The Golden Rule....He who has the gold, makes the rules

Yep...Hillary sent 1,200 classified e-mails over a private unsecured server and hasn't been charged.

If she was one of the little people, she'd be in Leavenworth already.

Which has nothing to do with this topic

Nice attempt at a misdirection though

It has everything to do with the topic.

Hillary, rich and powerful...she has the gold, and makes the rules.

Isn't that your point. If you have enough money and power the rules don't apply to you?

Hillary's 1,200 classified e-mails over an unsecured private server is a classic example of your premise.

Just because it is an example that you would rather not dwell on doesn't make it any less valid.

If Hillary wasn't Hillary...wasn't rich and powerful...she would either be in jail or out on bail right now...not the leading candidate in the Democratic Primary for President. where Hillary has made any rules
Doesn't seem to be impacting the investigations of the FBI or Congress
17 percent tax rate.....not too shabby

Still waiting on that trickle down
"Trickle down" turned out to be siphon up.
Since the Reagan revolution, job security, wages, benefits are all down
So is the percentage workers pay for education, healthcare and housing

The wealthy are paying less and the workers make up the difference


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There has been an effective campaign to pit middle class and lower class people against each other. Behind their backs wealthy laugh all the way to the bank. Blame the factory worker, teacher, fireman, auto worker. They make too much money. Wall st and big business have never had itso good.
It is all an elaborate shell game. Direct people's attention to the poor and lower working class. If only they weren't so lazy....THEY are the reason you are struggling.

How much money would higher taxes on these 400 net, and how much difference would it make to anyone?
There has been an effective campaign to pit middle class and lower class people against each other. Behind their backs wealthy laugh all the way to the bank. Blame the factory worker, teacher, fireman, auto worker. They make too much money. Wall st and big business have never had itso good.
It is all an elaborate shell game. Direct people's attention to the poor and lower working class. If only they weren't so lazy....THEY are the reason you are struggling.

How much money would higher taxes on these 400 net, and how much difference would it make to anyone?
Who said 400?
Let's raise the rates paid by anyone making over one million to 50% effective tax rate.
Reagan fired a bunch of people and some cheered for him. Everything to protect the business, screw the worker.

Without the business....there's no need for the workers. Guess you missed that rather important item.
There has been an effective campaign to pit middle class and lower class people against each other. Behind their backs wealthy laugh all the way to the bank. Blame the factory worker, teacher, fireman, auto worker. They make too much money. Wall st and big business have never had itso good.
It is all an elaborate shell game. Direct people's attention to the poor and lower working class. If only they weren't so lazy....THEY are the reason you are struggling.

How much money would higher taxes on these 400 net, and how much difference would it make to anyone?
Who said 400?
Let's raise the rates paid by anyone making over one million to 50% effective tax rate.

Your Op said 400.

Now, how much difference does that make to anyone?
The bigger the piece of shit you are - in this case, Hillary Rodham Clinton - the more you're loved and admired by the ill-informed, low-information left.
The ill-informed, low-information faction isn't only on the left.

It wasn't the left that elected George W. Bush -- twice.

I would take George Bush over the current idiot - also elected twice - any fucking day of the week.
Anyone with half an ounce of sense would.
Poor pitiful Liberals.
As effective at running things, and making money - as the government.
Well - tomorrow's a big day! 5,654,021 government workers return to "work" tomorrow after taking 14 days off for Christmas and New Year. Now, it's time to sit at that desk and rest.
Fucking useless motherfuckers. Liberals and the government.

The Federal Government Now Employs the Fewest People Since 1966

That's because you're factoring in military person - you know, the people who fucking LOATHE Obama and the whole Democrapic party? Take those out of your chart Einstein - and try harder.
There has been an effective campaign to pit middle class and lower class people against each other. Behind their backs wealthy laugh all the way to the bank. Blame the factory worker, teacher, fireman, auto worker. They make too much money. Wall st and big business have never had itso good.
It is all an elaborate shell game. Direct people's attention to the poor and lower working class. If only they weren't so lazy....THEY are the reason you are struggling.

How much money would higher taxes on these 400 net, and how much difference would it make to anyone?
Who said 400?
Let's raise the rates paid by anyone making over one million to 50% effective tax rate.

Your Op said 400.

Now, how much difference does that make to anyone?
Makes a big difference
Let's look at all of our supply side policies and ask what good they do and who do they help?
Raise effective rates to 50% for income over one million
Tax capital gains the same as earned income
Put a tenth of a percent fee on all stock transactions
There has been an effective campaign to pit middle class and lower class people against each other. Behind their backs wealthy laugh all the way to the bank. Blame the factory worker, teacher, fireman, auto worker. They make too much money. Wall st and big business have never had itso good.
It is all an elaborate shell game. Direct people's attention to the poor and lower working class. If only they weren't so lazy....THEY are the reason you are struggling.

How much money would higher taxes on these 400 net, and how much difference would it make to anyone?
Who said 400?
Let's raise the rates paid by anyone making over one million to 50% effective tax rate.

Your Op said 400.

Now, how much difference does that make to anyone?
Makes a big difference
Let's look at all of our supply side policies and ask what good they do and who do they help?
Raise effective rates to 50% for income over one million
Tax capital gains the same as earned income
Put a tenth of a percent fee on all stock transactions

And nothing on how or how much difference that makes for anyone.

Would you use the additional revenue to balance the budget, or start huge new spending programs.

Would it be enough for either?

YOu haven't mentioned any numbers.
Tax capital gains the same as earned income

they already paid tax on the income used to buy the stocks?

Libs don't care.

They tax you when you work. They tax everything you buy.

If you have anything left and try to invest it, they tax you when you invest.

If you lose money, they don't care, they tax you as you lose money.

If you make money they tax you as you make money.

If you spend your profits on anything, they tax that.

If you reinvest it, and try to grow your investments, they tax you again.

When you die, they tax the FUneral service.
Yep...Hillary sent 1,200 classified e-mails over a private unsecured server and hasn't been charged.

If she was one of the little people, she'd be in Leavenworth already.

She will not be charged so long as Obama is in office. However, the Rebublicans should treat her as if she HAS been charged, and loudly.
There's also the corollary - he who makes the rules, gets the gold.
We live in the greatest Country in the world where anyone can become rich and the left wingers never stop whining about their perception of inequality. People die of thirst in the desert to get to the greatest Country in the world and the progressives never stop whining about how unfair it is that the government doesn't control everything. American corporations are taxed the highest in the world and the left wing fascists think the government should take more. Democrats should do the right thing and nominate Sanders so that Americans can cut through the BS and finally have a clear choice.

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