The GOP base support for corporations, and what do they have to show for it?



All the support the Republican base has shown corporations and how is it "repaid"???? Unskilled family creating jobs shipped overseas. The money that's made there kept there because they don't want to pay taxes that would help those who have lost their jobs.

And when corporations need skilled labor, do they turn to the very base that has supported them?

U.S. Business Needs Immigrants With Advanced Degrees

U.S. corporations have complained for years that they can’t find enough qualified workers who are skilled in science, technology, engineering and mathematics — the so-called STEM fields.

Changing immigration law could solve the problem. Congress is considering legislation that would allow high-skilled foreign workers and students to work in the United States instead of taking their skills back to their homelands.



Federal tax revenue by state

So right away, Republicans will say, "But what can they do about it? They need scientists and engineers and researchers. That's why they get immigrants with degrees".

How about corporations invest in that Republican base? After all, with all that support, doesn't the base deserve to get something out of it? Unless, education is "too hard". "We can't do it". "All that study". "And everyone knows, liberal education turns you into Democrats".

So why all the support for corporations and you get nothing back except minimum wage, food stamps and no health care? Cuz that's where it's heading.

Are you guys sure you've thought this through?
Gee, I thought they would be all over this telling us all the "benefits".
both parties are owned by corps

Top Overall Donors | OpenSecrets

but rdean will never admit that

That's because it's ridiculous. Right wingers find a number to support their imaginary cause and then stop there. They never bother to go further. It's why so many laugh at them and can't take them seriously.

Now say the company I work at gives a hundred thousand to "political candidates". 50% going to Democrats and 50% going to Republicans. Doesn't that sound stupid? Why would a company give to both candidates equal amounts? The short answer, it didn't. But the numbers say it did. So how can that be? This is what happened at the company I work at. Still wondering how it's possible?
Should I explain it or just let you sit there thinking "he's stupid"?

Quick side bar. Sometime back, I posted a link showing the Chinese/India/Russia funded US Chamber of Commerce gives to Republicans 10 to 1 over Democrats. Why would they do that?
It's all connected.
The Republican Party is 90% white. It's also the party of big business. Even while those companies are moving jobs to China the party votes white and big business knows it has the white vote sewn up. Look at Republicans voting for a "pioneer of outsourcing" to be president. And their only defense is "look at Obama". Or "look at Democrats". Forget Democrats. Forget Obama. What is the Republican Party doing? How are Republicans helping the middle class? I know, I can't think of anything either. It's why they always fall back to "But look at Democrats or look at Obama".

Give up? How can a company give to both parties? Short answer, it didn't. Not really.

The BOD and the CEO gave 50 grand to Republicans. The people that work there gave fund raisers, had a raffle and gave individual contributions. Bundled it all together and gave nearly 50 grand. But the money is labeled as coming from the SAME company. Two separate groups with two separate goals. One is the company who only cares about the company. The other are the people that work there who campaign for representative who they hope won't screw them over, like sending jobs to China and starting wars for profit.
You can't look at one party that is 90% white and a coalition party that's "everyone else"' and try to say they are the same. Obviously, they aren't.

Now, why not tell us what Republicans are doing for the middle class. Healthcare, dental, medication, fighting for a living wage, education, jobs, what? What are Republicans doing for the American Middle Class? Be specific. Or, is it possible that Republicans simply don't care about the middle class. That helping them is "socialism".
What about the Democrat support for corporations? You know, GE, Apple, Google, Any corp. owned by Soros, etc. Funny how you neglect them....

Gee, I thought they would be all over this telling us all the "benefits".

Gee, we thought you would factual and truthful.

Fat chance of that with a weenie thread.
All the support the Republican base has shown corporations and how is it "repaid"???? Unskilled family creating jobs shipped overseas. The money that's made there kept there because they don't want to pay taxes that would help those who have lost their jobs.

And when corporations need skilled labor, do they turn to the very base that has supported them?

U.S. Business Needs Immigrants With Advanced Degrees

U.S. corporations have complained for years that they can’t find enough qualified workers who are skilled in science, technology, engineering and mathematics — the so-called STEM fields.

Changing immigration law could solve the problem. Congress is considering legislation that would allow high-skilled foreign workers and students to work in the United States instead of taking their skills back to their homelands.



Federal tax revenue by state

So right away, Republicans will say, "But what can they do about it? They need scientists and engineers and researchers. That's why they get immigrants with degrees".

How about corporations invest in that Republican base? After all, with all that support, doesn't the base deserve to get something out of it? Unless, education is "too hard". "We can't do it". "All that study". "And everyone knows, liberal education turns you into Democrats".

So why all the support for corporations and you get nothing back except minimum wage, food stamps and no health care? Cuz that's where it's heading.

Are you guys sure you've thought this through?

How about you grow a brain, the reason those businesses want to employ immigrants instead of hire Americans is not that there are no Americans with degrees, the proof of that is that you have a degree. If you can get one I am pretty sure my cat can get one, the problem has to be something else, like graduates from universities expecting to make enough money to pay off their student loans in a week.
What supprt is that, hater dupes? Yes, Dems support corporations, but don't let them run wild...duh. Some evidence that's not BS Pub propaganda for once. Ay caramba.
How about corporations invest in that Republican base? After all, with all that support, doesn't the base deserve to get something out of it?
Oh c'mon man, don't kill my buzz!

I think it's a hoot, the right jumps through hoops to defend an entity, that doesn't give a shit about them.
Why not ask yourself why corporations want immigration reform to allow a large number of unskilled workers to enter the workforce.

After you mull on that, ask yourself why the Democrats want the same thing.

If you have enough brain power after you do all that, ask yourself why the Republican base opposes immigration reform.
What about the Democrat support for corporations? You know, GE, Apple, Google, Any corp. owned by Soros, etc. Funny how you neglect them....

They're not on the old Clinton hit list. Their wrongs do not exist, even when they do the same as corporations on the hit list.

It's just that simple.
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What supprt is that, hater dupes? Yes, Dems support corporations, but don't let them run wild...duh. Some evidence that's not BS Pub propaganda for once. Ay caramba.

my party supports corporations, but my party doesn't let them run wild


you're really going to run with that? do you honestly think corps would donate to dems if dems didn't do as corps demand?
yeah, it's interesting they support GM, which its CEO got $11 million in 2011 and it had only 68,500 employees.
They hate Walmart, whose ceo got $20 million in 2012, with 2 million 1 hundred thousand employees.
2,100,000 vs. 68,500 livelihoods
GM paid $160 a year to the ceo per employee to make sure they continue to have a job.
Walmart paid $9.52 cents a year to the ceo per employee to make sure they continue to have a job.
yeah, it's interesting they support GM, which its CEO got $11 million in 2011 and it had only 68,500 employees.
They hate Walmart, whose ceo got $20 million in 2012, with 2 million 1 hundred thousand employees.
2,100,000 vs. 68,500 livelihoods
GM paid $160 a year to the ceo per employee to make sure they continue to have a job.
Walmart paid $9.52 cents a year to the ceo per employee to make sure they continue to have a job.

I'm trying to figure out what you are saying. How many at GM are "skilled" workers with medical, dental and retirement benefits. What is it they do at GM?

Walmart is fighting to pay it's workers LESS than minimum wage and Republicans, want to hurt those workers by making sure they not only don't make enough to live on, they can't even get food stamps.
What supprt is that, hater dupes? Yes, Dems support corporations, but don't let them run wild...duh. Some evidence that's not BS Pub propaganda for once. Ay caramba.

my party supports corporations, but my party doesn't let them run wild


you're really going to run with that? do you honestly think corps would donate to dems if dems didn't do as corps demand?

That's "satire", right?
yeah, it's interesting they support GM, which its CEO got $11 million in 2011 and it had only 68,500 employees.
They hate Walmart, whose ceo got $20 million in 2012, with 2 million 1 hundred thousand employees.
2,100,000 vs. 68,500 livelihoods
GM paid $160 a year to the ceo per employee to make sure they continue to have a job.
Walmart paid $9.52 cents a year to the ceo per employee to make sure they continue to have a job.

I'm trying to figure out what you are saying. How many at GM are "skilled" workers with medical, dental and retirement benefits. What is it they do at GM?

Walmart is fighting to pay it's workers LESS than minimum wage and Republicans, want to hurt those workers by making sure they not only don't make enough to live on, they can't even get food stamps.

Come on, that is not at all what they want to do. Trying to mislead is all you are doing.
And you do forget they actually do get benefits, dear. As well as a discount from Walmart & Sams Club for purchases. And DC already has one of the highest minimum wages in the country.

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