The glory of the great Arab nation-An Arab Jew leaves Iraq for Israel only to go on miss and love his friends and brothers in Iraq.


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May 12, 2022
Right away most people in the world recognize good. But a tiny percentage of humans are motivated by evil and they will look at a story like this and attempt to completely ignore it they will talk about negative stories ..while ignoring everything positive. they will talk about some sort of attack in the 1960s by individuals. While ignoring that the masses get along with each other.

It is the case that there are masses of Jewish people living in Israel that wants to help humanity, and the same to be said for the masses of the Muslims and Christians living in Lebanon and Syria and Iraq.

Here is the story for the ages. We’ve heard before about this or that happening to Jewish people in Iraq and Syria in the 1960s in the 1970s. No different than Israeli Jews being accused of going after Palestinians in the 20th century. Beyond the headlines are the undeniable facts, though…

Like The story of this honorable Arab Jew ..Ezra^ a part of the historical Arab nation, which transcends the religious lines. By his own words, Ezra Proudly identifies as an Arab as an Iraqi, a part of the glorious Iraqi nation going back to Babylon.

Ezra grew up in Iraq surrounded by his Christian and Muslim brothers as one nation one people. As he was a Jew, he also dreamed of visiting Israel, and eventually he decided to leave Iraq and move to Israel. They rolled out the red carpet for Ezra in Israel but once the cameras went away, he was stuck at a nursing home, wondering why he left Iraq. He missed his brothers and his friends in Iraq.

But there is a happy ending to this story ….Ezra did find some solace in the holy land. He visited a Palestinian café, reminiscing with fellow Arabs about the glorious Arab nation. And it will come back the glorious Arab nation.

The great majority of people in the world know that for centuries Jews, Muslims and Christians got along with each other, whether it was in the Catholic kingdom of Jerusalem, according to the 20th century French historian Renee Grousett… look at the book, the “epic of the crusades”. Showing in detail these harmonious relations between the Jews Muslims , and Catholics in the Catholic kingdom of Jerusalem. And in the various Muslim kingdoms there was also harmony.

And there you have it a modern day video and a historical citation of one of the greatest French historians ever. Love prevails over evil, all glory to the Arab nation.
You look at the comment section of the video there are Muslims from Iraq saying to the elderly Jewish man. “Please come back to our country. We will welcome you. We will invite you to our home.”
Right away most people in the world recognize good. But a tiny percentage of humans are motivated by evil and they will look at a story like this and attempt to completely ignore it they will talk about negative stories ..while ignoring everything positive. they will talk about some sort of attack in the 1960s by individuals. While ignoring that the masses get along with each other.

It is the case that there are masses of Jewish people living in Israel that wants to help humanity, and the same to be said for the masses of the Muslims and Christians living in Lebanon and Syria and Iraq.

Here is the story for the ages. We’ve heard before about this or that happening to Jewish people in Iraq and Syria in the 1960s in the 1970s. No different than Israeli Jews being accused of going after Palestinians in the 20th century. Beyond the headlines are the undeniable facts, though…

Like The story of this honorable Arab Jew ..Ezra^ a part of the historical Arab nation, which transcends the religious lines. By his own words, Ezra Proudly identifies as an Arab as an Iraqi, a part of the glorious Iraqi nation going back to Babylon.

Ezra grew up in Iraq surrounded by his Christian and Muslim brothers as one nation one people. As he was a Jew, he also dreamed of visiting Israel, and eventually he decided to leave Iraq and move to Israel. They rolled out the red carpet for Ezra in Israel but once the cameras went away, he was stuck at a nursing home, wondering why he left Iraq. He missed his brothers and his friends in Iraq.

But there is a happy ending to this story ….Ezra did find some solace in the holy land. He visited a Palestinian café, reminiscing with fellow Arabs about the glorious Arab nation. And it will come back the glorious Arab nation.

The great majority of people in the world know that for centuries Jews, Muslims and Christians got along with each other, whether it was in the Catholic kingdom of Jerusalem, according to the 20th century French historian Renee Grousett… look at the book, the “epic of the crusades”. Showing in detail these harmonious relations between the Jews Muslims , and Catholics in the Catholic kingdom of Jerusalem. And in the various Muslim kingdoms there was also harmony.

And there you have it a modern day video and a historical citation of one of the greatest French historians ever. Love prevails over evil, all glory to the Arab nation.

1) Ethnically, Ezra is either a Jew or he is an Arab.

He either came from the land of Israel, or from the Arabian Peninsula.

2) There are no Arab Jews, only Jews who do still speak Arabic and grew up in an Arab culture in Arab conquered lands.

3) The ones to expel Jews from Iraq from 1950 on, and other Muslim conquered lands, were Arab Nazi sympathizers who had the intention of weakening Israel after 1948 and therefore finally allowed the Jews to leave.

Most Jews, at first, did not believe that the Muslim governments were allowing them to leave. Of course they were allowed to leave with next to nothing in their hands.

4). Jews miss their former neighbors the same way as good, non antisemitic Arabs missed their neighbors the Jews.

5). One Israeli visiting Iraq was just kidnapped.
Nothing has changed. There is no reason for any Jew to go to any of the Muslim conquered countries as long as antisemitism continues to be rampant, and it continues to be unsafe for Jews to go visit, be it Turkey, Iraq, or anywhere else.
1) Ethnically, Ezra is either a Jew or he is an Arab.

He either came from the land of Israel, or from the Arabian Peninsula.

2) There are no Arab Jews, only Jews who do still speak Arabic and grew up in an Arab culture in Arab conquered lands.

3) The ones to expel Jews from Iraq from 1950 on, and other Muslim conquered lands, were Arab Nazi sympathizers who had the intention of weakening Israel after 1948 and therefore finally allowed the Jews to leave.

Most Jews, at first, did not believe that the Muslim governments were allowing them to leave. Of course they were allowed to leave with next to nothing in their hands.

4). Jews miss their former neighbors the same way as good, non antisemitic Arabs missed their neighbors the Jews.

5). One Israeli visiting Iraq was just kidnapped.
Nothing has changed. There is no reason for any Jew to go to any of the Muslim conquered countries as long as antisemitism continues to be rampant, and it continues to be unsafe for Jews to go visit, be it Turkey, Iraq, or anywhere else.
There are Arab Jews

Ezra was put in a nursing home and nobody cared about him in Israel. He misses his friends in Iraq and he said he wanted to go back there. And so many Muslims in Iraq and Christians in Iraq. Want to bring him back.

There was a similar currents in the Soviet union. When many Sylvia Jews went to Israel, 1991. Many of them were homeless in Israel. They couldn’t believe the choice they made. They deeply regret it doing it. And the Soviet union they were dentists doctors once in Israel, they were street sweepers if they were lucky many of them were homeless, looking for food. Some of the most honorable jews to ever exist are Arab Jews and Soviet Jews.

It goes back to thousands of years. They are a deep part of the Arab nation. Nobody can ever take away the words of the Arab Jew I showed From Iraq. We don’t hear this a lot in the main stream media, although we’re starting to hear more of it because freedom is prevailing.

Ezra said he is Arabic his language is Arabic. His culture is Arabic.

I’m going back to Islam. One of Muhammad’s first generals was a Jewish rabbi by the name of Mukariq … Jews are equal to Muslims when it comes to Islam. Only the religious bigoted Jews and Muslims would disagree with it.
There are Arab Jews

It goes back to thousands of years. They are a deep part of the Arab nation. Nobody can ever take away the words of the Arab Jew I showed From Iraq. We don’t hear this a lot in the main stream media, although we’re starting to hear more of it because freedom is prevailing.

Ezra said he is Arabic his language is Arabic. His culture is Arabic.

I’m going back to Islam. One of Muhammad’s first generals was a Jewish rabbi by the name of Mukariq … Jews are equal to Muslims when it comes to Islam. Only the religious bigoted Jews and Muslims would disagree with it.
Please, do not speak for Jews.

Long before Islam invaded outside of the Arabian Peninsula, the Jews remained Jews, not Roman, Greek, Byzantine, Syrian or Persian Jews.

Jews are equal to Muslims. Go tell that to the thousands of Muslims attacking Jews all over the world, especially now that Jews managed to recreate, rebuild their Nation on their ancient homeland.

Clearly you do not know what the Quran and the Hadiths do say about how Muslims must treat Jews. And how Muslims HAVE treated Jews, which is no different from the way Christians have treated Jews.

There are decent people in this world. From any religion. It does not make Jews Arabs, simply because one Jew feels close to the Arab culture and language and did not want to leave Iraq.

Being an Arab is an ethnicity. So is being a Jew.

Mohammmad respected Jews so much that he murdered all the men from one Jewish Tribe in Arabia and expelled the other two.

And that is the lesson extreme Muslims have learned about the Jews. You treat them badly and then expel them. Which is what happened during a lot of the Muslim conquest, and especially when Jews wanted to return to being sovereign over their ancient homeland from 1920 till today.

There's equality and respect for Jews for you !!!!!! Aren't they nice?
Good Muslims exist everywhere, but the bad ones are murdering Jews like never before.

EZRA is one of the FEW Jews who refused to leave Iraq between 1950 and the US invasion of Iraq. Most were lifted to Israel by the Israeli government after the US invasion. There are none left now.

He does not mean that he is an actual Arab from Arabia, he is saying that he is an Arab the same way one who lives in America from abroad and has embraced American ideas and the language, is an American.

Islam conquered outside of Arabia 1400 years ago.

Islam conquering outside of Arabia.
England conquering outside of England.
Spain conquering outside of Spain.
Portugal conquering outside of Portugal.

With time, as one grows up in a country, with a certain culture, one can feel like one is part of that culture.

But it is NOT the same as being an English, Spanish, Portuguese by descent.

And Jews are NOT Arabs by descent.

Ezra chose to stay for a long time, then he was taken for safety to Israel. He can feel all he likes like a cultured Arab Jew.

Ethnically and religion wise he is a Jew.
Please, do not speak for Jews.

Long before Islam invaded outside of the Arabian Peninsula, the Jews remained Jews, not Roman, Greek, Byzantine, Syrian or Persian Jews.

Jews are equal to Muslims. Go tell that to the thousands of Muslims attacking Jews all over the world, especially now that Jews managed to recreate, rebuild their Nation on their ancient homeland.

Clearly you do not know what the Quran and the Hadiths do say about how Muslims must treat Jews. And how Muslims HAVE treated Jews, which is no different from the way Christians have treated Jews.

There are decent people in this world. From any religion. It does not make Jews Arabs, simply because one Jew feels close to the Arab culture and language and did not want to leave Iraq.

Being an Arab is an ethnicity. So is being a Jew.

Mohammmad respected Jews so much that he murdered all the men from one Jewish Tribe in Arabia and expelled the other two.

And that is the lesson extreme Muslims have learned about the Jews. You treat them badly and then expel them. Which is what happened during a lot of the Muslim conquest, and especially when Jews wanted to return to being sovereign over their ancient homeland from 1920 till today.

There's equality and respect for Jews for you !!!!!! Aren't they nice?
Good Muslims exist everywhere, but the bad ones are murdering Jews like never before.

EZRA is one of the FEW Jews who refused to leave Iraq between 1950 and the US invasion of Iraq. Most were lifted to Israel by the Israeli government after the US invasion. There are none left now.

He does not mean that he is an actual Arab from Arabia, he is saying that he is an Arab the same way one who lives in America from abroad and has embraced American ideas and the language, is an American.

Islam conquered outside of Arabia 1400 years ago.

Islam conquering outside of Arabia.
England conquering outside of England.
Spain conquering outside of Spain.
Portugal conquering outside of Portugal.

With time, as one grows up in a country, with a certain culture, one can feel like one is part of that culture.

But it is NOT the same as being an English, Spanish, Portuguese by descent.

And Jews are NOT Arabs by descent.

Ezra chose to stay for a long time, then he was taken for safety to Israel. He can feel all he likes like a cultured Arab Jew.

Ethnically and religion wise he is a Jew.
Ezra is an Arab iraqi Jew in his own words. He speaks for himself for his people. There is no need for me to reiterate anything else. When there is video evidence staring us in the face, there’s nothing more to be said.

Long live the Arab nation.
Ezra is an Arab iraqi Jew in his own words. He speaks for himself for his people. There is no need for me to reiterate anything else. When there is video evidence staring us in the face, there’s nothing more to be said.

Long live the Arab nation.
You are a joke. You do not understand what people mean when they say something, and since you cannot speak to him, you decide for him that he is part of the Arab Nation.

It is the same thing if I lived with the Cherokee Nation, and told everyone that I was a Cherokee.

I would never be a native, indigenous Cherokee, no matter what I tell people.

And you are never going to make Ezra part of the ARAB NATION, simply because you want to.

You have clearly never met any Arab Jews, especially from Iraq and are now constantly just shooting blanks.

Jewish People are part of the JEWISH NATION, not of the Arab Nation, the Christian Nation, the Buddhist Nation or the Hindu Nation.

Leave Jews alone, and stop with the phony threads about individuals Jews and giving them identities they do not have.

Arabs only belong to the Arab Nation. Get that through your empty head.
Ezra is an Arab iraqi Jew in his own words. He speaks for himself for his people. There is no need for me to reiterate anything else. When there is video evidence staring us in the face, there’s nothing more to be said.

Long live the Arab nation.
Arab Jews (Arabic: اليهود العرب al-Yahūd al-ʿArab; Hebrew: יהודים ערבים Yehudim `Aravim) is a term for Jews living in or originating from the Arab world. The term is politically contested, often by Zionists or by Jews with roots in the Arab world who prefer to be identified as Mizrahi Jews.[1][2][3][4] Many left or were expelled from Arab countries in the decades following the founding of Israel in 1948, and took up residence in Israel, Western Europe, the United Statesand Latin America.[citation needed]

You are a joke. You do not understand what people mean when they say something, and since you cannot speak to him, you decide for him that he is part of the Arab Nation.

It is the same thing if I lived with the Cherokee Nation, and told everyone that I was a Cherokee.

I would never be a native, indigenous Cherokee, no matter what I tell people.

And you are never going to make Ezra part of the ARAB NATION, simply because you want to.

You have clearly never met any Arab Jews, especially from Iraq and are now constantly just shooting blanks.

Jewish People are part of the JEWISH NATION, not of the Arab Nation, the Christian Nation, the Buddhist Nation or the Hindu Nation.

Leave Jews alone, and stop with the phony threads about individuals Jews and giving them identities they do not have.

Arabs only belong to the Arab Nation. Get that through your empty head.

This Soviet type Arab propaganda is aimed much more at their masses than Jews.
With the aim to compensate for the envy for Israel, channel the anger,
while starving in degradation.

Today, Arab supremacists love to portray individual Jews as "Arab Jews",
when there're no Jews left around to fear as a competent community.
Then they called us 'Must'arabi Jews' i.e. "not Arab enough"...

Envy and greed drive Arab imperialism.
1) Ethnically, Ezra is either a Jew or he is an Arab.

He either came from the land of Israel, or from the Arabian Peninsula.

2) There are no Arab Jews, only Jews who do still speak Arabic and grew up in an Arab culture in Arab conquered lands.

3) The ones to expel Jews from Iraq from 1950 on, and other Muslim conquered lands, were Arab Nazi sympathizers who had the intention of weakening Israel after 1948 and therefore finally allowed the Jews to leave.

Most Jews, at first, did not believe that the Muslim governments were allowing them to leave. Of course they were allowed to leave with next to nothing in their hands.

4). Jews miss their former neighbors the same way as good, non antisemitic Arabs missed their neighbors the Jews.

5). One Israeli visiting Iraq was just kidnapped.
Nothing has changed. There is no reason for any Jew to go to any of the Muslim conquered countries as long as antisemitism continues to be rampant, and it continues to be unsafe for Jews to go visit, be it Turkey, Iraq, or anywhere else.

Jews left the Arab countries in small waves from 1948 and again in 1953, 1956, 1967 and 1973. There were Jews in Libya in 1973...and there are still Jews in Bahrain. They are prominent merchants in the jewelry business.
1) Ethnically, Ezra is either a Jew or he is an Arab.

He either came from the land of Israel, or from the Arabian Peninsula.

2) There are no Arab Jews, only Jews who do still speak Arabic and grew up in an Arab culture in Arab conquered lands.

3) The ones to expel Jews from Iraq from 1950 on, and other Muslim conquered lands, were Arab Nazi sympathizers who had the intention of weakening Israel after 1948 and therefore finally allowed the Jews to leave.

Most Jews, at first, did not believe that the Muslim governments were allowing them to leave. Of course they were allowed to leave with next to nothing in their hands.

4). Jews miss their former neighbors the same way as good, non antisemitic Arabs missed their neighbors the Jews.

5). One Israeli visiting Iraq was just kidnapped.
Nothing has changed. There is no reason for any Jew to go to any of the Muslim conquered countries as long as antisemitism continues to be rampant, and it continues to be unsafe for Jews to go visit, be it Turkey, Iraq, or anywhere else.

Hitler despised Arabs as mud people.
Jews left the Arab countries in small waves from 1948 and again in 1953, 1956, 1967 and 1973. There were Jews in Libya in 1973...and there are still Jews in Bahrain. They are prominent merchants in the jewelry business.
Part 1

For about a century, both Iraqi Jews and the world at large were cascaded with misinformation about how the Zionists who were busy building the State of Israel, and required them to make Aliya.

Evidence for this was bombing attacks on Iraqi synagogues and homes, in which several Jews were killed. Shortly after the attacks, a rumor began floating around that it was actually the Jews themselves who were responsible, supposedly terrorizing their own into leaving Iraq.

Iraqi Jews flown to Israel

Iraqi Jews flown to Israel
(Photo: Michaelberg)

As a result, the Iraqi government began imprisoning and torturing Jews, exacting signed confessions and then executing the alleged culprits. Later on, Iraqi authorities would boast about their heroic exploit to uncover "the Zionist plot."

In addition, they compelled some 105,000 Jews living in Iraq to sign a document saying they're leaving Iraq of their own free will. The subtext was clear: It was the Zionists who made all the Jews make Aliyah, using underhanded means, and the Iraqi government was innocent.

One of the things that helped this lie get ingrained was the fact that many Jews failed to manage to construct a life for themselves in Israel, since the Zionists "imposed" the Aliyah on the Iraqi Jews, who they claimed were doing just fine living in Iraq.

"Both the radio and press in Iraq flooded the consciousness with this narrative," Yehuda says. "After being translated worldwide, the propaganda became the accepted narrative of both the UN and the American State Department."
Dr. Yehuda's book is his personal indictment against the Iraqi authorities over their treatment of the Jewish people. His research shows the persecution of Jews began in the 1930s with the ascendance of Nuri al-Said to prime minister chair. He disliked Jews intensely and even said to Jerusalem's Arab mayor at the time: "Jews are the source of evil. They're spies and we need to get rid of them post haste."

Words quickly became actions. Jewish property was vandalized and bombed, many were arrested, and anywhere between 200 to 1,000 Jews were murdered. It was a clear indication that the Nazi regime's narrative about the Jewish people was taking hold of the minds across the continents.

The connection between Iraq and the Nazi regime also saw Fritz Grobba, a German diplomat active in Baghdad at the time, help Iraq spread anti-Jewish propaganda and secure weapons to that effect. "The Iraqis admired both him and Hitler," says Yehuda. "The Nazis encouraged that connection and even played gracious hosts to Iraqi officials."
Part 2

It wasn't just the Nazis who made Iraq hate the Jews. Being Hashemites, they dreamed of a massive territorial expansion to accommodate the oncoming Caliphate, which was supposed to include modern-day Israel. They asked the Jews in Iraq to sign a document saying they support the initiative, and holdouts were marked as enemies of the state. Even more bizarrely, Iraq was afraid Israel would become so strong that they would annex Iraq into its "Zionist empire."

With religious, material and financial persecution raging all over Iraq, the 1950s saw a substantial influx of Jewish immigrants making their way to Israel to avoid the hostility and build a new life.
Yehuda says documents he has collected show how the truth was subverted at the time. "One of the Jews who was hung in the 1950s had admitted that the Zionists were the ones who made him raid Jewish property, but documents show that the only reason he admitted to it was because he was promised smooth passage overseas.

"There's also evidence that the Arab inmates made fun of his naivete, agreeing to a deal that wasn't worth the paper it was printed on. After they got the signature they needed from him, he was executed."

יהודה שאול עם משפחתו. סוחר בדים שהשלטונות סחטו אותו עד שנאלץ לחסל את חנותו ולעבוד כשכיר אצל סוחר מוסלמי, כיהודים רבים אחרים

Yehuda Shaul and his family
(Photo: Dr. Tzvi Yehuda)
Other evidence collected shows that the freshly-minted State of Israel made little-to-no-effort to help Jews residing in Babylonian-Iraq at the time. It wasn't until later, when Prime Minister Ben-Gurion assigned a special committee to investigate the issue, that the matter came to light. It was established that it was Iraqi officials who threw explosives at Iraqi synagogues, not Zionists supposedly trying to force Iraqi Jews to make Aliyah.
But, things then took a weird turn. An Iraqi Jew who served prison time in Iraq told Ben-Gurion that he heard that it was the Jews who vandalized their own property. As unbelievable as it sounds, Israel's first premier believed him over his own committee. He then decided to stay out of the events unfolding in Iraq.
In 2014, the Knesset passed a law that November 30 would commemorate the expulsion of Iraqi Jews, and their torture and imprisonment by Iraqi authorities.
Can your research have future implications?
"Absolutely. Plenty of Jewish historical sites were ruined and rebuilt. They keep talking about the Palestinian Right of Return. What about the Right of Return for Jews forced out of Iraq?"


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