The Golden Rule....He who has the gold, makes the rules

And only pay capital gains on profits off that principal

Tax is already complicated for those who do their own. Keeps normal Joe out of market. New Health care rules are crazy complicated regarding HSA etc. They had 8 years to blow it up and fix it. It is now worse I have ever seen it last years filing.

They already tax capital gains? don't they? you want to raise the rate?

Find another way to simplify Entire System.
I would take George Bush over the current idiot - also elected twice - any fucking day of the week.

Anyone with half an ounce of sense would.
Are you not consciously aware that the most destructive and damaging problems we recently have endured and presently are experiencing are the direct result of the Bush Presidency?

George W. Bush is a wanted criminal in most parts of the free world. If the World Court could get its hands on the grinning moron he probably would be hanged.
And only pay capital gains on profits off that principal

Tax is already complicated for those who do their own. Keeps normal Joe out of market. New Health care rules are crazy complicated regarding HSA etc. They had 8 years to blow it up and fix it. It is now worse I have ever seen it last years filing.

They already tax capital gains? don't they? you want to raise the rate?

Find another way to simplify Entire System.
Not having seperate rates already complicates things. Income is income regardless of whether you invest for it or sweat for it
They live in a different by different rules

Why the shape of inequality matters

This is an intensely rarified community, where the income threshold for entrance is roughly $100 million annually. The article digs into an entire industry of lawyers, accountants, and lobbyists that has grown up around this small population, devoted to altering tax policy, exploiting byzantine loopholes, and negotiating with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on behalf of their clients, creating what amounts to a parallel tax system for the super wealthy. As a result, over the last two decades, the portion of their income those 400 pay in taxes dropped from 27 percent to 17 percent — just a hair higher than what families making $100,000 pay.
All thanks to the corrupt government, you so love.
Yep...Hillary sent 1,200 classified e-mails over a private unsecured server and hasn't been charged.

If she was one of the little people, she'd be in Leavenworth already.

Which has nothing to do with this topic

Nice attempt at a misdirection though

It has everything to do with the topic.

Hillary, rich and powerful...she has the gold, and makes the rules.

Isn't that your point. If you have enough money and power the rules don't apply to you?

Hillary's 1,200 classified e-mails over an unsecured private server is a classic example of your premise.

Just because it is an example that you would rather not dwell on doesn't make it any less valid.

If Hillary wasn't Hillary...wasn't rich and powerful...she would either be in jail or out on bail right now...not the leading candidate in the Democratic Primary for President. where Hillary has made any rules
Doesn't seem to be impacting the investigations of the FBI or Congress

If it was you or me...and I had a TS/SCI clearance and investigated these kind of breaches...we would be in jail for transmitting classified information via ANY email...much less an unsecured private server.

The rich and powerful live by a different set of rules...above the law.

Most recent example of hundreds...

Navy engineer sentenced for mishandling classified material
I would clarify that to say the 'government politicians and their minions' live, play, and gain from their own separate rules. Laws be damned.
Yep...Hillary sent 1,200 classified e-mails over a private unsecured server and hasn't been charged.

If she was one of the little people, she'd be in Leavenworth already.

Which has nothing to do with this topic

Nice attempt at a misdirection though

It has everything to do with the topic.

Hillary, rich and powerful...she has the gold, and makes the rules.

Isn't that your point. If you have enough money and power the rules don't apply to you?

Hillary's 1,200 classified e-mails over an unsecured private server is a classic example of your premise.

Just because it is an example that you would rather not dwell on doesn't make it any less valid.

If Hillary wasn't Hillary...wasn't rich and powerful...she would either be in jail or out on bail right now...not the leading candidate in the Democratic Primary for President. where Hillary has made any rules
Doesn't seem to be impacting the investigations of the FBI or Congress

If it was you or me...and I had a TS/SCI clearance and investigated these kind of breaches...we would be in jail for transmitting classified information via ANY email...much less an unsecured private server.

The rich and powerful live by a different set of rules...above the law.

Most recent example of hundreds...

Navy engineer sentenced for mishandling classified material
I would clarify that to say the 'government politicians and their minions' live, play, and gain from their own separate rules. Laws be damned.
Yep...Hillary sent 1,200 classified e-mails over a private unsecured server and hasn't been charged.

If she was one of the little people, she'd be in Leavenworth already.

Which has nothing to do with this topic

Nice attempt at a misdirection though

It has everything to do with the topic.

Hillary, rich and powerful...she has the gold, and makes the rules.

Isn't that your point. If you have enough money and power the rules don't apply to you?

Hillary's 1,200 classified e-mails over an unsecured private server is a classic example of your premise.

Just because it is an example that you would rather not dwell on doesn't make it any less valid.

If Hillary wasn't Hillary...wasn't rich and powerful...she would either be in jail or out on bail right now...not the leading candidate in the Democratic Primary for President. where Hillary has made any rules
Doesn't seem to be impacting the investigations of the FBI or Congress

If it was you or me...and I had a TS/SCI clearance and investigated these kind of breaches...we would be in jail for transmitting classified information via ANY email...much less an unsecured private server.

The rich and powerful live by a different set of rules...above the law.

Most recent example of hundreds...

Navy engineer sentenced for mishandling classified material

Even Petraeus was convicted of mishandling classified material for handing over his personal handwritten notes to his biographer. They certainly weren't marked with a security classification...but he was tried and convicted anyway.

A soldier...even a General who was Director of the CIA wasn't rich and powerful enough to avoid prosecution.

Petraeus pleads guilty to mishandling classified material, will face probation

But when your name is Clinton...the Golden Rule applies in are truly above the law.
The rich have gotten richer according to voo-doo politics, now when is the society of the USA going to get better??..If you ask me, they are screwing us over for cheaper imports...
Yes thanks to Papa Obama's policies. You do understand that, right?
I would take George Bush over the current idiot - also elected twice - any fucking day of the week.

Anyone with half an ounce of sense would.
Are you not consciously aware that the most destructive and damaging problems we recently have endured and presently are experiencing are the direct result of the Bush Presidency?

George W. Bush is a wanted criminal in most parts of the free world. If the World Court could get its hands on the grinning moron he probably would be hanged.

Pull you mouth off of Bill Maher's balls and ass and come back once you've regained your composure.
The rich have gotten richer according to voo-doo politics, now when is the society of the USA going to get better??..If you ask me, they are screwing us over for cheaper imports...
Yes thanks to Papa Obama's policies. You do understand that, right?
They been gettin' richer a lot longer than just during Oblama....
The process accelerated under Obama. Obama's policies aided it.
Why can you not admit the obvious? Because you are a useless partisan hack.
We live in the greatest Country in the world where anyone can become rich and the left wingers never stop whining about their perception of inequality.
First, this notion of anyone becoming rich as a matter of will and determination is a qualified myth. Everyone does not possess or have access to the elements which enable the acquiring of vast sums of money -- presuming that's what you mean by "rich."

Second, for the average person, "rich" is an entirely relative concept. For the mentally stable individual, owning a comfortable home, having no debt and being able to provide adequately for a healthy, happy family is being rich beyond any past hopes. And I include my own father in that, having risen from unemployed poverty during the Great Depression to starting and building a comparatively successful locksmithing business and giving us a fine home. While our family was definable as middle class my pop often referred to us as rich. And he was rich -- because he was satisfied with what he had.

In keeping with the "anyone" notion, I will say that anyone could not do what I watched my father do over the years, because he was a man with exceptional mechanical skills, unusual abilities, and raw physical strength.

People die of thirst in the desert to get to the greatest Country in the world and the progressives never stop whining about how unfair it is that the government doesn't control everything.
While it is true that we Americans are blessed with a protective political Constitution and access to vast material resources, and that less fortunate foreigners with to come here because of their relative poverty, I'm not sure about what you mean by progressives whining about lack of government control. So I will appreciate it if you would be more specific about who and what you mean by "progressives" and what government controls this category would like to have in effect.

American corporations are taxed the highest in the world and the left wing fascists think the government should take more.
The average multi-million and multi-billion dollar corporation is taxed at an average 17% rate, which approximates the tax rate of the average middle class worker. A situation which contributes largely to the problems of wage stagnation, rising economic inequality, and unemployment.

FDR and Eisenhower dealt with the same problems by imposing a 97% tax rate on the upper income brackets, which enabled FDR to create and maintain the WPA and CCC make-work programs, which rescued millions of unemployed Americans (including my father). Eisenhower did the same by creating the interstate highway system we now take for granted.

The only opposition to this approach to the equitable distribution of our Nation's wealth resources is greed.

Democrats should do the right thing and nominate Sanders so that Americans can cut through the BS and finally have a clear choice.
I agree!
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Pull you mouth off of Bill Maher's balls and ass and come back once you've regained your composure.
Keepers at NYC's Bronx Zoo have installed plexiglas barriers beyond the bars of some cages in the primate exhibit because the monkeys therein are known to defecate into their hands and throw it when something upsets them. The monkeys do this when they are frustrated because all that a monkey in a cage can do when he doesn't like something is throw shit.

Ignorance and stupidity are metaphorical cages. Personal insults and empty ad hominem comments are analogous to handfuls of shit to be tossed out in place of intelligent, reasoned, logical arguments.
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They live in a different by different rules

Why the shape of inequality matters

This is an intensely rarified community, where the income threshold for entrance is roughly $100 million annually. The article digs into an entire industry of lawyers, accountants, and lobbyists that has grown up around this small population, devoted to altering tax policy, exploiting byzantine loopholes, and negotiating with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on behalf of their clients, creating what amounts to a parallel tax system for the super wealthy. As a result, over the last two decades, the portion of their income those 400 pay in taxes dropped from 27 percent to 17 percent — just a hair higher than what families making $100,000 pay.
Leave the government out of this, they do not have the ethics, morals and credibility to do anything right.
Their tax, spend and print policies have made them the greatest enemy to our country.
Pull you mouth off of Bill Maher's balls and ass and come back once you've regained your composure.
Keepers at NYC's Bronx Zoo have installed plexiglas barriers beyond the bars of some cages in the primate exhibit because the monkeys therein are known to defecate into their hands and throw it when something upsets them. The monkeys do this when they are frustrated because all that a monkey in a cage can do when he doesn't like something is throw shit.

Ignorance and stupidity are metaphorical cages. Personal insults and empty ad hominem comments are analogous to handfuls of shit to be tossed out in place of intelligent, reasoned, logical arguments.

It's obvious that you're still suffering from severe GWBush syndrome.
You've been programmed by the idiot left well. Send Obama another $100 so he can shit on you some more.
They live in a different by different rules

Why the shape of inequality matters

This is an intensely rarified community, where the income threshold for entrance is roughly $100 million annually. The article digs into an entire industry of lawyers, accountants, and lobbyists that has grown up around this small population, devoted to altering tax policy, exploiting byzantine loopholes, and negotiating with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on behalf of their clients, creating what amounts to a parallel tax system for the super wealthy. As a result, over the last two decades, the portion of their income those 400 pay in taxes dropped from 27 percent to 17 percent — just a hair higher than what families making $100,000 pay.
Leave the government out of this, they do not have the ethics, morals and credibility to do anything right.
Their tax, spend and print policies have made them the greatest enemy to our country.

Amen. Everything they produce is shit.

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