fellow tax payer pick up the large gap left over.

How many years did you live on minimum wage without your parents support?

Truthfully? I never earned minimum wage. Even my first job was above minimum wage.

But you don't have to earn minimum wage to understand it anymore than you need to be smashed in the face with a baseball bat to understand that it would hurt very badly, would knock you unconscious, and would require medical attention. :cuckoo:

See, I can do math. $7.25 (per hour) x 2080 (full time, 40 hours per week) = $15,080. That is with no over time. Bare minimum wage, bare minimum hours.

That's more than enough money to buy food, pay your rent, and pay your utilities. It's NOT enough money, however, to sport a $700 iPhone with a $100 per month service plan, drive a BMW, and buy that 70" HD from Best Buy. And that's what you believe you deserve, regardless of what you actually earn. That is the essence of the Dumbocrat mentality.
"It is because they don't teach people how to think in school anymore ... They teach them what to think, and a social agenda ... While that kind of thinking isn't innovative, and doesn't produce acceptable results."

Certainly you are a classic example of what you claim.

The essence of conservatism is, when faced with a problem or opportunity, do nothing. Unless you can find a way to do less. Than do that.

There is no creativity required to do that. There is only that one rule of thumb. Don't go near problems, you'll just make them worst.

Don't invest in anything because there is always risk. If you take a risk you will always lose.

If you have a chance, take. Take as much and as long as you can. Take from whoever you can.

There is no tomorrow, only today.

Most importantly, don't think for yourself. Stay in line. Goose step just like the guy on your right, just like the guy on your left.

America flirted with conservatism. We lost big time. Most of us learned. Some of us can't. Those are the conservatives who never learned to learn.

So in other words ... You don't really disagree with anything I said ... Other than the difference in what the two of us believe is productive thinking.

In the business world where innovation is key ... It doesn't have anything to do with Socialism versus Conservatism.
That is why there are empty jobs that pay so much money ... And you are silly enough to talk about people not earning a decent wage.

If what you offered them was what they needed to succeed ... Then we wouldn't be having this discussion ... And I am not surprised you cannot understand that.


You are very confused. There are jobs that can be done by people with relatively little education and minimal skills. In other words, people who apply for them are not in a good position to negotiate. Businesses could pay them a wage that allows them to pay for the cost of their minimal lives, but chooses not to. The consequences of that are higher taxes.

At the other end of the spectrum are highly specialized jobs where the demand exceeds the supply of qualified people. Under those circumstances there will always be jobs unfilled.

Those are not the same populations. The two problems are unrelated.

Sure they are. If they don't want to do the job for the agreed upon wage, they don't have to take the job. That's why McDonalds has signing bonuses for line workers and managers in North Dakota.
So who's fault is that PMZ? People with "minimal skills" have no one to blame but themselves. This is still the land of endless opportunity (even if you libtard Dumbocrats are trying to end that). If someone doesn't have the skill set they need, it's because they chose to spend their life getting high (like you) and expecting that someone else would pay their way (like you).

Education in this country through high school is not only FREE, it is MANDATORY. With that high school diploma, no matter how destitute you are, you can get an entry level job with any corporation in America and go to college at the expense of the company. A FREE college education as well. And then there are libraries filled with volumes of information for any profession in the world which are FREE as well. And then, even more jaw dropping that libraries, is the endless volumes of FREE information on the internet for any profession in the world as well.

Game. Set. Match. You lose...


Another conservative myth. There is no unemployment.

Let me ask, how come you're not wealthier than Bill Gates? You just too lazy?

That's a false zero-sum gain argument. Am I too lazy to be wealthier than Bill Gates? Maybe. However, I certainly never wanted to be unmarried at 39 and didn't want to have gray hair while still changing my own kids' diapers. While I may have not won the same life's lottery as Gates, he took a chance when he dropped out of college to concentrate on Microsoft. I've seen and have experienced many situations where that would be a very bad decision.

I don't need the billions to be happy where I am and that's what I love about free-market capitalism with proper government oversight - I can choose to cash out when I wish.

Shhh! That is a dirty word with liberals asterism. They don't like choice. They want you to be forced to goose-step (in unison) in the same direction.

It's why they say...

The essence of conservatism is, when faced with a problem or opportunity, do nothing. Unless you can find a way to do less. Than do that.

Sadly, the essence of liberalism is: feign a problem. See a problem where no problem actually exists. Lie to create problems. And do all of it so you can force someone else to pay your way through life. You first statement right here is a prime example. You completely and knowningly lie about conservatism. That's to create a problem. You want to create the problem that conservatism is a problem.

The essence of conservatism is: if you have a problem, solve it yourself. The government does not exist because you are too lazy to do for yourself.

Why do you want creativity for the sake of creativity? Furthermore, history has proven that government (especially under Dumbocrats) has made everything exponentially worse. $17 trillion son - enough said!

Actually, conservatives are the king of investing. The difference is, they invest (ie take risk) with their money. While parasites like you want to invest (ie take risk) with other people's money. You want to take my money and then risk it. Sorry, just proves what an idiot you are. If you want to take risk and invest - do it with YOUR own money.

Yes. That's called competition. The objective is to win. To win within the rules. But to win. You can't understand that being a parasite of the participation trophy mentality.

You're projecting again PMZ. Everything you just said is the foundation of the liberal ideology. You've proven over and over on this thread alone that you do not think for yourself. You've literally been drowned in overwhelming evidence that Obamcare has been an unmitigated disaster. You just keep goose-stepping while toeing the party line. Remember, Adolf Hitler was left-wing oppressive socialist/stateist. It was your side that created goose-stepping. You can't blame that on conservatives no matter how hard you want to rewrite history.

America flirted with conservatism. We lost big time. Most of us learned. Some of us can't. Those are the conservatives who never learned to learn.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Winner-Winner-Chicken-Dinner! You just summed it all up accurately for the first time! American "flirted" with conservatism and we lost big time, because instead of going with the ONLY proven ideology that works (conservatism), we flirted with it while serving the people large doses of the failed ideology known as liberalism.

Here's the bottom line PMZ - your entire ideology has been a spectacular failure worldwide. A 100% failure rate. Socialism failed in Greece and collapsed it. Socialism failed in the U.S.S.R. and collapsed it. Socialism failed in Cuba and collapsed it. Socialism failed in Cambodia and collapsed it.

The truth is - you know it's a failed ideology and you know it will collapse the United States ($17 trillion in debt). But you don't care for two reasons. One, you're a hateful, spiteful, envious little man who wants everyone dragged down to your miserable level. Two, you would rather have the U.S. collapse while your fellow citizens are forced to pay for you than see the U.S. flourish and have to work and provide for yourself.

No question. Delusion of the year. If you elect people that drag your country to the lowest point that it's ever been, and they do that in only eight years, elect them again.

This passes for intelligence in the conservative cult.

In other words, you can't dispute a single thing I just said... :eusa_whistle:

But you were shockingly honest for once in your third sentence. The numbers do show that Obama has dragged this country down to it's second lowest point ever. And liberals - through fraud - did ensure he was elected again.
So by your assessment, the less that business pays entry level workers, and therefore the more welfare they need, the more motivated they will be because of the attractive salaries of jobs that they're not qualified for.

I don't think so.

I know you don't think so ... Because you are the one confused.

Low wage earners are not on welfare and demanding more for cost of living ... As the result of entry level employment status.
Entry level workers are what you call 40 year olds with two children ... That have been working a minimum wage job all their lives ... And want more money for it.

They aren't qualified for better jobs ... Because people like you keep making excuses for them to stay at the bottom ... And want to pay them more to keep them there.

I mean face it ... You are a terrible person for doing that ... And not helping anyone.
But at the same time ... I don't expect you to understand or agree ... Because the education you received didn't give you the tools necessary to understand it.

So who's fault is that PMZ? People with "minimal skills" have no one to blame but themselves. This is still the land of endless opportunity (even if you libtard Dumbocrats are trying to end that). If someone doesn't have the skill set they need, it's because they chose to spend their life getting high (like you) and expecting that someone else would pay their way (like you).

Education in this country through high school is not only FREE, it is MANDATORY. With that high school diploma, no matter how destitute you are, you can get an entry level job with any corporation in America and go to college at the expense of the company. A FREE college education as well. And then there are libraries filled with volumes of information for any profession in the world which are FREE as well. And then, even more jaw dropping that libraries, is the endless volumes of FREE information on the internet for any profession in the world as well.

Game. Set. Match. You lose...


Another conservative myth. There is no unemployment.

Let me ask, how come you're not wealthier than Bill Gates? You just too lazy?

That's a false zero-sum gain argument. Am I too lazy to be wealthier than Bill Gates? Maybe. However, I certainly never wanted to be unmarried at 39 and didn't want to have gray hair while still changing my own kids' diapers. While I may have not won the same life's lottery as Gates, he took a chance when he dropped out of college to concentrate on Microsoft. I've seen and have experienced many situations where that would be a very bad decision.

I don't need the billions to be happy where I am and that's what I love about free-market capitalism with proper government oversight - I can choose to cash out when I wish.

You and I are at some level of detail for the same "free-market capitalism with proper government oversight". I would add in markets in which effective competition can be maintained.
So by your assessment, the less that business pays entry level workers, and therefore the more welfare they need, the more motivated they will be because of the attractive salaries of jobs that they're not qualified for.

I don't think so.

I know you don't think so ... Because you are the one confused.

Low wage earners are not on welfare and demanding more for cost of living ... As the result of entry level employment status.
Entry level workers are what you call 40 year olds with two children ... That have been working a minimum wage job all their lives ... And want more money for it.

They aren't qualified for better jobs ... Because people like you keep making excuses for them to stay at the bottom ... And want to pay them more to keep them there.

I mean face it ... You are a terrible person for doing that ... And not helping anyone.
But at the same time ... I don't expect you to understand or agree ... Because the education you received didn't give you the tools necessary to understand it.


You demonstrate the key conservative delusion that the only key to wealth is to work hard. That's as compared to the liberal belief that life requires hard work from all responsible participants.

And that what creates responsible participants are family, friends, and schools.

And that combination, like all things human, has a certain failure rate.

Conservatives, who if nothing else are myopicly focused internally, believe that many things given are earned.

Did you pick your family, your schools, your neighborhood, your parents income, your race, your nationality, your gender?

If all of those things worked out for you be thankful, not proud.
Never is a long time. The problem is the folks were are required to read Grapes of Wrath in HS.

Yes. If we employ censorship, we will be free.

The dust bowl was a long time ago.. my point wasn't to censor you idiot. My point was people romanticize about how government came in to save the day during the dustbowl. Hello!! The government created the dust bowl and the people helping out were the citizens of this country.

I can't wait to hear how the government created the dust bowl!
You demonstrate the key conservative delusion that the only key to wealth is to work hard. That's as compared to the liberal belief that life requires hard work from all responsible participants.

And that what creates responsible participants are family, friends, and schools.

And that combination, like all things human, has a certain failure rate.

Conservatives, who if nothing else are myopicly focused internally, believe that many things given are earned.

Did you pick your family, your schools, your neighborhood, your parents income, your race, your nationality, your gender?

If all of those things worked out for you be thankful, not proud.

What you said only makes a difference to you ... Because of your desire to cling on to the idea that people like me don't understand failure.

We all fail ... Some of us fail a lot ... myself included.
It is when, where and how you excuse that failure ... And stop insisting people learn from their mistakes and continue to press on ... That you fail the people who need you the most.
You turn your idea of safety net into a cradle ... You treat people like they are helpless children ... You neglect your responsibility to ensure that they get back up and accept the challenge do better themselves.

Shame on you ... And it is a pity you don't know any better.

You demonstrate the key conservative delusion that the only key to wealth is to work hard. That's as compared to the liberal belief that life requires hard work from all responsible participants.

And that what creates responsible participants are family, friends, and schools.

And that combination, like all things human, has a certain failure rate.

Conservatives, who if nothing else are myopicly focused internally, believe that many things given are earned.

Did you pick your family, your schools, your neighborhood, your parents income, your race, your nationality, your gender?

If all of those things worked out for you be thankful, not proud.

What you said only makes a difference to you ... Because of your desire to cling on to the idea that people like me don't understand failure.

We all fail ... Some of us fail a lot ... myself included.
It is when, where and how you excuse that failure ... And stop insisting people learn from their mistakes and continue to press on ... That you fail the people who need you the most.
You turn your idea of safety net into a cradle ... You treat people like they are helpless children ... You neglect your responsibility to ensure that they get back up and accept the challenge do better themselves.

Shame on you ... And it is a pity you don't know any better.


Actually what I'm about is solving problems. The essence of conservatism is to ignore problems and see what happens. My experience with doing nothing is that it is extremely unreliable. While some problems do go away, most get worse.

The most threatening problem that we have in America today is our extreme wealth inequality. Some is good, but like in most things, extreme is dysfunctional.

Conservatives would like to ignore both the problem and the unmistakable trend towards worse.

I think that we're much smarter than that.
Actually what I'm about is solving problems. The essence of conservatism is to ignore problems and see what happens. My experience with doing nothing is that it is extremely unreliable. While some problems do go away, most get worse.

The most threatening problem that we have in America today is our extreme wealth inequality. Some is good, but like in most things, extreme is dysfunctional.

Conservatives would like to ignore both the problem and the unmistakable trend towards worse.

I think that we're much smarter than that.

How the hell is paying someone minimum wage going to ever make a significant dent in the wealth inequity equation?
How is telling someone they cannot achieve better results going to ever get them to a better place?

Take a look at what you type ... And then talk about what is dysfunctional ... Decades of people like you and your outright neglect ... Are exactly what has helped provide us with the gap.

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Actually what I'm about is solving problems. The essence of conservatism is to ignore problems and see what happens. My experience with doing nothing is that it is extremely unreliable. While some problems do go away, most get worse.

The most threatening problem that we have in America today is our extreme wealth inequality. Some is good, but like in most things, extreme is dysfunctional.

Conservatives would like to ignore both the problem and the unmistakable trend towards worse.

I think that we're much smarter than that.

How the hell is paying someone minimum wage going to ever make a significant dent in the wealth inequity equation?
How is telling someone they cannot achieve better results going to ever get them to a better place?

Take a look at what you type ... And then talk about what is dysfunctional ... Decades of people like you and your outright neglect ... Are exactly what have provided us with the gap.


Employers who choose to pay minimum wage are choosing to push the rest of the cost of living off to taxpayers.

Conservatives who talk about the fair or flat tax are campaigning to make our wealth inequality worse.

Republicans who believe that our indebtedness is because of too much spending instead of not enough revenue do so to avoid accountability and in the belief that richer rich and poorer poor is a good thing despite all of the research that shows our extreme to be the root cause of many of our social ills.

Like all complex problems there is not a single cause that brought us here or a single solution that will get us out.

But solutions begin from accepting a problem and that's what we have to do first.
Employers who choose to pay minimum wage are choosing to push the rest of the cost of living off to taxpayers.

Conservatives who talk about the fair or flat tax are campaigning to make our wealth inequality worse.

Republicans who believe that our indebtedness is because of too much spending instead of not enough revenue do so to avoid accountability and in the belief that richer rich and poorer poor is a good thing despite all of the research that shows our extreme to be the root cause of many of our social ills.

Like all complex problems there is not a single cause that brought us here or a single solution that will get us out.

But solutions begin from accepting a problem and that's what we have to do first.

I can go on the record in saying that of course there is not a single cause for wealth inequity ... And blame can be spread all over the place.

There is no battle about whether or not it indicates a problem ... But that doesn't explain how you think paying someone minimum wage for a minimal job will ever make a difference.
I have pointed out several times to you in this thread where jobs that pay far more are available ... And would at least make a bigger dent in the separation.

Telling people that they shouldn't make efforts to better provide for themselves is a greater threat to their prosperity than anything else.

Yes. If we employ censorship, we will be free.

The dust bowl was a long time ago.. my point wasn't to censor you idiot. My point was people romanticize about how government came in to save the day during the dustbowl. Hello!! The government created the dust bowl and the people helping out were the citizens of this country.

I can't wait to hear how the government created the dust bowl!

The dust bowl was quite literally caused by a lack of regulation of the farming of prairie lands. The farmers over produced wheat, the price fell through the floor, then the farmers left the land bare instead of replacing the bare dirt with natural prairie grasses. The result of this miss-management was the dust bowl. Govco failed to do it's job.
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The dust bowl was a long time ago.. my point wasn't to censor you idiot. My point was people romanticize about how government came in to save the day during the dustbowl. Hello!! The government created the dust bowl and the people helping out were the citizens of this country.

I can't wait to hear how the government created the dust bowl!

The dust bowl was quite literally caused by a lack of regulation of the farming of prairie lands. The farmers over produced wheat, the price fell through the floor, then the farmers left the land bare instead of replacing the bare dirt with natural prairie grasses. The result of this miss-management was the dust bowl. Govco failed to do it's job.

So, the government, in your opinion, has the responsibility to prevent, through regulations, people from doing stupid, irresponsible things.
Employers who choose to pay minimum wage are choosing to push the rest of the cost of living off to taxpayers.

Conservatives who talk about the fair or flat tax are campaigning to make our wealth inequality worse.

Republicans who believe that our indebtedness is because of too much spending instead of not enough revenue do so to avoid accountability and in the belief that richer rich and poorer poor is a good thing despite all of the research that shows our extreme to be the root cause of many of our social ills.

Like all complex problems there is not a single cause that brought us here or a single solution that will get us out.

But solutions begin from accepting a problem and that's what we have to do first.

I can go on the record in saying that of course there is not a single cause for wealth inequity ... And blame can be spread all over the place.

There is no battle about whether or not it indicates a problem ... But that doesn't explain how you think paying someone minimum wage for a minimal job will ever make a difference.
I have pointed out several times to you in this thread where jobs that pay far more are available ... And would at least make a bigger dent in the separation.

Telling people that they shouldn't make efforts to better provide for themselves is a greater threat to their prosperity than anything else.


Apparently, you know people who don't realize that they should make efforts to better provide for themselves.

I don't.

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