The Good Thief


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's an offbeat Christmastime parable inspired by the Thief of Bagdad. Thanks for reading (God bless),


In a special Christmas-lit small town in America, a special visitor arrived seeking to blend into the population and disappear as a peaceful civilian after a life of crime.


This mysterious visitor was Isaac Satan, an Algerian-American bank robber who'd performed over 20 heists in banks, mostly federally insured, all over the USA. Isaac was given the FBI crime alias the Shadow for his uncanny ability to veil his bank robberies with light-confounding traffic distractions such as stunted circus troop investor visits to a carnival city (Denver). The FBI considered the Shadow (Isaac Satan) the most dangerous modern thief, but no one knew what he looked like!


ISAAC ('The Shadow'): "Bank robbery is an art, and if you're not posed as a skilled thief of Bagdad, you may be only a distraction!"


The Shadow's most iconic robbery was of the State Street Bank in NYC. The Shadow (Isaac) walked into the bank dressed as a priest and carrying a briefcase of toy water-guns which he was presenting to the manager for his special new Christmas toy drive in the city and hoped to open a new account. Isaac ('The Shadow') was wearing a fake beard and mustache and glasses and face-makeup and even skin-color adjusted applications to look like a Caucasian during the heist. When escorted into the vault room, Isaac revealed to the escorting guard and manager that one of his toy guns was filled with corrosive HCL acid. The Shadow walked out of State Street with $20 million in diamonds, and he did it without having one alarm set off.


ISAAC ('The Shadow'): "I intend to retire in this charming lit Christmas small town, and maybe I'll find a pretty maid to marry!"


Isaac Satan did indeed find a pretty young maid, a neighborhood housekeeper who visited over 20 residences as part of her maid-service company Good Cleaners (GC), based out of a nearby city. This maid's name was Nicole, and Isaac found her irresistible. He showed her his new lavish apartment in the small town and his beautiful Christmas tree. He gave her wine and diamonds and shared with her his childhood fascination with children's books. Nicole started to fall in love with Isaac ('The Shadow'), and Isaac ('The Shadow') realized Nicole was his veiled blessing in disguise!


Isaac and Nicole got married and had two lovely daughters, Elizabeth and Aesha. He purchased for them both an antique synthesizer keyboard from a very respected merchant in Dallas (Texas). This synthesizer was the symbol of his new life with his new family and his commitment to leave behind his life of thievery and piracy and masked underground activity. Isaac was once rumored to be connected to the IRA networks working in American areas to build bridges to sympathizers in Europe. Now, Isaac was simply a 'synthesizer spiritual' man, seeking family life.


ISAAC: "If God gives you a way to divinity, don't refuse such a detour, for you'll consider the regret of real dangers."


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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