
Gold Member
Mar 19, 2013
this Side of Heaven
Dana Loesch: I Have a Problem With 'Tragedy, Dry-Humping Whores!' - BuzzPo

you lefties really need to watch this, but i'll bet most will just criticize without knowing what Dana's message is.

OK, leftards, show the world how vile you can be towards an intelligent, brainy and beautiful woman.

righties, wouldn't it be wonderful if she were a Republican candidate, hummmm!! maybe Donald will pick her as his VP!!

Now it may be that there is some form of existence beyond this life. There is the natural law of the conservation of energy and energy and mass are interchangeable forms.

It may be that the energy that makes me ME and you YOU converts to mass upon our death and waits until some mechanism of nature changes it back to energy again. No one knows because no one has EVER returned from the dead to tell us.

But there is no God creature sitting in the sky with a host of angels keeping track of every word and thought and deed of every human who ever lived so they can send them to hell for the slightest infraction of rules that were not even given to every one.

Billions of people have lived and died without ever hearing the name ' Jesus Christ '. Yet the Evangelical / Fundamentalist insist no one can be saved unless they accept Jesus and those people never even heard of him.
Dana Loesch: I Have a Problem With 'Tragedy, Dry-Humping Whores!' - BuzzPo

you lefties really need to watch this, but i'll bet most will just criticize without knowing what Dana's message is.

OK, leftards, show the world how vile you can be towards an intelligent, brainy and beautiful woman.

righties, wouldn't it be wonderful if she were a Republican candidate, hummmm!! maybe Donald will pick her as his VP!!

And once again another conservative/republican shows the world how much you all hate the First Amendment.

If you need to have everyone follow your faith then you have no faith. If you had faith in your religion no one and nothing would be able to diminish it. You would believe in your religion no matter who believed it or what anyone says.

How about you stop trying to force your religion on our nation and leave everyone else alone?

Oh and HAPPY WINTER SOLSTICE! May the Mother Goddess bless you and all you love throughout the WINTER SOLSTICE season.

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