The Golden Rule....He who has the gold, makes the rules

We live in the greatest Country in the world where anyone can become rich and the left wingers never stop whining about their perception of inequality.
First, this notion of anyone becoming rich as a matter of will and determination is a qualified myth. Everyone does not possess or have access to the elements which enable the acquiring of vast sums of money -- presuming that's what you mean by "rich."

Second, for the average person, "rich" is an entirely relative concept. For the mentally stable individual, owning a comfortable home, having no debt and being able to provide adequately for a healthy, happy family is being rich beyond any past hopes. And I include my own father in that, having risen from unemployed poverty during the Great Depression to starting and building a comparatively successful locksmithing business and giving us a fine home. While our family was definable as middle class my pop often referred to us as rich. And he was rich -- because he was satisfied with what he had.

In keeping with the "anyone" notion, I will say that anyone could not do what I watched my father do over the years, because he was a man with exceptional mechanical skills, unusual abilities, and raw physical strength.

People die of thirst in the desert to get to the greatest Country in the world and the progressives never stop whining about how unfair it is that the government doesn't control everything.
While it is true that we Americans are blessed with a protective political Constitution and access to vast material resources, and that less fortunate foreigners with to come here because of their relative poverty, I'm not sure about what you mean by progressives whining about lack of government control. So I will appreciate it if you would be more specific about who and what you mean by "progressives" and what government controls this category would like to have in effect.

American corporations are taxed the highest in the world and the left wing fascists think the government should take more.
The average multi-million and multi-billion dollar corporation is taxed at an average 17% rate, which approximates the tax rate of the average middle class worker. A situation which contributes largely to the problems of wage stagnation, rising economic inequality, and unemployment.

FDR and Eisenhower dealt with the same problems by imposing a 97% tax rate on the upper income brackets, which enabled FDR to create and maintain the WPA and CCC make-work programs, which rescued millions of unemployed Americans (including my father). Eisenhower did the same by creating the interstate highway system we now take for granted.

The only opposition to this approach to the equitable distribution of our Nation's wealth resources is greed.

Democrats should do the right thing and nominate Sanders so that Americans can cut through the BS and finally have a clear choice.
I agree!

Even your 97% tax rate you say above did not work. 20%*GDP is all they can pull over 100 years? Make the rate whatever you want. You either kill GDP or upper disappear?
If you raise TAX to 90% on Producers, they don't pay it. They pass it on to saps who pay it for them. Or they use Politicians to help avoid it. They will not pay it. They will leave first. You got that kind of money you are gone to wait it out. IMVHO of course.

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